*leans back*

*leans back*

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I’m all in.

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*leans back*
Hit me.

I was literally just watching that video are you psychic

did they bring back celebrity poker?


The Norm Macdonald poker was the only decent one. It had a girl named Jenny-cide, Artie Lang before his nose ran away from his face, a jew invoking the holocaust... it was wonderful.

>a jew invoking the holocaust
kek, how does this even happen in poker

Poker was such a meme. All these 'pros' wearing shades and hoodies indoor to hide their faces from 'being read', when in the end it always boiled down to pushing all-in and praying to Allah for success LMAO


Do you think he's thinking about Ben right at this moment as Big Ben checks on by?

*Checks Feck and Seck*

kek, this
>low skill player:poker is all about luck
>medium skill player: poker is all about reading the other players, fooling them and playing the other man's hand
>top skill player:lmao its just luck bro
Poker is a joke of a game, might as well watch these assholes play go fish

Kind of like these digits huh?

He blew it the second he saw the flop. His reaction was so fucking obvious I felt bad for him

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>I'm all in
>Without looking

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Is it true he is like 50 million in debt to the triads after playing in macau?

everyone knows the real skill game is blackjack and connect 4


Was it autism?

>tfw can't play poker for shit so I just bluff all the time
my friends loathe my existence, but I get em' sometimes

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i wanna sex that sexy sexy cat

sounds like a story your mom made up to keep you off those chinese gambling sites

I know brah. He just oozes big dick energy

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He went in with a 10 8 honey!

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That gif's hilarious.

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>dat wink

The Jew will always find a way


HONEY! Can you believe it? He went in with 5 7 suited. These idiot European players.

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It was a crap board for him. 1 guy paired up on the turn, and bet then he called. It wasn't a matter of acting anyone who gets called on that boarrd with position is best to check the river and not reopen the betting with a pair on the board. Damon should have value bet the river instead of trying to trap.

*starts making the noise of a baby crying*

in english doc

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Having a full house isn't worth much if everyone else doesn't have much of anything and the pot is small. No one (with any sense) is going to make a big bluff to pick up a small pot, therefore trying to act like you have nothing and keeping the pot small isn't what you want to do unless you are playing against people who like to bluff a lot.

It's always funny to see people throw their lives away gambling. The only sane form of this shit is matched betting, where you basically just re-sell all those "bet 10 bucks, get 50 bucks of free bets!" promo offers to make free money and get your accounts restricted.

wow matt damon so good poker he flopped full house

Try to watch the poker scenes in casino Royale,they are really bad

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I fold

Guy hit is 1 and only out on the river.

A Hollywood star with some... pretty bad acting there.


That doesn't really explain how the same 5 people always ended up at the final table in every big tournament with thousands of players.

Man I really want a Rounders sequel.

>Laying out both hands

That's a monster hand and he's going to lay it down.

No they don't you fucking liar

Not one of those guys, but I'm guessing the "it's all luck" crowd would put that down to some people being better at calculating the chance of whatever cards coming up. It's still up to luck what card shows up in the end.

>its just bad etiquete
Seriously though who was in the wrong here?

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Because one guy bet all-in and the other guy called him. Neither can make more bets so they reveal their hands and then just keep drawing cards until the game is over.

They didn't? The big TV pros played in specific tournaments where they were either heavily seeded, or the only competitors for high stakes.

The reality is that even if you could find an example of someone winning constantly, the reality is that it's just the law of averages, 1 in a million people actually will win every tournament they enter. A lot of big winners tend to attribute this to some kind of "edge" they have, but it's pure idiocy. You cannot win at gambling in the long term. You can get lucky for a time, but eventually the house always wins.


>some people being better at calculating the chance of whatever cards coming up
That's obviously skill though.

This. What’s his face Phil helsmuth has won how many times or atleast gets in the top 5 multiple times. But I’ve seen many clips of him getting knocked out early and being super salty

W-Where did he go?

>>That's obviously skill though.
The skill element of poker can be learned in a week. You just memorise tables, if the opponent has X and you have Y, you fold Z. It's computationally solved.

The only "skill" is in keeping control of your own emotions so you don't show your cards on your face, and so you don't chase too deep. And even then, you can play perfectly and still just get fucked by luck and lose your life savings.

>Phil helsmuth
He's really bad against bluffers and cannot bluff himself for shit

House always wins because odds are in favour for the house. In poker you don't play against house, but other players. In poker everyone has the same odds in the long run. Those who calculate the odds best, win more. And who can bluff the best, win more.

>lists two skills that not all people can acquire
>durr there's no skill involved just luck

>The skill element of poker can be learned in a week
What about knowing how much to bet in any given situation? Takes time and experience in my opinion

He had a number of win before the autists took over. He plays / played a slow trapping style and was constantly getting blown out by aggressive players. It's such a roulette though early in tournaments where you will be playing against randoms and good unknown players. Poker is definitely a skill game but it's also a massive luck game despite the protestations of the hardcore players.

Basically. The thing is that once the skill factor is even on a table, its basically just luck. Like if two world class players are sitting at a table, they are basically just rolling dice every hand and getting lucky. Whoever gets luckier the most wins.

Its the same with shitty players. Since nobody has any real idea of how to play the game, you can't ever read your opponent or bluff them effectively either. So it all just ends up being luck or a slightly more skilled player ends up sharking the rest of the table.

Whiny baby Helmuth.
The entire point of poker is to make others believe what you want them to believe.

Let's pretend there are 100,000 people playing poker perfectly. A fraction of these people will get lucky enough to win consistently. The majority will roughly break even, and another fraction will literally lose every penny they own despite perfect play.

This is why you see people who win constantly. Because they're a tiny minority, and they're the ones who are focused on.

You have better odds of dying after you buy your lottery ticket than you do of winning. But you only ever see the winners on TV, not the idiots who die every week of natural causes while clutching their tickets.

There is also a psychological aspect, not just odds. Players bluff and make different, good and bad, decisions even if odds are the same. Bluffing is in fact very important part of poker. And then there's the size of your and others stack. And who is the dealer.

>In poker you don't play against house, but other players.
In poker you're absolutely playing against the house, they take a commission fee from the entry fees for putting the event on. Unless you're playing at a buddies house and you know he isn't going to pull a gun on you when you take him to the cleaners, the house always wins.

Experience goes a long way in a tournament setting. These guys play for endless hours and you need mental fortitude to continue to play at a reasonable level. I've played in online tournaments for fun and just gotten fed up after a number of hours so kamikazed out.

That's why I never play poker when my buddies suggest it. Because I know I'll be interested for the first couple of rounds, but then I'll get bored with it and start fucking around, probably pissing them off and either winning or losing because of an all-in on random cards.

That's not playing against the house.

It is, you're just too short sighted to see it.

So just play for a few hours and have fun bluffing your mates.

No, you need a dictionary.

>implying I last a few hours
It's weird. I can play most things for hours, but make it poker I get ADD as fuck.

>And who is the dealer.
What difference does that make? The dealer doesn't choose your fucking cards.

He's probably referring to the dealer button which determines what order you act in a hand. That does matter.

The dealer is the player that is last in a round of betting.

When there is no house dealer, the players have to deal the cards themselves and the only way to make it fair is to alternate between each player. If you've ever played any other card game you should have come across this system.

every round but the 1st

some fellas are lucky and some ain't

>If you've ever played any other card game you should have come across this system.

I always deal. Easier to win when you can deal from the bottom of the deck.

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I want to get back into poker, but cash games are super tight nits now and tournaments are filled with hyper aggressive so¥boys. Shit is not fun anymore.

glad we moved on from the poker fad in society. lmao it really was the worst phase of human history, around the mid 00s, when the internet was just catching on, and you had all these greaseballs on TV. fuck poker, fuck gambling, and fuck boomers.

Poker is about the difference in skill between you and your opponents. Pro players clean up at Vegas. In tournaments where everyone understands strategy, it's back to luck.

>Redirected his lying skill into a political career
Can't make this shit up.

>what is rake
Poker is a zero sum game, so the house always wins, literally.

If you're mostly just looking to have fun my advice is to check if its legal to hold private poker games where you live. Invite some people over and play for small stakes.


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Doesn't mean you're playing against the house.

Why didn’t he simply play the hand?

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That was never the argument, I am well aware that rake and fees eat into someone's earn. The argument is whether or not you are playing against the house, which you are not (unless the house sets up it's own players that return money to the house).

>you never play your hand, you play the hand of the person sitting opposite you

Does this actually mean something or was he talking out his ass?

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considering he 1) got wiped out and 2) lucked out at the end, the latter

too bad he's an idiot politician

i mean if tony said he had 2 aces would phil believe him then? probably not, so why did he choose to believe that he hasnt looked, because its a little more believable?

dead mans hand

It sounds good, but if anything you'd be playing the deck.

Cheap pussy fuck

They’re the luckiest dumbass

4channel truly is the epitome of dunning-kruger lmao


The river swept him away.

you don't know what your opponent has, I doubt you can even beat 5NL

Dude just couldn't stand it and just had let everyone Jews were the only victims of genocide.