>movies that only you seem to have liked
This was kino, anyone who disagrees is a paid shill
Movies that only you seem to have liked
This movie was so nonsensical that I had trouble figuring out if it was supposed to be taken seriously or not.
>10,000 BC
>Egyptians are building the pyramids
>With Wooly Fucking Mammoths
>Along with slaves
>That are cave men
>There's also peppers or something in one scene, which are from America
>Tons of shit is made of iron, even though it takes place ~9,000 years before the iron age.
They weren’t Egyptians they were Atlantians with superior tech. Didn’t you see the map on the table with the fuck off huge Atlantis in it?
That barely explains even half of what I said.
Retards don’t know that mammoths existed during pyramid building era
Camilla was a cutie
too bad her career died off
That explains all of what you said because with Atlantis anything is possible.
She is literally the only reason why kept watching this movie for more than 30 seconds.
>10,000 BC
>Egyptians are building the pyramids
Atlantians are building pyramids.
>With Wooly Fucking Mammoths
Cloned by Atlantians.
>Along with slaves
Atlantian slaves
>That are cave men
Not as clever as Atlantians, so easily enslaved
>There's also peppers or something in one scene, which are from America
Atlantians flew to America
>Tons of shit is made of iron, even though it takes place ~9,000 years before the Iron Age
Atlantian metallurgy.
what the fuck does "kino" even mean? because I know it doesn't mean "good" or "quality"
Are there any good pre-history films that don't have:
>bullshit supertech
>time-displaced or fantasy animals
t. newfag
literally movie or film, also movie theater too
So it's a word that doesn't make sense when used how you niggers use it
>This was movie or film, anyone who disagrees is a paid shill
why are you doubling down on acting like a retard user? are you even aware of how things evolve on Yea Forums?
>doubling down
I asked a question and you answered. You're not a girl, you don't get to put words in my mouth and claim I'm in the wrong.
I really liked Troy
I loved this movie as a kid, it makes no sense looking back on it but it's a classic fun hero's journey.
Also D'Leh's girl a cute.
Quest for Fire
Anything created by this man. His works' greatness couldn't be described with normal words because they were a thousand levels above "great" that they created a new word for it.
Whenever I drink, i get an overwhelming urge to watch this move. I fucking love it. Theres nothing really quite like it and it hits my fascination with primitive things just right.
Ice Age
Is that Bollywood remake with the boat any good? Life of Pythagoras? I don't think he was around in that period, so I skipped it.
Quest for fire
This film has the same ending as 300 but shit.
In this he actually kills the God man at the top of the stairs with his spear throw, shouts "He is not a God" and starts a prehistoric enlightened euphoria
Seen it, it was great.
Go fuck yourself.
There are no prehistoric films period. Less than a dozen in all of Hollywood History
Pic related was quite decent
Ending shot was pure kino
>Destroying false idols is bad
It wasn't pro-enlightenment so much as it was anti-fear