Who watches married at first sight?

Who watches married at first sight?

is Billy an example of a millennial who has been lied to about masculinity and treating women?

do women really like a little toxic masculinity in their men?


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are heterosexuals really like this?

disgusting eyelashes

>do women really like a little toxic masculinity in their men?
Yes. That's why it exists and always has. Numales are a new phenomenon and aren't as successful with women.

the absolute state of western females

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Lel. Dunno what context I'm missing, but this clip makes her seem like a bitch.

Who thought this was a good idea. It's the worst aspects of marriage rolled into a single show, why?

Because it's fun to watch trainwrecks.

She's quite ugly in general.


get a load of this

lol imagine the controversy if one of the dudes was talking about one of the girls like that.

she is 25 and a single mother too lol.

really talk, why does every girl seem to have tattoos these days? I think on this show alone it seems to be only the Greek girl Martha who doesn't have tatts

I thought billy was a sort of /ourguy/ until i watched about ten minutes of him after the actual wedding and christ he's a fucking beta orbiter fuckhead. Either that or gay - i know irl a fucking gay guy who went on one of these shows (he wasn't out then maybe not even to himself) and was pretty much similar character to billy and was matched with a slightly meeker verison of this exact same chick.
Anyway look at the bio of Billy - single mother since day 1. so if he's not gay it's this.
If anyone hasn't seen him look up his bits on the youtube channel he's a fucking unbelivable sperg especially since he has chad face. It's funny to see all the homely biddies commenting "she's a bitch he's lovely". Dummies if you told him you hate it and to stop a hunred times you wouldn't think it was so sweet that he simply could not listen to you and obviously just sees you as the best prize/beard he could ever get

it's just an accessory like people are mad as if she's trying to pass them off as real but that's not how they work. it's just like if she chose to wear a hat or something

>inb4 roastie
no just can't believe this beta fuckhead and seen it before with irl awkward faggot

why would a man like this marry a single mom?

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fake lips bad

>she is 25 and a single mother too lol.
are you sure you're not mixing up Billy's chick with this chick. There's two different blondes. I don't think this succubus one has a kid?

He seems afraid. Like he doesn't have enough experience with women (or life) to know what he really wants, or who he is.

you guys would also like the fucking classic Indian PUA creep that's on this show. He's so familiar from the other ones i've encountered - all the calculated scheming going ten steps ahead and rehearsed but given the change to actually stick it in, pike out because the girl actually being into it is too confronting and counfounding lol.
>it would be much more ideal if she would be asleep or in some other way rendered passive
not that i can't relate

how come the guys are high 8's and the girls barely pass 7?

all the guys have great faces and bodies but seem to have awful personalities

and the women have great bodies and discount faces

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>do women really like a little toxic masculinity in their men?
they dont like an irritating incel creeping on them, so please dont try any "alpha" moves

>tfw your face is exactly like his but ruined by a ugly Jew nose and glasses

I watch it with my wife, it's trashy and fun. Sometimes i fuck her while we watch it

>guys are all either personal trainers, strippers or tradies with perfect physiques
>girls are all fat botoxed roasties
>token virgin "incel" is a handsome bodybuilder

>Who watches married at first sight?
Yes because it is mostly all we have left for entertainment on TV here. It's all fictional.
>the absolute state of western females
It's not all women but most are thots who want nothing more than their 5 minutes of fame on Instagram or MAFS.

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Because any honestly good-looking women who wasn't completely insane or damaged would not be so desperate as to go on the show.

A woman doesn't want a good-looking guy as a husband. She wants a stable guy to pretoct and serve her and her child she conceived with the hot guy. That's why there's so many handsome single guys. Most of them have good/decent personalities, but the show edits them out becuse they aren't a source of drama. They focus on the fuckwits.

>he's not the man i would normally go for i would normally go for the bad boys but that never works out

Every single fucking time. White women are born with brain damage

He's socially retarded. Reminds me of myself

>botoxed roasties
because that's what tradies like. these type of guys don't even know or care the lips are a bizarre level of trashiness that looks like injury - all these guys will be saying to each other about this crop is
>mate look at those farkin dee ess ells! Jackpot ayy?

Everybody is born with brain damage. Kids are stupid and wicked.
It's just that some people double-down while others recover. Then some think they're rocovering but they've been swindled into quadrupling-down.

How the fuck do people this vain exist? The women are self important cunts and the guys are complete idiots for putting up with it. It's such an unhealthy relationship dynamic, who the fuck would ever wish that upon themselves?

This is literally and unironically how the average relationship in Australia works.

Every day I find more reasons to be thankful that I'm gay
having a best friend who you fuck is the ideal relationship, is that even attainable for hets or is the transactional relationship culture too deeply engrained?

I can't say for anywhere else, but Het relationships in Australia are beyond repair.

imagine watching this show without an external commentary pointing out how shit it is
I sure can't

i don't know what this guy says but if you can't do that commentary in your own head, you're an unfunny sheep

they look like they fuck black men

just say normal, you poofs

Is that why you fuckers shitpost so hard?

Among other things, yes. Our shitposting is just escapism from how miserable our lives are.

het is quicker to type, I'm being efficient

Who was your mafs waifu this year?

normally I don't like overly made women but this bitch got me interested......then I saw she had a fat bitch body lol

like wtf, at first I didn't get what Sam was saying during the wedding when he said he doesn't normally go for fatter girls (which pissed everyone off) then I saw her Instagram pics

it's so damn weird cos her face looks like it belongs to an ectomorph.

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Can anyone explain to me how to get a girlfriend? Because I don't fucking understand women whatsoever.

yeah i though her body made no fuckin sense until they said she has some mysterious health problem and was in hostpital for a week during the show - so i think she's largely bloated with water rather than fat so much but it's not like her an ass that wide is made of water. it explains the puffy arms though

I'm more of a Farmer Wants a Wife kind of guy

>go through comment section of literally any video related to women
>roasties getting called out literally every time

Okay, this is based

Filipino here

why do white guys find this tier of Filipino girl attractive? this dark skinned jungle monkey would literally be considered the low tier katulong of society (the help/maids/slaves)

but here they are getting attention from white guys left and right, now thinking that they are all that and inflating their egos

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>Fillipino here

Are you a trap?

she cankles too. it's weird, she looks like she should be lanky but them is a triangle blob

h'aww mah gaawd why duzz shee tawk like a leb uleh?

Is that a thing for fillipinos?

It is exotic and rare.

Yeah fillipino men have genetically very feminine bodies, makes my dick hard

i really don't know what's going on with this chick. like we've established the women are all slags (i suggest because it's what tradie/working class guys like)
but she's just like... wtf. that makeup she uses has no excuse unless she's covering some kind of serious disease.
on the other hand maybe this is the type of asian that tradies like.
yeah i dunno man i'm white australian but seeing her makes me feel uncomfortable because i too can tell she's a maid-back-home.
if her face didn't let you know there's her always manner lol

>tfw have a fillipino bf

i told you it's not her actual bodyshape it's this

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yeah Billy's chick is the single mother, they are the couple in the OP

I'm a white guy and I hate Filipino women. Some of the dumbest, most self centered people on the planet.

>i suggest because it's what tradie/working class guys like
Yes, and it is also what the media want to propagate what the normal everyday Australian woman is like and they're not that far off at that tbqh

>why do white guys find this tier of Filipino girl attractive?
we don't tbqh

Share his nudes with me (I'll keep em to myself don't worry)

he's got a below average dick that he's insecure about (but it's not that bad, like 5in or a little less) and he's cut for some reason even though it's australia and circumcision rates are really low, I haven't asked about it because I don't want him to feel bad and he already feels insecure

They look more exotic to us. The "top shelf" girls in other countries are usually the ones that emulate whites the best, and to us they just look like low rent versions of what we already have. 10's obviously exist but there's weird looking ones in both camps.

mafs has your trap needs covered

seriously though, how would you feel if you were paired up with this 32 year old single mother of 4 who looks like a Thai tranny but talks like a complete bogan

felt bad for the guy. don't think he had any real baggage either, like no ex wife or kids. just some dude who spent most of his life in the military

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>circumcision rates are really low
They're actually high compared to Europeans

MAFS is literally WWE for 60 year old women

i was suprised to find out that this is season 5. i've now seen some of season 1 and it's more like an experiment and less sensational. there was only like 3 couples. two girls from past shows do a discussion on the mafs youtube channel. they are way less clownish than the current crop. they are still too crude and lewd for my taste but most aussie women are exactly like that.

Bro I am not gay, I don't care about his dick. I want to see his feminine thighs.

most guys i know from the military sought out and married women like this. He'll be right. If you want to say someone got fucked over it's the chick who has to kiss the indian pua magician

The fuck is that shit, that guy could get so much better

Australia's in a weird place where about 50 years ago circumcision rates were america tier high (since it was introduced as a new trend or some shit), but in the current year the circumcision rate of newborns has dropped all the way to around 4%. So as a total population it's still in the 20/30% range but that's mainly due to old men, and I'd wager that for people my age in their 20s the rate is about 10%

>this is considered "hot" in Australia

Jesus christ, no wonder its so fucking hard to find a GF here in Australia. All the women here are fucking DISGUSTING.

Shes a literal fucking rat bogan cunt, and even this rat bogan cunt CHEATED on the 6'4 MULTI MILLIONAIRE WHOSE ALSO JACKED.


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The MAFS producers have sold out shamelessly, it's no longer strictly about arranged 'marriage' experiments, it's about shoving in as much DRAMA and contrived controversy as possible.
>they are still too crude and lewd for my taste but most aussie women are exactly like that.
Yep, they pretty much represent Australian women perfectly. I remember when you could find a wholesome pleasant Australian woman... obviously that was quite some years ago.

real talk, she the type of girl if she was in our family would be telling her to use whitening soap or use vinegar in the shower to lighten her skin. or say she is so black because her mum drank too much coke while pregnant with her

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Wow, I did not know this. Interesting.
>tfw 24 and a cutfag

Did you ever ask your parents why they did it?

>indian pua magician
lmao I don't watch the show. can you give me a rundown on this guy?

did he get paired up with a white girl

that's too much make-ahhh! don't kill me Mayan shaman! how did i get in the movie apocalypto?


how is a man a barista still at 29? but looks of it, it doesn't seem like he is the one who even owns the cafe

This is the case in the majority of western countries though. Women have become irredeemable. Every day before I go to sleep I pray to god 'Please, let me be gay' because I'd rather be with a man, I am just not sexually attracted to them.

Yeah, my mum said that cut ones are easier to keep clean and that she prefers how cut ones look. I don't know why she'd be interested in how my dick looks, but whatever

How are all these guys on this show so blue-pilled?

Some of them are actually legitimately successful in real life with career/money and yet they're so fucking unaware its insane.

Blows my mind how a guy even gets successful now-days without even knowing modern female behavior/nature.

It just makes no sense to me.

Thats all just cope. Shes cope'ing for having your dick mutilated.

the absolute dumbest of the meme arguments

It was her choice to give me the snip, afaik my dad didn't care either way

Yeah, maybe, doesn't matter much now

>when he sees me I want him to think yeah I'd totally root her

why again was she acting full of herself like he was trashy cos of his eyebrow ring and that she was upper class when she says shit like that as well has having tattoos across both collar bones.

So why doesn't she get her roastie cut off? Easier to keep clean...looks better...


Australian normie men are dumb as rocks

>tfw my sister doesn't want to circumcise her son even though I'm offering to pay for it

the thing is i hardly even know his story specifics i could just tell as soon as i saw him what exactly what type of guy he was, i've seen so many of these. Indian guys, in white countries deeply insecure, do all these remediations to try to make themselves so cool or strong or rich that they will pull a white girl. because it's still only about their self esteem and they don't even like white women they don't ever self reflect or change their personality to one that isn't "patrick bateman with fanny fright" so it doesn't work and behind their practiced smile they are very deeply angry.
This guy is pretty muscley, was a male stripper and is now a "meditation instructor". spouts new age shit and "i had a dream about the indian god shiva, that tells me our hearts will fall into alignment" trying to play this exotic mysticism card but this chick is not that type of woman. she's like
>Are you speaking fucking English or something else? It's 8 in the fuckin morning

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>Everybody is born with brain
Posting on Yea Forums is proof of that.

You should be fucking angry at your dad. He should have known that circumsion is a human rights breach.

i wouldn't let a woman cut my hair because what the fuck do they know about how a man's hair work. This cuck let a woman decide how is dick is based on her fucking no experience of dicks lmao

Successful men don’t spend time reading and researching gender relations, sociology and politics. They’re normie guys who have always had a lay at their finger tips, they’ve never had to deal with that stuff. It’s not normally until they get divorce raped, that’s when they learn, but even then sometimes they don’t.

My uncle is a rich guy, and he’s been divorce raped twice and he still moves onto the next leech without caring. He’s so far blue pilled he isn’t capable of being red pilled.

jesus christ
this is straight out of a Chekhov play

how do you know what's in their mind? you're taking their reality show edited/reshot comments with no salt

I unironically wanna fuck her

Because they're guys who are tall, look good, have money, and still get paired up with bogan rat lower class whores who've had 500 dicks, who even brag about having taken such 500 dicks on national television.

>cut ones are easier to keep clean
This fuckin meme again...

We have to be careful about the term "toxic masculinity." It's sufficiently vague that it could mean anything that the person using it wants it to mean. Sort of like another boxing glove to pair with feminism, which is a term so nebulous that often you can't find two feminists who agree what it should and should not cover.

Is supporting a sports team toxic masculinity? How about owning a muscle car, or knowing a lot about computers?

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>no blacks

Based show

You need to put her in line, Hershel

>sports team
>muscle car
Nerd gay shit lol loser tier

who the fuck are you talking to? do you think OP used it in an unironically progressive sense? how did you get here?

some of them are casually talking about having sex the night of the wedding where they first met

is it normal to do this?

He's an obvious poof with no physical attraction to her whatsoever while she's been practically creaming herself trying to interest him, it's all over after his recording her conversation stunt

To the standard Australian mindset, yes.

>after his recording her conversation stunt
lol what happened? what's this indian cunt look like

>ywn have a psycho 5ft Filipino go super saiyan on gossip bitches

the fact you think the indian guy is gay is interesting to me. Are you seeing-and-raising my assessment (typical indian) or have you not come across this type. i can see how it would seem gay because they aren't interested in actually fucking the woman. But it's just their status quest overrides their desire to pursue what would natural be sexually appealing to them which is passively pressuring /raping a small indian woman

They wouldn't dare show red pilled guys on 9

>tfw a used up roastie will never complain about 'chust issues' while i do literally nothing wrong

among a group of women yes, just as much as among a group of men (not the kind of men that i went to school with, but typical ones)


I'm gay myself so maybe that's colouring my perception but it's obvious to me that he has no physical attraction whatsoever to her despite everything she's thrown at him but yet still wants to carry on the relationship without actually realising that what he did might be pissing her off screams out gay to me, that with his former job being a stripper

>"Dickhead Dean" became a born-again Christian and is now a vocal supporter of animal rights

>Babe, like, I don't know what to do

She bitched about him to her sister while he pretended to be asleep and recorded the conversation, picture related

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maybe - there was the whole thing where every other man there was telling him "slam her, slam her" and he's like "uhhh baby steps, baby steps" that could be gay but it also was so painfully familiar from just guys who talk a big game, work on their appearance, but because it's all about ego (wanting to be wanted - like a woman) the actual fuck is not the point and also scary. rather have a woman say woah then tell her "sorry ho", go home and jerk off. But maybe...being like that is colouring my perception.
Do you think Billy is gay. I said earlier i know someone who went on a dating show playing straight whos gay so i know it happens

If he was actually straight the whole thing wouldn't put him off so much, its been more than a month and they still haven't done anything, no one sits that long let alone with someone that they're "married" to

I actually don't think Billy is gay, I think he's just a goober who respects wahmen too much

being a total shut in internet addict has at least paid off in that i managed to pick up that women are clued up on "nice guys" actually being creeps. Billy you should have lurked more

I don't get it either, I suppose they're "attainable"

all asian women are attainable to a white man, so no not that.

If a guy acted the way Cyrell does it would be considered full blown domestic violence

probably the gayest thread this year, well done fags

yeah yeah, blah blah

is it really that common for girls in their 20s and early 30s to get all botoxed up and have other plastic surgery work done? literally all the girls on this show look like they have swollen lips

makes the oldest bitch on the show look like the the hottest just cos she is at least natty

forgot pic

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the hotter they are, the more they like it because they're so used to most men bending over backwards for them, that when an asshole comes along and gives them shit - they fall in love almost instantly

it's a trend it will go. we've all made fashion mistakes especially if everyone else is doing it

Abo here. Unless Ray Martin or Daryl Somers is part of the deal, you'll never see a blackfella on these shows!

Probably raised by single moms.

you did a very good assessment of the guy, but I've also known several indian guys exactly like that who have come out of the closet

This show just reaffirms my belief that Australian working class people are scum. Uneducated, ignorant and proud of it. Aussie white bogan women in particular are awful, every one of them on this show is a narcissistic cunt. This show obviously cherry picks too, most Aussie women are fat as fuck and act like entitled bitches.

they seem like the type of girl youd run into while sailing and theyll carry your babies and raise them as the true leaders of your village.

they literally choose awful people because thats what brings in the ratings and of course they won't have fat or ugly girls since other women want to hate and stereotype the bitchy hot women.

I absolutely love shows like this, Ex on the Beach, etc. just to observe human mating behavior. One of my guilty pleasures. Thanks for posting this.

You know, talk like that would get a woman slapped not too long ago. The best you can do in 2019 is tell her to leave you alone, maybe throw her a fuck you if you're really pissed. But then again these people are stuck together because of a show. Must be incredibly frustrating.

Based abo

based and redpilled

Yes. It is normal for women to try and be more attractive than they actually are. Just like it's normal for men to go for the most attractive women.

>balloon lips
>more attractive

Right now, Yes, they are. Your individual opinion does not count. Most men will say the woman is beautiful and try to date/marry her.

because i want a dirty jungle monkey cock sleeve maid maybe?

They look stupid

Please don't be such a faggot, it's embarrassing for the rest of us

Kill yourself faggot scum

You flips are borderline racist towards each other.

He looks like a manlet.

fucking Australians