Damn....Jasmine looks like that?

Damn....Jasmine looks like that?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Damn... her husband looks like that?

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she actually looks presentable for the role when her mouth is closed



lets try that again

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She looks good but not Arab at all lmao

>another coalburning whore

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all browns look the same (except poos, they're just funny looking)

Black Bogdanov?

why do you care if a mixed race person racemixes

why does anyone care if anyone racemixes

Her children with a white man would look passable white, yet she chooses a black

looks like a fucking pajeet

This chick is way prettier

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Jasmine is a Pajeet in cartoon

nothing close
jasmine is arab

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I fixed her.

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because the kids are fucking hideous and retarded

is this a porn parody?

other way around
ask the brits what happens when you breed through a small genepool

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literally look up "mixed people"

uh okay?

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>1st one is literally ugly as fuck

she looks like a normal person and the rest are models or kids
try stepping outside some time

I do, they're hideous and nasty
they shart everywhere

She married Special Ed.

How is two mixed race people marrying coal burning?



Would she stand out in pic related? If not then this is just another clueless bit of commentary on the subject from the ‘experts’ who have never seen actual Arabs.

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Do you literally have to look like Mindy to be considered ‘pajeet looking?’

>Her children with a white man would look passable white
No they wouldn’t.

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mindy is considered top tier pajeet, I"m pretty sure. they don't look nearly as good as latinas or arabs

It's not like she's white, who cares.


This board always gets triggered when they see this “white girl” (who is half Indian) with her “black husband” (who is half white.) it’s pretty funny.

She looks like Jynx Maze, except Jynx is prettier.

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Also eats her own poop which is a plus

When you bet on black...

Keanu is quapa? The fuck?


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She’s not white herself and is in fact like barely a shade lighter than him. Why is this such a big deal?

s))))o((y is your problem

Gonna need a name and sauce. Haha just kidding she hawt as fuck damn.

No, really why? Why does it bother you if two mixed people mix?

He literally wrote the name, are you a dumdum?

“Technically” because he also has Polynesian heritage which counts as quapa/hapa but he’s really only like 1/16-1/32 Asian.

Do they really do that tho? I read it's just cookie dough

I'm in love bro...

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Lol did you like read only halfway. He said he was kidding

>mindy is considered top tier pajeet
According to who..??

Because mutts are an abomination Senpai a Lama Ding Dong, Baby
You put the Ooh Mow Mow (Oh, oh, oh, oh)
Back into my smile child
Hey, hey!
That is why (That is why)
That is why (That is why)
You are my Shooby Dooby Doo

They’re both already mutts though.

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yes but she has straight hair, and is able to breed whitoids

No, see

So they should be kept from reproducing sweetie

She qt for a brown girl, probably best dark-skinned pajeet. Aryan looking pajeets are obviously ubermensch in comparison though.

the 2 on the 2nd one looks white

>2 on the 2nd

Fair enough, but it’s silly to brand her a coalburner

Yea except she's not a mestizo, she's indian. So if she was bleached the kid would look like row 3, center or right.

1/4 indian looks white too

right since she’s half

lol are you fucking retarded? India had a caste system, with whiter Punjabi types on the top. Gross dravidian brahmin were on the bottom

Row 3 don't pass as white you brainlet. Right is a mongoloid, and center is attractive but definitely more dark skinned than the average Mediterranean.



you know how many to choose

The rat to be eaten by the tiger?

What are you even talking about? I didn’t say say anything about passing as white or not. I just said her kid (had she been bleached) would look like the 1/4 Indian since she’s 1/2. And how is the right mongoloid? (If you’re still talking about the Indian row.) Only the bottom row Asians are mongoloid.

Mostly conventionally attractive desu

Those aren’t Persians

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>brazillian cosplayers

Listen dude, shit the fuck up and don't ruin this for me.

I bet that's Cardiff


damn there are some sexy terrorist girls. few super cuties in the middle.

she looks like she fucks black men


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>Abu, get away from the Princess!

Gettting jiggy wid it

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me in the back, entirely fabricated with a computer


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It could’ve been literally anyone else (excluding his son) and I would’ve been fine with it

>one of the most fuckable disney princesses
>cast this

Why does Hollywood hate hot ass females?

It's not. He's a retard.

>no exposed midriff
>didn't let scott get tanned to a delicious brown
what an absolute WASTE

now show gringos half mick and half slav

the jews just want to ruin an arab classic don't they

Would colonize most of them

yay more low IQ Britmutts


>Nig Patrick Harris

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Live action Pocahontas when?

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not soon enough
hope they cast a pretty native girl when a native is a ugly theyre really ugly but when theyre hot theyre super hot

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