Captain Marvel poster: "Before Avengers there was Captain Marvel"

is this legit?
if yes: What does Disney mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tony and Cap are going to be memoy holed quick after Endgame.

The movie takes place in the 90s, so she predates the team's formation, but not the original Avengers Initiative. Basically she's getting shoehorned into the timeline. Captain America will always be first though.

>geeks + gamers
This guy reads news articles, gets outraged and get paid for it.
yeah im jelly.

She'll probably be the one to persuade Nick Fury into forming a team of superheroes. So the Avengers was her idea and she's the mommy of the MCU

She inspired the initiative, that's the whole point and it's how they're trying to make her seem important.

>geeks + gamers

>Disney wants to rewrite MCU history

This. Buy bye white man.

New trailer...

"Captain Marvel: Ready to Defeat Thanos"

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Now they want everyone to forget Captain America was the first.

just like Alex Jones. fucking based

>Captain America will always be first though.
umm... sweetie

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Even Disney is making fun of it now.

What if we have it all wrong and this is all just satire to make fun of the sjw movement. In the future people will look back at these movies and sat wtffff

But the first avengera movie came out before captain marvel.

We hyperion now praise the shrike


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>Captain America will always be first though
Never forget..
This is ridiculous honestly.. It's absolutely what they're getting ready to do, and it really makes me question the whole MCU run if Captain Marvel is "THE REASON" everything happened..

I assumed it was the tesseract.. But fuck us right?

Aren't all these movies based on comic arcs? Disney doesn't rewrite anything, they just repackage. Fucking Jew Michael eisner

Isn't Thor like centuries old or some shit?

But Captain America was "The First Avenger"

>capeshit youtubers

I guess I can't complain now because I don't want to be associated with these fuckers.

He wouldn't be the first Avenger if there was no Avengers team which was set up by Carol Danvers

and hello to white women kek

I don't know why people are so upset with this. Marvel is willingly digging their own hole, following the tracks of Star Wars trainwreck. And here I was fearing another 50 years of capeshit - God willing, MCU will die within 5.

>Buy bye

>which was set up by Carol Danvers
She really will be what inspires Fury to start "The Avengers initiative" wont she?

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If that's not a "if only you knew..." look on Jackson's face I'll eat my own cock.

What about... all the others?

You say it like it's a bad thing

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I understand retconning shit but isn't the first Cap movie literally called Captain America: The First Avenger?

>before THE avengers
Im not even american, how fucking stupid and sensitive can you guys become? c'mon.

But by nature of the initiative being set up he becomes the first.

What's your point supposed to be? Captain America is one of THE Avengers.

Yeah, we can all tell you are ESL.

Because Captain Marvel happened in the 90s, far before the avengers which happened in 2012
Was that so hard?
Also these

Or feeding the flames?

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They don't count because they're not Disney

what about elektra?

The first avenger: Captain America

She's non-feminist ergo not a woman.

Captain Marvel is the first female-led movie in history of man-ugh..peoplekind

Before Captain Marvel
There was Captain America

Since he predated her by 40 years in the MCU.

So what are the odds this is going to be a somewhat acceptable capeshit movie?

Awww, sweetie. Captain Marvel founded the Avengers sooooooo technically she's the first Avenger. Sorry to burst your little bubble, incel.

It'll be okay and have a nice lead up to Endgame


just like black panther

Captain America: THE FIRST AVENGER.

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It says before The Avengers, not before an avenger.

I want to remind you fags that this had never been as big of a deal as it is had you not all lined up to watch Wonderwoman like the cucks you are. Fuck that movie was awful and you should all feel bad for liking it.

>outstanding! *****

>"You know women are always coming up with stuff that men are taking credit for."
> The Avengers was actually a woman's idea.

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Ahh yet another feminist infestation of a popular brand, signaling the imminent decrease in quality of said brand until death. Where have I seen this before??

Can a single person in this thread disprove what this user's getting at? I mean like we have seen this time and time again, why would it be different this time

>buy bye
Exactly. You don't get anything free from the Jews, even your own removal.

every american videogame of the last 5 years?


>a black man stealing a woman's idea for the creation of Avengers Initiative
ummm, Marvel? We coo?

it's surely them. who has to win over fans fighting for both IP ? it's free publicity. blog posts, youtube videos and other crap normies consume

ah yes trite platitudes with cherry picked examples in mind

The Initiative was dreamed up by Stark Sr. based on his work alongside Captain America.

The brand was trash from the start brainlet, and you're the reason why.

>that face

Did they legit look for the frumpiest lady they could fit in the suit?

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more like during

my prediction is that endgame will suck and that IW will be the point where most of its fans will tell others to ''stop watching there''

>what does Disney mean by this?
It's set before the Avengers film. Not too difficult to understand.

>muh brands

>You now realize Marvel is never going to make another straight white superhero ever again.
It's not true, though. Look at Ant-Man. White hero, white love interest, mixed race villain and black betrayer (iirc).

Marvel is just playing the crowd. The media is willing to support the film because of its overtly SJW implications.

God she always has the same facial expression

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Who are you quoting?

Disney is forcing them to be more sjw. Kevin Feige supports trannys and that's the universe the MCU is heading.

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>have 12 year long keikaku
>choose Brie Larson as your linchpin
Disney just can’t help but shoot themselves in the foot. No one cares about nu-Xmen, Tony Stark’s adopted spidy son, Captain Feminism, Post-prime ScarJo, or Fagtastic 4. BP2 will rake in the negro bucks but still be shit, and GOTG3 isn’t happening.

That leaves Strange, and I doubt his actor will want to stick around if the MCU turns into shit. GG Disney. Proving yet again that they only know how to market princesses.

Myself, you fucking mongoloid.

So you made a quote nobody said so you could refute it in your own post? And you're calling me a mongoloid

>What does Disney mean by this?

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hate men, girls

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It'll be just like the comics

...for now. they will pair hair with some black guy for sure.

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>MCU history

That nigga can't be serious. By his logic literally every new character that is introduced is rewriting MCU history.

Unironically the most soulful film of the MCU along with Ant-Man

Imagine being unable to follow the plot for a children's movie and unironically telling everyone on an anonymous imageboard this fact

Unironically a pig fucking kike

I unironically want to kill everyone who pretends to like this movie on Yea Forums now because I used to be literally the only one that defended it. Then little zoomer babies felt threatened by Snyder and suddenly marvel can do no wrong.

oh look someone else who's never cracked an actual comic in their life

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I assume you are agreeing with me. Because they are going to have to introduce X-men eventually and "rewrite MCU history." Fucking retarded.

This. I don't know how so many retards didn't understand the tagline.

I never understood why people didn’t like Captain America:TFA.
It’s comfykino

It was my first MCU movie :)

> But fuck us right?

Caring about capeshit is the first indicator that you probably need to be told this, yes.

So if Captain Marvel formed/was was inspired the Avengers, how the fuck was she not invited to join? Why was she not present during the fight to stop Thanos, despite having cosmic level awareness which would tell her something was happening?

Same reason basically all characters not introduced immediately did: they didn't exist.

Heroes literally poof into existence and just fill their slot.

Before the Avengers...there was also every other super hero, because the Avengers assembled later on.

What is the dumb ass marketing on this shit. Also Thor is the oldest one isn't he?

The third act was a little bonkers but yeah it was the first ~3/4 of the film were near perfection which was better than l literally every other MCU film including iron man at the time (in terms of technical filmmaking). The tone of the film was more serious though and didn't have a billion quips so that's probably your answer.

I haven't cracked a western comic because i'm not a 30 year old man child who obsesses about corporate products that are designed to appeal to 9 year olds. I mean, imagine reading comics or watching this shit past the age of 14 lmao fucking hell

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Brie Larson is the first woman actress ever in Hollywood. Neva been done befo!

>It's dumb because it's obvious!
>It's dumb because it's not true!

Pick One (1)

This is why I can't take any of this mouse hate serious

Maybe it'll be explained in the film.

Imagine believing whatever someone says just because they share the same outrage as you
Imagine it people.

Was she frozen in ice too? Maybe off gallivanting about the universe and unconcerned with all the shit going on with Earth?

Same reason most of the universes characters were not there: the plot didn't say they did

Imagine not knowing quotation marks indicate sarcasm.

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She was probably too caught up in the kitchen, fighting dishes

>Maybe off gallivanting about the universe and unconcerned with all the shit going on with Earth?
Probably this.

Before creation there was Howard The Duck

Wonder Woman is the first action film led by a women!
Captain Marvel is the first action film led by a woman!
Black Widow is thr first action film led by a woman!

Did based Sam took one for the team?

Jackson is a child in a elderly persons body. he deserves the shitty company

>No one cares about nu-Xmen
i do! i liked apocolypse and i'm going to see Dark phoenix in the cinema for sure

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>decrease in quality
Capeshit is called that for a reason pleb

All I want to know is how they will explain her complete absence from thfranchise for all these years. Will it be a Captain America situation where she's frozen somewhere? Or is she cruising around the Universe in a spaceship or smth? Anyone have some comics knowledge that might explain some stuff?

Too many men were asking for her number. Girl had to wait until Thanos cleared them out.

Well, way to go to take out all the tension out off Endgame.


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No but seriously, she'll get the stones, reverse everything, and blah blah blah only she has the will yadda yadda. Holy fuck feminism ruins excitement for movies because you can already guess the outcomes.

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Unironically kill yourself, faggot

you seriously typed all that shit?

Sorry I suck cocks
I completely misread your initial reply

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Screenshot all these sorts of posts to laugh at them when they're wrong
An note all the backpedaling whataboutism responses
>b-b-b-b-but feminism anyways!
>b-b-b-b-but the movie was mediocre so i'm still right!

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>captain marvel stronger than fucking thanos
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha *breathes in* hahahahahahahahahahaha

>The tone of the film was more serious though and didn't have a billion quips so that's probably your answer.
Was wondering why I always found it the comfiest MCU flick, thanks bro. Sucks that the third act was deliberately rushed through, fuck Kevin Faggy

Notice how "first female", "first Asian", "first black", "first tranny" is always heralded as a good thing. Why? If the Marxists truly cared about equality, why would ANY of these stories be newsworthy?

What excitement? It was always going to end that way, with or without her. That's how Marvel is.

Dark Phoenix will be the last of the Fox era.

That makes no sense
First Avenger was in the 40s, this bitch born in the 70s.

>She inspired the initiative
That could have been Steve

Please keep buying our crap desu

Typing three sentences isnt hard or time consuming

what about first white?

she's the first female super hero and first hero, sweaty

>SWAT knocks on your door
>"Hate Crimes Division, open the door!"

They're basically doing what Marvel comics is doing with the character. Shoving her down our throats.

In the comics, despite her stuff selling abysmally we are constantly told by the writers she's the most popular super hero in the world even though characters in the same universe (outside of her issues) don't give a fuck PLUS she's a literal Nazi who ran her own version of Guantanamo Bay.

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FFS in the days when people cared about comics, Carol Danvers was an unimportant character in coma because Rogue absorbed her powers.
Now they are retconing her as the original Hero of Marvel.

it's not the number of sentences. it's the cancerous content i was referring to

they are trying their hardest to make people hate her

Is that why Nick Fury had black widow recruited? Because Captain marvel demands a female only avengers?

>I assumed it was the tesseract
Oh sweetie... where do you think she'll get her powers from?

It means they waited for Stan Lee to die to ass fuck his legacy.

>IW will be the point where most of its fans will tell others to ''stop watching there''

We will look back on it as Thanos's 50% snap representing Marvel snapping 50% of their audience who have the wrong politics

God I hate that hillbilly redneck.

It's all so motherfucking tiresome

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>every moral busybody ever
>my side is the virtuous side
>criticizing me means you're bad

Agreed. Is he a lot worse now? I only watched some of his stuff, many months ago. back then he (i vaguely remember) was still moderately right leaning but didn't sprinkle politics everywhere as he seems to now based on people's reactions to his videos

I mean Thor was already stronger than Thanos, idk how anything changed

>Captain America
>Literally named First Avenger
>during the 40s
>But Captain Marvel in the 90s was first

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IMAGINE being Jackson and having to listen to her everyday ramblings about being oppressed

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>Wonder if that middle tweet is real
>Google it
>Find this instead
Using face app on a woman is now a hate crime i guess lmao

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where does it say it's a hate crime?

>Why isn't this going viral?
Isn't this kind of racist? This just implies that black people reading anything is something so extraordinary it has to be shown to everyone.

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I'm being facetious user

I mean, Captain America was strong enough to block a blow from Thanos. Thanos also beat up the Hulk. There's absolutely no consistency to Thanos' strength.

>That fucking article


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Barbarella, Tank Girl, Barbed Wire, Electra, Aeon Flux...


In the past, MCU films had their Red Carpet Premieres 2 weeks before they opened.



This shows that the studio KNOWS this film is a TURD, this is the first MCU film to have its Red Carpet debut the week it opens, other MCU films had their premieres 2 weeks before opening. THEY ARE IN FULL BLOWN DAMAGE CONTROL.

This is why the anti-"male trolls" angle has been played so hard, they KNOW this film is shit.

am i the only one sad about the fact that thanos will be beaten up by some thot that came out of nowhere instead of proper teamwork and stark going nuclear? i feel it will retroactively ruin the rest of the movies

What they seem to be going for is
>Cap was a hero in the 40s and he later became an Avenger, so he’s the First of them, in a manner of speaking
>the actual idea for a team came from the 90s and CM
>when 2008 rolled around, they were like “ok let’s do this team”
>in 2012 they found Cap frozen so made him part of the team
Cap 1’s subtitle was always a little weird because he didn’t become an Avenger until later. So he was first, and an Avenger, but weren’t there six first Avengers at the same time?

she won't beat him
however, she will be central to the way they'll beat him due to the nature of her powers, and that on itself is a terrible asspull

Thor was on earth a thousand years before. But cheekiness aside yeah, Cap's first movie is titled "The First Avenger" so it looks like they have a short memory.

they'll team up and shoot various CGI beams at him until he explodes

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You had to mention "western", didn't you?
You think weebs aren't disgusting manchildren? LMAO!

> she's a literal Nazi who ran her own version of Guantanamo Bay.
Sounds pretty based. So why do you not like her then?

>They want to rewrite MCU history
What a maroon, MCU history hasn't been written yet, it's literally constructed and reconstructed with each new movie as they go along


It means Captain Marvel (90's) pre-dates the Avengers (2012)

>this is comedy gold on /pol/

Why would Marvel even approach and clue her in on anything? She's bottomtier actress with no influence.

She won an Oscar dude

>What does Disney mean by this?
That they are lazy fucks who can’t even be assed to keep their own myth arc straight. Abysmal writing.

but not the original Avengers (1961)

Doesn't it make her a bit of a cunt that she didn't show up to help the Avengers all those times that earth got attacked?

she was in a coma

But the original Ant-Man and Wasp were even earlier.

>what about Captain America the first Avenger?

Imagine giving this much of a shit about some trash blockbuster films based on shitty comic books.

it's so brave to see at last a woman out of the kitchen in hollywood

I wonder what you look like

Disney ended up photoshopping a smile on the Captain Marvel poster because the mean mug wasn't selling.

Attached: https _wallpapersite.com_images_wallpapers_captain-marvel-720x1280-brie-larson-2019-4k-15784.jpg (219x390, 17K)

she was busy fighting the patriarchy

She has been busy dealing with galactic level threats, no kiddy stuff like the avenger.

>galactic level threats
Weren't the Chitauri from outer space?

and working for Thanos


It's probably just to make it clear to brainlets (which, let's face it, are the majority of the capeshit audience) that the movie is set before the avengers.
Any, fuck all capeshit and this shitty film. It gets way more attention than it deserves, especially on this website known as 4channel

>Why isn't this going viral?

Like Ronan, the Chitauri, Ego, The Sovereign, the Ravagers, not to mention Lovecraftian Space Beasts?

Dealing with intergalactic threats until Nick Fury used that pager to call her
I assume Nick Fury put together the avengers so he wouldn't need to call her constantly and he would only call her if something came up that the Avengers couldn't handle

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anyone smell that?
reeks of incel virgins in this thread
pewwwooie *vomis*

Boondock Saints was literally ahead of its time

The Tessaract was buried in ice for years with Captain America
It was there during WW2 and it wasn't seen again until they dug it up in the present

>The Avengers are Captain Marvel's stand in
I want this to be explicitly shown

Because it's a prequel, you dense mother fucker.

>first ever female solo superhero
so Wonder Woman didn't exist?

>looks at ABC logo
Ohhh now it makes sense.

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You guys are still taking this tweet out of context, huh?

The article this tweet links to says first solo female superhero movie in the MCU, they just fucked up the tweet part (the image is cropped to cut out the article headline).

ABC News reposted it later that day with MCU added, but of course you incels didn't screencap that one and spam it for months.

I completely agree with you. Captain America: The First Avenger is so fucking underrated. When that doctor (forgot his name) tells Steve "Promise me that you will stay who you are - not a perfect soldier, but a good man." (or something along those lines), it genuinely touches my heart.

I look forward to the MCU fanbase fracturing.

Sam Jackson reacting to a Marvel fan asking him to recite his Nick Fury line about the Avengers.

ugh why are you incels so nitpicky and pedantic about this shit

do you really have nothing better to do than shit on a movie you haven't seen and likely never will? can't you just let us normal people enjoy the movie without injecting your toxic neonazi misogynist bullshit into everything?



Antman wasp, the black panthers captain America

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Natasha will always be the first

Thanos has retard strength, Captain America wasn’t beating him up to cause his aspergers to flare up.

why does Yea Forums always have delayed outrage over everything?
I posted this shit at least a month ago already on a German ad
Same with kevin feige saying she's the strongest. He already fucking said that in May 2018 when it was announced, but somehow nobody saw the writing on the wall? wtf

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And before Captain SJW there was Ms Marvel.

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They did this exact same shit for Wonder Women

>Movie takes place in the 90's
>Nine Inch Nails shirt


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So Capt is the first Avenger as in he was active before anyone, but the idea of the initiative started with Captain Marvel. They only find Cap and the Teseract somtime after Thor 1.

Amazing body, she fits the role perfectly

>...should I call her when an alien horde invaded Earth and we almost nuked NY?...nah
>...should I call her when another alien horde invanded Earth and we almost nuked London?...nah
>...should I call her when an enemy we thought was dead came back to bite us in the ass and kill 1 million people with super duper tech from inside the goverment?...nah
>...should I call her when a robot almost provokes an extinction event crushing a 10 km land into Earth?...nah
>...should I call her when fucking again an alien ship attacks NY?...nah
>...oh fuck, I'm in a traffic jam, better call her

Scarlet Whitch > Captain Shit!

That's a toxic meme created by the racist youtuber pewdiepie.

Yeah, about 40 bucks a month with those views

I dont know why you people keep giving this shit attention, views and clicks. Is the release of a Marvel movie such a big event in America that its considered a social happening that you cant avoid? Jesus, even the threads against this movie look like shill threads now. Stop feeding the fucking Mouse.


>first-ever solo female superhero in Captain Marvel
Wrong, but not for the reasons you tards think. The title says first in Captain Marvel, so technically she is the first female in Captain Marvel. But she's not a superhero, she's a super heroine.

They mean she was the sole protector of the entire world before that mostly white heterosexual male team took over. And she didn't need no scovia accords to tell her what to do because the whole world loves and b respects her and she has and never will do anything wrong. Fucking DEAL with it

It means they're retconning her into a Deux ex FEMachina which will annoy everyone but basedboys and women because they don't fucking read

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this. god these people are morons...

How can nerds be so assblasted about a female superhero lmfao

>can't even spell it correctly

I like the film Captain America: the First Avenger myself.

ABC is owned by Disney.

>memoy holed
what does that mean?

He's so sick of it, he's probably begging them to just kill his character off so he can do other stuff again


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Wasp was the first one becuase only shield knew about them fucking tard

>that kike nose

How are they going to deal with the fact that Thanos is far more likeable, better acted, and complex than the supposed hero?

i want to be that towel mmmhmmmm.


So she's only called in when something threatens over 50% of life in the galaxy?

>black people are reading
Holy shit thats incredibly racist.

no one gave a fuck about either of them during the golden age of comics

Well 5 out of the 10 highest grossing movies in NA are cape movies.

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I love how Disney thinks this charisma void (at best) is going to outright replace the likes of RDJ and Chris Evans.

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>cape movies

>literacy isn't liberating
Imagine being a SUPERIOR WHITE MAN and knowing nothing about anything

It's a front line in the internet's culture war. Expect to see it online and nowhere else.

>coping semantics

There used to be a fantastic website called the memory hole which documented all of the things that popped into the news as a huge deal, and then were forgotten the next day. Ironically, it was also memory holed as far as I can tell.

>front line
>culture war
Imagine the person believes this hyperbole

>kike nose
thats an italian nose

Alright, if I had to guess, it's probably trying to say that before the Avengers were there to deal with cosmic threats, the world had Captain Marvel. Also, it's trying to hint to normies that this movie takes place before the Avengers movies. They're not trying to say she's the first superhero probably

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His father worked with Cap during the first Captain America. They had a rough shod of "heroes" who avenged. Everyone seems to forget this

She was arresting people for wrong think, sjw style without due process, illegally.

That's a funny way of spelling jewish

There was Cap and other equivalent to black widow. One was Starks dad and One was Furys dad.

jews are hook-nosed, that's an south european nose.

It's called retconning. Thank You for bringing it all together.

Eat a dick Jeremy

jesus fuck she cant even hold the stick properly

>t. incel


To be fair she fucks war machine in the comics.
I don’t theyll go that way but that’s the only acceptable love interest for them to give carol. She fucks around a bit with Spidey too but I doubt marvel has the balls to do /ss/

I love the shot of him standing up in front of that mirror and he’s too small for the face cutout.

Well now your first mcu movie is Captain Marvel, incel.

Before The Captain Marvel
There Was Thor

Attached: Thor.jpg (1180x864, 138K)

Definitely was less Kevin and more Ike’s committee.
It’s like they made a near perfect film and then Ike came in and screamed for more action.

Clearly you don’t remember that based app that removes makeup.

There were countless news articles complaining about a single twitter user’s wrongthink photoshop.
Just think about that.
This is the MSM

>by alex abad santos
Holy shit imagine being a brazillian muzzie, double curse.


Mainstream media

Antisemetic Incel word for “Jew deep state”

i remember when several ""geek""'/otaku news sites made several articules saying fans are calling the new shounen jump game racist based on a single joke twitt.

These ""people"" just want free clicks.

all i want in this life is too see her dead in the news


what else?

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muh motion picture comic book movies for boys only bloo bloo

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He needed both hands to hold back one. He was also using every bit of strength and willpower.

>first-ever solo female superhero

this needs a "if only you knew how bad things really are" edit

Not for nothing, but has anyone ever read the Infinity Gauntlet or Capt Marvel comics? There is literally no fucking way she can take Thanos head on with the stones. It's Thanos's who that leads to him abandoning his body that allows Nebula to take the gauntlet and Warlock influencing the Soul Gem and the other stones through it that causes Nebula to relinquish the gauntlet. You can "beat" the stones off of anyone possessing the gauntlet. Even Thor stabbing Thanos in IW makes zero sense given the power they have. Shit is gay.

is willpower like the mana of superheroes ?

>pushing your body instead of giving in
Are you stupid, user?

Jeeeesus christ

so it is like the power of friendship right ?

Nice cope for wanting a disgusting KlKE

Wrong. Look at the sentence again, brainlet. She's the first female super hero in the movie.

but nobody really cared anymore

it literally means what it says: it's a fucking prequel to the Avengers movies, even Iron Man 1

They want to make Brie Larson, an actress who can't act, the next big capeshitter. She is a void of charisma.


>Disney gets called out on bullshit
>changes it days later
Shill please.

Wow they have to use other soiheros to advertise their new stupid flick.

jesus christ he must have gotten bullied so hard by other brazillians.

Because that story arc was absolutely terrible for a number of reasons, so it's hard to want to look back on that fondly, and two, she's rarely treated as if she did anything wrong. People in the comics cheer for her in the street, they talk about how inspiring and powerful she is, they almost never mention how what she did with future Guantanamo was fucked up. Marvel has rebooted her comic so many times that that side of her is quickly being forgotten, leaving us with a bland piece of bread the writers desperately want us to like but are too terrified to add any interesting (or, heaven help us, negative) traits to, so they just keep rebooting her, making her more and more boring, because they think that eventually they will finally bland her out into a character that resonates with readers.

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Why does it need so many buttons on it?

You could sort of see by his expression that Thanos was a bit confused by Captain America in a "this guy thinks he can stop me? he's really trying though, I kinda admire his moxie...nevermind I'll just punch him"

They really are still using that "HER" thing.

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I hope Captain Marvel will be a good movie but its marketing is shite. If Brie Larson would just shut up for a bit, more people would be interested

Like I said before, they fixed it within a few hours. Odds are it was just some copy editor trying to cut the headline down to less characters for Twitter that didn't know shit about superhero movies.

Yeah about that...

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No one else on earth had so much as phased him, and here a dude without the tech of Stark, or the magic of Strange is holding him at bay for a moment.

It's not a great marvel movie but it is a great Indiana Jones style adventure romp movie.

Now that's my Carol right there, a fucking hot alcoholic psychological mess.

>more like during
This user gets it. No less than half of Endgame's runtime is going to be an advertisement for new Avengers movies.

*blocks ur path*

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The difference is Wonder Woman looked decent and Gal Gadot isn't a man-hating-because-her-daddy-left cunt shitting on her potential fanbase all day on the internet.

I liked when Steve tried to use his body against a grenade to procect comrades.

I fucking hope Alita and Shazam out perform Captain Marvel in every way and i'm an MCU fanboy.

It's going to be like how your memories of how awesome and cool The Matrix are spoiled by how shit it's sequels were.

There were tons of heroes before the Avengers. This has been established over and over at this point.

>i'm a strong independent woman but don't ask me to smile or i get scared
They really are children

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Geeks and Gamers is the worst of the worst. If anyone on this board actually watches that shit stain of a channel then Yea Forums is dead.

But fun fact, this isn’t rewriting history. Before Avengers which is set in like 2012 Captain Marvel did indeed come first. You’s set in like 94’’s how time works.

I knew walking out of Infinity war that all would be downhill from there.

Is Captain Marvel even an Avenger though? She came before the Avengers were founded so Cap's title of "The First Avenger" would still be applicable.


But Yea Forums is already dead, Yea Forums has been swarmed by normies, shills and redditor, just you that didn't noticed it here on for 4channel.

I wonder why (((you))) would say that.