Damn, time flies when you're having fun

Damn, time flies when you're having fun...

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You said it Chewy

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He is taller than you.

He's also wider than me.

you can see he was balding at the time and they were trying to brush it out to conceal it

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>actor over 35 has thinning hair
You really cracked that one Columbo

Was Riker during TNG actually a pussy smasher? The uniform always made him look fat

Also here, it's a bit hard to see so I circled it and added some arrows. They tried they're best to cover it up but us intelligent viewers can't be fooled.

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I wonder if he can still roast fools. youtube.com/watch?v=NnrfyvzXR1g

Did anyone just themselves during the show more than Tom?

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>Was Riker during TNG actually a pussy smasher?
Fucking of COURSE he was. youtube.com/watch?v=aJEuCgR18Ug


Believe it or not, there was at time in the 80s were a full beard and hairy chesthair was considered very attractive to women.

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>riker thread
don't mind if i do

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>6 inches but it's thick

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/trek/ is dying. We cannot let that happen,

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no shit its dying you fucking idiot the mods deleted it because of you faggots were killing it

holy fuck do you seriously have no self awareness? a bunch of tripfags and namefags jerking eac hother off does not make a sustainable general and you idiots drove virtually everyone else away

I say this out of a serious concern.
If I make it, many won't like it.

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We are /trek/frens that talk/chat/shitpost erryday.

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It's funny how Riker started being a fat fuck around season 4 and they still tried to sold you that 20 year old chicks hit on an overweight 40 year old.

What, no one finds power sexy?

Don't redditspace while we figure how to fix this, newfag.

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i seriously hope youre happy with what youve done, youve taken the most beautiful thing on this website and just shit all over it, just shit on it day in and day out every day until the mods finally got off their asses and put it out of its misery. you fucking ruined it dude, you could have had comfy trek threads for the rest of your life but you fucking blew it for yourself and everyone else too all because you couldnt contain your absolute bottom the barrel pathetic levels of desperation, i hope it was worth it because im going to guess by how attention starved you are that you probably have absolutely nothing now

>be handsome, good shape
>be lazy and turn into potato
why do this?

His back got fucked up, or so I've heard.

back on-topic

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ahahahaha oh no, is someone all alone now that your circle jerk was cut short and your "friends" neglected to invite you to the tranny discord?

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>people get old
really curious how you'll look at his age. also how many women you've been with. I wouldn't cry for him just yet if I were you.

Beep beep beep target acquired
>permission to engage?

That was a real long honeymoon period.

It was clearly some hair-eating organism unchecked by the laws of time. Did you even WATCH Star Trek, bro? They picked up weird space STDs all the time!

What power? He is always below Picard, despite that, ST is a communist utopia and a Neet has as much as the leading officer of the Enterprise.

Riker smashed more pussy on the reg (not that Reg) than Kirk ever did, yet Kirk is the one memed into a sex god.


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>taller than you
>only 6'3"

obese manlet cope

>TNG S5E17 Outcast
>starts out strong, Riker putting the moves on a manladything from a species with no race and getting totally broadsided when she outright asks him about his dick in the middle of a mission
>Satisfying amounts of technobabble
>Suddenly Worf is racist for no reason while playing poker
>oh no it's gonna be an episode about thinly curtained racism stand-ins, or maybe transsexuals given the previous conversations about a genderless society
>it's actually about thinly curtained homosexuality stand-ins with 'thinking of yourself as a man/woman' just replacing 'being attracted to men/women'
What the fuuuuck?

Also Geordi has a beard.

>ywn rub Frakes's virile hairy chest as he embraces you in his massive bear arms before he goes to hibernate for the winter
It's not fair bros.

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Frakes directed First Contact. Better than any JJ Abrams Star Trek. So he wins.

He's 2nd in command and very close to Picard (who the women really wanted to fuck) so yeah he was a catch on that ship.

So Picard is Chad and Riker is Brad Stacy is using to get to Chad.

As it fucking should, cock sucking reddit generals are a disgrace. You should fucking die.

cancerous zoomer nigger

You deserve to have your throat cut tranny scum

Yeah, when it was just hair and not a badge for religious crazies.
SJWs söis or muzzies.

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