This is bullshit! You take a game of skill and make it just about luck? How bout I make up my own fuckin rules...

>This is bullshit! You take a game of skill and make it just about luck? How bout I make up my own fuckin rules? How bout every time I land on one of my properties I get $100? How bout that?

Who was in the wrong here?

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>Game of skill

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This interaction infuriates me. I find myself in situations like this all the time, where normies have nonsensicals rules to social interactions or double standards but if I point it out like I'm the asshole. Like the other day my friends we're supposed to go see a movie and they decided to go eat instead because one guy was hungry. But then the next time we hung out I said I was hungry but they wouldn't cancel their plans for me. And when I point out the double standard they act like I'm just a whiner instead of them being inconsistent pricks for one guy but not for me.

Thanks for reading my blog.

my friends and family agree upon rules before each game and we almost always go with what the host wants

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they probably like that guy (or at the very least, find him more bearable) more than you

It is
I've never lost, because I know the perfect strategy

Fuck off

stop hanging out with them? they obviously don't want you

Shit like that happens all the time. Bobby was completely right and Tony just mockingly goes

>hOw BoUt dAt? hOw BoUt dAt?

and it's somehow over. If I'm Bobby I'm seething over that shit.

may have been what actually got the punch ready

The free parking rule is fucking stupid, but Monopoly is stupid too, so whatever. It basically boils down to who is lucky enough to get a set of properties first and if the other players are lucky enough to avoid those properties while getting their own set, and then it's just luck of the dice for who lands on each others set before bankrupting. There is no real strategy outside of basic rules like trying to stay in jail late in the game and so on.

Funnyjunk existed before 4chin

The free parking rule isn't actually an official rule in monopoly. For whatever bizarre reason the rules people actually play by have shifted over the years, most of which actually make the game much worse. Monopoly seems like it's sole purpose is to cause arguments.

I find when people complain about Monopoly taking forever, they usually have stupid in-house rules like:

>All money lost from chance/cc cards goes into the middle
>Landing on free parking gives you this cash/$500
>Landing directly on GO gives you double money
>You can't collect rent while in Jail
>There's no house/hotel limit

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It's a house rule, yeah I know. But pretty much everybody who isn't an autist thinks it is an actual rule for some reason.

I never played Monopoly, my family was a Risk household

Games like monopoly and uno have seriously been ruined by house rules.

I wish my family was like but I also don't. We'd always never finish the monopoly game, leave it out overnight, and then never touch it again. There would've been no way we would've ever finished risk.
>tfw finished one monopoly game ever and it was a 1v1 with your sister

Risk is so hilariously dumb, I love it.
Probably had the best time playing Cluedo as a kid. Balderdash is probably my favorite board game, if you've never played that give it a go with a few friends, especially creative ones.

Stupid fucking game

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>Like the other day my friends we're supposed to go see a movie and they decided to go eat instead because one guy was hungry.
This same shit happened to me when were all supposed to go swimming at this lake 10 miles out of town.
I show up, wait for them, and get a text like 20 minutes later telling "user, we stopped to get something to eat because Calvin was hungry bro. We'll go swimming next weekend at the lake in town instead."
Fucking pieces of shit.
Stopped hanging out with them because they kept pulling this shit every other time we had plans.

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Monopoly sucks. The official rule where if you land on an unowned property and choose not to buy it, all the others players enter an auction to buy it is a terrible mechanic.

Never heard of that lel

Literally every single time my family has played monopoly there has been an argument and someone has rage quit.

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Why is it terrible? Keeps the game flowing and creates insentive to buy what you land on, or else someone else may get a better deal for it.

That’s because they value him more than you. I accepted long ago that I was the least liked member of my group of friends. Nobody ever wants to do anything with me one on one.

I hate playing games like Monopoly and Risk. They take far too long.

I’m more of the Coup sorta guy, it’s fun and each game lasts only 5 mins.

He's his boss in the fucking Mafia.
It just makes the game twice as long.