What's the name of that movie about a man that hid his dementia from America?

What's the name of that movie about a man that hid his dementia from America?

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Barack Obama.

The Sneed Motion Picture


Bernie Sanders in: No Refunds
I heard there's gonna be a sequel

Joe Biden

john mccain, for real though

consider the following

while trump is the type of person who is subconscious enough the have his long time person doctor's office like it was a meth lab over him revealing trump was on hair loss medication

don't you think it's equally possible he did to it because he was scared of his medical records revealing he had dementia leaking out

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someone photoshop nigger dick into his hands

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>while trump is the type of person who is subconscious enough the have his long time person doctor's office like it was a meth lab over him revealing trump was on hair loss medication
you wanna try that again

Attached: 1523602829348.webm (960x540, 2.85M)

haha no

>Compare Trump interviews from 20 years ago to now

Its not even remotely questionable as to whether he has SIGNIFICANTLY mentally declined. The manner in which he has done so matches dementia, so its likely, but the decline in itself cannot be questioned.

He used to be relatively articulate and could hold his own in an argument, but now he just blathers and stumbles over short sentences.

>trump has dementia!
You niggers tried that in 2016 and it didn't work.
t. someone that's lived and took care of someone with dementia

>he cleans someone's shit everyday
Imagine being this pathetic

It’s called getting old.

He doesn't have dementia, he's just always been stupid.

Imagine losing to someone who has dementia ROFL

Imagine losing to a stupid person ROFL

The US has a lot of stupid people, that's all it takes

Imagine being so pathetic you threaten the school to not release your report card.

Orange man bad i like to eat my poo poo and pee pee.


Imagine dedicating 8 years of your life trying to take down a President but failing to do so every day

>no u


no it's not there are old people that don't struggle to finish a coherent sentence

Only been two and it's pretty much the final stretch.

>he's finished! any day now!

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Based stroketranny user

He watches the gorilla channel on tv.

>a-any day now...

>Based Muller already sent plenty of his close friends to jail.
>They won't croak and deliver the dirt to Muller.

B..b..b..ut muh witch hunt!!!!


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>surely DRUMPF is finished THIS time!
Sad. It’s not happening, though I sort of wish it would. It’s past time to kick things off.


hurry mueller


Twin Peaks: The Return

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Where's that Mueller report though lol

>Leftists the day the Mueller report gets released and there's no evidence of collusion in it

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No, he's degenerated because he's splintered his psyche from decades of conning and lying

>implying collusion is the endgame

Mueller will likely have uncovered enough crimes from the Trump Organization to put the family in jail

mueller HURRY

Being there. Great movie.

No need to hurry; Trump's actions will all be undone

hurry mueller... hurry....

more political chaos. good for concerned parties

insert the word "raided" between "office" and "like" and change the word person to personal

did you see the video one of trumps goons slammed the receptionist on the floor during the raid