ITT: movies made by men

ITT: movies made by men

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Inb4 someone tries to say they’re not men anymore

They’re still men, just ugly confused ones

Cloud Atlas

even if they weren't, they were men when they made the film. men made that film

This. Thread is meaningless, considering there's a good chance half or more of the films you like were made by men.
I'll start: American Psycho

Formerly men

Even men are better at being women that women.
All your Olympic records...obliterated

>put energy into growing a human so you can harvest the excess energy the human produces
Why can't tranny's into thermo dynamics?

Ummm NO sweaty!

Apparently the original script had the machines harvesting humans for processing power

>This will be the sixth time we have created this thread, and I can assure you, we have become exceedingly efficient at it

go go discord tranny, call to arms

i drank too much wine and now i must take a piss


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>awful movie with retarded plot idea to begin with (humans as batteries)
>made by mentally ill trannies

Not sure what makes you think I'm transsexual in any way. Also, what would I be defending? I'm merely pointing out we've been having this thread or variations of it discussing the question of humans being used as batteries, computing power or whatever pretty much daily for almost a week now. What we did find was that an early draft apparently included the battery version, which was always claimed to only have gotten into the film after the studio deemed processing power too complex. There, gave you the short version. Now go fuck yourself.

For a couple of demented trannies, they sure knew how to make pure kino.


based and based

Just watched this shit the other night for the first time in like 5 years. It blows my butwhole all the way out every time. Will we ever have such kino ofmthis nature again?

>Will we ever have such kino ofmthis nature again?

but pic related this pleb hack wants to create a new matrix film, he is literally begging warner bros. He already helped write the script for reddit player one as a warm up. It's up to you to stop him.

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>It blows my butwhole all the way out every time.
Thanks for the chuckle, user.

>There is a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path

Do kids with transexual parents call their male parent daddy or mom?

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They call them on the phone.

They want to keep the people alive, I guess? The machines wouldn't have the kind of society they have if they didn't feel some form of emotion. Hence the humans are kept alive and the waste heat is used for power.

ur mums ur dad

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They call them whatever their parents told them. The moment they're old enough to understand the horror, they dont call them ever again.

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