Will there be a sequel to Black Panther soon?

Will there be a sequel to Black Panther soon?

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That is a tiny ass arm

oh come on!

Sometimes this site makes me legit want to murder people.

At least the pull out was well timed considering they're obviously methed out of their heads.

what an odd, lawless age we live in

What relation does the woman have to bike dude? Is bike dude a cop or something?

You are the problem

What happened to the nog's right hand? Did it fall inside the whale's gaping hole?

>631 area code
>new york

Imagine. my. shock.

he's her pimp

The has to be the greatest webm ever

the obvious sex at a bus stop, the dude next to them, the motherfucker on the bike that shows up, the woman trying to stand up, the dude missing a hand, THE FUCKING TSHIRT HES WEARING

everything is perfect

meth is a helluva drug

me on the right



The only other thing that could make this WEBM better is a leprachaun coming out of her ass and running away in a panic.

>the dude missing a hand
fuck I didn't even notice that
there are so many details

>that t shirt
>everything else
so fucking based

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change to the law after all we can't get that man arrested, can't you see he is aflicted by being black already?

I am wondering if this is considered rape? You cant see what happened beforehand unfortunately

No, she could feel he was about to cum so she bailed and ate shit. He wanted to nut inside and was suprised.

Worst thing Ive ever typed btw

>acting like a nigger is based
Nigger lovers should be shot.

im talking about the webm in general my fellow bait poster

Oh shit I didn't even notice. This amazing webm is taking place in my very own county. Yeah, Long Island is a pretty trashy fucking place.

Who got to lick up his cum?

>a smelly homeless nigger can get some in broad daylight at a bus stop
>meanwhile I'm still a virgin

They're commenters saying she was being raped cause she was too intoxicated??

The fuckin bitch loved it!

I would say yes if it's just the girl who is high if both then no.

She admitted to consenting and they still are saying she couldn't possibly consent. By that logic we shouldn't prosecute DUI charges because how can you consent to driving a car when you are drunk?

You just gotta start smoking meth and running with lowlifes
junkie bitches have no inhibitions

If you want to fuck a methed out STD factory you could easily go downtown and find one

They still haven't caught the guy yet.

He's literally the one armed bandit!

>The 32-year-old woman was arrested Wednesday and charged with public lewdness. Suffolk police say she was not mentally incapacitated or physically helpless at the time. They say she consented to having sex with the man.

>Police are still searching for the man in the video.

>News 12 asked Anthony Zenkus, the director of education for the Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk (VIBS), to watch the uncensored version of the video.

>He says the woman “looks like she’s being victimized.”

>“She can't walk. She can barely keep her balance. She had to be helped up,” said Zenkus. "People who are homeless are often victims of exploitation, victims of trauma. They need help. They need services."

how can women know when a guy is gonna bust

kind of hot.

what a filthy slut

>Police are still searching for the man in the video.
the guy is literally missing his fucking hand how hard is it to find him.
apparently the police said it was consensual. 100% he offered her drugs for sex though

idk, but she knew. she got that hooker instinct

virgin confirmed.

This, I'm a huge prude but casual, quick sex is extremely hot to me

I like how the guy on the bike cut in line and goes, "I'm next!"

Alpha Dog.

me on the right

jesus fucking christ I can't imagine living in america where crackheads are free to fuck in public

>she's trying to keep herself up
>he pushes too hard at the end
>she ends up losing balance and falls
>right as he was about to cum

Sort of a ruined orgasm

Shitty poor people are everywhere, don't act like your country is free from them.

My man has some THICC ropes.

Looks like Miles Morales's webshooter!

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My country doesn't fuck in public, even the poor and degenerate. They have the decency to go to an abandon building or out of sight.

>civilized country

>the dude on the bike touches the cum and wipes it on her


and you wonder why some people turn to national socialism

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>>“She can't walk. She can barely keep her balance. She had to be helped up,” said Zenkus. "People who are homeless are often victims of exploitation, victims of trauma. They need help. They need services."

What she needs is a roundhouse kick to the head for being a disgusting slut.
Liberals are fucking idiots.

>It was the one armed man!


he's hung

Decent bait.


that cumshot is pretty hot tho

That's where his right hand went

this isn't even the full webm, the biker dude hugs her and pats her on the back and gets nigger jizz on his hand.


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good show

whats even more dumbfounding than the crackheads fucking is the guy on the right who just awkwardly sits there during the whole ordeal. how autistic is he? I would have left or told them to fuck off.

It's funny when the white biker dude hugs the woman and touches hot black cum. He had hot black cum on his hands.

I wonder if he smelled it?

he's waiting for the bus and knows better than to start shit, retard

that's his penis dude.... despite what you may have heard from fox news or alex jones maybe your inbred dad/brother told you black people don't have an extra arm in the middle of their body

what is wrong with you zoomers

Lauren pls

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youd stand there akwardly staring at your phone lmfao

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good shit anons

And you're a fucking heartless idiot.

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Why do white men give their wives to black drug dealers? Is this what white men are into?

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He looks physically broken either through drug abuse or a life of hard labor.

they exchange them for drugs because they don't have money

is this california?

imagine if they made a movie with the budget of black panther except it was one big blacked scene haha

It's like watching a nature documentary. Just fascinating. I wonder what the animals are thinking.

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Can someone post the caricature

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> Oh,
> Oh yeah,
> Oh,

Jesus fucking Christ.

why would you even feel the need to caricature that?
that's like shooting someone hit with an 18 wheeler

>looks like she fucking enjoyed it
>after the fact she tells police she consented
>people still want to call it rape

I don't even know what's fucking worse, the the event, or the reaction.

Me on the right.

is this Lit kino?

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