now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on SOA, Yea Forums?
Now that the dust has settled, what's the verdict on SOA, Yea Forums?
It was a joke
I'm a biker and that show is 100% bikerkino and is mostly true
btw I'm 15
I have heard this
The Shield is better
a Hell's Angels member called it a "soap opera"
>"They made you...'suck'? Jayzus Chroist, Davey-boy....'
I feel no sympathy for the characters. The drama was good though.
It was good in the beginning. But just like 'The Shield' it was bound by certain rules that held it back. The plot twists got really tiresome at the end. Had it been on HBO and with another writer or creator it would have been better.
It's also why 'Breaking Bad' can never be a goat show for me. Too many restrictions.
My friend sold me on it by telling me the premise: ' A high school chemic teacher gets cancer and turns into a meth cook so he can provide his wife and child with some money after he dies'. Really? That's fucking great. And then you watch it and it's basically soap shit and walter crying and stupid plot twists. Them having that stupid camera toy (where they can put it inside stuff) and flaunting it every chance they got was really annoying too. Felt like high school students experimenting with ideas. There's only one GOAT show and that's the Wire. Deadwood was slipping in the third season, but it still stands.
First season was a solid 7/10 everything after that is complete trash. It had so much potential. They should have kept it small time realistic bike shit instead of SOA overthrowing Mexican cartels and murdering FBI agents or whatever dumbshit they did.
Not fair since The Shield is like TOP5 ever
For me it's solid 7/10, nothing that will change your world but hardly wasted time.
>yo lil donnie
I never felt restraint by the rules of The Shield in the story they could tell. I just don-t think Sons was as interesting as it could have been.
Great characters, great setup, but the pull just wasnt fully there. Seasons 1 and 2 were cool though.
It reminds me of Weeds in a way. Definitely a much more interesting show in there by the end of Season 1 than what we happened to get. A different treatment of Sons could have been fitting, something more than 'we got a war with the aztecs again man!'
of course, these shows are what they are, I can't fault it or anyone, first two seasons were solid, it just didnt have legs for anything beyond itself.
the shield though, christ. phenomenal character studies on top of the action. It would have been interesting to see what it woudl have become on hbo instead of fx, but it was so fucking good anyway I almost dont care.
come on Yea Forums we gotta reach out to /g/ to run shitposts and JAV to Yea Forums
garbage that would've been better if Donal Logue killed over half of them before dying and forcing Jax to decide to leave the life for his keeds
Honestly I wish I'd never watched it, or at least stopped after a few seasons.
It was good, but it dragged on for too long. Tara was a tragedy, but not a good one. A really really fucking annoying one. And pretty much all of the last two seasons annoyed me. Especially Gemma
The ending of the second season with them around the money and 'I will overcome' was the peak for me.
Gemma was overused and annoying as shit by the end for sure. I dropped it the moment she killed Tara, as it happened right at the moment when things look like they might work out. Got sick of the writers doing that and I agree with the sentiment that it became like a soap opera.
I feel like I was raped too
>I dropped it the moment she killed Tara
The scene was kino tho
it's the most watched FX show of all time. which makes me think there's too many white trash in america. fx could have literally keep that shit going and it would get even better views.
Peaked at season 4 imo
But turns out Klay was carrying the series hard. I just finished season 6 and it's got unwatchable at this point.
Why are women like this?
>cue Katey Sagal cover song
As a comedy it’s fantastic.
I don't know why it's not a problem for any other FX shows about rough people but in this one it gets really hard to ignore how to stupid it sounds trying to depict outlaw bikers that can't say the word "fuck" or be around topless women. It was often unintentionally hilarious and I loved watching later seasons with Yea Forums.
First season okay. All the rest of the seasons suck ass.
Plus has faggot ass YO LIL DONNIE actor which makes watching it unbearable now.
It was shit and summed up the problem with SoA; its full on soap opera shock tactic schlock that got ramped up to more and more absurd levels every time it was used.
>first couple of seasons: oh we've sorted shit out between the club and the Mayans so let's bring in the fbi and the IRA as big baddies
>oh we've provided a route for the club to take that would ensure they could maximise legit business and keep out of prison LOL nope crazy FBI woman frames Gemma for murder AND Irishman steals main characters fucking baby (note this is where it stars getting stupid but we like the characters at this point so you kinda go along with it)
>oh we've sorted the shit between the Irish and the club by having the club pop over to Ireland for a few weeks while they're literally on the run and meant to be lying low and then have them come back willy nilly once they've got the baby, also they manage to outsmart crazy fbi lady and keep Gemma out of prison by giving themselves up as part of a plan in which they kill crazy Fbi lady and tie up loose ends, the only drawback being they go to prison for a year or so
>after all that hassle of getting everything back on track the club can finally continue as normal as a small operation in a small town which allows them to be big fish in a small pond, right? Nope apparently they're the most important biker gang in all of America and must have some crazy reach beyond their shitty little back woods town because now the CIA and Mexican cartels (who are also the CIA) want to use this gang of a handful of bikers to expose the Mexican cartel and work for the CIA
> oh but jax isn't just ruthless, he's also the smartest man ever who predicts everything and manages to lay out a plan to get the club going legit whilst also getting revenge on his stepdad who also happens to have killed his real dad
I don't even have tthe text left to continue this shit but yeah you get the point.
More than anything else I'm ashamed of ever liking this.
And I went through a period of being fascinated by Frozen.
"I love you, Brotha" as they hug and kiss each other on the cheek.
I watched up to season 5 years ago curerntly up to mid Season 6 and I just don't care anymore. All the conflict comes from stupid assholes. Hey Jax, when the IRA tell you to be at a table table maybe check for bombs yeah? And a fucking Ice Cream parlor kek
Should have ended when that FBI lady got Opied
All the interesting characters just had nothing to do because too much time was spent on that fucking family.
But Walton Goggins looks hot with tits
bikers are such fags, this whole thing is a gigantic cringefest. i always laugh when i see some fat wanker on a harley driving around thinking he is cool.
the tv equivalent of a wal mart shart
Show is fuckin lame as fuck and super dramatic. It was like a biker soap opera.