>Amy adams
>Jeremy Irons
>J.K. Simmons
The DCEU truly is the great JUSTing of our time
>Amy adams
>Jeremy Irons
>J.K. Simmons
The DCEU truly is the great JUSTing of our time
Other urls found in this thread:
the DCEU officaly has died
just now
sounds like actors have been jumping ship since the epic failer of JL. How the fuck do big name actors even get involved in this hores shit
Good hopefully Robbie won't be in it either only person i would be fine with coming back is Jai Courtney and the chick who played Katana.
The only people who will be left at this point are Gal Gadot and Jason Momoa.
They want that Iron Man paycheck
The OBJECTIVELY hottest man ever is coming. Does deathstroke ever get nude in the comics?
When are they just gonna can this shitshow
deadshot or deathstroke who is best
They will continue making sequels to Aquaman and Wonder Woman.
good. i didnt like deadshot being blackwashed as a nigger.
Deathstroke no question both in terms of fighting and being a better character.
Looks like H3H3 if he were badass.
DC faggots when they see this thread be like
too bad they didn't pay for wil smif, he was a good part in a flawed, bad movie.
He's working on Bad Boys 3. No time for another role
What will the dceu be remembered for 10 years from know
Deathstroke has a sexual relationship with a Fourteen year old girl to manipulate her into becoming his undercover spy in the teen titans
He’s a seriously messed up dude to do that, probably the worst villain in the DC universe to be honest. Even the Joker or Darkseid aren’t pedo rapists
go back to /lgbt/ faggot
that's hot tho
>teen girl with daddy issues gets a DADDY :splashemoji:
>Film scheduling
>who cares
>Contract Battle
>that's a shame
This is actually good. Please tell me Deadshot will not be blackwashed this time.
i swear i'm not a racist, but he was by far the worst part of SS
Being late to the MCU party or losing auditions for it.
In the end, only the actors that had no part in capeshit will have my lasting respect.
>The DCEU truly is the great JUSTing of our time
>Aquaman on track to make more domestically than the latest Spider-Man movie (ft. Iron Man) while outgrossing every single solo superhero movie overseas, even Civil War
Yeah, what a fucking failure!
casting woll smoth was a terrible decision
Everyone who works on superhero movies don't see them as anything more than an easy paycheck.
>Aquaman at 800 million
>Shazam around the corner
>then WW2
>Birds of Prey
>The Batman
>James Gunn Suicide Squad
>Aquachad 2
Oh yeah, sure looks dead
And that's it, it's all on Aquaman.
Now they have to build the DCEU around Aquaman, while sidelining Superman and Batman.
Kek, dcucks on fuckin suicide watch
Holy shit shill your booty is blasted bwhahahahahahahahhaahahahahhaha
I wonder how asspained Willy Smithy is that he didnt get a piece of the Black Panther cake.
Robbie is coming back she posts about it often
It's basically in the middle of a quasi-reboot as far as I can tell. In a few years it'll be the same Wonder Woman and Aquaman but different everything else.
what about the man who can climb EVERYTHING?
Warner already confirmed they won't try to crossover any movies, they will be all standalone, so yeah the DCEU is dead, doesn't mean the DC movies are gonna stop.
>it's all on Aquaman.
Did you forget about Wonder Woman too?
Smith in SS was fucking terrible. He would jump from a sophisticated criminal one second to AAHHH HELLZ NAH WHITE PEOPLE BE CRAY CRAY the next. Idk if that was his choice or not but it destroyed the character.
press F to pay respect
Smith was only gonna take the SS role if he got more screentime, plot, and development.
And it fucking shows, SS was essentially just a Deadshot movie
No, they said it wasn't going to be the focus, but there's the possibility of a Birds of Prey vs. Gotham City Sirens film, references to other superheroes in Shazam and if WW2 is as big as the first one, there's no way they won't try to cross it over with either Aquaman or Harley or both.
My only question is what they're gonna do with the recast of Batman, specially considering that it's gonna be a younger guy so you can't just brush over it as simply a different actor playing the same character.
>thinking that this is still happening
keep dreaming, DCEU is over.
we already gonna have a totally unrelated joker and batman movie.
and just like all the other DCEU films these will most likely FAIL to if runned by WB. Also Aquafag and WW2 will be shit movies cause sequels just usually are so DCEU is dead faggot
Release the Snyder cut.......
WW over rated
Aquaman better but still over rated and made 800 million ONLY cause it had no competition in theaters when it came out
like that will make a difference
imagine the sad life of a dc cuck lmao
BASED Slade workin that teen thot pussy
he was a shit deadshot anyways. A black deadshot? okay
He would've gotten an easy Oscar if he played Killmonger
We're talking about commercial success, because if it were about quality, there are few things more overrated than Marvel films.
And Aquaman did over 1 billion, and it's hilarious to see this revisionism when in the weeks prior to its release, the narrative was that it was going to get slaughtered by Mary Poppins (lol), Bumblebee, Spiderverse and even Alita, before they decided to move that one (and we're seeing now how well that one is doing now, without any competition at all).
Maybe the movie will be good now.
Will Smiff only acts in shit movies.
>w-we didn't like him anyway
more like dadstroke
>James Gunn Suicide Squad
Oh boy, can't wait for DC to have their own subfranchise that's as fucking insufferable as GOTG.
Yeah Floyd's supposed to be this ex-military grunt hayseed redneck who happens to be the second best assassin (next to Deathstroke) with no superpowers whatsoever and he's nearly killed Batman numerous times (he's suspected to not want Bruce dead for reasons) and he constantly flaunts how much of a shitbag that he is. Smith didn't do any of that on screen. At least the CW guy did a much better job and that's Arrowverse cringe.
Boomerang and the fire guy were way more likeable and charismathic.
They should do the rotating cast from now on, picking different sets of villains and giving them all their reward at the end, with two or one returning for the next.
GOOD, now make him white like he is supposed to be fuck Will Smith
I'm not surprised given
>Plans have wildly changed with every release as WB tries to course correct
>The slate changes every year and films are delayed
>Any kind of momentum WB get is squandered
As soon as SS released and Harley was the obvious breakout star, they should have went ahead with the SS sequel for 2019. But they spent ages dicking around on JL, and the Flash.
and the jogger
Reminder that Affleck was only going to do 4 films as Batman and be killed off in 2019.
>BvS was his learning of the role
>JL 1/2 were due to be filmed right beside eachother
>The Batman was going to be filmed in 2017 right after JL2
He signed on for a concise and well planned 3-4 years, then bowing out as the story reaches its conclusion. Smith and Leto were likely promised the same shit.
Suicide Squad always has a rotating cast anyways. Losing Will Smith isn't necessarily the worst to happen.
Yasss please. my body needs this rn
>probably the worst villain in the DC universe to be honest
for what? fucking a 14yr old with daddy issues? darkseid can be just as rapey as slade
Thanks for this user
>cw guy did a much better job
Kek imagine being this retarded. And you if you want to blame someone, blame the writer
Now we can get a real actor and not will smith playing will smith.
>no way fag
If they recast Deadshot then it's a problem, hopefully they just make Deathstroke the leader though
>And above all, Zack Snyder
In a way I think it's good cuz we get to see more zombiekino soon
Good, recast it with someone that won’t demand as much screentjme for their shit acting
top fucking kek i hope this is real. how the hell did they even think he could play deadshot in the first place?
Eat the bluray
rats leaving a sinking ship
DCbros, I finally caved...I ate the bluray. I cut my gums twice and I think I’ve cracked a tooth but I’m too scared to look.
This is the end for us. We have to take the L and eat the bluray.
all those people are over the hill anyway
will smith in 2019?
only cavil is still cool
Just like we have been telling you DCfags for months to your sad little denial that your world wasn't falling apart:
>Affleck was leaving
>Cavill was leaving
>Adams was leaving
>Smith was leaving
>Leto was leaving
>There will be no more team up films
>There will be no Flash film
>There will be no Black Adam film
WE HAVE BEEN RIGHT EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME because we don't have our heads up our ass like delusional DCfags. We read capeshit news. We know what we are talking about.
So listen when we say this: there will be no Manganiello as Slade Wilson in an upcoming film. That ship he and Eisenberg were on... has sailed.
>Aquaman won't make a billion dollars
>Aquaman at 800 million
you dropped a 350 million there pal
It didn’t make a billion dollars. It received massive deductions.
>"They'll still do a team up film but with Shazam, Aquaman, Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman."
>Forgetting DC Super Pets
>anime kino is killing capeshit
Funny how this is their "go-to excuse" when actors jump the DC ship.
DC is dead. Bury it.
>Shazam will completely dab on Captain Marvel
>Joker will be the psychological thriller of the decade
>Birds of Prey will be a fun romp, the Thelma & Louise of our generation
How can based DC keep doing it bros?
>Joker will be the psychological thriller of the decade
Like hackers on steroids once donned the mask of V from V for Vendetta, so too shall Gamers rise up together with the Joker.
>SS2 loses Deadshot AND Harley
>"It'll be fine!"
Oh yeah, cannot wait for core team from the comics: Rick Flagg, Count Vertigo, Bronze Tiger, Plastique, Shrapnel, and Multiplex.
Such an iconic line up! That'll really put butts in the seats!
>Rick Flagg, Count Vertigo, Bronze Tiger
I'd watch it.
thats the saddest thing I seen all day
In other words, you have to deduce about one hundred forty million from its box office total for it to be at only a billion.
Kek. Good on you for admitting it, user. You're the only DCuck with balls ITT and we'd welcome you into the warm embrace of the Marvel universe where our discs don't get eaten, they get Academy Awards.
You'd be the only one.
Aquaman just made a billion and Ant Man 2 flopped though
>there are plebs in this world who haven't read Ostrander's Suicide Squad and don't care about those characters
Ah yeah, I almost forgot why my faith in humanity died.
Sup disneyshills have you eaten the bluray yet?
>Black Manta
Cavill is not leaving.
>>Black Manta
so much worse than the man who can climb anything
wait a minute... that face...
...did someone finally stop him?
Us non-cucks knew all of this last fall
Marvel has literally no iconic heroes besides Hulk and Spiderman and yet they're making money with power of the mouse. It's all about marketing and training audience to eat shit, mate.
>messed up
Sounds absolutely based to me
seeing a lot of posts saying,
>"Smith left DC? Oh good, now we can recast it!!"
why do DCfags think this type of behavior is okay? DC has failed so hard and ruined the base concept of capeshit that DCfags are cool with rebooting their characters after just 1 or 2 films, recasting roles that are only a couple years old, having characters in films and then go back to do their origin film later, etc, etc. It's insanity.
capeshit is not supposed to be this hard. it's not supposed to be this bad. and the fact that DCfags just accept it as "well, this is just the way it is" - is fucking sad. I feel bad for them that they have to pretend this is all alright. they're like women in an abusive relationship who have been brainwashed. "he smacks me around because he loves me".
please quit living in denial and admit DC has no plan, they do not care about their fans, and that losing Batman/Superman as your tentpole characters was an EPIC FAIL.
>being THIS mad over DC being best
Did you miss your daily dose of mouse shit or something?
Sorry but you already lost this meme, just like you lost the Capeshit War.
DC is dead... bury it.
>DCfags are cool with rebooting their characters after just 1 or 2 films
What else would you propose though? Will Smith didn't have much to work with, but he's been absolute shit in everything for like 10 years now, and he was miscast to start with.
Marvel was able to recast Ed Norton and NEXT TIME BABY just fine (although they're both far shittier than their originals now since they were both good to start with).
Bear in mind the option to quit and stop making movies is literally never going to be a possibility, so you're stuck with either A) continue with the shit casting they made originally or B) soft reboot everything by recasting the shit people but keeping the ones that worked.
The rat doesn't feel so good no more...
It will at least give us one last capekino
please see How
He'd sit in a chair and make her ride his dick the whole time.
Boy MCUcks sure loves role-playing
>where our discs don't get eaten
Exactly! When are you fags going to deliver?
Fucking based. MoS literally was the best start DCEU could ever ask for. Never knew it made more that IM. How can the Mouse recover from this shekel loss?
Recasting Banner and Norton was 10 years ago in the infancy stage of the Marvel Universe. You cannot compare that to recasting Batman, Joker, Deadshot, likely Superman, etc - in the span of the recent few years. And these are DC's main characters, not background chumps like Rhodey Rhodes.
I cannot believe you would even say Marvel and DC are comprable in that regard. Say what you want about Marvel, but they have perfectly mapped out and executed their franchise with 20+ films and DC cannot even get two movies completed without their universe completely falling apart and splintering into reboots or unconnected films.
You ask "How would I fix DC?"
That's the thing, you can't. DC is literally fucked right now. And DCucks pretending everything is going fine speaks volumes to how retarded and delusional they are.
Honestly, the only way to fix it, is to start over from scratch and do it right this time. Pace yourself, take your time. Plan it out. In five years, I suspect Marvel will be in trouble ourselves (we won't resort to recasting and treating our audience like ignorant little children who won't notice the change). If DC starts over now, they'll be at their peak in 6-7 years and overtake Marvel.
DC is is drowning right now. The only thing that can save them is getting out of the water and learning to swim before going back in.
Aquaman did over a billion my boy. They're not drowning, they're the tide.
This is now a Jaden thread
We don't eat discs... we eat AWARDS, baby!
you eat pieces of shit for breakfast?
Don't they know his dad works for MIB?
Eat the bluray and we'll know you're trustworthy
>we won't stay true to our words just like our jew masters
>we will cherish the pity oscars our jew masters bought us
>I suspect Marvel will be in trouble ourselves
>we won't resort to recasting and treating our audience like ignorant little children
You can't fix DC because there is nothing to fix, an Aquaman solo movie made 300 million more than a Spiderman + Iron Man movie
>"Aquafag made a billion reeeeeee!!!"
And what have you done lately? Come back child, when your franchise makes billion dollar films on the reg and never even brags about it!
...I love being a Marvelgod!
>"Everything is fine..."
>welfare oscars
>Infinity War didn't win shit
Holy yikes
N.I.B. -- Nepotistic Invidious Blacks
What was the point you think he realized he had made a mistake?
DC seems to consistently make lots of money. Marvel looks to have more vance with really high highs but some obvious low posts. Good to see DC is somewhat more competitive than given credit.
Well it is, DCEU is like a billion ahead of Marvel by the same point in their franchises
it's a sad state of affairs when Wonder Jew/Aquafaggot are your main tentpole films over Superman/Batman
seriously, if that's not the definition of failure, I don't know what is
Is literally every disney shill itt right now?
I guess they must be working overtime now that captain fungus feet is about to crash the mcu with no survivors.
Imagine being a DCuck.
Superman and Batman have been rebooted over 4 times each, they are tired characters. That's why Aquaman severely BTFOd spiderman homecoming despire having spiderman and iron man in it
>seriously, if that's not the definition of failure, I don't know what is
Failure: making the biggest joke of a character in comics breaking 1 billion dollars at the box office and beating most of the competition heroes to a pulp
>thinking nigger pandering oscars count
>thise hand outs are the only awards in the entire franchise
Hahahhaha oh no no no
I can imagine it actually, and I understand why they seethe so fucking hard.
I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't all so fucking pathetic.
That sucks. The only good part in suicide squad was the scene where he gets caught by Batman in the alleway. The only time that movie felt like the comics were coming to life
>no team up films
What is Birds of Prey
Sequel is gonna be even worse. It's gonna sound weird to say, but I think all the big name actors are spoken for. Gunn had a great cast behind him for the Galaxy films (Pratt, Cooper, Diesel, etc). But I don't think there's anybody left out there dying to play Vertigo or Multiplex or whatever C-Lister they dig up.
Casting is key for a team up film and Skwad 2 is gonna bomb harder than Justice League (who suffered the same miscasting problems).
Wow you Marvel fags really are all dramatic 15 year old man babies
Which pre-existing movie heroes are teaming up in it?
>Aquaman is going to make about the same as Civil War
Imagine bragging about affirmative action Oscar awards
Nice attempt at moving the goalposts, mousecuck.
But marvel fans literally brags about how many billion dollar films they have in MCU everywhere
Oh so any movie with more than 1 person in it is now a team-up?
God are you fucking retarded? Christ, it's like you little DC zoomers never seen capeshit before. Birds of Prey is a Harley Quin film, not a team up. I mean shit Renee Montoya is some 60 year washed up spic actress, Cassandra is some 10 year old ugly fat little chink, and Canary is the black monkey sister of Jussie Smollett!
That's DC's idea of a TEAM? No. That's the world's idea of dogshit served cold on a paper plate.
Team up films, in the world of capeshit are when you have tentpole characters who have had their own successful solo films, come together for one multi universal blockbuster. Harley's film is the opposite of that. It's like saying Deadpool is a team up film.
Sorry for being so forceful in my reply, I'm just sick of DCfags ITT being so ignorant, dumb, and foolish. They know nothing about how the real world works.
We know you still haven't eaten the bluray as you promised
Are you only pretending to be retarded right now?
It's the only ones they got, Infinity Trash couldn't even win best effects. I thought there was no other movie competing and they still lost. Imagine that for just a second, wew
You're the one who doesn't know how team-ups work. I'll give you a hint: if it's not characters from different movies coming together it's not a team-up movie.
>Paz tries to fuck/assassinate Big Boss
This, that's why Civil War is an Avengers movie and not a Captain America one and that's why its so embarrassing Aquaman is going to make the same money and Wonder Woman made more in the US
Marvel boys still seething that the most malligned hero BTFO'd most of Marvel's roster KEK
>Love Deterrence intensifies
kek. mouseshills btfo yet again
Nu feminist DC comics doesn't count
good, he sucked in it anyway, he just played himself as he mostly always do
Ha, they only have Gadot & Mamoa left at this point.
Fortunately they're just so completely shitty as actors, no other film company will put them in movies.
All they have is DC so they'll shit out a couple more horrible sequels ("Ooh! Cheetah! Wait, is that Sea Thief?!") and then DC will be dead forever. You will see DC comics sold to Disney in your lifetime and it will be good.
I just want good capekino. Why is that so hard? How can you systematically and consequently shit out bad products like DCEU? Who allows this and WHY?
No, the problem is you know its an anti-hero film with villains teaming up like suicide squad, so you moved the goalposts to only allow heros, dipshit.
>Shazam around the corner
>then WW2
Holy Shit!
>to only allow heros
Answer me
Do I need to bring up the Kevin Smith giant spider story again?
Your two moms.
You got MoS and BvS, two more than the entire MCU
Which movies were they in? Will Birds of Prey feature any of these DC movie villains?
>Lex Luthor
>Black Manta
>Doctor Poison
>Ocean Master
Because if not, it doesn't feature any villains from outside the original Suicide Squad, and in that case it's not a team-up.
Token Oscars are real... trust me
Just eat the bluray already.
Its still possible. I'm personally annoyed that they paired an island nigger idiot with Amanda Heard, and basically turned Aquaman into miscegenation propaganda. But if there are enough idiots willing to watch it, they could build it around Aquaman. Marvel built MCU around fucking Ironman.
Not me my man. But when the Alita general hits 100, someone is eating a bluray alright.
All of them were terrible cast except cavill and simmons.
Fuck, will smith wasso shit, he wasn't just a token nignog wash, but they tried to shill him asthe face of the flick because of his celeb status
They tried to take the Deadshot character (an intelligent, white, sociopathic assassin) and make him black. So his white intelligence shows at times, but then the black aspects (dressing like a retard while walking with his daughter, lapsing into ebonics for no reason, worshipping the nearest white girl, acting stupid then being surprised when white cops beat him). Another black trait was blaming whites for everything ("yo white people that shit") despite the fact that the only CIA spook he knows is a black chick.
Lawton in the Ostrander run was a great character and I think the way he was treated here is the most offensive part of the movie.
A little over the top, but not wrong. DC fans are so close to their product that they do not have the outsiders perspective that Marvel fans do. When Marvel fans said months ago all these actors were leaving, they should have been listened to, because they were right.
Case in point: "The Flash and Cyborg films are off the table". DC fans natural reaction is: "No, thaaat's not true. Thaaaat's impossible!" as tears of rage fall from their eyes before jumping into the abyss. Marvel fans are always correct - Ezra Miller had an opening pop up in his film schedule when Fantastic Beasts sequel was pushed out. Instead of doing The Flash film as contracted, they let him sign on for a different film. Google it!
There is no faith in him or a Flash movie by DC execs and since there are no more Justice League like films, they are just dropping a character for which the actor/characterization were just not working.
DC fans love living in an imaginary world where their universe is not falling apart. But Marvel fans keep producing truths supported by facts. DC fans need to shut their mouths unless Marvel fans tell them to open them so they can suck our dicks. We were right, we always will be right, and god damn, it feels good to be the king.
*blocks your path with my foot fungus*
I dunno. The Joker being a goth/wigger hybrid, as well as an open interracial cuck fetishist was pretty bad too.
The thing is I don't like the Joker so I don't really care what they do with him.
I wonder if we'll ever get DC to be so FUN that they'd use the "getting hit in the face with cakes" sub-plot in their SS movies.
But you said Aquaman was going to flop and it has made the same as Civil War, an Avengers movie. Why should anyone trust someone as dumb as you?
imagine being such a cuck that you even made one of those for femnazi Brie, kek.
Marveltards are truly the blight of this board.
I meant in general. Joker is supposed to be a white lunatic, they made him a wigger who orders his girl to kiss niggers. Deadshot is supposedly to be a white coldblooded sociopath, they made him an uppity negro. Harley Quinn is supposed to be a beautiful white lunatic who only has eyes for Joker and for vaginas, they made her overtly sexually flirtatious with two negro males and a negro woman. I'm surprised they didn't make Katana black.
>The Flash is off the table
why do DC faggots beat aquas dick for sure they made money it's not like MARVEL hasn't made made 1Billion berfore. Also aquafag is over rated and just cause it made alot of money dosen't mean it a good movie it's fuckin CRINGE and it had no competition in the box office when it came out
I don't need to hear what a marvelfag who hasn't eaten the infinity war blu-ray has to say
DC fags shaking in fuckin fear
>just cause it made alot of money dosen't mean it a good movie
It's a good thing that you understand that. Now add this constraint to all Marvel movies. What do you get. A huge pile of turd.
>shitty meme actor no one likes won't be returning
Oh darn.
Jason Momoa will be in Dune among the all-star cast
kek. MCUck btfo with his own words by DChad
Ah yes, surely THIS time Dune will succeed.
just cause a movie makes alot of money dosen't mean it a good movie
But the MCU has THREE academy awards.
Huh, that seems kind of fucked up for a saturday morning kids' cartoon. Why do I feel like you're exaggerating?
>over rated
t. mcupajeet
>using Rotten Tomatoes after they've been exposed as Disney's whore
more like Rotten Toenails
DC fags triggered by this red pilled statement
I see the DC shills are out in force today. They really have nothing left to do since Rotten Tomatoes hilariously shut their trolling ass down. Can you imagine your life is so sad and pathetic that you spent months spamming audience score memes only in the end for it to mean absolutely nothing?! Hahhahaaa!! DC shills are in full seethe mode. Meanwhile Marvelchads are cool as cucumbers. It's lonely at the top, but it's one hell of a view!
>His final attempt at making MSoiU look good is using RottenSJW scores as a legit scale.
>is coming
He's gone too dumbass
>J.K. Simmons
Good, then he can play JJJ again.
It hasn't been happening for at least a year
Would you watcha DCEU occupied entirely by Jason Momoa and Amber Heard?
Just all the threats and challenges the DC heroes were supposed to face, only this time it's just Aquaman, Mera and Atlantis against all of it.
>all the reddittors on this thread
Daily reminder that using a pepe is a reaction image is a sign of a reddittor. Don't reply to them.
I didn't know they let 12 year olds on here
>DC movies are gonna stop.
They will when they have 4 bombs in a row which is what's about to happen between now and Birds of Prey
Haven't you heard? This is a disney shill thread for mousketeers to convince themselves that they're finally making progress here
Capeshit is done. Marvel sucked every last drop and then shook the balls to make sure. Greasy trannie playing the sex, race, and every other card possible with her cringe ass level of fake cunt has ended it. Snyder split DCs throat. He continues to fuck them over with his epic retard Christian fanboys. You never let the Christians in. They will rob you blind on the way out while telling you to apologize to them.
Trying to rush a cinematic universe.
Trying to lighten up when their most famous property was dark and edgy vision (The Dark Knight).
They should have embraced the "darkenss"
Seriously. I’ve never seen so many people shill DC on Yea Forums before.
that's a shame, Will Smith was one of the best parts of the film
him and Margot literally carried the entire thing
It's called panicking
DCucks tend to do it when bad news comes out about DC aka when news comes out about DC
>reddit spacing
Are you doing it for free?
>warner says nothing
>every week there's another article about how everything's changing and warner is failing because of this, completely ignoring the box office numbers
>numerous leaks of star wars falling apart behind the scenes
>articles written about how the new star wars will be "EVEN BETTER"
it's all... so... tiresome...
no, but if other heroes appeared underwater I would
Kek! Good one user. I love how you DCfags go into full meme mode when faced with facts and you have nothing intelligent to say:
>reddit spacing!
>eat the disc!
>toe fungus!
Marvelchads have utterly destroyed you in this thread and across the board. You're world is falling apart. Hide behind your memes. Fall behind your lies. Type behind your cries. Because Marvel Winning... never dies.
Okay, this is based
Epic! Now say "Get woke go broke"
>reddit spacing!
>>eat the disc!
>>toe fungus!
None of these are memes, you are reddit spacing, you have to eat the bluray and Brie Larson has such disgusting feet RT had to shut down its "want to see" score because of repulsive she and the MCU she has to lead from now on is
>It received massive deductions.
What are you even trying to say? Deductions would reduce it production cost, not increase its revenue. Do you know literally anything about finance?
That's the most clear underage poster I saw this whole month.
Good. Shared universes are shit anyway.
>80's comic
forgive english, i am Russia bot.
i come to fake review super and hero at American site. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other user before. but after i am in american site 6 weeks i am my user friend together he is gay also. He was show me American hero and then we are virtual kiss.
wWe cyber sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i cyber fock this American user it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I call Mother in other room. I awaken her from drunk. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She into room and say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, I see, do not dirty carpet, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH ANONYMOUS MAN, I AM IN CYBER ASS, I REAL CUM IN CYBER ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.
She go and I am very embarrass. My user friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with user man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American cyber ass.
funny this is all dcfags can say when when hit with hard facts. kill your self shitskin
>your self
>pertending he's not one
even a 12 year old understand how pathetic DCcucks are. This new generation make me proud
Hey Disney shill, aren't they sidelining Iron Man ro make space for captain Fungus?
Amazing a whole thread for incels and people cucked in life
>Birds of Prey
that shit will bomb no doubt
I'm sorry I keep trying to be silent but I just can't stop laughing
So one "success" and about 6 bombs
>and it had no competition in the box office when it came out
Marry Floppins, Bumblebee, Spider-man: Into the spider-verse
Wonder Woman 1984 will make hundreds of millions too. Especially because best grill won't Brie Larson herself and alternate 80 percent of her fanbase.
Alienate. Not alternate.
>all these angry replies
Marvlets are afraid
>dude aquaman is dominating!
Imagine being proud of a joke character being the only thing to stick in a franchise
He's like a philosophical idiot savant...minus the savant.
no dc fag i think there just ignored by the level of ignorence DCfaggots so blindly have
Nah Dr. Light is rapey too. So much so the "good guys" erased his memories and made him a goofy punching bag for the teen heroes.
The superheroes as just as fucked up as the villians.
Capeshit is like twitter,its2 sides of mentally ill weirdoes constantly fighting while normies wonder what all the fuss is about
Try again in english, pajeet
>Will Smith wasn't shoved into a movie
Is this the first time this has ever happened??
Hello fellow movie goers.
>pretending he's white
It was never alive.
Yeah, this is far more pathetic than I realized. I actually feel almost bad for a corporation.
Lol even the pepe makes his hair look greasy and subhuman.
>those mushrooms
>Disney had to buy the broadcasting rights to hand their pet chimps Oscars.
>all of them were just technical award shit
can you imagine if there was actually a site for reviewing toenails haha
"Clown Captain Marvel" is absolutely inessential to the team and was never part of the comics until Warner started pushing her onto it. Losing her would only be a net gain on the movie's part.
>hottest guy
Jesus Parker, you are a freak!
Good. Just replace him with Deathstroke
>"Anything that came before Aquaman doesn't count!"
- some DCfag probably
They sure do love moving those goalposts. But here's a jimmy joke about their mama that they might not like...
>Better Overall Box Office: Marvel
>Better Critical Reception: Marvel
>Better Sexier Fan Base: Marvel
At the end of the day, Marvel will, just like they always have... WIN.
They're simply the best and I know this cause everytime I look in the mirror, it says, "You're Marvel-ous, baby! Now go kick some ass today, because unlike DCfags, you were just born better!". Then as I pass the homeless guy next to the freeway in his Green Lantern tshirt, I roll down the window of my SUV and whip my starbucks orange mocha frappachino latte at him. Taking down DCfags, one day at a time!
Harley is already confirmed for SS2 so try again.
>it had no competition in the box office when it came out
And that's a good thing!
It might actually be, though. The less bagage the movie has, the more Gunn can go all out with his weirdness
>Wonder Woman 1984 will make hundreds of millions too
yeah about 5
Joker doesn't rape because he doesn't think rape is funny. He himself was raped in Arkham once and since then stopped making rape jokes.
This is a bad thing?
Will Smith was awful and Deadshot is not a nigger.
>Mouse cucks pretending Will Smith is a loss.
After his Genie bullshit, WB made the best call to distance themselves from his weird ass.
>"However, it's now been reported that Gunn is to direct the movie which has a new title of The Suicide Squad, marking it out as a reboot and not a sequel."
I've read this in a few places. I think James Gunn plans to scrap the first film entirely and start from scratch. Probably all new actors and as DC execs have stated, all new films will not be connected to an overall universe (meaning no Margot Robbie).
Should be interesting as I love watching DC fail.
You think if they let Zack have his Justice League, things wouldn't have fallen apart so bad? It was already crumbling at BvS but I'm not sure. Ben still would have JUSTed himself, but the Flash movie might still be on track.
that character got quite a spooky mask... sort of iconic even if the character's name is unknown by most people. and wool smooth didnt wear it so we can see his hollywood star visage, wew
Zack the Hack has never made anything not shit in his life except Watchmen and that's only because he was mostly faithful to someone else's work. The parts of it that sucked were the parts he made the fuck up.
>Black Manta
>King Shark
>Killer Frost
>this guy I watch on Youtube said that Aquaman making $1.1 billion is actually the worst thing that could have happened for the DCEU. It's over. They should have hired Joss Whedon from the start.
Detective Pikachu already destroyed Toy Story 4 and the newest trailer looks kino.
>all new films will not be connected to an overall universe
Aquaman was still tied to JL. DC's new approach is not make one film a 2 hour trailer for the next film. Aquaman doesn't care too much what happened before nor gives a shit to set up what comes after.
>meanwhile Disney has to pay Rotten Tomatoes to hide the audience score.
where's this from?
Who?? Which one is SLADE?
Ya still seething over that?! Kek.
Sorry your opinion doesn't matter incel.
was the audience score that necessary to hide? It was just the percentage of people who were eager to see it. Not like was an audience score of a released movie.
Audience Score =/= Want To See
They should have not been connected in the first place and RT pulled them apart, both still avail on the site. It was reasonable, it was just, and people irrationally losing their minds over it was just pathetic and sad.
Don't be one of those guys.
>Marvelchad burns on DCfags: 201
>DChads burns on Marvelfags: 13
AND THE WINNER IS (once again)....