This movie made me uncomfortable for 90 minutes

this movie made me uncomfortable for 90 minutes

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You could have just gone to the bathroom, you wouldn’t have missed anything.

every interaction she had made me cringe

That's what made it great. The ending was perfect.

Kinda the point

Only in a world of marvel and sjw wars this can pass off as 'great'

how come?

visual/mental stimulation+rhythmical thrusting

>pool party gift
>telling popular girls off after graduation
>trying to fit in with the high school kids at the mall
>phone charger
>under desk bragging about nude pics
>ending with spaz kid
this is legitimately the first film to show what being a teenager is really like for the majority of people

I related to this movie far too much despite being 9 years older than the protagonist, and male, and Australian.

> replace socali media addiction with Yea Forums and BZpower with Facebook coming in later
> replace almost-rape in back seat of car with actually being forced to wank a guy off and finger his butthole because he wouldn’t take no for an answerI was 10 he was 14, like in the movie, the worst part is being apologetic afterwards because you feel like you should have done more
> replace making a dorky friend at the end with still having no friends through high school, into uni, and beyond. Any kinda friends made along the way disapere as soon as your not forced to sit next to them in class.

This movie even made my mum cry, and she thinks I have a normal social life because I lie about catching up with people and how often I go out.

Is this why aussies shitpost so much; from carrying the biggest weights?

lol faggot

the almost rape scene in the car was pretty out of character for the film, but im glad it was in the film

Shut the fuck up, faggot. You literally hate everything. Seriously, just end it and put yourself out of your self imposed misery.

Wow, this was a GREAT comeback! Fucking haters.

What are some other great films, fellow cinephile? Black Panther, Mandy, Leave No trace, Spiderverse are some totally epic ones I remember from last year :)

>bo burnham first feature
>OP's pic related
>rlm nth feature film
>pic related

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I know that the kid that played Gabe was probably just playing himself but he was pretty realistic

elsie fisher > chloe moretz

I don't have a vagina so I haven't seen it.

Did they?

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Looks like a bitch. He's no Andy Muschietti.

Eighth grade made me uncomfortable for two semesters.

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>being forced to wank a guy off and finger his butthole because he wouldn’t take no for an answerI was 10 he was 14, like in the movie,

grab him by the balls. refuse to let go, no matter what he says or does. if he hits you, squeeze tighter. if he refuses to give you all of his money, squeeze tighter.

I wish I was in the 8th grade.

is this really american 8th grade? how is 5th - 7th?