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are we still mad about this?


It was everything i dreamed :)


It was actually good. too bad they let their hands go off the wheel for the sequel

t. capeshitter /manchild. Grow up nigger lmafo you know this shits for kids right?

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I loved it, it was everything I hoped it to be

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Admittedly, as a filthy manbaby Star Wars fan who hated The Force Awakens, I can imagine a filthy manbaby Star Trek fan loving it.

It was shit, but it was set up so a sequel could easily follow up on it with plenty of plot threads to tackle. A good sequel could easily have made up for all Force Awakens shortcomings.
Then look at what we got...

Only brainlets hated the new films. If you really want the story to be fanservice, you might as well watch porn.

Has RLM ever not been horribly wrong
>Prequels BAD
>Rogue One BAD
>Solo GOOD

Why is Mike still mad about the prequels?

Wasn't that the one that was a beat for beat remake without any real info on how the empire suddenly existed again?
I recall it being incredibly underwhelming in all respects.

You got it backwards buddy, nu wars is for simps. And RLM are shills

This is my post, caveat here, I enjoyed rogue one the single time I watched it. Take from that what you will.

Why do people even care about some fucking beer gut coal miner's opinion about space opera?

As I type, this is the only Star Wars thread on Yea Forums. You could even make the argument that this isn't really a Star Wars thread. Did we win? Did we kill it? Is Crapstain Manlel next?

It killed itself. Captain Fungus will do the same.

The Force Awakens it was good and it wasn't bad
did you know that The Force Awakens wasn't bad it was actually surprisingly decent
The Force Awakens wasn't nearly as bad as many people thought it would be The Force Awakens

Mike only liked it back then on the basis that it wasn't as bad as the prequels, but in the TFA Plinkett review he already admitted that, after the hype was gone, the movie was just boring and soulless.

It was good. Last Jedi was better though.

To be honest JJ Abrams has made a career out of dazzling people in the moment even the product beneath the flash is totally soulless, and totally forgettable. In my case I went from thinking TFA was meh, it was ok upon seeing to hating it with an unbridled passion. If RLM went from thinking it was great to not liking that would make sense to me.

>If you really want the story to be fanservice
thats literally what force awakens is you low iq mongoloid.

In hindsight after seeing The Last Jedi I agree.

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The worst part is how they kept bringing it up in unrelated reviews.

I knew something was wrong when they shit on the opening space battle of Episode 3
I was so disappointed that they didn't see that Ep7 was a soulless and poorly made scene-for-scene rehash of ep4
Now I just ignore all of their Star Wars stuff and pretty much only tune in for Best of the Worst

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Starwars died when Disney bought them.


Only Jay does that desu. Mostly to strawman people that said Ray is a Mary Sue. With his "look I'm being retarded" voice.

Fuck off e-celeb faggot

They were lukewarm towards Force Awakens and hated the Last Jedi

LITERALLY crying tears of joy isn't "lukewarm"

i tried to watch some of their reviews but they are so pleb

it feels like this episode was the part people realized they were completely out of touch and they have been trying to compensate for their TFA review ever since. They are extremely defensive about it in other videos.

>spends nearly all of his life energy trashing the prequels
>barely says anything about the infinitely worse Disney Wars movies
They are on the take.

jay is literally obsessed with defending MaREY Sue, even though nobody mentions ot he keeps mentioning that all the fucking time SHE'S NOT A MARY SUE YOU MANCHILDREN

fucking soiboi faggot

I liked this battle, finally some CLONE WARS action and it felt like a naval battle, with those heavy CLONK-CLONK broadside guns.

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>My internet friends didn't have the right opinion!
why have these threads become so pathetic?

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>Rich doesn't have the largest breasts

This or they have shit taste in movies...

Lukewarm my ass, did you even watch the review? Rich was probably the only one bringing up good points.

got any more?

As a star trek fan that can tolerate good star wars kids movies, no it was barely passable and pretty boring. There are like 5 minutes worth watching.

>Yea Forums is still mad as fuck about RLM's reviews

I got the feeling they loved TFA unironically and they didnt say anything bad about TLJ.

When it was released people including myself overlooked many of its glaring flaws because it came with an unspoken clause promising more and better sw movies down the line. Now several movies later when its clear we got the quantity but not the quality, tfa is being reevaluated on its own merits.

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almost immediately after the theater I disliked it and grew to hate it and was bummed when rlm defended it in both the half in the bag and the plinkett review

>When it was released people including myself overlooked many of its glaring flaws because it came with an unspoken clause promising more and better sw movies down the line

You deserved TLJ

I like Star Trek and I can safely say that I am smarter than you are.

>You deserved TLJ

No need to be mean

He's just thinking with his dick when he says stuff like that man, it's not a big conspiracy that they sold out or whatever

I mean nobody in their right mind would say Ridley was 'charismatic as hell' in TFA, c'mon

Autists are God's gift to mankind and I love it

>He's just thinking with his dick
doesn't make any goddamn sense, since he's a fag.

dick stays flacid = charismatic as hell