mfw tfw
Mfw tfw
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Honk honkler seig honk
Pagliacci is solely for niceposting you fucking faggot
What a nightmare
That gash is mesmerizing
I dont trust this guy
Dont know what it is
This is too fucking funny.
The user who made this should get paid.
Fuck off kid.
Why did they bring it back two years in a row after what, a 5 year hiatus?
I fucking hate niggers
I am Yea Forums's reckoning
Is this going to be in textbooks some day?
Quick question: do Tumblr degenerates actually believe that they will EVER enjoy the clout and general carteblanche they did during Obama?
I think this fantasy world conservatives live in where their entire political opposition is trannies sounds way more entertaining than the real world
t. Tranny downplaying his existence
what about a world where everyone who doesnt hate white males is a sexless loser somehow.
Yeah well, we gotta round up fag enablers as part of the problem so thats not so unrealistic when you think about it.
i know that trying to explain this is pointless, but almost nobody anywhere on the political spectrum actually hates white males
what a meaningless, unsubstantiated claim
how many neolib articles about restricting the freedoms of white men by force do you need as evidence to the contrary?
true, they just say, act, and pass legislation like they do.
Sorry, hater, but us "trannies" are here to stay
This is a legitimate work of art
only as long as you have the economic power backing you and propping up and advocating your lifestyle. it's unnatural, and without cultural propaganda making it "normal" people like you will be either shunned or strung up by your neck by future societies.
Okay weird question. I'm living with my friend and his mom. When they were arguing I sat down right next to them without knowing it.
is this weird?
Why must we be a joke to you
this can't stop looking at it