ITT: Fuck you, I liked it.
ITT: Fuck you, I liked it
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Rich man's peaky blinders. It was great
It went to shit when Jimmy died. I hate what they did Van Alden's character bu I'll admit that Gyp Rosetti was a kino villain.
Great show even though i never watched the last season.
The ending was pure kino.
Same but it’s still worth watching once really agree with Van Alden’s character comepletly ruined
>tfw no flapper gf
pic related made me want to fucking kill myself when i first saw it
something about that girl absolutely drives me insane
I watched the original run. All I remember is tits. Lots of tits. Especially the unlikely event of tits in conjunction with Steve Buscemi.
Oh yeah, and incest.
>it's a Harrow episode
I liked the young Nucky stuff in the last season.
I watched the entire show and I liked it a lot. But the first two seasons were so fucking good, really some of the best that HBO has ever done, and then it was a downslide from there. Jimmyfags aren't wrong. I'm not a faggot, but they just aren't wrong though. The show slid hard after that.
Story aside, Boardwalk Empire was a topnotch production. Proof is the party in where even the extras were going crazy in character in the background.
Harrow's big shoot out was good in a sensational sense, but honestly I felt that he was bastardized in the later seasons. It's just like once they gave you too much of him it depreciated the whole thing.
Him and Van Alden both. They kind of turned into meme characters.
Loved this when I was a teenager, as well as a bit younger than that when I first saw it. Saw it again in college and it made me want to puke, couldn't believe what I was thinking. I'm 29.
I like you
Van Alden was even a worse offense of becoming a meme character. They changed around his whole thing in an absurd way when they had to wrap the show up much sooner than they wanted to.
It was better than Chalky killing him
>Loved this when I was a teenager
>Saw it again in college and it made me want to puke
This is the essence of Baz Luhrmann's oeuvre tbqh.
fucking boring show with terrible monologues,
fuck each characters would just up and go on a monologue for no reason
or they would just say their motivations out loud, like the idiot cop brother 'its just so easy for you, isnt it?' who talks liek that or even thinks like that?
it made it so fucking hard to download after a while. great looking show, yeah, but fuck, totally empty and pointless. everything was wasted.
and then they fucking kill off the main dude, he was the only interesting thing in the show, cotdamn get the fuck outta here.
Pleb tier
the wire is one of my favorite shows
same with mad men and the sopranos
people kept saying season 1 was a slow burn
fuck that, it was just slow
jimmy was the goat, fun to watch, complicated
bucemi had potential but sort of just whined, and him killing jimmy didnt feel worth it story wise, all for his idiot brother?
hell, the brother was so retarded, that he tried to push up on one of his own cops, and coudlnt even do that. it was sooooo stupid. stupid as in 'there should be 80 more interesting things happening right now, why am I watching this?' level stupid.
I dont mind people sitting around and talking, not at all. I dont mind watching interesting characters chew the scene--rothstein was great. but they didnt give nucky enough to do, he was surrounded by more interesting stories. his brother was boring trash, and the tendency in season 1 for every. single. character. to have this perfect dial-a-tale was ridiculous and un-earned.
really, every episode in season 1 at least on person monologues it up. its laughably bad writing.
harrow was a dope character, that's how you play on the times while keeping things interesting, and pairing him with jimmy was great.
show jumped the shark early though with that butcher character. great actor. but I rolled my eyes hard with of course he is the butcher who cuts up people because that's obviously where we go next with this series. based on truth? doesnt matter if by this point it's cliche.
it's pleb filter. The best superhero show by far
So you're a Jimmy fag? The show stayed good after that nigga was put in the ground. You missed Gyp Rosetti
you can like whatever you want
literally wasted potential - the show
after season 2 the writers didn't know what the fuck to do so they basically keep going because HBO was putting money for it. you can tell nobody wanted to do keep doing this shit but did it anyway.
>tfw you'll never experience the live Yea Forums boardwalk empire thread during the Harrowing again
that fucking thread was one of the highlights of my time on this board
inb4 TD season 2
This meme was peak comedy back in his time
Tut tut tut
The atmosphere of Boardwalk is the best, it does the whole "gangsters sitting around discussing who needs to be whacked while nice period music plays in the background" perfectly
Too bad nobody watched it. Also the mute native maid was 10/10 waifu
Why was the ending so shitty though
>Why was the ending so shitty though
They had to wrap up the entire show in a half-length season which included a 10 year timeskip from the previous season.
This. Sopranos tier, prove me wrong
What? Granted that it has been some time since I last seen it but I cant remember a single monologue
>expecting reasonable critique from somone who dedicates an entire line of their post to the word 'yuck'
I found his acting to be quite wooden...
Same, couldn't fucking stand her. Also pic related was infuriating and should have been killed much sooner.