In this reimagined version...

>In this reimagined version, a young Native American woman living in a rural area and a young man from Chicago discover they are magically and intermittently swapping bodies. When a disaster threatens to upend their lives, they must journey to meet and save their worlds.

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who cares about a shitty Western live action about a shitty anime movie

I loved Your Name but this is terrible.

Seriously what is this and why is it so talked about?

normalfag taste, kill yourself

>popular things are bad

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Dumb Aqua poster

Your Name was the most generic anime movie I've ever seen. You should feel shame that you are so easily swayed by pretty visuals

>iPhone user
>phone posting
did I touch a nerve there, reddit?

I'll just stick with my anime

I want this to make money so we can see a 20 cm/s adaptation.

I can't possibly think if anybody being more of a normalfag than a iPhone using, phone posting, aqua reaction image using, and calling Kimi na wa no by it's localized name
It's 15 cm a second by the way and it's garbage just like Kimi na is

This thread is proof that merely being aware of anime produces autism, whether you are
There is no cure.

what mystical tradition did you think a fucking white woman would be doing? she had to be some other race because white people don't do that shit

Instead of the weird spit sake stuff will it be fermented gasoline?

it will be spit Starbucks pumpkin spice latte

Good animation is the primary draw of animation yes.

>a young man from Chicago
that’s a weird way of saying black

>a disaster threatens to upend their lives
how much are you willing to bet it will be something caused by an evil whitey not in touch with nature

every people on earth have some sort of record of mystics and mysticism

It'll be an earthquake caused by fracking, so it's relevant to the times

>man from chicago

oh I can already see the scene happening

>Stacy and Jamal swap
>Stacy is now in Jamals body
>goes to the restroom
>looks down
>she gasps
>"so its true..."

kek hollywood

>these people who don't know it's a native woman from Arizona
trying real hard for them oppression points

Fucking why? The only good thing about this movie was the incredible artwork. Take that away and you've got hot garbage. This is going to flop hard.

They need to adapt I want to eat your pancreas

based Jamal

Essential oils and being anti-vax aren't mysticism, Jennifer

It honestly kinda makes sense for an Westernization of the movie. The whole reason they swap bodies in first place is because of some ancient religious intervention and Taki and Mitsuha's romance is also a reconciliation between traditional and modern Japan.

If the woman is to be a practicing animist or something in America, then you pretty much have to go to native Americans, since whites and blacks are either too Christianized or too secularized to care. But them being (probably) of different races ruins the whole "reconciliation between traditional and modern" angle of the story.

>the disaster? The 2016 election , both join forces to stop an evil dictator from taking over the world

>Native American
Though I'm pretty sure that's exactly how it's gonna go lol.

The more I hear about this remake, the more I'm convinced that Osama Bin Laden did nothing wrong

Westerners need to be dealt with, baby seal style.

I keep seeing this thread topic and I assume it's a Keit-Ai thread every damn time.

being a normalfag is perfectly fine when it comes to anime though, since most weebs are subhuman
>baawww, how dare you like good visuals in a visual medium baaawwwww

>this is the first thing that comes to your head
I guess the jewish plan is coming to fruition, you are already halfway sissified

They are probably going to put Stacy experiencing some racism to make us think about how awful racism is in America.

I'm convinced half the people in this thread never even saw the original and just want to get mad because when they decide to meet up, it turns out the girl's town was wiped out 3 years ago due to a natural disaster and they've been body switching due to a temporal link vague implication of minorities.

But this time the amerilard version will win an Oscar...

I always mix this one up with 5 Centimeters per Second in my brain.

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Why, why would anyone do this. It's not even 4 years old.

They did it with Let The Right One In and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

American's don't watch foreign movies since most of them are functionally illiterate and can't read subtitles fast enough to keep up with the scene.


Fuck Trump am I right?

All anime that isn't Dragon Ball is trash.

lip flaps don't match up, it's distracting.

Honestly this movie can only be saved if the Chicago lad is white. Making him black is going to turn away the audience who would see it in the first place.


Its a really good dub too, the actors did well.

They're actually both going to be trans in the movie, and they get to live in the bodies they want to transition to which will help them accept that they're in the wrong body now.

It's going to win 14 Oscars because of it.

Why do Americans have to ruin everything?

If they have the balls to portray an indian having to learn about racism and poverty I will shit my fucking pants. The only way this film works in the current climate is if the male is white. he learns about racism, sexism, and shitty reservation conditions through encounters with stereotypical rednecks that seem like they came out of a time portal. the injun girl breezes through some cliched white lifestyle working for a law firm or some shit, but feels some sympathy for him because he's lonely and hot or some bullshit.

contrarian Yea Forumsutists

I'd call bullshit but this IS Marc Webb we're talking about