What the fuck were the writers thinking?

What the fuck were the writers thinking?

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Jery get ipad

The finale was shit. This has basically been acknowledged by Larry and co with their comments in Curb. Ending something like Seinfeld is always going to be tough; Seinfeld wasn't just a show, it was an absolute phenomenon at the time.
It and Puerto Rican Day are still the only shit episodes though.

Woah...... Get this guy on the phone with Larry David now

Name one good comedic finale that's not sentimental (Seinfeld ain't about that). You wouldn't have liked it no matter what it was. What they were thinking was it would be funny to turn the show on the viewer and make you realize these guys were super assholes the whole time, and they also wanted the nostalgia of a clip show without a clip show. The only way they thought to achieve these goals was via the trial. Name two better ideas for a finale.

Jerry gets gassed.

>Name two better ideas for a finale
just a regular episode. or maybe a 2 parter/hourlong. the finale is dreck and larry should be embarrassed

Maybe go full-on "A Nice Place to Visit." You know, they get in a car wreck but walk away from it and return to their lives. They come to realize that they're actually dead and in Hell, but it's not any different from their lives.

>just a regular episode.
That wouldn't work for a finale

>or maybe a 2 parter/hourlong
That's what this was.

>That wouldn't work for a finale
that's the point. it would be just another episode, but the last one
>That's what this was.
i mean a 2 part normal episode

That those evil Jews should pay for all they had done

OK so propose a plot then. I'm all ears.

Based finale was kino

jery get iphone

The Futurama finale Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings which also has a sentimental ending is a funny comedy episode in itself and one of the best episodes of the show. Very glad that they never brought it back after that.

Larry came back after a two-year hiatus and tried to be edgy because he doesn't like sentimentality or tradition. Jerry was checked out by then and didn't really care. Larry thought he had a good idea about how to bring back all the characters from his years.

The writers from the last season or two probably had zero input, which isn't necessarily a bad thing since they gave us a lot of dogshit episodes like the Frogger and the one where Jerry buys a car for an entire episode.

The finale was genius, what better way to regather of all the people they had got the best of over the years and receive their comeuppance

>dogshit episodes like the Frogger and the one where Jerry buys a car for an entire episode

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Them getting into jail isn't a bad idea, but they didn't even build on it. 50% of the episode was just "look at all the cameos from all these people that were once in an episode or two".


after all these years, i have finally become seinfeld

The finale was shit. The whole main cast confirm this. And it started good until the trial, but then...
>oh look SOUP NAZI came back
>oh look BUBBLE BOY rememba dis episode? We showed you in the clip show before

Not that guy but after a near death experience Jerry decides that he needs to make some growth and change in his life so on a whim he proposes to Elaine and she agrees.
However at the engagement party as other guests and former lovers regale their past experiences with the two both begin to have doubts. Eventually they call it off that night to the chagrin of everyone involved.
The next day at the coffee shop Jerry is discussing the failed engagement and his disappointment at his lack of growth, George tells him that growth is overrated. Kramer joins them before Elaine enters. Jerry and her both try and discuss the failed relationship by tip toeing around it until eventually they begin mocking a nearby man and bond over it. They go over to the booth to rejoin George and Kramer as George is telling Kramer his theory about how growth is overrated and there's nothing wrong with staying the same.
As Jerry sits down he points out the button on George's shirt. They begin to have the same discussion from the start of the series at which point George wonders if they haven't had this conversation before. Jerry says, "who cares?" to which George thinks for a moment, shrugs and then they keep on discussing asinine minutiae as the camera pulls back and slowly fades out.

>Very glad that they never brought it back after that.
user, I--

I would think a good comedic fable would be them resolving a big issue only to have things go back to the ussual antics Jerry pigeon holing things, George complaining about shit, Kramer sliding in the camera panning out Jerry's window.

It would have worked the same way without an actual clip show and the jail plot.

Elaine's new boyfriend is a hugely successful television executive who decides to fund Jerry and George's pilot. Kramer manages to impress him with an invention and gets a huge investment deal for millions. Everybody is on the path to success with Elaine finally in a perfect relationship, Jerry and George getting their show and Kramer genuinely earning a huge amount of cash.

Instead of a clip show, old characters pop up here and there to remind them of the past, making them feel like they're finally learning from their mistakes.

Only in the last ten minutes does everything go to total shit. Kramer's invention backfires horribly, which in turn gets Elaine's executive boyfriend fired. The investment is off, the relationship is off, the show is off, and yet another life is trampled on by the Seinfeld four. He publicly chastises them at the coffee shop, leaving them broken and silent. That's when the button conversation starts, and it becomes clear that nothing has changed and they'll all be fine.

they never did anything really wrong

not even morally wrong except the last thing with the mugging

>not liking kramer’s Thelma and Louise subplot and TWIIIIIIIIIIX

the absolute state of this board

i hope none of you get the opportunity to write for film or television

this. it was a good concept that was poorly executed. also elaine almost telling jerry she loved him in the airplane totally goes against the show's philosophy.

>just a regular episode.
This really is how they should have ended. By the last season, though, they were so high up on their own hype. Episodes like The Betrayal were a clear sign of this (and The Betrayal was such garbage, too). In their minds, the last episode had to be a big deal because Seinfeld was a big deal. Thing is, that's not what the show was about for eight seasons. They really should have ended it with a normal episode.
Something like this is pretty good.

>t. larry
it was an embarrassing pseudo clip show
>hey guys remember the low talker? and when teri hatcher said that line?

getting a sopranos vibe from this

In what way?

I can't quite explain it but the characters all letting go and simply carrying on really reminds me of Tony playing Journey in the diner.

Everything about the finale as far as the plot is concerned is garbage.
>Celebrating in Paris for some reason
>The plane not crashing
>Good Samaritan Laws
>Essentially a Clip Show, with every great line being brought back out again, but not as great.
>Elaine using her one phone call to call back the woman she was talking to in part 1 wtf?
>Jerry not calling NBC using his one call, not even calling them when they land in court in the first place.
All this garbage doesn't matter, when it has the greatest joke of the entire series. When George and Jerry retread the same conversation they had in the first scene of the series, showing they have run out of inane things to talk about. The crux of the show and Jerry's career is observational humor, and when you can't find anything new to observe, you're done for.
These guys get it, cliched shit like Weddings or them fucking up the Pilot don't matter. It's all about the button.

found the offended puerto rican

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she didnt
she what about to say i always loved united airlines

>Name one good comedic finale that's not sentimental
two and a half men

Everybody knew they were assholes and/or socially inept way before the ending. That was part of the appeal.

a better idea was newman killing everyone like it was supposed to be

I prefer the reboot

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You mean the last episode before Sheen got fired, or did you actually continue to watch that shit with Ashton fucking Kutcher?

>Name two better ideas for a finale.
Anything other than a glorified clip show

>That Kramer and George
I'd watch it.

they should've just had an episode where they wear dress up crudely like elderly versions of their characters. then we see 'em all in a retirement home or some shit, and how it all panned out.
if you're so desperate for a clip-show without a clip show, they could just be old and sitting around a couch. and back and forth they're like "'member that time".
even if they had some shenanigans go on in the elderly home that directly referenced the older episodes...like the soup nazi works in the cafeteria.
i'm a nobody, and my idea is already 10x better than "the finale is a bottle episode in jail/court, and they literally recount old times as a defense case".

Only dumb faggots dislike the finale.

>George follows up his toilet finding app with a gloryhole finding ap

>Jerry calls an Uber
>Kramer pulls up
>In Jerrys car

>Elaine discovers her new boyfriend previously dated Kramer

>Kramer discovers /pol/

>George considers dating a trans-woman to increase his chances of success
>But then he worries people will think he's gay
>But then he worries people will think he's homophobic if he doesn't

Lol are you actually mentally challenged? The finale and the puerto rican day are two of the greatest pieces of entertainment ever to be broadcast

t. salty spic

>that Elaine
I’d fuck her.

why did he spit out the mutton?

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Why did most of those people even travel to Massachusetts to testify against some dumb fucks they once knew for some really dumb shit?

>He thought that my boobs were fake
>He had a contest with his friends over who could last the longest without masturbating
>I once caught this guy peeing on a parking lot
>This guy was once dressed like a pimp