This. This image is so powerful...

This. This image is so powerful. That kid is gonna grow thinking her super hero idol is here and she'll do her best to become just like her. She'll hate men, white men. And she'll consume all other Marvel products. I'm sure someday in the future she'll be discussing how the movie didn't do a good adapatation of the source material with her other girl friends while they go to a new Con to meet the same Larson who once inspired this young girl to like super heroes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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There's something really slimy about big corporations using social causes that people really care about to sell their shit

>little girl interviewing brie larson has media pass
wow youve cracked the case

the absolute state of muttmerica

>This image is so powerful. That kid is gonna grow thinking her super hero idol is here and she'll do her best to become just like her.

Attached: pol seething.jpg (720x862, 59K)

Yes, they believe representation will promote equal rights and awareness but it's just making old jews richer.

All ethnics look alike anyway

Giving money to Disney is progressive and will change the world

Attached: viral.jpg (1918x770, 288K)

>be capeshit company called marvel
>make a character named captain marvel
>cast an actress named after a cheese
what was meant by this?

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abloo bloo bloo, it's so hard being a white man in 2019! They're making one whole Marvel movie without a man in the lead!

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I don't even get the message. Are all these fucking manchildren today somehow awesome because they had male superheroes as idols when they were kids?

It's not like all the manchildren today turned out so fucking great just because they had male superheroes as their idol when they we

Attached: no white males.jpg (624x721, 77K)

>cpt marvel isnt black

how will black people be able to see themselves in the role though?

these are the questions that need answering

if anything they turned into fat beta losers

So much this. I'm going to fight these manbabies with my manpurse. I plan on taking my wife, her boyfriend and her son to see this on opening night. I might even buy myself a ticket too!

I hope you're at least getting paid to come here and defend a multibillion dollar company doing these PR stunts in a way to make people go watch their movies

>She'll hate men, white men

No. Justifiable hate for men is not based on skin color. Men of every color all over the world are responsible for 99% of all violent crime. In China it's Chinese men. In India it's Indian men. In Britain it's British men. In Norway it's Norwegian men. And we can hardly blame women for recognizing this and having a problem with it. As a man myself I am 100% behind the feminist effort to help men open their eyes and to see themselves honestly.

Attached: big feminist movie.jpg (817x834, 63K)

She's also skinny. That's fatphobic. And how come there aren't any transsexual in any leading roles?

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it's even worse when the social cause are entirely fabricated


It's going to be a sad day/week when this movie doesn't bomb

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Not being paid, just annoyed at the catalogue constantly being spammed by these whitoid outrage threads.

Try reddit and stay there

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In Norway it's actually Swedish men. Just FYI.

I do not get this retarded PR.
She didn't saw movie yet, so how he can admire actress she never saw?
Same thing happened with ghostbusters.

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Maybe I will, as far as I'm aware, even they don't 'discuss' capeshit as much as Yea Forums does.

Literally next week

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rita season 1 dexter

Will there be a Catwoman remake, but instead of male relationships and female friendships she's a crazy catlady?

Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "

It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."

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>they don't discuss
They realy dont. You are given a narrative and have to applaud it or your account gets banned.

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Just seeing a female lead is enough to convince that little girl of how amazing this movie will be. It's not like there were any good female role models when we were growing up

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how do you go to daily 4-hour gym sessions with professional trainers and perform worse than a random white bitch doing a basic 1 hour 3 day/week routine on her own?


>Guy in a West Hollywood gym can't deadlift 225 lbs.

This checks out.

You're immediately called a shill here if you go against the Yea Forums narrative. Don't act like this place is any less of an echo chamber than reddit.

Getting called out isn't the same as being silenced

According to Google she's 127lbs. Deadlifting almost 2x her bodyweight is not shabby. She's probably doing those shitty ass exercises like the Tomb Raider chick and the teeth girl from Star Wars

in usa black males (about 6% of the population) are responsible for over half of all violent crime though.
it is statistically justifiable to dislike populations based on their skin color. also it is clearly socially acceptable to dislike some populations based on their skin color (see this actress' comments on white males).

Good point

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\tv\ has no narrative
this allows us to call people a shill any time they're caught shilling

If this was echo chamber then you would already be gone you millenial faggot.

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why only girls though? do they asume male kids get more money or something?

Where can I get these monthly male pay slips all these feminists mention?

>he looks like me
Woah, he's racist, just because his skin is similar he already assumes likeness

Who's that?

If you want to set up a GoFundMe to send young boys to Captain Marvel, no one's going to stop you user.

this is why Captain Marvel matters

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>Men of every color all over the world are responsible for 99% of all violent crime
Actually is 67%, you should inform yourself first

You sure?

>She'll hate men, white men.

wait, what.

>13% commit 50% of the crime
Being this redpilled



>but it's okay when we do it :)

I hope they enjoyed the queef jokes in Captain Marvel as well.

Guess waht else they are behind:
>Agricultural technologies
>The fire service
>Indoor plumbing
>The electrical grid
>Air travel
>You're fat ass sat here with this low reach bait

I guess I don't know for sure, since no one's cared enough to try. Instead you just endlessly post on 4channel about perceived double standards. If you actually cared, maybe you'd try to set up a GoFundMe or something.

It's just money, my friend. Capitalism at it best.

Nah, I don't care about kids, or the poor. Fuck 'em.

they actually tried something similar in another got in charge of calling the initiative a racist homophobic white supremacist propaganda

>identity politics
>regresive left

Ahahahaha, there were several boy focused previously and they got all purged before by the platforms for muh misogyny muh sexism muh privilege.

link it

We should have been shitting on Marvel for casting Captain Marvel as a rich, privileged WHITE woman who already won an Oscar, instead of an unknown woman of color, you know beat them at their own game.


>no white males

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link an example please

Powerful images thread? LGTSS

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I wonder if they 69d afterwards

Why not give them out for free

>work less
>live longer
>control 83% of all consumer spending
>pay almost no taxes in comparison
>do almost no essential labor
I would also be non-violent if all I needed to be handed free shit was to spread my legs.

Also reminder that women are cause of around 80% of all violence against children and that lesbian couples have highest rates of domestic violence among all demographic, around 4x higher than normal ones.

>not one white girl in the group

>work less
>complain about """"""""""""""""""""""pay gap""""""""""""""""""
I fucking hate this so fucking much
I have a couple of fucking cunts in my company and they work less because "muh children" literally 2 hours les PER DAY and still want to earn the fucking same. They also ask for free days everytime because "muh kid is sick", "muh kid has a play", etc

I though this shit didn't happen in civil engineering and other high technician jobs

Why does a white woman hate white men so much? Does she not realize how over-privileged she is?

It's innate in women's nature to constantly shit-test the men around them.

Sadly, western men have lost the nerve to stand up to their shit, and as a result they're going insane trying to one-up themselves until someone stops them.

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Disney execs told her to put a stunt in a way to create more fuss about the movie and attract viewers

I remember when they hired a bunch of little girls to dress up in Ghostbusters outfits to pretend little girls gave a fuck about Ghostbusters

Links? Source? Thanks.

>attract viewers

This. Never fall for their shit test. Be alpha and fuck these ho's to sleep 2019


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No no no, user. It's all about anti-male propaganda. There's no deeper meaning behind it than giving girls a false sense of identity.

this desu

they don't really 'care' about it, it's just armchair activism, just like those people who 'make a difference' by sharing facebook news to end poverty in Africa

ThIs iS tHE FIrsT TimE sHE HaS evEr sMiLeD
baD acTreSS

This is so fucking adorable I'm about to cry in a bar. I'm a 31 year old bald white straight man. I'm crying.

Mouse love cheese

That's my captain!

That is a beautiful moment. Can't wait to see this movie!

Why not give them for free? Or, since Brie Larson is crusading for this cause, why not pay out of her pocket? She's a Hollywood celebrity. Sure she's not the richest woman in Hollywood, but I'm sure she has enough money to afford to buy like 100 tickets for girls across the country.

Man do you know how fast kids lose interest in things
This shit won't matter to her in 2 months

I’m glad that young girls will look at her and see a part of themselves in her. They’ll grow up believing sex doesn’t matter when it comes to heroes, because we can all save the world and it makes me so happy. Glad we live in times like these where “impossible” is becoming normal.

young girls dressing ups as superheroes - this is why representation of Women in major roles is so important

Ugh stuff like this has to make it all worth it for her. I remember all the girls in WonderWoman costumes or kids in Black Panther costumes when those movies came out.

A 28 days feb makes it easier as we have to wait 1 day less for it to be in theaters.. yayyy!!

reminder that this is not even about poor/orphan/whatever kids

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Heh, I saw that reddit comment

woman logic

>I remember all the girls in WonderWoman costumes or kids in Black Panther costumes when those movies came out.
But did they get paid to wear it?

She’s Jewish.

>super heroes are for boys
>now they're going to watch it for free because they're girls
Double sexist

As a father of a daughter I’m so happy comics book characters in different media have far reaching appeal. I look forward to when I can read her comics and hope one day she’ll we can share them too.

Was he supposed to stair down the camera instead of looking at the other dude? He wasn't even capable of seeing the other guy check out the woman and knowing what he was stopping the guy from doing. Are they advocating that we snuff out perceived toxic masculinity without actually understanding the context of the situation? This portion of the commercial is terribly executed.

Those two are Marvellous!

what an anti-semitic statement

And since male Swedes no longer classify as men, we can surmise that the majority of Norway's crime is perpetrated by pakis.

the patriarchy is suppressing her gains.

the Carol Corps is doing its part to downvote all the man babies

>the Carol Corps
Carol Corporation?

imagine getting a handjob and she accidentally crushes your dick


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>outsourcing your marketing
Fucking brilliant. The Jew that came up with this must've gotten promoted to like Head Jew or whatever.


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No wonder she secretes so much slippery grease. These guys are always trying to grab and rape her!

Disney cares about feminism but not that much.


That is a beautiful moment. Can't wait to see this movie!

Too sexy.
Far, FAR too sexy.

She's in the right here. TSA agents are literally not allowed to hit on people while working and rightly so. National security is serious.

Birth Name: Brianne Sidonie Desaulniers

*French-Canadian, as well as distant Métis (father)
*English, Swedish, German, Welsh, Scottish (mother)

what, how is xena a role model for a 8 year old?

look, shitlord
the glass ceiling has regenerative powers so we constantly need new female heroes to break it for the first time, again and again

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>that American smile on the yellow shirt one

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>she'll do her best to become just like her. She'll hate men, white men.
She made several comments calling out TOXIC white males and said that Captain Marvel is meant for a “different” audience. By no means is she calling all white men evil. She’s simply said that a particular group of men expressed negativity and harassment towards her and other women. They happened to be white. Anyone can be evil and she’s fully aware of that judging by other comments she made about other, non-white people. She didn’t call out anyone because of their skin; she called them out cause they were mean human beings. People simply took this particular comment, framed it in a certain way and used it against her. Doesn’t mean she’s a saint, but for sure not racist and sexist. If you look at her past comments and actions, you’ll see that she actually cares a lot about the good of others, especially the victims.

>Black people reading should go viral

It's really hard to know what is and isn't satire anymore lol

stunning and brave

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>>Another brazilian critic, and a female one at that, says Captain Marvel is just ok but is afraid to make a video to talk about it
When a Marvel movie, pandering to the SJW agenda, can only get lukewarm responses at best from the shill critics that attend pre-screenings and post about them online, you know it's in trouble
Specially if it's a literally who character

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How easily people forget. Just ten years ago, the possibility of a Captain Marvel movie actually happening was imaginary. Now we have two, and all some people want to do is bitch and moan.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Just ten years ago, this character was not Captain Marvel

Have any of you actually bumped into these social causes in the real world
The closest I've come is a gril telling me wonder woman was quite good and it was nice to see a female hero in a movie
Like that's literally it
Can't help but think its all just clickbait and trollin' and that in real life, few people give a fuck

I remember that as a kid in school in the early 2000s I thought that an Avengers film or Justice League film would happen eventually but I probably wouldnt live to see it.

I feel so dumb now haha


this was all 100% staged

why is this such a triggering concept?
what if the 'social political and economic liberation of black people' vastly reduced black crime, dependence and generally improved society?

Sure, she's probably being naive, but isn't it atleast a noble idea? If you're going to constant cry about niggers fucking things up, how can you also cry about people trying to improve things for them and stop them fucking things up?

yeah no shit braingenius.
What, do you think people believe that girl just stumbled onto the bluecarpet by accident?

Yeah well you are on Yea Forums(nel) and movie studios literally use this board to promote their shit and a lot of what you see here is manufactured

Liberals don't understand what liberation means. They want to force blacks into white communities and make things worse for everyone.

10 years ago I didn't give a damn about capeshit, 10 years later, I still don't care.

Go watch and talk about your kid cartoons some place else reddit.

They fuck things up simply by existing. Feel free to ship them all back to the beautiful, thriving continent of Africa that they all claim to love so much. They can experience true liberation in their native land.

Question for US anons...
Seeing how strong whamen is a thing on social media along with women claiming they can destroy bigot males... what would happen if a feminist started getting in your face, in your personal space, maybe even starts being physically aggressive and you punch her in the face as a form of self defense...
How would that scenario play out (legally) in liberal america?

>what if the 'social political and economic liberation of black people' vastly reduced black crime, dependence and generally improved society?
Obviously it would. And the way you achieve it is by treating them like white people. The way you prevent it is by treating them like house niggers, the way the left does, and the way this bitch does.

Treating them like house niggers is a great way to get them to vote for you though.

Attached: congratulations on being black.jpg (800x600, 70K)

>For the third time, I don't hate white dudes
Blah blah fucking blah

Faggot, 10 years ago they were going to do a Captain Marvel and Black Adam movies with The Rock. You fucking lying faggot I knew that even back then it wasn't a secret.

They don't want to make things worse. They have good intentions, regardless of how naive or delusional those might be.

ok, this position is just spiteful and completely alienated from reality. You don't have anything constructive or rational to add to the discussion.

My dude have you ever felt like this about any Marvel hype because so far the entire thing has been standard marketing. TV spots. Trailers. Interviews. Magazine shoots. Billboards. Panels. Toys. Apparel. Merchandise.

Why are you having an aneurism? Nobody’s saying to feel any type of way. What people are doing is fiercely defending an Academy Award winner who won BEST LEAD. And we’re defending a movie from being trolled with negativity. Constructive criticism is not trolling.

I'm not /pol/and Im not gonna sit here and pretend I know the struggles of black people. Racism is still well and alive today. However, I imagine If I was a black, man this would trigger the hell out of me. Who the Fuck does this Hollywood elite, blonde girl thinks she is? Like black people need some fucking stuck up rich white girl to save em? How fucking self righteous can one be. Jesus christ.

jew dancing intensifies

Its just cringe and also vague. Society has bent over backward to "uplift" blacks since 1964 and hasn't really made any progress.

>social political and economic liberation of black people

What does this even mean? Liberate them from what? What it usually means is that we should give black people more free money so they can have an equal amount of money as white people.

She has good intentions though right?

Of course women control consumer spending you retard. My wife does the groceries because I'm busy with work so naturally she controls the majority of consumer spending of my household. What did you expect? It's only natural women control the consumer spending because they work less. Men don't have time for that shit and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>society hasn't improved for black people since the 60s
We've had a fucking black president you retard. It's VASTLY improved.

>They don't want to make things worse. They have good intentions, regardless of how naive or delusional those might be.
If you genuinely have good intentions you put effort into make sure the results align with your goals, and you change course when your actions result in the opposite of what your OSTENSIBLE goal is.

Liberals do not have good intentions. They just want to absolve themselves of sin, through whichever means are most expedient and emotionally satisfying.

I meant more like the gap in status between the average white and black person. Obviously our attitude have changed enormously.

That depends on how stupid she is. If she's very stupid (which she seems to be), I might believe she has good intentions. But I don't believe having good intentions alone makes someone a good person.

>What people are doing is fiercely defending an Academy Award winner who won BEST LEAD.
What? Who said anything about the academy awards?

The gap in status between the average white and black person has VASTLY improved since the 60s

Don't know which is worse
Glavset shitposting or the corporate lot
Both seem to amount to the same thing

>i want to make things better for people for whom things are pretty shitty
I really just don't understand how this is such an abhorrent thing to say to you cunts.

>Liberals do not have good intentions.
Almost everyone has good intentions. Almost everyone justifies what they're doing as 'good' and believe themselves to be 'good people'.

Do you really believe that liberals think they're bad people and doing bad things?

or just expressing an opinion

Xena didn't have romance because it had 'female friendship' too.

kys nigger lover

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Lots of ideas are noble. But it's also important to look at how people actually go about achieving them.

Taking a photo of black people reading and begging for it to go viral, though... That's fucking insulting.

>There's something really slimy about big corporations using social causes that people really care about to sell their shit
I agree. Hollywood isn't progressive whatsoever, or liberal. It only cares about making money, it has no values beyond that. Everything it does which masquerades as progressive or liberal is because they have projected that will be profitable for them. It is one of the most cynical conservative outfits in existence because it only cares about profit.

>OOGA BOOGA black skin means he's just like me! no black skin no watch!
wow slavery really broke these people

Not really. Gaps in life expectancy are still about the same.

Gaps in income are about the same.

Gaps in other things like incarceration, test scores, and out of marriage births are all the same or worse.

Attached: Nonmarital_Birth_Rates_in_the_United_States,_1940-2014.png (954x453, 86K)

I agree that a large amount of white liberal behaviour around black empowerment is cringey and borderline insulting. But these people are misguided and delusional, they're not spiteful.
And when the alternative presented is just 'oh, do nothing', that's the really the same as just saying 'i dont give a fuck' and if you don't give a fuck then it's close to just 'fuck black people' and that's often what it actually is.

Because everyone agrees that black people are a problem, and I don't hear ANY solutions from people on the right.

>Swedish men
Like the "Swedes"of Somali extraction that raped that woman on a ferry from Stockholm to Abo?

How the FUCK is that relevant to 60s-present?
>nonmarital birth rates
hardly a social progression indicator
That's a real one, but could just as easily indicate that class rather than race is an issue and in general race disparity has worsened since the 60s, not just for black people.

what's your answer anyway?

I'm not even suggesting that she's right, only that I don't understand why her position is quite so reprehensible and insulting unless you're genuinely a bigot.

nice up to date sources

party swedes btfo

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Her true intention is good publicity and more attention from other people. Twitting shit like I HELP BLACK PEOPLE is just a way for achieving that. Nothing noble here

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From 1900 to 2010 there has been a consistent gap. The most rapid period of narrowing was 1900-1920.

>hardly a social progression indicator

Single mother households are by far worse for kids. They aren't a death sentence, but kids growing p in them are much more likely to drop out of high school, commit crimes, get pregnant, do drugs.

>That's a real one, but could just as easily indicate that class rather than race is an issue and in general race disparity has worsened since the 60s, not just for black people.

This is just conjecture and not easily proven true or false. I'm not sure what class has to do with this or how you disentangle it.

>what's your answer anyway?

My main point in all this is that the average black household is a much better place than it was in 1954 or 1964. Our attitudes have vastly improved and there have been a number of programs and initiates to assist African Americans with the primary goal being the equalization of social status with whites. I believe that the roughly 10-15 point IQ gap between whites and blacks is mostly an ingrained feature having to do with real differences in intelligence that can't be "corrected". Black people can have great lives and always improve, but because of differences in things like IQ or self control they will always lag whites.

for 2016

all of the tweets you cunts are crying about way predate her mainstream exposure
and she's got a long history of picking roles she clearly views as 'socially responsible'

I think it's FAR more likely that she's delusional, cringey and naive, than cynical, conniving and malicious
But hey, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

>do drugs.
reddit boomers out please

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>all of the tweets you cunts are crying about way predate her mainstream exposure
all of them were after she won the oscar and even after she starred in Skull Island

I mean 'cunts' in a friendly sense, incase you got triggered by that friend

Hlholy shit every shot of her is so pre rehearsed. What a joke.

>But hey, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
How naive must one be to give the benefit of the doubt to a person who posts shit like this?

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What about poor children living on the streets or in hospitals and shit. Why does this one little paid actress
kid get to do this.

this always makes me laugh
do you cunts really care about stan lee?

What about little boys who want a girl hero? Sexist pigs.

>do you cunts really care about stan lee?
What does this have to do with anything? The point is that this tweet alone tells very much about her personality. Her purse gets me every time

When this makes 2 billion worldwide, how will Yea Forums recover?

>Her purse gets me every time
yeah, it is hilarious. I guess i'm just not interested in getting upset or acting outraged by things.

>Man smears semen on face after years of internet porn and desensitization to other means of stimulation

Brie Larson REFUSED to sign autographs during the Singapore Press Conference.



This shows that the studio KNOWS this film is a TURD, this is the first MCU film to have its Red Carpet debut the week it opens, other MCU films had their premieres 2 weeks before opening. THEY ARE IN FULL BLOWN DAMAGE CONTROL.

This is why the anti-"male trolls" angle has been played so hard, they KNOW this film is shit.

You forget the most important thing: She will never make white children.

It's a success for us, the chosen ones.

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atleast a month of non-stop butthurt whinging threads

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shhh user these goobers cant handle that sort of banter

>Ooga banana! Me eat de booga banana! Oooo dat good banana! Ook ook, me go sleep in tree branch now!
Black people can be kinda weird sometimes

>*fucks all your white women*
What did he mean by this?

why do you fucking care

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She never does, unless ordered to.

Because I feed on their fear. The Damage Control is in FULL force.

I'd like to believe you cunts enjoy the idea of marvel and capeshit finally dying, but I think most of you get so involved because you desperately don't want it to and you're upset that it's being 'ruined' and it's the only film that you really even care that much about.

Did you see black panther? If yes, then I think i'm right.

>mfw mouth breathers on this board don't realize the feminist angle is part of the marketing and are hating on some random actress for literally doing her job

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>When this makes 2 billion worldwide
I think I'll be fine

>it's on purpose so you can't hate it

>Did you see black panther? If yes, then I think i'm right.

Right about what? And I did not PAY to see BP, but I will not even bother to watch Captain Marvel. BP was racist shit.

>Did you see black panther?
nope, heard it was mediocre, CGI etc looks like crap

Do you regularly shove your head up your ass to find these idiotic "ideas" you pull out of there?

>I think most of you get so involved because you desperately don't want capeshit to die and you're upset that it's being 'ruined' and it's the only film that you really even care that much about.

so you saw it? Cool, I think i'm right then. I didn't even consider seeing it.

>CGI etc looks like crap

>this is what he thinks determines if a film is good or not

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You're pulling that out of your ass, dude.

I don't care if "capeshit" (ooh you're SO edgy!) dies. The MCU has been very underwhelming for me personally. I get the kiddies and the s o y fags love it, but its really weak piss with quipfests and paper-thin characters.

I refused to pay for BP, and streamed it to see what all the fuss was about. I don't know how that makes your smug, dumb ass think you're "right" about jack shit.

>make movie
>it's shit and didn't make any money
>"well, its because the viewers weren't mutt teenagers"

In addition to other valid points, I'll make clear that RIGHT NOW RIGHT THIS SECOND there are MORE BLACK SLAVES in africa than there ever were shipped to the west during the days of the international slave trade.
RIGHT NOW there are killings and mutilations and rapes and horrific violence torture and murder.
In the time it took you to read that sentence probably a few more were whipped or slaughtered.
The women who claim things like the "social political and economic liberation of black people" do not care. Have never nor will ever care. Those aren't the right black people you see.
Nah, I need to help our tame blacks. The ones that were fucking BLESSED to be born to ancestors who were shipped to the west a few hundred years ago. Who ought to be grateful beyond belief that they were, because in those few hundred years since the west has become the center of peace and prosperity while africa continues to drown under the weight of its own barbarous madness.
What fucking help does a young black man in America need? Is there anything stopping a black from attaining every success achievable to him, whether he's a genius and he can win a nobel prize on day, or he's not, but he can find pride, purpose and peace in his work and raise a functional family. What has it got to do with me anyway? Not my fault the black community is drugged with welfare and tears itself to shreds with gang crime.

Hate the game, not the player. That "Brie Larson is ruining Marvel" shit is beyond retarded. They even go as far as to call her ugly, which is patently ridiculous.

>streamed it to see what all the fuss was about.
lmao cope harder pleb pretend you dont love that shit how many other films do you stream to see what the fuss is about did you stream anything good to see what the fuss is about

you drongus lmao

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions user. Think about what that means.

And in what way is that different from before when little boys were meeting male actors playing super heroes? You're mad because the focus has shifted but females have felt that for a long time.

>What has it got to do with me anyway? Not my fault the black community is drugged with welfare and tears itself to shreds with gang crime.
that shit impacts you nigger you pay for it

>ooga booga me white man black skin means no watch

oh wow so deep

she has been going around telling all that shit she tells even when it's unrelated to Captain Marvel, even before the movie was shooting
how is that not on her (as well)? they probably even hired her in part because she is le woke actress

Sperg harder, you might have a stroke. Calm down and suck on your sippy cup. keep crying, maybe your mommy will stop blowing the mailman and change your diaper.

atleast i haven't seen black panther

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You /pol/ tourists need to go back to /pol/

Let kids enjoy a movie and stop trying to make everyone as miserable and angry as you.

they actually love that garbage that's why they're so upset

Wow. What a comeback! Did you type that yourself, big boy, or did mommy help you with it?

I bet you're gonna waste your time watching Captain Marvel too lmao because you lvoe this shit so much you tsundere faggot

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Imagine being so racist that you believe black people reading is so utterly absurd that it needs to go viral.

I already said I wasn't going to watch Captain Marvel. Its a shame you can't read past a first-grade level. Also sad you need to claim I am just to make your gay argument. Quit digging yourself in deeper, retard.

Even here, in this perfect photo-op moment, she has the cold, calculating eyes of a man-eater.

>being a segregationist regresive cunt even way before marvel had thought about making Cap Marvel, let alone choosing her
>"she only does what Disney tells her"
Yeah, I don't think so

>can't enjoy fiction if it's not exactly like them

Fuck this.

oh sorry i didn't mean watch, i meant 'check out to see what the fuss is about'. Of course you wont really be watching it

I like the art about the white kid enjoying black panther and the black kid getting sad because of it.

Did she delete the viral tweet?

>>being a segregationist regresive cunt
you cunts are such disingenuous liars
you don't give a fuck about the impact that might have on black people

he cute
I miss being a cute little boy, now I'm just an old fat fucko who faps to anime tiddies

i am going to see this movie. because i know there will be things in it that you need to see to understand endgame properly.

after this and endgame i do not think i will be going to the cinema for any foreseeable MCU movies.

>school shootouts ensue
>cite rape and crime statistics by race

>say segregationist regresive
>he immediately thinks on black people
You're unironically racist too

I didn't say you were racist, I said you were a disingenous liar. You're pretending to make an arguement about anti-black racism, when you mention segregation and regressive racial ideas, but that's not actually what you mean or care about.

you're a disingenuous liar.

You don't even care about racism either, you're literally admitting to being a racist yourself. Yet you call me a racist for associating historical segregation with black oppression like any educated person would do.

You're the dumbest faggot I've come across on the internet so far this year. I'm getting tired just from rolling my eyes so much at how stupid you are. Quit reaching into your diaper for more shit to smear on yourself, go take a nap.

>America is the world
lmao, you're embarrassing yourself, racist

You were specifically referencing her comments about American society.

more dishonest arguements, because what exactly are you now pretending to be talking about?

I'm not even American anyway you dumbcunt

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>Point at her for being racist
>"N-no you"
Nice preschool comeback

Is basically the default mechanisms of the regressive left
>Antifa says racist comments to conservative minority
>Call them racist
>No u, fash

what's actually gonna happen is that she's gonna grow up to be a self-loathing dork who spends every day holed up in a dim room. just think Yea Forums, in 20 years girls will be the losers of society and males will be the alpha gender once again. and the cycle continues

>You're unironically racist too
>racist too
>[I am racist]
you called yourself racist

>I didn't say you were racist
I explicitly said I had not called you racist

>>Point at her for being racist
>>"N-no you"
>Nice preschool comeback
Yet you're still saying that I have and that you haven't.

Sorry, but I don't support animal abuse

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Any bets on the ethnicity of the TSA agent?

Does that mean these female will be incels?

>[I am racist]
>you called yourself racist
No, I called HER racist, and now you too. But nice reading comprehension, now I'm sure you deserve to be in preschool.

I mean he DOES look like Miles. It’s entirely possible that’s what the little kid meant and it was the older idiot who assumed it was a political comment.

That was literally my first post in this thread. Not a surprise that a redditor like you can't tell the difference.

this is a retarded thing to say, i don't like watching flicks filled with niggers either because what am i supposed to be relating to?
unless its a comedy

His nose isn't wider than his mouth though

when you say 'racist', do you mean against white people? Or others?
Do you particularly care about racism against non-white people and do you think it's a serious issue?

What fucking difference does that make? Someone else established what we were talking about, but that's still what we were talking about.

To be fair, white men are quite fucking gay.

Brie Larson never specified America, redditor. You are retarded.

Racist in general, she acts surprised when she sees normal stuff like people reading, but because she's inherently racist she assumes is strange that blacks read. Or when she was telling to Hollywood to hide their gardeners and maids because theres was an ICE control in Hollywood, assuming the "help" can only be a minority

Faggot isn't a race, you fucking idiot.

When an American is talking about society they are talking about American society. Especially as it relates to quintissential american culture (garbage blockbuster marvel films).

You're an idiot for not making that assumption, and you were wrong when you assumed I was American myself and only knew or cared about America.

The hate for Gal Gadot was on par with this when WW came out, yet she never said anything controversial. You capeshitters throw up so much fuss pretending to care about this shit and yet you always end up buying tickets.

>Shes white

How is this not problematic?

Do you particularly care about racism against non-white people and do you think it's a serious issue?

So what about the poor black girl that couldn't afford a costume? Shows where you alliance really lies Brie #shakingmyhead

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Fuck this a bunch of black boys and white girls.

>When an American is talking about society they are talking about American society
There's that racism of yours coming out again.

Quote where I called you an American, retard. I'll wait.

>In Norway it's Norwegian men.
but thats objectively false. lmao, something like 100% of rape in oslo was by immigrant men from arabia or slav-europe

Honestly a great post. I find hilarious and sad that people think they're empowering themselves by giving billion dollar companies their money.


Girls get free pass

Both of them are spokeswomen for Lotrimin.

>Quote where I called you an American, retard. I'll wait.

>>America is the world
>lmao, you're embarrassing yourself, racist

You're clearly implying that I am an American
You fucking disingenuous liar.
Now you're saying that you didn't assume that and wasn't implying it?

By the time she grows up women will have lost their rights by trying to overplay them. Women have had rights before and lost them for the exact same reason. Faggots were afforded rights before and then lost them for the exact same reason. I'm not sure why people think the world is only like 80 years old, but I have a feeling it's because WWII acts as our foundation myth except they've got it arse about face and it's going to blow up right in their nose.

>literally posting evidence that I didn't accuse you of being American and that you're simply a paranoid schizophrenic racist that needs to feel victimised at every turn, to the point of actually making up shit to be victimised about
Fascinating. Tell me more.

Even worse, she assume they we're all illegal. What do you expect of white elitists and celebrities? They're all racist.

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>thinks america is the entire world
>isn't necessarily american

Does that make sense?

>he instantly said he looks like me.
>Than dlo sued sony for stealing likeness!

not murican here, explain the middle pic pls

Yes. The world has become increasingly Americanised due to the massive spread of social media. I'm from a country that is less than 1% black, but the youth still has weird social hangups about niggers because of American media blasting their brains while they were growing up.

Stop embarrassing yourself, victim.

She's a racist that thinks blacks are retarded so the fact that there's a family of blacks reading needs to be global news.

I'm not victimising myself in the slightest, i'm simply calling you a liar and saying that you were an idiot to assume I was american, which is what you did, and what you're now lying about

>im from a country
why do you dumb faggots never own up to where you're from? Are you embarrassed? Is it a shithole?

>regenerative powers
Like the hymnen of a girl!

To me this speaks as whites are actually able to relate to other races ajd enjou their stories and adventures while (in this case) blacks can't.

Holy shit. How isn't she embarrassed?

Because we're smart enough to know that you're a known racist that will use racist stereotypes to attack our country of origin rather than actually address our arguments.

You're both a racist and a victim. The leftist paradox.

You're the one acting like a victim over hypothetical banter

It wasn't brie who tweeted that, hence it doesn't show her name

>admitting that you would attack my country of origin
Thanks, racist.

I will if you tell me what it is you delicate little sensitive flower

Not him but I'm from Spain.

>spends the entire thread victimising himself and niggers
>admits he's a racist
>then tries to use "no u" at the last gasp
This is embarrassing stuff.

I just watched the new Farhadi movie set in spain it was pretty damn good and all the women were beautiful and the setting was gorgeous too seems like a pretty nice place desu

If you aren't him why did you tell him, dumbo?

>When literal monkeys have more taste than amerimuts
Top Hue

Because he's not some chickenshit little kid who is ashamed of his country and can't handle a bit of friendly banter

I can't wait for Captain Marvel to make a literal billion dollars and watch Yea Forums go full damage control over it.

So, are we supposed to be outraged? I'm not autistic, help me out.

>the guy who has been victimising himself and niggers all thread is actually a massive self-admitted racist
Imagine my shock

I wonder if these fans know Carol is an alcoholic nazi who doesn't believe in innocent till proven guilty

>is an alcoholic nazi who doesn't believe in innocent till proven guilty
So she's a modern-day "progressive"?

>this board literally cries about that all day, every day


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Well duh, why do you think she has been pushed and relaunched ad nauseum but nobody buys her comics and she keeps being cancelled?

If this movie makes more than 300 m that would be more than all her comic sales put together in decades

She's a z lister