But was it kino?

But was it kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:

ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1311.R1.TR7.TRC0.A0.H0.Xelectribe em.TRS0&_nkw=electribe em-1&_sacat=0

Comfyier tymes

Way before their time desu, ahead of the curve

Yep. It was kino.

how many times have these bitches been blacked?

Nah, it was at the right time. Sounds like other early 2010s rap

About tree fiddy

Still getting comments on you tube:
>"This song was so ahead of its time. It feels like it’s a 2018 song"
>"Every shitty song from the past 10 years aged well... because music is getting more and more shitty every year


They were very influential on the insta-hoe aesthetic is what he meant probably

Reminder the girl on the left is the talented one and the girl on the right is the most basic bitch.

honestly yes. lil debbie turned out to be a pretty hot whore. the other chick has some stupid fashion line that sells junk

It really is a bitter sweet thing they weren't bigger. On one hand music artists shouldn't get big because of a video, on the other they've probably been plagiarized more than any other artists in the past 10 years.

SPEAK! ghostwrote for Kreayshawn though. Lil Debbie writes her own shit and got progressively better but was too old by the time she wrote anything decent. Still has some cool tracks though.

2011-2012 were good times for rap
Asap rocky
Joey badass
Tyler the creator
Earl Sweatshirt
Childish Gambino

Now it's just facetatts and drugged out soundcloud rappers


Prime debbie right there


She's a mom now.

Am I the only one who cringes the entire music video? This is what real cringe is. Almost on the same level as that fedora kid trying to dance for that soulless whore.

Someone on Yea Forums posted her twitch stream or something.
She said she doesn't have friends anymore.

I think this is it. Dead channel.

maybe im immune to it, because im from the bay area where they are from. but it was pretty revolutionary at the time in both sound and asthetic. nowadays bright colors are the norm but at the time, hip hop was barely starting to grow out of its gangsta phase because of her and ppl like Lil B who is also from the bay area.

lol its still a great song

Kreayshawn unironically does softcore foot fetish porn now.


Attached: Kreayshawn-Feet-3512564.jpg (750x750, 72K)

>people know what it is without any info
zoomers fuck off

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they look like they fuck black men

Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.
Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.

There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practising until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?
Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization. They're the proverbial "slap to the face" to every man, woman and child who's pushed themselves beyond limits previously thought unimaginable, to achieve heights of success one could only dream of.

Those who willingly listen to rap and/or hip-hop, are the most dangerous of miscreants - examples of de-evolution. In essence, they're "regressing" back to their monkey state and, in my humble opinion, should be put down so as not to infest others with their disease. Ironic, really, since doing exactly that would be going against my argument earlier to leave them be.

I genuinely hope humanity can recover from the plague that rap and hip-hop brought forth, but the more logical part of my brain knows it's truly a lost cause.

>Too long, didn't read? Rap and hip-hop fucking SUCK

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user, most zoomers were in elementary school when this was released.

Zoomers don't know her.

i was surprised to see her kid wasnt black desu.
lil debbie is pretty hot still btw.

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Bro, fucking George Bush was president when she started her career. Zoomers don't know this bitch.

even with the tattoos, the one on the right is 10x more fuckable

lil debbie is based


this song was quite literally years ahead of its time

Does she do real porn

okay, cool old song. nostalgia thread, nothing unusual.

>youtube plug,
huh... interesting....

>twitch plug
huh, if she knows twitch shes relatively internet savy.

>foot porn plug
she clearly knows the internet well and how to market. shes probably aware of this site and how to use it.

MFW i solved the case!

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well fuck.apparently I don't know millennial culture either. not the worst thing I suppose.

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Sorry brah, only i go balls deep in her in the privacy of our home

I like that one song about her stealing her dads credit card and his car, what a cuck

She has a reputation as a cunt. Have a buddy that ran a hip hop gear shop out of SF and knew her pretty well. Also know V-Nasty's cousin. Both confirmed it. That said, in her defense, she seemed to not handle fame too well.

The Twitch channel has been dead for a while and i brought it up because she was talking about how miserable her life was when she was on it.

Honestly you didn't miss much. The song was just cool because it was catchy and kind of a meme. They're also hot in a trashy way.

Nah Kreayshawn and Lil Debbie (especially Lil Debbie who had a longer career and a later peak) definitely exist in that blurry middle ground between millennials and zoomers.

ain't no brutha is gonna pay for that child support and she knows it.

Early 2010s is boomer. Nice try crypto zoomer

Holy fuck

>meme rapper famous for one song from a decade ago
You might be the zoomer user

im from the bay and heard similar things. probably all the prescription pills abuse. makes a lot of ppl bipolar. i have a buddy who takes pharmaceuticals and will text me every couple weeks shit like:
completely unprovoked

>kid is white
im honest here im surprised

I'm 34 and I know what it is but I also live in nor cal and was kickin it with a lot of hip hop heads at the time.

Yeah I didn't go into detail but I suspect the same thing. Too much lean.

V-nasty is fucking disgusting. Bottom of the barrel female.

bumpin bumpin>gucci gucci

lil debbie is pretty fucking hot
listening to her music. i dont hate it

I'm in norcal too, this song was popular as fuck here. Especially in the bay area.


Which just goes to show you how much of a cunt Kreayshawn must be that her homie of that caliber would same some shit like that lmao

Jesus, these girls are the epitome of lean drinking bay area trash. Debbie's cute though.

lake merrit reporting in

All music is like this.

i kind of have a thing for bimbos with a coke habit and stripper heels. so i find lil debbie quite attractive, she checks all the boxes for me.

Why do lesbians have to insert themselves into pop culture?


Hey, Adeptus here.... I actually produced this song, and her other songs "Bumpin Bumpin" and "Online Fantasy", When I was dating her in 2011 I think... I actually also produced Lil Debbies first rap song, and used to drive with Natassia to Santa Rita prison to visit V Nasty, I produced that song "More Bitches" for VNasty (which was just a literal rip off of "Like a G6" but with M1 organ and hip hop beat).. For the record all this music was trash, Natassia(Kreayshawn) didn't really have big plans to be a rapper until I convinced her that ANYONE can as long as the producer arranges it well.. I use the name DK Domino, and still make music, but am not popular. ask me anything

Same and same my negro. Also I hit her up on social media once and she said I was cute and kept calling me baby daddy until she got bored of me so I'm biased.

Same. She looks like she's on a 24/7 coke and cock binge. I just listened to Gucci Gucci again though and it would unironically be a top chart song today.

Why did you throw her under the bus when Gucci Gucci came out? I saw that youtube comment.

I know this isn't real, but is v-nasty really in Rita? For what?

im gonna add you on twitter. i actually like your production and i make music too.

Thoughts on sneed?

What happened to SPEAK!'s negotiations with Gwen Stefani?

remember that vid where Lil Debbie said nigga and caught herself saying it right afterwards lmao, you could see it on her face

how come the song credits in the video are different to what you are posting here?
i wanna believe this isnt a larp damnit!

How tight are Kreay and Debbies' pussies?

says she's in sac in may. im thinking about going desu.

I thought this was fake until I saw your instagram

what is it? i wanna be friends w norcal producer user

I didn't throw anyone under a bus, I produced the song with DJ Two Stacks, and wrote the hook "One Big room full of bad bitches", I think the other guy SPeakz, some rapper guy wrote the rest, I have never met any of them.. After I produced "Bumpin Bumpin" I moved to New York and started working for a record label in UK and made some soundtracks for Skins UK tv show, and drinking lots of bud light limes. I don't really talk to Natassia much anymore, sometimes we message, I have been living back and forth between Mexico City and Medellin, Colombia for the last several years, I still get a few hundred bucks every few months from all that stuff, which goes a bit further down here. www.dkdomino.zone is my website

Little known fact, all those early Kreayshawn songs were produced all on hardware, I am pretty sure I am the only one who ever made a hit song with an Electribe ESX, arranging all vocals in the ESX itself.. pic related

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I just remember you said some shit talking about how it was your biggest regret giving her the rights to the beat and you were desperate for money.

posting in an epic thread.
im gonna add you producer user, i really like the production on it. how come they didnt credit you in the song on youtube? did they fuck you over?

Hey I don't know why she was in Santa Rita when we used to drive up, I think it was for fighting, she was actually probably the coolest of any of them, and she was actually really ghetto, also half vietnamese, Jordan was Lil Debbie and always hated me and would randomly message me evil shit on facebook, and dated the producer of The Pack.. I forget that guys name.. Both Natassia and Jordan(Jordan especcially) were not ghetto at all, Jordan was supported by her rich mom for the most part im thinking til she started making a bit of change.. pic related

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I dont use twitter right now, Just instagram, its on my dkdomino.zone website, I will fallow you back !

Ever work with Based God?

nice bro

i just added you on socials. thanks user.
user is cool guy for once and not a larping fagg

These pics are making me nostalgic. I wish hip hop wasn't dead :[

Holy fuck, the electribe was great.

This is real neat.

Is your new name inspired by Hiero's producer?

Humanity is fucking lost.

did grimes produce this?

I have no idea, check the Discogs and wikipedia.. I have always been much more of a gearhead, I got a few 'points' on the song, and when I got a publishing deal I got about 80k dollars in total and then I moved to Latin America with some gear so I could just kind of keep making tracks.. I don't really post too much crap online but if you google 'adeptus producer' on yt and "Dk Domino" you will know it is me.. I also produced Punish me for FUn by Mykki Blanco, and remixed some Pictureplane songs.. Pic is my vinyl release for my Adeptus Bury you in Kerman

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is that your kid in her back seat?

Huh, they are surprisingly nice.

How does it feel making a song that got big for awhile.

what did it feel like when you saw the thumbnail for this thread? were you surprised it was mostly positive in the thread? you got lots of love from me and other nor cal anons

>music is complete garbage
>even the guy who made it came in the thread and calls it garbage
>12 year old zoomers are trying to force nostalgia for some of the shittitest rap and and quite possibly the most garbage music of all time

Youre a god damn embarrassment Yea Forums

Hahaha no.. I always worked.. Even when all that kreayshawn stuff was happening.. Worked in video stores, even Guitar Center in El Cerrito.. I actually got demoted from Live PA, to SECURITY!! because I kept tlling people they should buy some other gear on CL instead.. then the day when i got my royaltie check from all that and came and bought a bunch of new gear.. I also taught English in Mexico for a bit for cash on the side. But I am really frugal and cook all my meals and am a programmer now so ..

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It's the nostalgia that makes it good. It was a better time back then. Plus a bunch of us are from the bay area apparently, so there's that.

do you still make music on the side of programming?

Once again we are in our late 20s to mid 30s. Zoomers dont know about WGM. I've literally asked them. Shoo shoo flyover.

what did you not like about the music? i really like the lead synth on it and the snare. im actually curious how you made the lead synth on that song. it really makes the whole thing.

idk. I showed this music to my Grandkids and they didnt think it was cool at all.

how often do you have the actual producer of a song that got posted come in a thread and take questions and posts pictures?
youre a real miserable cunt. let us have our nostalgia fun

For the record I was talking about Bumpin Bumpin not Gucci Gucci

How does it feel making a song that got big for awhile.

Ahh it felt really cool obviously because my mom and grandma thought I was a loser working in cafes in video stores, going to community college, and then it validated my DJ'ing in San Francisco for a few years.. And for like about a year I was really was doing stuff and having fun, but now I live in Colombia and nobody even knows anything about any of this and I will be like uhhhhhh Yeah man I made a hit song and people will be like surrrrreeee but my GF knows hahaha pic related

When I saw the thumbnail I thought why is this in TV?? then I looked and was relieved, but saw a lot of misinformation... Will try to answer as amny questions but its 4am here and about to go head for my morning run

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What's colombian pussy like?

I'm 21 and liked that song in my early teens. Anyone younger is probably too young to remember it back then though

Is Lil Debbie nice?

Her oatmeal pies are tasty

thanks for coming by user. it seems like you are happy with your gf. hope all is well man

I do, I just got a Digitone which really reminds me of the old Electribes !!!

I will be going to visit my family in LA and will be selling that tr08 (buying a digitakt instead) if anyone is around.. just message me on Instagram if you want a Yea Forums bro-deal

Umm I don't know.. I liked the Bumpin and Gucci songs, but I really hated the videos.. the videos to all that stuff was really very cringe to me. Ummm I really know nothing about Speaks or DJ Twostacks, we were all kinda in our own worlds.

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are you into euroracks, or just drum machines?

Unironically yes

i wanna know this too. i always kinda had a thing for her. what can you tell us about her?
im actually interested and i will be in LA around then i will msg you

Whats wrong with her life?

Have fun with your run and life user. This was really cool of you. Thanks. I did see you diss her music on your youtube channel though but I might have just made up the financial part cuz i misunderstood what you were saying. I just remember being shocked cuz my buddy is a produce and he never insults even the worst of his collabs lol

She said she has no friends on the stream but it was a few years ago now.

What are you up to nowadays

She burnt a shit ton of bridges with her behavior and is in therapy now last i checked. I dunno haven't been on twitter since early last year.

Just one example straight from the horses mouth vice.com/en_us/article/4w5dbb/party-legends-episode-4-gifs

Lil Debbie is probably the worst woman I have ever met in my entire life.. Just very mean spirited, at least she was in 2011-2012

no I am not into euroracks, just grooveboxes, emu racks, mpcs and some random other stuff.. But I want and like it all..

Colombia is my favorite country !

Thanks everything is cool I am about to head off to the track for my morning run, please do message me on IG if you have any burning questions (deekaydomino), I will follow back and try to answer, or if you want Yea Forums discount on my tr08 when I head up hahah. Goodnight yall

(Old School Adeptus/DK Domino Community college pic related)

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>Lil Debbie is probably the worst woman I have ever met in my entire life
kek. there you have it folks

Thanks for this legendary thread bro

>Lil Debbie is probably the worst woman I have ever met in my entire life.. Just very mean spirited, at least she was in 2011-2012

he really was our guy. here he is asserting his authority of dumb thots

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beautiful soles lads

To be fair he admitted he still talks to Kreay and her and Lil Debbie have some petty beef so we are only getting one side of the story.

boy am i glad i came to Yea Forums at 8 in the morning today

I'm usually not even awake until 3PM then I'm in work til 3 AM so my chances of catching this thread where minuscule.


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>Mykki Blanco
Godamnit I remember that tranny. Wavvy was alright.

Sounds like trash. Cool.

but it's only 5:20 AM


Lil Debbie is probably the worst woman I have ever met in my entire life.. Just very mean spirited, at least she was in 2011-2012
I believe it because she's really hot.

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what are some good beat making software for beginners?

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>Lil Debbie
has she been BLACKED?

Was it thicckino though??



Fl studio has the best free demo. It has almost 100% functionality you just cant save songs but you can still render em. U should down load it right now desu

Just pirate FL studio or Ableton
Youtube has plenty of beginner tutorials

Undoubtedly judging by the way she talks.

The guy who produced the song ya big silly goose

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Id recommend FL because it has the most resources/tutorials for beginners and its easier to learn. Ableton looks like accounting software

Based and redpilled

>Asap rocky
>Joey badass
>Tyler the creator
>Earl Sweatshirt
>Childish Gambino

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holy based

>Childish Gambino

Absolutely incredibly taste.


More of a go hard man myself, probly from arteezy stream

there's also ASAP Ferg

Attached: elle asap ferg.webm (640x1136, 1.13M)

Just go straight to the MPC and hardware, don't listen to these dipshits talking about Fruity Loops. If you really want to make beats, then make them right from the beginning. Don't learn bad habits with junk like FL or Abelton.

Are you daft mate? Hardware is thousands of dollars. He said he has no prior experience

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its great rap is dying

Hardware costs money (you can just crack FL) and people don't want to spend money on a drum machine and later find out they are not into producing music

>MPC and hardware

Your advice is like telling an aspiring filmmaker to make movies with his iPhone.

that is not ferg wtf

it is

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Your advice is like telling someone to travel by horse. Analogue gear is just a meme grandpa

The other posters are right that gear can be pretty expensive. But you can get some cheap starter gear for a couple hundred bucks. Get yourself a drum machine and learn how to sample. Buy a cheap keyboard and teach yourself basic chords. Learn synth and layering, it's very important in modern music production.

I don't doubt that Elle hangs with the asap crew or whatever, but the guy in that previous webm is not ferg

i always wanted to know what all those buttons do?

>only knows how to do basic samples and plug them into his children's toy

>just spend thousands on something you maybe wont even commit to long term
This is horrible advice. It really depends on what ur goals are user and what kind of music you are trying to make.

hardware does not mean 'analogue', just means hardware..

I wish more celebrities would do footslut stuff like this for fans

you can buy really cheap gear from the 90s and 2000s on Craigslist and most VST's and stuff are just trying to recreate that stuff anyways.. doesn't have to be "analogue", for less than 300 dollars you can get some cool groovebox used on CL and you will be way more satisfied, it is more tactile and fun, and you don't get distracted by games

most nigs look the same to me

Are you challenging me to a produce off? Cause i would unironically shrek you. You can sample(steal) melodies from funk records on ur sampler and put them over a shitty mpc beat and ill use a laptop and i bet i get a better result

You can buy a drum machine for $80 and a Yamaha keyboard for about $50. If you're not willing to spend

make trap beats and paul hardcastle type of music


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Is John from Tennessee /ourguy/?

good but then became we wuz tier
no flow

based fellow electribe programmer. i prefer to use the original lineup tho because of the lower sample rate it sounds grittier

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Dude. Why are u advocating for hardware so bad. Thats bad advice to give a beginner. He should try a software demo first and see if its something he wants to pursue before investing time and money in gear.

my dad works at nintendo

you should really work on curbing that casual racism, it's unbecoming

Im not that user, but Im from the bay area and i knew ppl in her circle too. Its really not that hard to believe if your even remotely close to the scene. Its not like she's a millionaire who lives in a mansion.

He's not wrong though. If ur not around em very much it can be hard to distinguish them.

>Paul Hardcastle
Yeah, you're gonna need to learn synth which means you're gonna need to buy some gear, at least a keyboard. I would love to hear how the FL shill thinks you're going to learn synth on a software program.

You can get a Yamaha 61-key beginner for like $90

bad advice telling people to start spending on gear when they are just starting out.. way easier and smarter to just try software and if you like it then you can invest in gear if you want. at the end of the day it just comes to down to preference anyways

Love that one, its my favorite from the older generations, I have owned two, and made battery packs for them, used to sit outside the bart stations connected to a boom box selling CD's, they do sound pretty gritty.. You can buy them for about $100 dollars on craiglist for the guy who thinks hardware costs 1000s of dollars.. I like the esx/emx because they have 8 bars, also higher voicing so i can make the tracks more busy

whats a good software program to do beats like that? i need a program that allows plugins no?

Hardware synth is going to cost at least $1000. You can get virtual synths like helm for free.

Fl studio or ableton. I strongly prefer fl personally. Dont listen to analogue retard. Thats literally the expensive and hard mode route

you can apply this line of thinking to any ethnic group of people so long as you're generally unfamiliar with them, this is a universally observable phenomenon around the word but most people don't readily fling slurs around because of it

are you fy1990s?

I'm just being honest. Same goes for Asians and Mestizos.

what ?!?!?!! can buy good/great sounding hardware synths and grooveboxes for like 100 dollars, u out ur mind

>i guess u could say im calling a spade a spade

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yeah i just picked up the new mpcx and love it and all but i kinda preferred my workflow on the mpc1000 when i was younger, i guess i'd equate that to my preference of the original line of electribes. also dunno if this is OP but i also worked with mykki back in like 11-12 when i lived in BK (i shared a loft with physical therapy). also worked with gucci mane back in '10 lol he was the best.

Post em. I doubt theyre good for any modern production. Unless u were going for shitty sound

>this thread with this many serious replies
lurking and checking out the producers comments was kinda cool but you NorCal niggas are fucking trash lol


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norcal is wack, lame hyphy culture and lame weed

Great thread

How so?
The only thing that made this thread good was a shared geographic based fondness for this music. Lots of anons beong cordial to each other. Doesnt happen often

not him but unironically the electribe series has a really good built in compressor effect that sounds amazing when you run the drums thru it. like i said earlier in the thread i prefer the og em-1 but i've used it for professional production (used it for a doom remix on an ancient white label 12") and used it on a track for a major label band (astral werks / emi) so yeah it works for modern production with the right tweaking

>great sounding hardware synths and grooveboxes
>100 dollars
nah man, quite a bit more
and this with behringer destroying market prices with their releases
for 100€ you can get a pocket operator or half a volca

Jealous socals
All you guys have are vape shops, crossfit gyms and tacos

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I was hoping I'd spot Lil Debbie or Kreayshawn while I was working Rolling Loud LA last year, but no dice.

This thread is cool, definitely worth checking Yea Forums at 3 AM for.

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Ill check it out. How much they go for though? Thanks for well thought out reply and not just rage baiting.

lol yeah it's me I know physical therapy and Gatekeeper, I was hanging out with all the DIS magazine dudes, and DJaying with them, hahah yeah I am really into the new digitone/digitrakt, really similar to the old electribes, with all the same features, but still limited by the 4 bars.. MPC1000 was great, tricked mine out heavily, but sometimes was a chore to just lay down tracks.

lol this is funny af. i like napa and sonoma though, but i'm a wine snob.

over one of the most garbage ass songs I have ever heard.

Jesus christ your a man getting fond over white trash this is embarrassing
>better music
>better sports teams
>better city architecture
>better weed & parties
better bitches too if this thread is anything to go by, just face it NorCal is second rate with a bunch of posers and losers

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Thats what i was thinking. I even second guessed myself and looked it up and even the cheapest models are 400

and yall got piss smelling streets and BART

>generic black name trip code
You need better bait mate

holy shit yeah i know those dudes too, kek. i was roommates with gobby in boston when i was in college 09-11 (i was a berklee kid) and made videos and hella tracks with him, he was my bestie. i'm a civilian now and run a restaurant but i still play keys on indie records from time to time (just got a massive 200$ check from mexican summer lolololol) thanks for the epic thread. we probly know some of the same bay ppl too since i worked in a studio in oakland there like 2009-10ish on and off.

>Santa Barbara county

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>this thread

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Despite the tattoos, they were both cute țbh

ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1311.R1.TR7.TRC0.A0.H0.Xelectribe em.TRS0&_nkw=electribe em-1&_sacat=0


>despite the severe cracks in the foundation and the way it was tilted and sinking into the earth itself, it was a nice house

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I appreciate the effort but hardware will never be for me. Ive been producing for awhile and im locked in on working all in box

That’s really cool they were all done on hardware. Cheers, bro.

thats dope. i guess i learned hardware first so it is better for my workflow personally, i get really distracted when i use logic and end up too much on Yea Forums and/or reading old St. Clair McKelway crime reporting from the 40s/50s.

>its a "one-hit wonder literal who impresses posers with garbage taste in music" episode
how in the fuck has this off topic thread been up for so long

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Kek. I know what u mean

Lad, Gucci Gucci is legit better than most popular hip hop nowdays...god save us all

Its interesting that we were able to get input from the guy who made the song. Doesnt really matter if it was a one hit wonder. How often does that happen? I think its time to refresh ur BLACKED thread on ur other tab.

you don't even like hip hop your opinion is useless

We were gonna book The Eagles for an AMA but they had to cancel last minute

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>gucci gucci is better than this

you all deserve to be shot
it happens all the time if your on Yea Forums in /prod/ or linking up with musicians in your area. I think its time to make another cuck thread faggot your brains turning into mush from sucking too many cocks

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I'm always bumping Gibbs on the way to work, good choices user.

Post 2 examples of it happening in the last year. Ill bet it never happened with a song with 65 million views on youtube

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>Music has to be popular to be enjoyed
Hurr indeed

No one gives a shit about ur little playlist there

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I do but it's slowly fading
Okay well I meant more like pop rap, which is more my speed. I really don't like most trap.

Why do pretentious douchebags like you think rap can only be good if you have a boom bap instrumental and a rapper that sounds like MF DOOM

Youre the one who used the phrase "literal who" and implied you get this all the time on mu with higher profile artists. I asked u to post 2 examples and u couldnt. U are a liar and a fraud user. Now fuck off from our comfy thread

These are me

If you're you and i am me. Then who the hell is that...


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>i cant understand or appreciate lyricism so Ill just call him pretentious
Ok so your a brainlet. Just listen to beats if thats what your here for and let the adults do the talking
But he is a literal who because he isnt noteworthy for anything other than something that happened 10 years ago, plus your also implying that viewcount was the same today as it was 10 years ago. I would argue most of it is artifical growth but hey what do I know there is obviously alot of faggots here

For instance JPEGMafia and XXXtentacion ised to post on Yea Forums before they were big. The former used to post in the SC/bandcamp threads and the latter just spammed. That bitch who made snail mail used to post and Vektroid was here as well. There have been plenty of artists to come straight from Yea Forums you fuckhead thats why im not impressed when this out of date civilian comes by and gets jerked off by literal 18 year olds.

>Ok so your a brainlet
Said the buttplugged anthony fantano watching redditor

You really are a miserable cunt. Producer user didnt start the thread or shill anything. He literally was browsing tv and saw the music video in which he made the beat so he supplied some background info and trivia and some original content in the form of pics. He wasnt shilling or promoting any future projects he just happened to be stopping by and you come in a very comfy thread with your negativity and talk about how shitty the music is and how much better your taste in rap is and how mu is a better board. Go fuck urself.

You sound so self satisfied in all your posts. No one here gives a shit about how cool you think you are. Youre trying way too hard right now for an anonymous board

>this thread

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You're not wrong. You're just an asshole. And none of it matters.

>zoomer tries to fit in
>exposes himself as the zoomer instead

rate ol' deb

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she looks like someones auntie

Pretty hot for a greasy wop. Id fugg her

she look like she got a horse neck

how a kreayshawn/lil Debbie thread lasted this long without turning into a riff raff thread yet is beyond me

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I thought that it was cool. I just think its real corny how all you "males" like this shit tho for a second I thought I was on Yea Forumsmblr
I just gave my opinion whilst browsing the board and seeing this absolute off topic thread get bumped hard. Keep projecting if you feel like it tho
Glad I could make you trash ass faggots seethe like the little vaginas you are, grow up and get some actual taste in music

i should've listened, but curiosity got the best of me

Amazing what makeup can do
Completely ruined the semi i had for this chick

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hey, so were you also Depressed Teenager or was that someone else from the same scene?

Does not even look like the same person. She went from regular white woman to a latina with her makeup

You make a lot of "i" statments for an user board.

I would

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Kino tune and was my first exposure to Lil Debbie as a rapper. TY Jody Highroller

Genuinely shocked the kid isn’t black.

fast approaching the wall

she is a foot slut now and lives off selling her feet

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still waiting for the riff raff reality show

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Already posted hours ago, retard

she has just enough of the downs to barely show it she's just a little mad all the time that miley cyrus stole her shtick.

>Asap rocky
>Joey badass
>Tyler the creator
>Earl Sweatshirt
>Childish Gambino

>Kendrick Lamar
>Death Grips
>Danny Brown
>Das Racist
>Big K.R.I.T.


bitwig studio is king

Non blacks shouldn't say nigga

This thread has it all.

>shit music
>shit women


Lil Debbie >>>

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How blind do you have to be to think that's actually her?

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Looks like Teagan and Sara and I fucking hate Teagan and Sara

holy shit your a pleb m8.

Kill yourself.

bumping this off topic thread

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Mikhalia is so fucking hot, I wonder if we'll ever get an ass shot

back then i'd smash lil debbie but now it's the footslut

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best post


oh god


>Natassia Zolot was born on September 24, 1989, in San Francisco. She has Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry from Russia on her mother's side.

I liked them all for different reasons


>Kreayshawn performed in the hip hop group the White Girl Mob (WGM). The group included her friends V-Nasty and Lil Debbie
>White Girl Mob
>has Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

This sounds like rap from the 90's. Zoomers are fucking stupid if they think this sounds like a 2018 song.

Debbie moved on to dubstep electronic music and is all the better for it

Well a lot of rap today has been going back to the 90s so they're not really wrong

t. actual zoomers. it doesn't sound like the 90s at all. it sounds exactly like when it was made. the 90s sounded like Biggie and Tupac and G Funk. and later it was Puff Daddy and Jay Z. that's what 90s rap sounded like

I'm not saying that song sounds like 90s at all. I said that today, in the year of our lord 2019 rap music is starting to get influenced by 90s rap since 90s are back in fashion now

>rap music is starting to get influenced by 90s rap
like what, for example?