How the hell was this by the same guy who made Nightcrawler? That movie was amazing, this is trash

How the hell was this by the same guy who made Nightcrawler? That movie was amazing, this is trash.
What the fuck does Netflix do to people?

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This movie was far better than your imdb fedora pleb shit memecrawler though

I don't understand how Netflix consistently pumps out garbage. I'd love to see the numbers and see if their stuff actually sells.

I don't doubt that it does desu

This movie felt like it was lacking something, like a revelation moment

t. Braindead Netflixfag

I keep hearing about how they're in the red and their investors are getting edgy about making a profit. I'm sure their control on pop culture is considered more valuable than money, though.

I attended a screening/Q&A for Velvet Buzzsaw that the director was at, he seemed really out of it desu. Like a guy genuinely surprised that he somehow has this career. I think it's extremely possible that Nightcrawler was a fluke the same way Drive was, as much as I love both movies.

It was a fluke they got Renf involved. Anyone else would've made a dull movie.

Wtf are you on about Refn is very consistent. His weakest movie is Bronson and it’s still pure kino.

>Jake's mother is Jewish, and was born in New York City to a Jewish family from Russia and Poland. Gyllenhaal has said that he considers himself Jewish.

>I keep hearing about how they're in the red and their investors

I think that could very well be the case, and would explain why Netflix is so hesitant towards revealing ratings for all of its shows with the exception of these random data dumps they do to flex themselves. They're also signing ridiculous deals with people like Shonda Rhimes and Ryan Murphy because they're both proven hit-makers and Netflix is banking on keeping the hit-train going. Meanwhile, Amazon seems to be doing very little to compete with them for their Prime shows, and I honestly think it's because Amazon is playing the waiting game and is gonna swoop in and buy them when the financial situation becomes dire (and unlike Netflix, Amazon Studios has been pretty successful with their film releases). When that happens Hulu is straight-up finished, and I doubt Disney+ would really stand a chance either.

The Neon Demon didn't entirely suck but Only God Forgives is straight up garbage and the fact that Refn defended that piece of shit in front of William Friedkin of all people says all you need to know about him.

Movie itself not that bad and was humorous.

It's biggest issue is it's camera work and lighting. It feels like I'm watching an episode of Dexter on Showtime, at 3pm in the afternoon.

Beyond that though - the last half of the film is rad.

Only god forgives wasn’t bad. It was a weird movie but not necessarily lacking merit and beauty. You’re just a fagg.

Why would Amazon want to buy a sinking ship? I get taking out the competition but if they are already going to fail why waste the money?

this movie was absolute garbage

It could have been a great film if they kept it grounded. Perhaps I just had a different idea going in, but the supernatural aspect was pretty dumb and made the film feel cheap.

If they made it more about how the art was made by a killer and the art is a piece of the victims and made it more psychological we could have had something really good. They could have even made the paintings portraits of the victims before they were killed. Upped the spooky aspect.

Instead we got some cheap slasher without any of the charm.

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Netflix has nowhere near the financial resources that Amazon does. Netflix's main issue is simply that they are spending more than they actually have because their service is essentially their only source of income, whereas Amazon Prime is a multifaceted service that draws in people for many different reasons, funded by many different sources of revenue for Amazon.

The infrastructure is there, the platform is there. Every normie and their geriatric grandmother has heard of Netflix.

People don't care that Netflix is a sinking ship, people care about being able to watch shit and kill time.

its because you personally can relate better to some broke weirdo criminal than some artsy fartsy rich people

I'm assuming Netflix is hiring talented guys to execute stuff exactly their way. All their films are terrible, like you said, no matter who's directing, so Netflix is doing something to limit the creative freedom of the director's they hire.

I think it's ok, you see "produced by Netflix" and you know it's going to be unwatchable, this saves me a lot of time.

Refn was dissapointed with Only God Forgives himself but he's an incredibly talented director.

Every major director throughout history has made bad films, it happens.

Drive is not his best film, he made several better films in Denmark. It wasn'ta fluke.

Especially in the first few scenes I had to rewatch the first part just to make sure I was seeing it right. Literally just finished it, Ending kinda fell flat, I actually expected one of the paintings to look at the camera in the last scene

You expect them to delve into the painter more. They explained he's fucked up but that wasn't enough to move on

Yeah something was just missing. It felt like it could have beem building up to something unique but it just ended up being dumb. Haunted paintings that kill the owners ? 10/10

Only God Forgives is good though

>the fact that Refn defended that piece of shit in front of William Friedkin of all people

I hate when people bring this up. Who gives a fuck about William Friedkin past 1977? If I made a film I wouldn't let some old man just tell me it was shit.

>nightcrawler was amazing

This. I felt like the director was trying to criticize the art community and how they feel an undeserved sense of entitlement but it was handled horribly and made the director look like the same exact thing he was attempting to criticize.

>watch new trailer, it looks decent
>ok i'll spend a couple hours watching this movie
>oh, it's a tv show
>nah, this shit ain't worth 10+ hours

If you just watch it for Jake being a weird artfag he does a really good job. I wish they’d just spent more time on the artist’s life, but the scenes making fun of the urban art world were pretty excellent. No way that lead actress should have been seen as a sex symbol though, she looks like an Abo. The white girl from Stranger Things on the other hand is very cute and more believable in the lead role.



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Refn was joking with Friedkin.

this. i was expecting some kind of big reveal or twist, but it just fizzled out

Having seen much of his earlier work but Drive is very good

A university student could've made a better film. I know it was a black comedy but the whole thing felt like cheesy 90s slasher movie

I enjoyed the Dolby Vision visuals and Atmos audio, especially in that one room with the detached voices

Only good thing was the Hoboman design was pretty good

This is what I thought and hoped it was, or maybe even make it so the guy didn’t die just disappeared and he’d hide new paintings in victims homes unfinished etc. they lost me at the monkey scene