What did Yea Forums think of this movie?
I personally think it is the best Spidey film. Really hoping that there is a sequel, too.
What did Yea Forums think of this movie?
I personally think it is the best Spidey film. Really hoping that there is a sequel, too.
jesus fucking christ it's an ok movie
can we stop having threads about it now?
there's literally a dozen 30 min cartoons that do the movie's job
>Really hoping that there is a sequel, too.
How could there not be, this film is insanely popular. I'm surprised DC hasn't followed suit trying to make an animated feature for The Flash or Batman Beyond.
Honestly in my top 10 of the year, and I don’t even like capeshit
Name something with this inventive and distinct animation
Lmao I hate DC. they were hijacked by edgelords trying to make fantasy stories and blank slates into drama queens and then those got filled with power level autists who endlessly one up one another until nothing makes any fucking sense and you may as well have written genesis.
Marvel makes heroes seem like something that's fun and amazing while also helping you consider the responsibilities as well as how much dedication it takes. But shit is still light and fun and colourful.
Everything that's been from DC is just mindless shit
>Hero steps into a room full of men
>Everyone randomly starts a fight and starts being an asshole to hero
>Hero doesn't communicate and just takes it in a pathetic manner
>Later the hero saves the assholes
>so many cold blue filters over everything that it feels like the camera will start crying any moment
>Hero isn't even a real person, just a smug asshole who is just on the line about saving humans
>"name something with this inventive and distinct animation"
>replies and scream some bullshit about colour
I've seen it 5 times. It's fantastic. The music choice, characters, voice acting, overall design. Thought this movie had a lot of heart and effort which is lacking in projects like these.
>best Spidey film
opinion discarded
It was really goody.
My favorite part was when it was a black hip hop super hero movie with a better RT score than black panther and won an Oscar that actually matters and it was written and directed by white males (maybe Jews but whatev).
It's not the best Spidey movie but it's the best superhero movies since Spiderman 1 and 2.
Spidey 2 > Spidey 1 > Spiderverse > Dark Knight > Iron Man > GotG2 > GotG
and that's all you need. I haven't seen Thor Ragnarok but that might be good enough to put on there.
It's literally only liked because an African American is Spiderman
Yeah that's why Yea Forums generally likes it.
The future of live action Spider man movies. Peter will be fat loser and Spiderman will be black and fucking Gwen Stefani
I watched it and hated it, all the nigger music constantly and being terribly out of place, the terrible jokes and the constant failures only pissed me off.
There were maybe 3 good scenes in this, I unironically and vastly prefer the episodes in the 90s Spiderman show because it had a good finale and I didn't need to cringe once.
Fat loser Peter was pretty good though. I'd kind of like a film about him fully unJUSTing his life but I doubt we'll get it
Went into it not really caring and just wanted to see what the fuss was about. But really liked it by the end. Was really surprised by all the emotional parts of the movie. Even Kingpin’s motivation fit the story well and wasn’t just another typical villain. The action scenes were great too.
Also, quite possibly one of the best post credit scenes ever.
Is it opposite day already?
>hoho film isn't a visual medium hoho ignore that this is the best example of animation this decade hoho
The main song of the entire thing and the song Miles "calms" himself with was by Post Malone, a white jew
Interesting I hate Marvel. This is the only good modern Marvel movie besides Logan.
It's better than MCU garbage Spider-Man.
I did not like the weird animation that felt like ps3 stop-motion graphics, even though the action-sequences looked cool.
Does Gwen get blacked?
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Cool World
Mind Game
Overhyped but reddit and Yea Forumsmblr types. Take away the nice animations and you have a pretty run-of-the-mill capeshit movie. However it being a cartoon and not being a live action movie somehow made it easier to stomach.
No infact she's such the dominant one Miles gets COLONIZED. It's pretty graphic actually, especially with the artstyle. Pretty fucked up for a kids film if you ask me
Finally an animation style that competes with the Japanese one.
It was really good, and i appreciated that they didn't force a love interest on gwen.
Only part I didn't like was the "badass" aunt may. Cringe ngl
Badass Aunt May made sense given the universe she inhibited though. Spider-Man is at his fullest potential, it makes sense she'd be the Alfred to his Batman. Meanwhile Peter B. Parker is loaded with the issues that we usually equate with Spider-Man, plus being out of shape.
Where do I get Gwen webms and screengrabs? I poked my head into your Yea Forumsmbler shithole twice and couldn't find any good content.
It's good, and much much better than the comics.
you are subhuman and have no right and the movie stole it style
it flopped and was hated retards
S'alright. The hip-hop soundtrack is pure garbage though. Fuck that music is terrible.
>whitest Peter Parker to ever grace media dies and gets replaced by a nigger
>best Spidey film
Gave me a fucking headache.
Why are they forcing race mixing?
Because it's hot. I just hate how faggy/sappy they try to paint it. I just wanna see the bull dominating the bitch.
But the white woman dominated the black youth.
It's hilarious seeing the ways your ilk copes with this shit. Next you're gonna act like you're getting back at them by creating a niglet with Nia.
It was great, maybe because I had low expectations but everything was well done besides the soundtrack. Peter was still more enjoyable to watch though somehow.
Miles stop being a bitch and fuck Gwen in the ass already
>Japanese one.
Is this the one where doc-oc becomes spiderman? I don't follow comic too much.
>15 fps
>tumblr-tier artstyle
>youtube-tier animation
>generic plot
>miles worst character of all time morales
I have no idea how this trash got such high scores. I guess americans are just cucked beyond repair.
Very solid film. Triggered Stormfags gonna REEE, and SJW's gonna ignore any flaws, but overall a very good movie, and easily the best Spider Man film, save perhaps the second Sam Rami one, though that's debatable.
Best Spider-Man film. I generally don't like capeshit much, but Spider-Verse made everybody very endearing. Excellent direction, too.
I garuntee that if the sequel is focusing on the romance between gwen and miles, it is not going to do well.
they animated a lot of shit. just never released it for theaters.