Hello hello A-boy

>Hello hello A-boy..
Am I supposed to know what A-boy means?

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to me she would have said
>hello hello lonely and horny ahhhh boy

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A boy, number one etc.

Shes calling him a soiboy. It’s fighting words.

every time you post this thread im reminded i wanna bone the one on the left desperately. whats thats actresses name?

Ew you like real girls?

I’ll be posting it everyday until Blade Runner 3 is released

Krista Kosonen

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That woman spoke Finnish (IIRC) and they all pretended they can understand all languages in the future.


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mmmmmmmmmmmmm what a SLUT! What mobie?

Android, I presume?

How do I get a hairy pusy gf lads?

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What is that like unironically 50 years?

she can finnish me if ya know what i mean

You need to get a gf first.

Then what?

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You'll never get that far so don't worry about what comes next.

feed her ham

feed her seed

I hope not because I’m not sure I could keep that up

the "a" stands for atom..."hello hello a[tom]-boy..."

human beings were the first to discover the atom...