
>Reverse Victim and Offender

Why do Liberals DARVO any argument that challenges their corporate media narrative?

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Yea Forums is not your personal shitting grounds
fuck off

No u

3 years later and he still lives in your head rent free.

Pretty soon Bubba's little head is going to live inside him rent free.

It is though. Half the threads are off topic political muh ess-jay-dubya garbage. Jannies don't do shit.

dumb lil nigger

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Even Michael cohen said no collusion. You and your fake news are beyond retarded at this point.

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>rent free
I think it's about time millennials stop trying to come up with memes.

Exactly, we need more Pepes and Wojaks.

No, those are made by millennials too.
I think we should simply make it a law that says millennials are not allowed to vote or to go on the internet ever again.

It is funny. When you ask a liberal why all their anti-free-speech tantrums go out the window when James Gunn gets fired, they literally can't do anything but "no u" and say anyone else is a hypocrite for wanting them to apply their standards to someone one their "side."

When wrong-doers are confronted with their acts (which may be criminal), they show a pattern that can be abbreviated as DARVO This stands for Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.

The person thus denies having committed the offence, attacks the accuser and reverses the roles, painting themself as the victim and their actual victim as the actual guilty party.

Two common types of denial are 'It didn't happen' and (if it cannot be denied) then 'It wasn't harmful'.

Attacks can be violent and effectively abusive towards the accuser, with threats of legal action, attacks on credibility and so on.

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>Real soon! I-I swear its real soon!

What are some kinos about dotards who can't get a win?

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Literal Fake news

Poor Trump and his millions of dollars and being president, life's been rough on him.

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>if you have millions of dollars its okay for registered “news” media to tell hundreds of lies about you every day

Pathetic bait! Sad!

Yes, only boomers and Fortnite for the rest of time please.

>rent free

Went to another country recently for a vacation. Its funny how everyone who realized i was American wanted to ask me about Trump. Like they're so amazed by what a thundering retard he is that they cannot imagine living this country right now.

The world is literally laughing at us and there's no escape

magatards on suicide watch

based phoneposting cocksucker

As opposed to what, pretentious manchildren who pretend internet shitposts are going to save the world and capeshit?

This same fake story gets posted in every Trump thread

Any other Trump supporter here losing hope? Everything is just crashing down around Trump. His staff are betraying him and his approval is at an all time low. Leakers are crawling out of the woodwork exposing how incompetent this administration has been, and I honestly believe them considering what little has been done so far. There's no wall or healthcare replacement which are the two biggest promises. Everytime Trump does something on immigration he gets cucked by judges. Hillary still isn't locked up. The swamp is bigger than ever. The only thing that has been done is tax cuts for bezos. Americans whites are still dying out and i'm still as poor as ever. What happened bros? Trump was supposed to defeat the Jew, save the white American race, and lead us into a golden age.

I really feel we've been goy'ed bros :(

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You're almost there user.
It's all shit and the internet was a mistake.