Star Wars Episode IX
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is this his redemption arc?
He should just give them bad advice as a joke
Based as fuck
Nothing even he could do to save the franchise. Remember he wanted to turn it into Micronauts by making every tiny and having them fight in what would be a micro reality.
Holy fuck this. Then there can be behind the scenes documentaries just like they had for the prequels where you can see a room full of people being total yes men as he says a bunch of retarded shit.
This would've been more fantastical and new, so it's automatically better than what we've got now.
Big if true.
The only thing I cared about going into this 3 years ago was Luke Skywalker.. The Last Jedi shit all over his character and the only thing that will redeem the current franchise for me is if they show respect to Luke's character.
If this is true, which may or may not who really fucking knows.. I'm happy.
>darth icky
he could officially declare that the last 3 movies were not canon and then make the real story progress. I mean who is really going to complain about that?
the stupid reddit fags will still watch the new series, we all know it.
Reminder you're a fucking faggot with a childs interpretation of what he said.
So like the Last Jedi's Behind the Scene?
what a time line
They finished shooting a month ago, so unless George is going to help him edit the movie this is a fake rumor.
I assume you're one of these clickbait journalists.
And just like that Mike Stoklasa's life's work has been rendered meaningless.
You deserve cancer you fucking faggot
fuck you disney, too late for this propaganda bullshit
He ruined star wars so badly he had to sell it to white slavers. The man hasn't had testosterone in his blood for forty years.
Why are we apologizing and how could he possibly help?
This is the sci-fi directors equivalent to Crystal Pepsi being replaced by regular Pepsi.
Kill yourself mouse shill
Fucking asshole, he truly did more than anyone to chase George off
Is Mike jewish?
He'll just show up as a Force ghost then die anti-climatically just to subvert your expectations.
Article says the last Jedi was "unfairly maligned".
>the unfairly maligned Last Jedi
Seemed fair to me.
That doesn't even make sense you fucking prequel fag.
George? I'm sorry for everything George, please... help us.
Darth Icky confirmed.
It's too late. Plus JJ Abrams is still the director so its doomed.
Triggered shills are triggered.
Yeah, I know. You're really triggered.
George can't do anything about it. He's not 33 anymore. He hasn't made a great Star Wars decision since 1982.
No George i'm not going to apologize
Because i always believed in you and supported you when all the naysayers and bandwagoners tore into your innocent flesh like a rabid dog would tear into a random passerby, and now look at what their idiocy has brought us. You know what, i need to correct myself, i do apologize George, i'm sorry it had to come to this.
>innocent flesh
>made decisions based purely on the potential for merchandise sales
Besides, it's time for his return as the original Sith Lord.
I still hate this senile fuck. Everything he ever did to SW was based on greed and attempts to milk a franchise which was great thanks to everyone but himself. He could sell his rights to 10 other bidders who would treat it better but that would mean less money for ol George. SW literally got bought as a propaganda tool to push latest opinions resonating with Hollywood's leftist echo chamber. Thank god I haven't payed to see Last Jedi.
>mfw it's real
Darth Icky holy shit please do it George
Even George can’t salvage this pathetic trilogy, only way is to remake the whole shit
Are you saying he should... subvert expectations?
Pretty sure it's either fake or mouse PR campaign created a fake narrative to trick disjointed OG fans into going to cinemas.
based retard
Fix his neck, tard.
It's real hahahaha
Seriously though, I don't think even George can save this trilogy. Rian crashed it with no survivors already, and it'll take no less than the second coming of Jesus himself to fix this mess.
At least Disney are self-aware enough to realize that they completely fucked this franchise
>I purposely directed it wrong, as a joke
>all the sjw's and jews will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down and whisper "No." From a certain point of view
This. The film finished shooting awhile ago. This is the Mouse's PR move before they drop the trailer. Rotten Tomatoes have been silent. Now they are free to burn whatever narratives they have made.
>Remember he wanted to giv us Ultra Kino but we only wanted more Millenium Falcom and AT-AT's?
>From the high ground.
Lord Jar Jar
Honestly, except for the cringe SW diehard fans who collect merchandise and attend those retarded Star Wars cons, nobody gives a fuck about nu-trilogy anymore.
All original trilogy characters are now dead, whatever they have planned for Carrie at best will be a spit on her grave, all new characters are exactly where they were at the beginning of episode 7 with none of them showing any character development. This shit is gonna be so predictable it ain't even funny.
You mean RLM wanted more Millennium Falcon and AT-AT's.
>Unironically using a Reddit Letter Media gif
lmao you also think they are your friends? hahahaha
They did the same with Solo for PR points
It was George's 5D chess to win back the love of his fans all along
so who was he pranking with the prequels?
His doctors by not taking his brain medication while directing it.
>implying rian johnson didn't do exactly this
nothing is wrong with RLM you contrarian faggot.
Remember when episodes I, II, III, V, and VI were bad movies?
why would you give it back to the guy who made five shitty movies in a row? the only decent one is IV and it has a dumb ending. how star wars got so popular is beyond me
Whats the problem with Darth icky? they literally had a villain named Snoke, you can't go lower than that
Just give him the franchise back and let him make films based off of the EU.
>you can't go lower than that
>female sith lord
The first episode was saved by the editing.
>nothing is wrong with RLM
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA OH HAHAHAHAHAH oh shit I bet you even donate to his patreon hahaha holy fuck
t. literal NPC
>Staw Wars
Star Snores more like
I'm so fucking sorry bro. I was a young retard shitting on you. You knew so much better than me. I was no better than a zoomer these days. Please forgive me George.
Snoke is miles ahead of Darth Icky.
are you serious? ICKY. it's like a toddler created that.
Pathetic and too late
I've said this in a different thread but with Lando coming back, the Knights of Ren coming back, Kylo's mask coming back, talks about the Anakin Ghost coming back, and now this it seems that Disney is in full appeasement mode and trying to win back both the original crowd and the Prequel Renaissance crowd by just doing everything that was lacking in the eyes of the people at once, disregarding on wether or not this makes sense in the story. You can't radically alter directions in the third movie of your trilogy, especially since its already been done in the second one. Its too late in the story to introduce characters like Lando or the KoR and too late to bring back George with an entirely new vision.
The only thing this shows is how insecure and desperate they are, i'd respect them more if they just finished the trilogy with the things they had in place and then start anew, either with a reboot, maybe as a new canon or just filming the Legends Canon, or an entirely new trilogy, like the Old Republic or far into the future.
>the unfairly maligned Last Jedi
bunch of hack writer cunts that need to go back to working at mcdonald's
Are you? Snoke? just fucking Snoke? that have to be the worst name I ever saw in fiction the first image that come to my mind is this when I hear Snoke
Every fucking movie is saved or killed on the editing you scumbag.
>finished the trilogy with the things they had in place
that's the thing tho, they never had anything in place. interviews revealed that they (Abrams, Johnson, Kennedy, Disney, etc.) were making up shit on the fly. that's why the trilogy is a disjointed mess, that's why nothing makes sense, that's why it belongs in the dumpster fire.
>The movie is losing money, that means I won!
Those aren't bad movies, though. They never have been and never will be.
What the fuck could he possibly do? Saving the NuWars is logically impossible. Only thing you could do is throw it all in the trash and redo episodes 7-9 from scratch, and you can't do even that because Carrie Fisher is dead.
Doubt this is true given how they treated him in the past.
Even if it is true, they'll just do what they did before and throw all his ideas out. If he's there it's just for marketing on Disneys end.
You wish, goblino.
>he doesn't want a female Sith Lord
Would unironically be a breath of fresh air with great potential. George Lucas actually had a Darth Talon like character in his sequel concepts.
Episode 9 is fucked even if they resurrect Charles Dickens and Shakespeare to write it.
>the characters are boring as fuck, Rey is unbeatable Space Jesus with no weaknesses, nobody gives half a shit about Poe or Negro or Chink
>the villian was defeated every step of the way and presents no danger or challenge
>nobody has any tangible goals
>the first two movies took place over the span of a few days, there's no sense of grand adventure, characters had no time to grow and get attached to each other (every single Star Wars movie prior to nu-Wars had timeskips)
>the lore everyone likes was dismantled into a complete mess, and EU was trashed
Episode 9 should just go full retard like Thor: Ragnarok and be a pure comedy.
It would have had potential in the 1990s. Now it would be SJW WOMAN STRONK PUNISH STUPID PENIS PERSON
They can go fuck themselves up the nose with a cactus. They only way I'd even consider paying for Mouse Wars again is if KK, Hidalgo, JJ, Johnson and the stronk wamen of the Nucas Story Group apologize publicly and are then promptly fired, the EU's canon status is restored and the vidya license goes back to LucasArts.
>Episode 9 should just go full retard like Thor: Ragnarok and be a pure comedy.
Literally the best suggestion I've heard.
Have Luke wake up sweating and make VII and VIII a bad dream.
Absolutely based
We have these sad beings posting in this board
Asajj Ventress exists
> inb4 The Clone Wars doesn't count
It was in cinemas
> inb4 she wasn't a Sith
Dooku only trained her a bit wrong because Sheev gave him cold feet
>who is Ventress
Shut the fuck up
>Source is from Express.co.uk who got the leak from a Mike Zeroh video!
What i meant were the characters like Kylo, Hux, Rey etc. Introducing a bunch of new shit now is too late, its why i said they should quickly wrap this up with a mediocre movie, take the losses and start anew, instead of trying to fix the sequel trilogy with its final entry. Instead of hiring big name actors, bringing in recognizable faces and new and wild concepts like Anakin's ghost, they should just push these resources to a new trilogy.
are you me?
The MCU and Ragnarok were worse than TLJ, so no, nobody's falling for your testing waters, Disney.
>Now it would be Woman Stronk Punish You During Penis Inspection Day
That fight just reminds of Examina
I know of Ventress and she is fucking great, but she isn't in one of the main star wars movies which is what we were talking about here. I'd love to have her, or a character like her, in one of the main entries.
Also she was a Sith yes, but not a Sith Lord. She was an enforcer, but not the mastermind, which is something i'd like to see.
Is there anything sadder than making a thread about """reported""" rumours?
Replying to it with heated reactions, probably.
The only way they can save Star Wars at this point is to retcon the sequel trilogy and start over.
I'm just another Star Wars fan, brother.
Replied to the wrong dude once, sorry
I meant this post
>she was a Sith yes
She never was a Sith just a assassin trained by Dooku
The next trilogy should be about Kyle Katarn
Absolutely, burn it all down.
I never doubted you george
Doesn’t matter. Luke will just be a force ghost that shills Rey.
They can't even afford stand alone movies, it's too risky. Disney isn't making trilogies anytime soon.
At this point they should have just let George make the sequels. Would have been better than anything we got from Disney.
Nothing short of complete retcon of ep. 8-9 will make me pay attention to SW again.
Either way his advice is bad
too late for that the damage is done
>traditional scrolling text
>camera pulls back
>Luke, Leia, Han and Lando sitting on a couch, eating popcorn, watching a holo being projected by R2D2
>they give each other disbelieving looks
>C-3PO says "This is the propaganda the Emperor has distributed to the outlying systems."
>Han says "Who could believe that pile of shit?"
>Luke and Leia are kissing
Jesus christ someone actually believes this dont they
I liked Luke's character in The Last Jedi.
I heard the Knight of Ren don’t even show up and are being moved to a show on Disney’s streaming service.
Did we ever get the context for this?
The biggest problem was that there was no true plot for all three movies written down. They made the first two almost independently of each other and just made up things as they went along. One director, JJ Abrams made one movie and then left, so Johnson could go make a sequel and do whatever he pleased with the story because there was none.
Say what you want about the prequel trilogy, but at THE VERY LEAST Lucas had a clear story right from the get go for all three movies. There are no obvious inconsistencies (plot wise) in the prequels because of this.
I don't know why KK decided to do the movies like this, considering so much is hanging on the success of these movies, but it was a fucking dumb move.
Fuck you, Rian.
I laughed out loud the first time I heard Leia say "Snoke". It's just so silly.
Is it even feasibly possible to fix this fucked up sequel trilogy at this point, its the last fucking movie.
JJ avtually did have plans apparently, but Rian tossed them all out
Pure, seething, unremitting anger, pent up over millennia, for a vile groups of usurpers -- child penis mutilating, Babylonian daemon-god worshipping, childhood-destroying cult of Lucifarians.
Has anyone ever pondered what the pitch meeting for alien titty milk luke was like? My tiny mind can't even.
I was so underwhelmed by Force Awakens mainly because the only thing it offered were questions and then they didn't even seem remotely interesting.
> why did Reys parents leave her
> who is Snoke
> why did Kylo become evil
We have an entire galaxy worth of people interesting due to their actions and personality and now we have to be interested in these new assholes that do all the same shit as the characters they were copied off without all the nuance.
It was so generic, downright insulting to burn down the pantheon that existed (not the EU but all the history that happened in the prior movies) to go back to something this basic. The story was simplified to such a degree that any dribbling idiot could pick it up but what is the point of a stories seventh to ninth part when everything that came before it isn't even remotely required reading?
this, that was the moment I knew star wars was dead
Yeah like he had plans for Lost sure JJ
I don't get what people's problem with that scene was. There weren't any shops to buy his milk from on that island. Do you know where real milk comes from user?
I think their objective was proving that they could make Star Wars movies without George and finish to tarnish his reputation after the sequels. Turns out the only thing they prove is that Disney will never make a Star Wars movie. There is no future for Lucasfilm in the hands of these scumbags
>Episode 9 should just go full retard like Thor: Ragnarok and be a pure comedy.
But Rian already did so with 8, didn't you watch the movie?
They don't have toilets either. Why didn't they show Luke go into a corner and take a dump dicreetly?
Everyone poops too what high art really needs is an old man taking a shit and then his balls hit the water and the cold jolt reminds him he's alive.
Son. If the mouse was bringing in George, why would they want people to hate George. Use your damned brain.
So lucas just walked up and told him to go fuck himself?
Maybe that scene was cut?
>high art
>Star Wars
okay user
Really scared of that "small vocal minority boycott" huh?
I never doubt
It’s hilarious how the media and Disney villainfied Lucas for years and now that Star Wars is dying they try and use him to tote fans back into theater seats.
Doesn't really matter to the point i was trying to make
It only makes it stronger
Now on the one hand, their source here is The Express, who literally shill for Mike Zeroh. On the other hand, I really want this to be true, and having Georgie boy as a character consultant for the OT cast is something they should have done in the first place.
No -- he LITERALLY bit his face!
...Well, his PROBOSCIS, to be specific.
>I don't know why KK decided to do the movies like this, considering so much is hanging on the success of these movies
The thought process was "nerds will eat it up no matter what we do lmao".
Yeah i agree, but how does this matter to what i said? If anything it only strengthens the point i was trying to make about the best course of action being to just wrap the sequels up, cutting your losses and moving on
Based KKKylo
Fuck that, Star Wars no longer deserves to be made by its real creator. None of you faggots that trashed the prequels deserve it either. Hell I bet most in this thread would believe that it's ok because jj is back
I was just stating the same thing. I agree with you.
>No chin
>Bloated bullfrog doublechin
>Sagging nutsack doublechin
'These are not the faggots that you are looking for..."
jesus christ
They really should have gone with the original concepts and just touching it up here and there.
The one that opens with the star destroyer crashing, and Rey living in a jungle planet etc.
He would do so accidentally, though.
Yeah, like i said you're right, but i think we can all agree on that. The real problem now is that Disney doesn't know how to handle that.
>because hey China is a pretty big market
my fucking sides
>You can't radically alter directions in the third movie of your trilogy,
You can when the other 2 were shit to begin with.
>Prequel Renaissance crowd
Considering his penchant for dry humor, it quite likely. It's almost certain that Abrams isn't gonna get it.
>>the characters are boring as fuck
You see, this right here is the fundamental problem. None of these new characters are interesting or likeable in any way, apart from maybe Poe, who's only likeable because Oscar Isaac is likeable, his actual writing and character development are none existent.
Not to mention Daisy and Oooga Boogyega are terrible actors, and Kylo isn't remotely intimidating since he's already had his ass beaten multiple times.
Nothing, absolutely NOTHING they could do short of killing every single new character off apart from Benicio Del Toro and Oscar Isaac in the first five minutes and winging it into a completely different story could save this shit franchise at this point.
The third movie in a trilogy is supposed to be the wrapup of everything that was set up before. Only Nu-Wars movies didn't bother setting up much of anything and Rian threw what little setup they had in the trash. There's no story to tell.
aha, good point. agreed
He’s a Jew and Disney stands to lose too much over this. So they kept waving increasingly large piles of money in front of him until he agreed to attach his name to the project.
>implying the sequels didn't die the moment they hired JJ Abrams.
There's nothing to fix. Repairing the Tchernobyl nuclear reactor would be easier than fixing Star Wars.
>George Lucas
Smells like pre-emptive damage control to me. They just wanna be able to say "IT WAS GEORGE'S FAULT" because they know there's no way IX won't suck balls.
>nothing is wrong with RLM you contrarian faggot.
It's okay, user, you're allowed to give away your paycheck to a bunch of fat dudes who know nothing about film. We won't judge.
>we need to deflect from how shitty TLJ is
Bitch. I am not 'implying' anything. I am outright stating that JJ could have made a good movie if he had consulted with George. The fact of the matter is though, he listened to those faggots at RLM and his butt buddy Simon Pegg, who all thought they knew Han and Luke better than George did because George had the audacity to write the prequels for children.
The fact of the matter is, the fans love George, the fans have always loved George. He can walk onto stage at any convention anywhere and get a fucking standing ovation just for standing there with his turkey neck and pot belly.
More than that, the man is the richest person in Hollywood because of his genius at understanding marketing and special effects. Abrams threw that away because normies memed at him how bad the prequels were. He had the option to benefit from George's wisdom and experience, and chose not to. That was the moment that he failed, when he made the wrong choice.
Trying to make up for that would be a small step (perhaps too late) in the right direction.
Yeah, user. A lot is wrong with RLM. If you need a bunch of fat man children to tell you when and how to feel nostalgic though, I won't hold it against you. Not so long as you are getting the proper care for your crippling retardation.
Sounds to me like you are already gargling some balls there. George is physically incapable of making a bad movie.
Disney spin, I hope Lucas denies it.
>a bunch of white videogame nerds whose loss of virginity was personally postponed by Lucas making a movie about talking robots are flabbergasted that he isn't taking this shit as seriously as they are
Probably my favorite Lucas anegdote.
This, combined with all those Robot Chicken specials and that cancelled Detours thing) tell me that Lucas isn't taking Star Wars seriously like it's some fucking religion.
˙I love his guy.
Can anybody even imagine Disney allowing a Robot chicken special mocking Rey?
>every girl
minus whitey, she pays full price
lmao how can he be fixed if he's dead
Why would Lucas go against Disney? He is the second largest individual shareholder in the Company
>Why would Sheev be the separatist leader against the Republic if he's the Senate?
Saved boys.
Are you retarded? IX isn't George's, it's JJ's and that's why it's guaranteed to be shit. All I'm saying is they're bringing George in just to dump the blame on him once IX fails.
Is this fake? I mean there's no way they're seriously admitting there was a negative backlash
Disney in 2015 - "Don't worry Star Wars fans, Lucas isn't involved this time! Star Wars will finally have good dialogue and acting, and it'll be nothing like the prequels!"
Disney in 2019 - "W-would you come and see our shit films if we brought Lucas back? P-please...?"
He probably views it as a worthy sacrifice for the good of mankind
He's a true philanthropist
And I am saying if they bring George on, there is no way it can suck (Or not suck as much). So stick that in your dick hole.
kek. Do you actually think EPIX is going to fail soilord? Disney will buy a billion dollars worth of tickets if it doesn't sell that many. They won't need to admit failure because it is going to be a (((success)))
I wouldn't try to make JJ look innocent when he was autistic enough to remove prequel related flags just after TFA's trailer was released.
God yes. JJ picked the retard path, but what I mean to say is there was potential. He fucked it up, but it was not fucked up by choosing him. It was fucked up by the choices he made, and then Disney standing by them.
user, they wrapped like a week ago. There's nothing George can do to fix this mess.
First off, this isn't Star Wars, it's Mouse Wars. Secondly, that's what they said about Solo.
The rumor isn't that they are only just bringing him on dill pickle. It is that he has been working with them previously.
People said Disney would buy billions of tickets for Solo did they? A Movie that they deliberately set up to fail so they could blame white men for it. You have a lot to learn about psyops friend
Help us Georgie wan lucasi, youre our only hope.
It's all just rumors, though. None of it is confirmed.
>so they could blame white men
But that Alden dude is Jewish.
"And now that the franchise is on fire and the fans are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?"
Source: Express.co.uk who sourced Mike Zeroh's youtube video youtube.com
>Rey is unbeatable Space Jesus
so is Alita but we still shill it
So Disney admits Rian johnson was a mistake and feels sorry for killing off Luke since Mark's feelings got hurt?
>drive a car off a cliff
>smash it to pieces with baseball bats
>call AAA
also Lumpy needs his own arc
>We advise taking this with a grain of salt, as the intel comes from Express who classify it as a rumor
its all rumors. jesus christ nigga read, READ.
Because Alita is the original hero of that universe and grows from her experiences and failures. Meanwhile Rey gets handed in a heartbeat what Luke trained for over three movies. The universe literally warps around her to make her fit. The Force appoints her as her vessel and everyone instantly falls at her feet, including the villain, and the old heroes become washed-up hasbeens in order not to overshadow her.
The jews are white when it suits them. Read all the articles about how toxic man babies made Solo flop and how the time of white men is over.
>Disney sets up charities to buy EPIX tickets for women or blacks or some shit.
>Disney shell companies buy 1 billion dollars worth of tickets
>Disney gets 65% of that back because they gouge the theaters
>The companies write off their donation for tax purposes, so they get another 25% of it back
>Disney has spent 100 million to make Episode IX the first film to reach 1 billion domestic
>On top of whatever other sales they got
>Disney gets to write their narrative 'Fuck DRUMFF, WAMEN STRONK'
>Disney's stock price goes up from the success
>They socially manipulated the world and made money doing it
The only way to win this game is to create media to combat their ideals. If you are not writing your ideals into story or song, you are part of the problem
To be fair, you can also interpret their work in a way that goes against their ideals. It is easy to attack TLJ for being racist and sexist for example.
the prequels were ok, fuck the critics
also, checked
As to why article scribe Matt Joseph chose to add, "I say that so as long as he’s only handling the story beats and plotting, and leaving the dialogue to others..." baffles me to no end, as the canonical Hexalogy that Lucas helmed are thee most quoted movies in cinematic history by an infinite margin.
A few years ago I would've said this sounds too /x/ to be true, but sadly shit like this demonstrably happen. There's another way to fight it, though. Vote with your wallet. Without the "toxic white male" dollar, there's no NuWars, no MCU, no nothing. Remember, *they* work for *us*, not the other way around.
Thing is, those people don't have ideals. You really think they believe all the shit they peddle? It's all about social engineering.
fucking lol
why should I care about star wars when the people making the movies don't seem to care about star wars at all
Lucas never went into the concept phase. Talon was just the concept department spitballing while waiting for the news on who's gonna direct and write the fucking movie. They were on the clock, might as well do something.
Obviously this is good news. But who knows if it's even true.
I wish George had kept star wars.
He didn't. The only time anybody said that was Daisy Ridley coked out of her mind. Everybody else was unanimous in the narrative that Rian had free hands to do what he wants from the get go.
Rian was working on TLJ since 2014. JJ was in the room next to him editing his fucking movie. He actually changed something during the meeting between Luke and Rey so it works better with what Rian planned in TLJ.
Prequels somehow feel like Star Wars. Nu-wars feels like a Marvel spinoff in tone and dialogue.
>that's the thing tho, they never had anything in place.
They had stuff in place, Abrams left Johnson notes on the story, that he ignored, and then augered the series into the desert floor with his shit ideas and letting the story group insert "Muh vagina".
Maybe what Abrams had wasn't good, but I'd bet it was better than the greasy shit Johnson took on the franchise.
Disney Wars being bad doesn't suddenly make the Prequels good.
>Tfw always liked the prequels even after I started lurking Yea Forums
I guess you could say I was right all along.
This is the role that George is best in. The crazy idea guy with all of the lore in his head. Leave the script and editing to the professionals. Hopefully it works out, but I think JJ is a bit of a control freak so we will see.
>after all, thanks to the unfairly maligned Last Jedi and
Why are all news so opinionated today?
>Leave the script and editing to the professionals
Based retard.
>Prequel Renaissance
There was no pitch meeting for TLJ, there was going to be three movies before even Abrams was hired, and Johnson was hired before he wrote anything. He had complete freedom, and that's what he came up with - which is why no studio with any sense will ever hired him with that kind of artistic freedom ever again. He started one of the biggest tentpole franchise movies with a phone prank, for fuck's sake.
That Kennedy allowed him to put that into the movie tells you everything you need to know about Kennedy.
>I don't know why KK decided to do the movies like this
Because she's a glorified office manager, not a visionary or creative person. She worked for people like that, with her husband, and Lucas. She's a paper pusher, and she left all the creative ideas to the directors, which is why Jedi and Solo were flops. She doesn't know how to find, hire, manage, and lead creative people.
Star Wars was never going to be what George did, because his autistic attention to detail and story and characters in his movies are what made them what they are.
He has this look like he knows it's gonna flop.
You just KNOW
>no, Finn! We need to get to Jakku in time for life day! Rey’s counting on us!
by replacing xim with a qweer womyn of coulyr?
The Clone Wars was great.
that first swing from vader is joocy
They went far enough with the idea to create storyboards for scenes with her
Hey everyone, reddit's here!
And black women were the first on the moon. Behind every great man was a penisless man!
Mike Stoklasa on suicide watch
Here's the look one guy had on his face when they were checking out the miniature model of the titty monster.
>ywn grab Talon by her Lekku
These frames can be penned in ten minutes, which only exists to prove that a storyboard artist was bored and just drawing based off some concepts that were thrown on his desk.
>The thought process was "nerds will eat it up no matter what we do lmao".
It pretty much was. Disney cynically viewed Star Wars as just some quirky cultural event thing that randomly happened and snowballed, and that George got lucky, without actually stopping to think why it got as big as it did, or trying to understand the individual components behind it that millions of people have responded to for decades. They just thought they could do it as well as Lucas could, and emulated it at face value under the flimsiest of pretexts with some of the laziest big budget storytelling ever seen, and to nobody's surprise the assumed indestructible house of cards fell to pieces around them. They're victims of their own hubris and complacency, and they deserve this.
Those things were drawn in February of 2013. After Lucas sold the franchise and JJ was already attached as director.
No I won't. Prequels were shit and so are sequels. Only good ones are OT and Rogue one was OK.
>Only good ones are OT and Rogue one was OK.
>coming into fix Luke
>article tries to blame Solo not TLJ
Be careful out there bros, they're already trying to do revisionism.
>He doesn't know
A lot of people, especially after the last jedi, the other disney star wars things and the fact that the current generation grew up with the prequels, are giving the prequels a new, more unbiased, look and give it the love it deserves
Stay mad Mouse
>Remember when I have an opinion and im so fucking delusional I think the majority agree with me? Why doesnt everybody agree with me??? REEEEEEEEEEE
RotS was always good, most of the ill will against it was just still being mad about EP1 being a joke.
If you're lost you cđť‘Žn look đť‘Žnd you will find me
Time đť‘Žfter time
If you fđť‘Žll I will cđť‘Žtch you, I will be wđť‘Žiting
Time đť‘Žfter time
and maybe snipe at kylo some more
>Abrams has been open about his intentions to include as many nods to the Prequel and Original Trilogies.
>Now, though, it seems he will also work closely with the man who created it all to bring the entire saga home in a way that will please all the fans, especially concerning the role of Luke.
>Many fans were displeased that Luke appeared to have abandoned hope, ignored his responsibilities to the galaxy AND tried to kill his nephew in his sleep in The Last Jedi.
>The leak said: "George Lucas was involved in numerous sequences to fine-tune some of the legacy characters and their interactions with some of the sequel trilogy characters.
>"George Lucas directed and guided JJ Abrams with Mark Hamill in exactly how the character of Luke Skywalker should be done.
>He will also be involved in some of the reshoots and editing techniques he will be overseeing during the reshoots in April and post production, which is set to end all the way in September and into October this year."
Haha how fucking desperate are they? At least they're tacitly admitting TLJ was a steaming pile of shit now
Rick Carter and his "Visualists". The concept department was like a new age hippie commune where he would walk around musing and asking questions like
>Who is the Force... to YOU
and getting paid for it.
Like this shit with using photos from Hidden Fortress to tell the story of TFA. It's like some kindergarten exercise for retards.
It's like Russell Brand is running the pre-production.
>Jar-Jar front and center
It's BS. Disney if anything are gonna double down on their crap.
Even the actors are getting in on the renaissance. McGregor was pretty down on the prequels at the time saying he didn't really consider them true Star Wars movies.
I can't blame him though. We're a naturally pessimistic species who generally don't appreciate how good we have it until it gets worse.
*Oldfag who always loved the prequels*
>yfw Lucas makes it the worst Star Wars ever
>Disney sells it back to him
>then he reboots it again
Are you mentally retarded? Episode 1 and 2 were absolute garbage, while 3 was mediocre.
>Disney shell companies buy 1 billion dollars worth of tickets
There's no way you're actually this fucking stupid
George, you are a good friend.
Clone Wars did a lot to fix issues presented in the prequels.
>Episode 1 and 2 were absolute garbage, while 3 was mediocre.
Explain why or continue broadcasting that you don't know how to think for yourself, user from Yea Forums
is this real?
kenobi looks like he's having a fit.
The only way to fix this problem is time travel.
I'm sorry I doubted you George.
>McGregor was pretty down on the prequels at the time saying he didn't really consider them true Star Wars movies.
nah, he loves them
>Shitty acting
>Horrible CGI
>awful plot
>ruins the background of one of the most iconic villains in cinema history
Could you please go back now? Can't stand your stench.
Let go of Star Wars already, you lunatics
There is nothing coming out of it anymore, move on, life is short
Doesn't Lucas still own the toy rights or something?
j e s u s yikes
It's from the Art of Force Awakens book.
What did the phone call sound like?
>George? Mr Lucas? It's Kathleen. We fucked up. We need you to come back and fix Luke. Yes. Okay. Rian's directing. Yes, George. Well, Rian thought the ballroom scene would be goo- Of course, Mr Lucas. We'll send a private jet right away. I understand, Mr Lucas but Rian thought Kelly was a good casting decision for Rose. I'm listening to you, George but we can't recast her now. It's too late. Well, I look forward to seeing you too, Mr Lucas.
>be thankful based Disney saved starwars by buying it from Lucas you stupid man baby uncles!
Why do you have to explain everything? Can't force just be this mythical thing that exists?
>>Shitty acting
>>Horrible CGI
>>awful plot
>>ruins the background of one of the most iconic villains in cinema history
I always defended you Geroge
seething X-wing aficionado
>retards believe a YouTube channel with less than a million subs is responsible for the current state of starwars simply because they suggested jj as a director hot off the heels of his action star trek film
George Lucas, the director of Yea Forums's favorite film Red Tails.
jokes on them I was only pretending
Darth Icky uh
Reylo got the stiffy uh
On some fuck the mouse wars shit
On some bouta fuck JJ's bitch
There is literally nothing new about that idea.
Made me smile
PT is good compared to Disney trash but they are still terrible movies with few good ideas here and there and nothing is ever going to change that.
>for garbage Special Editions and years of autistic war with fans that followed
>for terrible prequels that almost completely ruined the setting
>for selling it to Disney
Literally fuck of Lucas retards.
>that almost completely ruined the setting
You mean these that literally made a setting before the muh rebels vs empire and the Ultra duper Death Star clone of the week?
>for garbage Special Editions and years of autistic war with fans that followed
>Disney buys tickets for Black Panther
>Disney buys tickets for Captain Marvel
I am not sure I am the one that is fucking stupid.
>>ruins the background of one of the most iconic villains in cinema history
Imagine being this fucking retarded. The PT objectively improved and deepened Vader's character. God I hate you seething gen x cucks so much. I am glad PT haters are a minority.
>let's spend six months getting paid to drop acid by Disney then just recycle all the OT designs and call it a day
>dragging George through the dirt, by making him clean up two movies worth of mess, and tie up a disastrous trilogy on the last part
Is this actually an attempt to crush what little reputation he has left?
>actually being stupid enough to think that a company on the stock exchange would be able to fund a billion dollars secretly without alerting investors or the IRS and would risk the dissolution of the company and jail time for anyone involved to not make a profit on capeshit
Yes, you are fucking retarded
The PT made Vader a mentally handicapped person, incapable of reasonable thought even after his transformation. The concepts sounds fantastic on paper but Lucas ruined Anakin completely.
Americans are dumb so posting polls only make me feel good about my intelligence.
>war between mass produced robots and mass produced clones
>0 damage on planets that actually matter and civilians give no shit
>same guy controls both sides
PT is fucking retarded. Palpatine won already in PM episodes II and III were literally pointless crap about bringing Anakin to dark side when in the end it was completely fucking pointless since Maul or Dooku would serve him just as well as some cripple in a mask.
30k is nothing.
Asking concept artist to write the script was a big mistake to begin with, it's not their job. It's like asking a mechanic to build a car from scratch. He might be able to do it, but that'll be the ugliest car you've ever seen
>guys proxy war totally sucks and 1 guy controlling both sides is retarded wtf where are the AT-AT's?
yeah I think these movies were literally too smart for a dummy like you I would recommend something more of your style like Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure
You are a mentally handicapped person. There is literally nothing wrong with Anakins character. You just didn't like that he wasn't a badass epic quipper from day 1.
God, so much unbelievable shit taste.
>Sheev won in TPM
Yeah because being elected is the same as becoming an emporor. Are you fucking retarded. God. I swear the criteria to be able to hate the PT is a very small brainlet in your head.
>Anakin to dark side when in the end it was completely fucking pointless since Maul or Dooku would serve him just as well as some cripple in a mask.
Thanks for revealing to everyone you have low IQ and didn't realize that the characters in the film have not seen the OT and don't know Vader will be wearing a mask. Absolute fuckwit.
>the unfairly maligned Last Jedi
so many retards
All polls use a small samble size as a reasonably represents the larger population. Fact is, only 6% of 31k people actually dislike the PT.
This guy won an Oscar for Avatar and Lincoln. I sincerely doubt he came to Steven Spielberg:
>Who is Lincoln... to YOU?
Here he basically collected a paycheck for dicking around Skywalker ranch like that guy from Key 6 Peele's Gemlins 2 sketch and taking long walks on the beach with Rian Johnson.
damage on planets that actually matter and civilians give no shit
>Hoth, Yavin, Bespin, Endor, Tatooine and Dagobah didn't get blown up so it literally doesn't matter
Imagine having an IQ this low.
They were joking around
It would also be built to last a million miles and repairable at the roadside using hand tools, so it's got that going for it over Disney Wars.
Those two were never the force of nature that Anakin was meant to be.
The stuff they produced is some ugly shit. They would just take photos, pull some photocopy filter in photoshop and slap Mark Hamill on top.
Pic related is hilarious. The guy just googled "temple ruins", merged it with some trees, added Ewan McGregor with Hamill's head and called it a day. Fun fact: it's the same guy that drew the top image.
Is this legit?
>proxy war
Either you failed to understand the point or you fail to understand what a proxy war is. Either way you are a failure.
Proxy wars matter a lot to people who live in the proxy nations. user's point is that droids fighting clones leads to no meaningful stakes for anyone. That's not the case in a proxy war.
No, you're the retard who omitted the first point:
>war between mass produced robots and mass produced clones
In the OT, the warring factions were made up of real people.
>Kathy had an idea
>read about it on the internet
Every joke about Hollywood creativity is true.
how can Disney let this racist be anywhere near the movie production? its fake news
Except is literally a proxy war because the Clones and the Droids are fighting the war for them with the occasional guerrilla soldiers from every planet, the point is to make the jedis command these clones in a pointless war to mist their perception of the force and killing them in the war, the thing is you and that user failed to understand that concept because you only wanted to see more fucking rebels vs imperials
You are fucking retarded. After episode I Sheev already has control of Separatists and clone army ordered. He could have entire Galaxy with no problems.
Those movies are retarded garbage.
Because it wasn't even a point retard. Clones are fucking cool as hell, and if you watch The Clone Wars you'd realize they aren't disposable, but are real people with real human feelings. Droids are mass produced sure, but don't act like Stormtroopers were ever humanized in the OT either. Droids are pretty cool aesthetically though.
>OT was real humans in war
OT didn't have any wars. It was tiny little insurgencies and skirmishes. The PT actually felt like a huge scale galactic war, but the OT and ST feel like tiny localized insurgencies. We also never see these "real people" you wank on about either except like 1 minute of footage at the opening of ESB, and the literal handful of Rebels helping the Ewoks in ROTJ. You have no point you shit taste faggot.
He's only the chancellor and didn't have any supreme powers that he gained in episode 3 after a hard and costly war that HE created to get these powers and get rid off the separatist that would be a problem later if he didn't killed them because they were the industrial arm of the Galaxy, just admit you are too retarded to understand Sheev plan and move on
It comes from Mike Zeroh's youtube channel The guy who made 150 Snoke theories before TLJ came out, and of course, none them got it right
This cunt wanted to bury Luke so bad.
>unfairly maligned Last jedi
The author is a fucking Leaf from Toronto
>Founded by three Toronto based university students as a place to write for fun
>Kathy had an idea
>read about it on the internet
Not surprising at all and probably at least partially explains why the dialog in TLJ feels like a retard's twitter feed.
Rick Carter is a piece of shit who comes from Spielberg and kennedy's team, he wasn't from Lucasfilm before TFA. They fired Rick McCallum and gave the job to a friend of theirs. Nepotism is the main reason why Lucasfilm has turn to shit so fast. And Spielberg has actively ruined his "old friends" company by hiring all these fuckers.
Oh my god, imagine having an IQ so low you can't differentiate between the Trade Federation, and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Imagine watching the PT, and seeing the mishmash of designs in the droid army and not realizing it's because it's several factions banding together. Imagine not being smart enough to understand the Seperatist council scene in Ep 2 with Dooku and the banking clan, techno union guy and the geonosians and neimoidians all forming a treaty.
I guess if you had an IQ that low, that a movie Goerge aimed at 12 years olds is too high brow for you, the only thing left is to resort to lowest common denominator stories like the hero's journey. No wonder this guy loves the OT, it's so simple it's probably one of the few movies out there he's actually able to understand, do to the simple black and white good guy bad guy dynamic and self insert characters.
>fired Rick McCallum
Why? I always liked that guy in the PT documentaries. What did he do wrong?
>What did he do wrong?
Absolutely nothing.
>coming to the president of the company and straight up telling her that instead of building sets and other aspects of the productions you're just gonna meditate on the nature of the Force
>still collect a paycheck
>Why? I always liked that guy in the PT documentaries. What did he do wrong?
I don't know if it's because he was associated with the PT or becasue they wanted to give the job to one of their friend. Also he's loyal to George Lucas and that's not acceptable. When Disney bought LFM, they clearly wanted to get rid of Lucas and anyone still loyal to him.
I actually didn't know Rick even stayed on after ROTS. What did he do afterwards, was he responsible for any creative decisions, or just running the business side.
It's sad that Lucas sold partly because he was worried about his employee's futures after he died or got to old to continue, then Disney goes and cleans house anyways.
Ah, makes sense, far as I know George hates Jew Jew so I was wondering how this would have been possible
I think McCallum already moved on and was producing some TV show abour Borgias. After Red Tails Lucasfilm wasn't really doing anything, it would be weird for him to just sit and wait.
They never called him back, true. I think if Lucas did the ST he would've probably be there.
Maybe but instead of calling back an experienced Lucasfilm producer, they gave the job to a complete idiot. The production of the movie was so catastrophic they cancelled the book that explains how it went and fired the writer.
Well, McCallum was never involved with the creative side of things. He was a producer. His job was to keep the movie from going over budget budget and hire crew, pick locations and stuff.
He seemed poretty good at his job, considering the prequels had an average budget of 115 million. Fucking Spectre had a budget of 275.
Fucking keked out loud, thanks user
Sure shes not a Sith LORD, but shes still a Sith
Got a problem with that user?
It's astounding how low the budgets of each PT film is really. Also how did George find all this talent like Rick McCallum, and Dave Filoni and such to work under him? Usually a producer is some company man working over the director. How do you hire one to work under you?
user I...
Her official title is "Sith Assassin" and her presence broke the rule of 2, she is officially a Sith
I'm not even sure who the producer on TFA was. Some friend of JJ's? Just like a friend of Rian was the producer on TLJ.
Rick Carter was the production designer. Well, co-designer. He was there for the spritual stuff, while the guy that did Tom Cruise's Oblivion was actually in charge of "real sets, practical effects" side of things.
Nop she was never a Sith at most she was a Sith larper until Sheev told Dooku to kill her
You screw over the studio back in '77 by getting the toy rights and build your own company from the ground up so that Fox/Disney/whoever has to hold over you. Pretty simple.
McCallum was with Lucas from Young Indy TV series which was dry-run for digital effects and pretty fast production schedule. Pretty much the whole production crew was with Lucas for the major part of the 90s all the way to the end of the prequels.
>Usually a producer is some company man working over the director. How do you hire one to work under you?
user, the prequels are entirely self-funded by george. 5, 6, 1, 2 and 3 are all indie films
every episode of the clone wars was also from his pocket
I'm not sorry George. I never abandoned you, I just outgrew you. You were a faggot for selling Star Wars, unless you did it for the lulz, in which case thank you.
hahahaahahaha episode 9 confirmed absolute shit with more shit piled on top.
is marvel/disney now taking a shit on asajj ventress now too? the jango fett comic they did was embarassing compared to the dark horse stuff
Absolutely fucking based of Lucas.
Damn I didn't know they'd been together that long.