Would Yea Forums be okay with shows like I an jazz if the tranny was actually attractive?

Would Yea Forums be okay with shows like I an jazz if the tranny was actually attractive?

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If it wasn't fetishizing and pandering then yup

If it focused on other elements beyond the trans one

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I'm just telling you, you discord faggots. Nobody will ever treat you like women. Cucks on Twitter might, but irl no. They will be nice to you, yes, but never will they feel deep inside that you're women and you're normal. I was drinking with my ultranormie friends (girls and guys alike) in a clubbing zone when a tranny approached us. I thought that my liberal friends are gonna ignore it. And I was surprised when after hearing him say hi, one of the guys who had a bit to drink immediately said "aren't you a dude? why are you wearing girly clothes?". The tranny started talking to the girls in our group and they just said "leave us alone". We insulted him until one of us started shouting "fuck off faggot". And the tranny was """hot""" by Yea Forums standards. The voice is what gave it away.
You think you're winning because people are forced to keep their thoughts about you disgusting abominations to themselves. The moment shit hits the fan, economic collapse or something, "race war", whatever, there will be loads of people more than happy to hunt you down. And I don't mean /pol/ idiots, just normal people, some of them would probably rape you right before, I don't care.
If you don't kill yourself before you're 30, you should be very cautious where you live, because the moment we're not forced to tolerate your bullshit you're gonna fucking hang you filthy degenerate
You will never
be a woman or even passable


And they say the left can't meme

Natalie Mars has a manface and manbody.

Shit taste.

I don't watch Jazz

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Taftaj if you're lurking again show more pits. thx.

>no u
go shop a maga hat on a meme


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She doesn't look like that anymore.


>if the tranny was actually attractive

>If it wasn't fetishizing and pandering then yup

Do you see the contradiction here?

cast her

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>wasn't fetishizing

What would the point even be then? The only utility these freaks have is appeasing degenerate fetishists like me

Is it possible for a shemale to lactate if they were on the right hormones? Asking for a friend

>that jewish jaw
yikes big

Yes. Even completely normal males can lactate if hormones are wonky.

>not liking women with pronounced jaws


well i like women

>If it wasn't fetishizing
You realize trannyism is a fetish


only from the benis



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There needs to be an Emma Ellingsen show
But until then she does have a youtube series

Jesus. When I was a little kid I played with my cousin's doll house for a few minutes until my dad laughed at me and told me to stop. If that was today he would be in prison and my life would be ruined.

Imagine being so deluded and full of hate that you actually believe transfolk cut it off. It's rearranged into the correct genitalia using the most advanced surgical methods available. Your inaccurate view of the surgery and the mindset of the transgendered individual in general are so remarkably colored by bigotry that it astounds me. Well hey, I can't totally chew you out, since I used to be a little bit like you before I met my girlfriend, who was actually my male best friend before. Being on the journey with her completely changed my world view about gender and sex as a whole. You need not find out for yourselves if it's not your cup of tea, but I can wholeheartedly assure you that a MTF pussy is just as satisfying to eat as a cis girl's. I've taken the steps to advance my line of thinking and my outlook, becoming better for it I may add - all I can say to you is: your move, douche.

From x


Not only possible, but a very common side effect of the high levels of estrogens they're on, like a teenage girl just developing her tits, with stiff and sore puffy nips.

yeah faggot, i like women not these creatures

>tfw perverted education updated

This is why the show should focus on Skylar

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>in a grotesque lynchian display

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Hol up. So you be sayin dis a tranny?

Anyone else training themselves using Natalie Mars as a model or goal? She can handle 2XL for at least an hour. I can only do L/XL so far, but I'm working my way up!

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Holy fucking shit that is so hot my god

I like em a little manly. Makes it kinkier

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>slipping on the actual slippery slope
It was supposed to be a fallacy purported by anti-LGBT communities not a fucking guideline.


faggot shit

I would let whatever this is suck me off
t. Heterosexual male



Have you ever considered having a regendering procedure yourself?

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Good god. I like the baby picture though

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Wow what aspirations. You're such an icon

kek based. trannies are too tryhard and that makes it cringy

requesting Bailey
She's so fucking hot bros

They are sexy though

I'd watch it if it started out with him in denial leading up to his acceptance that he's a cute trap made for sex

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Still better than getting triggered into million word responses

based. ruin your holes and you can surpass the goatman himself.

all of these are literally just dudes with costuming bolted on
you people are delusional

No. Pandering to the mentally ill isn't doing them any favors.

Not delusional bro, just gay

he's a good example of the shelf life of a tranny. you get 10 years tops until you turn into a fat bald freak.

I need a name, a URL, your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle

Sauce has already been posted, ya goober

What's wrong with a little boipussy once in a while?

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my new trapfu

Yeah, I remember reading a huge article about a doctor who was in charge of one of the most well regarded centres for treating kids with gender issues at some hospital in Canada I think. He said that maybe 1/5 of the kids referred to him were actually transgender and the rest were just gay or just had hobbies not stereotypical for their gender. And because he wanted to actually go through observation and therapy with the kids before doing something harmful to them, tranny activists got him fired.

Do human male and female breast milk taste the same?

Hell yeah

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No because we don't live in an anime world where crossdressers are actually attractive, nor do we live in an anime world where gender changing is actually physically possible.

post the uncensored

This is a blue board, idiot

this is a blue board. we can only teeeease

Never tasted actual female breast milk, but I've had Penelope's shemale titmilk in an escort session and the droplets tasted fine.

>teehee my room is messy just like real girls rooms

Just when you thought it was safe, Natalie breaks into your bedroom to convert you

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your refrigerator is going bald

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Which one?

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Fuck me, both at once. I'll take the skinny one to pound town while i fellate the one on the right

Kiki fasho

Is that Kiernan Shipka?

Ella easily

>not the gif where Spence goes electric

>>Yea Forums452631595

left. whats his name

be okay with? we love that shit, its like modern gladiator sport, sure its morally wrong, but think of the entertainment it brings, what is one life weighed against that

That was Kenneth Zucker. He recently won a settlement (500k dollars) with his former employers for his firing. Not only did CAMH kick him out and shut down his clinic, they also spearheaded a smear campaign all because according to tranny activists anything short of putting a boy who likes pink on puberty blockers and setting him on a path towards cross-sex hormones and the destruction of his gonads is "transphobia".

Some of his patients are interviewed in this documentary. Spoiler alert: they all praise Zucker for his wonderful practice and find it appalling that he was described as a "conversion therapist".


3 >>>

woops trying again


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remember to post this in every tranny thread


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The Jews have done it again. They realized that sterilizing whites outright wouldn't work, so they instead make children into trannies so they can't breed.

>alexandria daddario
>bella thorne
>sofia boutella
>but with dicks

Yes and if they kept cock


Give me a few whiskies and I would.

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All discord trannys must hang.

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that's why you want the ones that keep their cock.

this is so brave, beautiful and inspiring.

So what happens if the wound heals?

it looks great

Chanel is the best

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these wounds they will not heal user

pinhead goes away

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When you should be in bed but you're on 4 chan posting trannies instead

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What if it did heal and was now totally flat like a Ken doll.


The sholders give it away

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puffy pusy!

This, they're all mentally retarded weebshits.

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I fapped to this and I'm straight and have never had any sexual desire to fuck a man or found a "trap" attractive before. Am I fucked?


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I had to think for a few minutes about how/why Natalie isn't the most passable trap in the world but still might be the sexiest

I realized it's because she was a really fuckable dude too. You can't turn an ugly guy into a hot girl, the guy has to be a hot cum dumpster in the first place. Natalie is part twink and part trap but 100% "destroy my boipucci then cuddle with me"

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Pence, don't look at me like that! I'll change I swear!

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wtf is a jewish jaw

I have found myself in a similar position.
I'm not gay at all but traps are really a turn on for me. I think it has to do with getting a little older (mid 30s)

I'm not sure what's worse, the libtards enabling these people our you degenerate fucks.

i wish i wasn't attracted to this stuff

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Domination, it's in a mans nature.

Pro-tip: You're a fag.

pornography overexposure smoked your brain

Discord messages can be faked

There is an important distinction. The sick fuck leftists are all about mutilation when in reality feminine benis must be treasured and protected.

execute all jewish puppeteers

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we're probably worse

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You just moved up a notch on the Kinsey Scale. It's a slippery slope. Praying for you, user..

Hmmm I wonder why

tfw no redpilled male gf

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We must secure the existence of boipucci and a future for feminine benises

Based as fuck

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Just when I thought Natalie couldn't be any more based.

Imagine the look on your grandfather, father's, father's father. All that work to procreate and pass on their genes just for it to end up chopped off

Nobody's chopping anything off retard, haven't you been paying attention ITT?

Whats the patch for? You see alot of these dudes with it.

Their DNA will not be passed on because they are incel and watch too many cartoons so decided to wear their moms clothes

>shilling trannies
>with or without cock
kys, but the stds will probably get you first.

And what’s your excuse?

wtf, I love Natalie Mars now!!!

its not gay if a trap suck ur dick

why are there so many trannies nowadays
they're everywhere

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the internet.

brainwashing and propaganda unironically

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I got 7 kids to 5 different women

Yes, but only to recoil in lovecraftian terror as is already the case with Jazz.

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holy fucking hnnnngh

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I always think back to that SVU episode where Shane from The L Word played a tranny who got sent to man prison and then literally gangraped to death.

I gotta wonder how realistic that was, just in that if somebody who looked like this ended up in general population at Rikers wouldn't they immediately be the property of/under the protection of the absolute biggest toughest most alpha guy there?

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god i wanna suck her off and lick her big pale feets

>Try some gay shit once
>Butthole completely runs away
>skin tag
>anal fissure
>bleeds when wiping
it was just once, and I used a lot of lube. How they people still have functioning butts?

I get those from shitting sometimes you be fine

thanks for pasta user.

based mods

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>Alex Ketchum fought drumpf for the right to serve as a trans soldier
>but months later she had to leave the service anyway due to a recurring bleeding anal injury
Haha I wonder what happened in the barracks

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He wouldnt even be with the general population.

Reminds me of the latest shadman comic

Maybe the prison Boss had a cuck/gore fetish


I wish they had more nudes

no way. he was fucking all of them lol

>Takashi69 after entering witness protection

El basado

Why always white boys?

imagine if she made you lick her clavicle when she was all hot and sweaty after a workout haha wouldn't that be so gross lol


there are more asian and latino than white trannies

Wew lad

I want Natalie to choke me until I black out

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What makes Mars so attractive?

goes by jane doe

Is this true?

Post them then.

does she have more scenes out? I've seen her one with fucking christianxxx

ella hollywood

>due to a recurring bleeding anal injury

wait fucking really?

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The eyes

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>Yea Forums made me gay

you can get a shitskinned one irl for $20

This is Yea Forums post some of these cute white boys getting blacked

Everything went according to plan

You’re probably the first person to ever ask for that. Hmm, well anyway hope you get your question answered.

Lol she sure is itchy inside her pussy

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absolute unit


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