How many redpills did he drop?

How many redpills did he drop?

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Other urls found in this thread:

did he say the biggest one that starts with a N?

so many that the first 40 minutes had to be censored.

You guys just watch this for entertainment, right?

>Nazi bad
>Jews Good
>It's not the Jews and communist infiltration, its interdenominational demonic clockwork elves you can contact with DMT.

Pretty red pilled by 4channel/tv/ standards.

where can i watch the first 40 minutes

A bunch of tranny pills I bet

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nvm its all uploaded now

Too many to count

refresh, it finally updated.

It will eventually be added in. Streams usually leave out part of the beginning when it is initially uploaded.

Alex Jones is so redpilled, he surely mentioned the USS Liberty incident, right?

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They are probably going to target Joe next, right? There's no way they are going to let him get away with this. Joe broke the spiral of silence and allowed Jones back in. It's over for him. Tomorrow the advertisers are going to be dropping like flies

Joe is untouchable

god what world do you live in? Nobody is going to "go after Joe" for having Alex Jones on his podcast

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>The UN is Nazi

Do people really fall for this?

jones doesnt have to say anything
whats funny is (((they))) say it themselves if you can see

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Redemption arc?

>dropping 50 year old mainstream knowledge is considered a redpill

all of them


You keep lying about this, none of it was censored.

sets the pretext for 9/11 though

Only connection people make is submissions for the UN were swastikas. Srsly.

I thought YouTube deplatformed Alex? Are they going to let this video stay up?

None, he's a hack.

It was non stop redpills.

Joe is represented by bent pixels, a really powerful media firm. I'm sure they got the OK from YouTube before doing this, this video will stay up

So are all the Jonestards gonna stop crying about bully Joe Rogan, and him being controlled ops.

your a stupid nigger

Mueller investigation is over so now rogan can have alex jones on again. Stone and corsi were removed and silenced

Next you’ll see roger stone re-platformed as rosenstein leaves the DOJ

t.stupid nigger

Will it be up in full uncensored on vimeo?

>Others describe him as conservative, right-wing, alt-right, and far-right.

Are these real people? How can people have jobs and relationships and yet have no basic understanding of basic political terms and concepts?

>beyond classified

they don't have their own opinions, just regurgitate what cnn whatever say about him

they are political actors, lying is the point

Anything that doesn't embrace socialism and modern left wing identity politics is now labeled "far-right", wake up.

>believes that Sandy Hook was a false flag and that Hillary is demonic who eats babies
>it's unfair to call him far right though! Dont be mean!

lol, never

Being hyperpolitical must be difficult.

iNterdemensional pedophile vampires
I unironically believe 100% of what Alex Jones says

based conman Jones working the gullible rubes into a shoot

Sandy Hook was a false flag

>Oh yes Mr. Rogan I would love to be on your podcast. What works for you.
What a cuck.

>believes that Sandy Hook was a false flag

It's literally explained in the first 5 minutes that he doesn't believe that.

is this the tranny porn he had open in a tab or something?

The real redpill is the UN has been taken over by Islamists.

Was there a segment on this episode equivalent to the interdimensional pedophile vampire rant from last time?

Absolute unit


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None I assume since the whole thing is for show

Joe is where I get all my facts

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>Rogan directly asks him to redpill him about Soros
>all he can come up with is that he helped the Nazis and speculates with currencies
One of the weakest points of the podcast

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It was almost 5 hours of exactly that, it straight up cured my depression and I am now 100% woke and ready to engage in psychic and spiritual warfare.

People will just bitch about it on Twitter, Joe might lose guests. That's it really, Alex Jones really never did anything

Eddie finally met his match huh?

emotional repulsion of muh sandyhook denial is used as a bludgeon to insinuate inforwars into neoiliberal/isreal/racial critic lanes

>believing in hoaxes means you're far right
I guess Rosie O'Donnell is far right for commenting on the steel beams of the twin towers

this was fucking kino

I doubt Joe loses any guests, he has one of the most successful podcasts in the world, few people in the public sphere would give up that exposure because of their views on Alex Jones

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>When he went off on Eddie about abortions.

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im watching it for a second time it was so fucking next level

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Lol it's damage control for being sued you stupid faggot, link related:

It's like you robots think the internet isn't an archive.

American tobacco looks like it tastes good

I think you mean pointless.

No, believing in explicitly stormfaggot hoaxes makes you cozy with them.

So where is the full video from the beginning of the podcast? When did they make up?? This came out of nowwhere. News on how it happened?

How does that not repulse you?

>dropping truthbombs about how abortions disproportionately affect niggers
Quiet Alex. Don't let lefties know this. Legal abortion is the number one tool that allows whites to still be the majority in the US.

top middle and bottom right suck so fucking much, they have absolutely nothing interesting to say. everyone else is decent, idk about pewdiepie

>explicitly stormfaggot
Whoa, homophobia much? Using that word makes me think you're cozy with those types too

>entertaining a theory
>wow better brand him a though criminal

with people like you, the world would still be considered flat because nobody could be allowed to theorize.

>top middle
Fuck off identitarian. Go fellate your news media-political-corporate masters, You're startin a fucking civil war and YOU WILL LOSE

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I definitely could see some faggot Joe was gonna bring on make a big stink about on Twitter for the press

Pewd surprised me, he's decent enough.

>whites to still be a majority in the US

I listened to like 2 min of his JRE podcast, one thing that amazes me is how these dull mundane hacks have large audiences

Alec Jones has legit mental illness right?

>constantly wears a beanie because he's turbo bald
fucking wuss

Why does Sam Hyde look terminally ill in so many photos?

Can someone red-pill me on what this retarded user posted here. I'm sure it is just brain damaged swill but I would like to think I am open to other opinions... if you would be so kind.

>Sandy Hook is a synthetic, conspiracy and it's all made up and I even thought they killed real kids but it just shows you how far they will go, they even used fake photos
He's losing the libel cases you know. Kill yourself for defending this. I find the guy funny but he isn't "entertaining" it as a joke or devil's advocate, he says that is what he believes.

some of it is performance art and hamming it up, but he really is a lazy slob at his core

No, YouTube limits its live streams to 4 hours. The whole thing is available now, go look yourself.

You need to theorize that a bunch of dead kids is a liberal front to fake a shooting in order to pass gun legislation that never happened?

>pretending to get overly emotionally affected by school shootings

hope matt goes first reformed on the room

if i theorize that you're a faggot, am i correct in that?
Should I not have that freedom? The freedom of thought?

he's a big guy

this might have been the realest shit I've ever seen on a mainstream broadcast....

>"I think you faked the death of your son!"
>that's dangerously close to libel

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Why is any of that “far right wing?” Far right is authoritarian and monarchism and shit, Alex is a moderate like most other americans.

You legally can't get on a platform and spread lies that end up hurting individuals. That isn't freeze peach, that's libel with consequence and an intent.

It is, unfortunately.

>everyone is just pretending to be outraged at Alex Jones

>Alex is a moderate

your fucking sick, your brainwashed with your new stateist religion. the war is brewing and its going to get worse for you and your lies
its part of his fucking brand. hes that on the ground digital journo who you INSTANTLY recognize thanks to the beanie. has nothing to do with baldness
cuz its funny, hes a funny dude and his based fans like to laugh at his roided out pimpled ass
which one is mat?

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>You legally can't get on a platform and spread lies that end up hurting individuals.

he literally didn't do any of it, this video is out of context like always:

I can literally watch hitler on youtube right now but I can’t watch Alex jones. Your apologism is as partisan as it is selectively applied.

>Alex is a moderate

>his direct words from his own show are out of context
Please explain to me how I am taking the following out of context: "Sandy Hook is a synthetic conspiracy"? Why don't you enlighten me you mentally ill retard? Christ, I am quoting a direct InfoWars clip.

On the political spectrum yes. Far right is totalitarian, far left is communism, Alex is neither of those things.

Lol what sort of argument is that? I'm sure if Hitler survived post-WW2, he probably would be banned from a private service like Youtube too. Cope, YouTube doesn't owe you a platform. Alex still has his own sites.

>towards the end Jones cries a little from remembering a dream he had


>Please explain to me how I am taking the following out of context: "Sandy Hook is a synthetic conspiracy"?

Any reason why the clip is just a minute long?

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communism is also totalitarian

>wahhh wahhh wahhh! You are taking his own words out of context
Go back to /x/ or do me a favor and hang your fang neck on a tree.

>Cope, YouTube doesn't owe you a platform.
That's where your wrong. Certain businesses and platforms are afforded strong protections. Look at OTA transmission or copper wire phone service.

All it will take is a few good people in congress to bring in our past protections into the digital realm and all your wierd little hard ons for de-platforming, depersoning and censoring people will be gone.

Because Alex Jones tried to scrub the full episode despite it all being on Vimeo? Did an AI recreate him saying "it was a synthetic conspiracy?"

communism is totalitarian

>Because Alex Jones tried to scrub the full episode despite it all being on Vimeo?

Do you have any proof of this, it could as well be vimeeo removing the videos because of the global deplatforming.

>That's where your wrong
That's where I'm not? No man can force you to give someone else's labor, which is true of most services. Youtube is owned by Google and a private company, they don't fucking owe you shit. You don't have to use it. You can pay the literal pennies it takes to run your own website.
>and all your wierd little hard ons for de-platforming, depersoning and censoring people will be gone.
Being banned from a private service isn't censorship and ever since the controversy, subscriptions to his website have gone up.

The proof is that the original video isn't on InfoWars anymore and no, there is no conspiracy to globally deplatform anyone, schizo.

ok? Alex Jones isn’t a totalitarian/authoritarian/monarchist/national socialist or any other word for it so he’s not far right.

bake the cake

*no man can force you to give your labor for free I meant

Imagine trying to talk about people's rights when you literally don't even know about taxes.

It doesn't matter if they are a private company, just like Ma Bell couldn't ban you from the phone network because of your politics Google and the other big ones will be there soon enough.
>You're not entitled to yadda yadda yadda
Yes, you are. You can take your philisophic bullshit and dote on it all you want but in the real world we are all entitled to things and actions from all others to varying degrees.

That is as simple as it is. But if you wanna get sissy about it, just look how Google's business is run. Mostly on infrastructure paid for by the public, subsidized by the public or on public rights of ways and public lands.

Your shit is sophomoric.

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>surely he talks about my special pet issue or he's a fraud

I love how /pol/niggers leave out that they took the money first and then decided not to bake the cake.

These deflections are what they are taught in schools

>Found the podcast funny at first
>Then he started doing the Frank Underwood voice talking about resuscitating babies
>All that human animal hybrid shit
>All that stuff about inter dimensional evil

I...really wasnt ready. I’m fucking shook. I never listened to AJ before but hes just fucking around right?

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Buddy, you are legally not entitled to the work or platform of a private company. It's a free service, if you tards read the user agreement, you'd realize you signed a consent form.

>there is no conspiracy to globally deplatform anyone,

Do you know what the chinese social credit system is?

also wildly wrong; you can be put in prison, conscripted, pressed into civil service, etc.
that's even besides less immediately-obvious-to-everyone-who's-not-a-fucking-retard-stuff like how you can definitely be 'forced to perform free labour' for people who use your privately owned public spaces

>hes just fucking around right?
He's 100% telling his truth. Whether or not he's correct may never be known.

Except it isn't? They agreed to the service by taking their money and refused to refund them based on "muh religion", which is illegal.

>calls himself autistic
>calls the Nazi Germans and Chinese as robotic and therefore inhuman

>hes just fucking around right?
Mostly, yes.

Only because the law hasn't been updated for the internet. But these are clearly public spaces, to which I am entitled access as a member of the public.

YouTube isn't a public space you absolutely retarded zoomer.
>convicted criminals are an example
You lose certain rights when you are convicted of crimes. What is wrong with your brain?

Google it.
There's at least some truth to everything he said.

what a fucking madman.
that part was absolute kino

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Astrology chart, feed your birthday with the time of birth and it spews back pages on pages of BS with each sign aligned to a planet or whatever that's a different part of your psyche or life journey.

Is what a totitarian state does "globally"?

>"no man can force"
>lol of course a man can force r u retard?
good job retard

lmao, sure tim

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Protections from censorship will come. Being a "private" company won't work, all the excuses won't work.

Deplatforming is on its way out and political censorship will be eliminated from the internet. the town square will be protected.

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No, what part of a "service offered to you conditionally by a private company that you agree to use" do you have trouble understanding?

It's like half of what /x/ talks about man. The other half is how to summon succubus's so they don't have to be virgin anymore

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Didn't he say his grand-parents were high german and that it meant ubermenschen?

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are you implying google isn't a global entity?

You're comparing the restriction of rights for a convicted felon, to some zoomer using YouTube.

Supposing for a second that what Alex Jones is saying is true and the government/nasa were really that evil... I would really expect there to be more whistleblowers out there besides just Alex.

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Whoa, astraphobic much?

Yeah well, let's see what the supreme court has to say about that, you corporate shill.

The common mistake people make about Alex is that these are his own personal beliefs.
In regards to the "interdimentional demonic blood sacrifice occultist" stuff, they're the legitimate held beliefs and practices of the ruling elite of this word.
Even if under it all they're just larping, Its still extremely fucked up and concerning.


So you want to live in some sort of nationalized entertainment dystopia where no private company has ownership of their products?

poor americans don't have any idols to be followed

I'm refuting your argument. You may still be right, but not through that line. Use a different one and/or go fuck yourself.

Do you trust the 35 thousand nazi's we brought in to speak out?

There are, you are just too lazy to google the sources he's constantly quoting.

SC has ruled in favor of private organizations and the protections of individuals under the law who exercise free speech. I'm sorry you don't like freedom..

You aren't refuting anything you mongoloid. Go back already, so suck Alex's cock on your home board.


?? Whats the significance

>ou lose certain rights when you are convicted of crimes
That is a rarity. Few states even rescind the right to vote after the sentence is served. We're very close to a point where time served really is time served, at least as far as government sanctions are concerned.

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No, he's a crazy person. Like Bill Cooper or David Icke retarded crazy.

He's so desperate to raise his profile because he's having his ass sued by his ex wife and a bunch of Sandy Hook parents, but I've come to believe after years of thinking he was trolling that Alex Jones genuinely believes really stupid shit.

>That is a rarity
Except it's not and this argument is fucking stupid.

conditionally, sure. when a corp obviously goes against the public interest, it can get fucked. for example, in my country, you can't block off open areas to the public. so you can own that huge stretch of land all you'd like, you have no right to deny me access.

>I'm not CIA
>Me neither

Link me to 1 (One) other person that is talking about gov/nasa DMT cults that are conspiring with inter-dimensional elves to destroy humanity.

(You can't)

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>he conditionally wants nationalized entertainment so that he can have shit specifically cater to his sensibilities
You're fucking scum. You know that? You aren't entitled to a product by a private company. It's that simple. This isn't like a human rights violation or a discrimination based on protected classes. You don't have protections for your fucking opinions. That isn't how free speech works. Go to a public area and bemoan whatever you want, start your own website. Don't assume you are entitled to a company's labor.

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So how do we destroy them?

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That part about humans being the collective whole of their ancestors was pretty fucking comfy ngl.

Any links to anything like that? Is that some sort of religious belief?

>but hes just fucking around right?

holy shit , the government trying to light the atmosphere on fire with H-Bombs. Using 5g cellphone towers for mass mind control. Globalists selling the human race to dimensional entities all While talking about psychedelic drugs and schizophrenia , this is a joke right ?

You're weak. You attack a man's hair yet not the movement he represents.
>So you want to live in some sort of nationalized entertainment dystopia where no private company has ownership of their products?
your being an idiot to be an idiot. what I and MANY OTHER PEOPLE ARE SAYING is that when it comes to public discourse, whether it happens at the park or it happens on twitter, it MUST be protected at all costs. we cannot have a democracy if we cannot speak freely among each other.
Just like my lawbooks talk about fucking e-contracts and all the stupid shit that the digital age brought to boring ass contract law, our constitutional protections will also come to enter the digital age. e-rights or whatever you retards need to call it reign
its very rare for someone to lose their right to vote for a felony, in most places if it even happens it only happens until their sentence is served and then maybe a few extra years or they have to appeal to get the right back. we are in an age where after the sentence there will be no more government prohibitions. just wait until you see what sex offenders will be lobbying for in the next decade.
For right or wrong the government is losing its power to punish someone outside their initial sentence, voting is the most visible artifact of that.

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He uses hyperbole to drive home a point.
On his streaming show he often presents the latest articles and videos detailing the crazy things he's been ranting about for years.

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Jones is awesome. Can't wait to listen to this.

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Some of the finest kino of our time. Not a single minute is boring.

None, this was all planned by Joe Rogan and him to garner views while Alex rambles like a schitzo

>1.5 million views

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user, that's a legit discord tranny. If you see someone with a Peter coffin picture like that, it's a discord tranny. He's been shitting up the jazz generals

>Alex Jones genuinely believes really stupid shit.
so what? is he not allowed to believe what he wants to?

A public park isn't a private service like Twitter. Why are you so retarded? Nothing is owed to you to "protect" you from Twitter's user agreement. That you agree to...

I've seen /x/ talk about it before so it's not the first time I've heard similar stuff

I think even Rogan realises, its not worth shunning AJ for people like Jack Dorsey.

AJ is liked by millions. Dorsey is liked by a handful of SJW's

You can speak freely anywhere in a public forum or in the privacy of your home. But you aren't entitled to the platforms owned by private companies. It's really that simple.

>Alex and Joe leave to do more blow
>Eddie starts to sound awkward like he doesn't know what to talk about without them
>suddenly starts talking about 9/11 being an inside job

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Is there anything about how humans are the sum of their ancestors experiences or whatever he was rambling about?

That shit was too interesting

I'm not interested in your boogeyman.

They're literally public utilities at this point, you stupid corporate cocksuckers

Sure but it's far and few between on /x/.
Honestly AJ was freaking me out cause there was just so many connections ( Like almost all of it) to stuff I've read on there.
Don't get me wrong. /x/ is the feeding frenzy of the schizo's, but sometimes they regurgitate some cool stuff.

What's next, corporations owning cities like in Robocop?

The best part of the podcast. Also Jammie is a faggot


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>A public park isn't a private service like Twitter.
Mmmhmmm, tell that to Occupy when then went to the privately owned park down there and they got protections becuase it was intended to be open to the public. Tell that to the many states and areas where photography and even politicking in a mall is protected because its open to the public.

The point is, Twitter and Youtube and Facebook are like the Occupy Wallstreet thing. It's owned by a private entity but its for everyone and has always been for everyone and since its being used for protected speech and action and has been for a long time, it will be protected again.

Facebook, Google, Twitter they all fucking brought this on themselves under their protections under the DMCA and a few other laws. Thank god they did, they sought to save a few bucks and in the end handed the entire country the largest public square that ever existed.

It's happening, there is no way it won't happen thanks to precedent and the protections in the constitution.

Once again look at how they have treated private use of the airwaves and how regulated to fuck and back AT&T was. This is the ground work, this is why and how giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google will be brought to knee in the service of the public. Not just their blessed few.

>You can speak freely anywhere in a public forum or in the privacy of your home. But you aren't entitled to the platforms owned by private companies. It's really that simple.
Yes you are. How do you not see that. Do you think the phone company call pull your service for calling numbers they do not like? You are a fucking baby brainlet. We are entitled to protections by both private and public officials.

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They literally, by every definition, are not public utilities. The internet is, not the private services on it.
>you're a corporate cocksucker
No, let's just nationalize all entertainment and just put the final coffin in journalism by allowing unilateral control over all "wrongthink" by the state. Sounds fucking grand...

Ahh shit, I was hoping you had links or something

>Do you think the phone company call pull your service for calling numbers they do not like?
No...they can't.

Some Assassin's Creed-tier /x/ophrenic shit
Why are you avatarfagging?

Telecommunications will be brought to heel by the things we did to telephone, radio and broadcast television with help from every monopoly we've busted and the power of the first amendment.

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>It's owned by a private entity but its for everyone
Except it isn't and you faggots literally AGREE to their conditional terms of services that outline how they can pull any content or ban you at their discretion. To repeat, you all agree to those rules.

Why not.

The tragedy of all this is that next time Joe has a liberal on his podcast, the brainlet retards will call him a shill and demand he has more guests like Alex Jones on.

YouTube is a monopoly now? Vimeo exists.

>not being dead for the last 20 years
Oh you're retarded

Being a basedboy faggot must suck

>t. zoomer
Just because you don't follow anything but sensationalist media, doesn't mean that real journalism is dead.

Stupid /pol/ NPC.

>>It's owned by a private entity but its for everyone

Is this hard to fathom?

This is THE fucking business model for the last 20 years for social media comkpanies.

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Well its not even March and the media have been caught in how many hoaxes already this year
>Everyone i dont agree with is from /pol/

>YouTube is a monopoly now? Vimeo exists.
De facto, effective, etc.
Vimeo has standards my friend. That is a key difference.

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>Is this hard to fathom?
Yes. Because it's factually wrong and for the 100th time now, it's in their user agreement you e-sign.

>Well its not even March and the media have been caught in how many hoaxes already this year

Yes they do but it's still annoying. Zoomers watch trash like this and youtube all day but don't watch the few good shows on TV then bitch about TV shows sucking. I can't wait until the new generation comes and Zoomers have to suffer an even worse quarterlife than anyone in history. I hope they all fucking commit suicide.

How many /pol/ tabs do you have loading up on your phone right now, NPC?

>so they're creating these human-animal hybrids to what? harvest their tissue?
>...that's just Level 1.
>what's Level 2... ? wait... no... what's Level 8?

>implying social media giants like Facebook who own Instagram as well as WhatsApp
>oh you want another platform? Try twitter oh wait the owners will ban you for saying the wrong things? Try YouTube, oh no same outcome? Well how about reddit? They have tons of subreddits! Oh wait they’re banning all boards that they don’t agree with? Yikes. How about Yea Forums! Oh man you get banned for just saying nigger now? Well gee I guess there aren’t any platforms of worth that will get your message across on the Internet after all
>lol I guess you just gotta deal with it haha

he talked about spider goats

and said 'extra-terrestrial inter-denominational being ARE REAL

>muh NPC
When will this reddit meme die?

Yeah that doesn't matter. I can write whatever I want into my agreement. That I can come into your home at night and take your organs while you're sleeping. Doesn't count for shit because people's organs are protected from that, just like their right to public expression is protected.

Fuck off with your regressive, totalitarian bullshit and corporate bootlicking you useful idiot.

I have believed that the grey aliens are really AI beings and that demons are also AI within this hologram.

he was on point.

>When Joe kept trying to end the podcast for over an hour but Alex kept pulling him back in
Hearty keks were had.

20 years ago they had spiders producing body armor

Yea Forums and Yea Forums you insufferable faggot.

I don't let /pol/ live rent free in my head like you do.

does it strike a nerve, faggot?

>it takes multiple libel suits to finally get Alex Jones banned from YouTube
>there are literal neo-Nazis on Twitter and Youtube who exist without problem.
this is what autism looks like.

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nigga did you not take a single american history class in college?

Alex is a brave man. Soon brother, it will be men like you and I fighting for our rights to bear. Soon the FEMA camps will start and they'll dehumanize us into humanoids where we won't have civil rights. They are leading a war against your mind, the people in charge, the hyper elite who have their off world entities giving them more power, influence and intelligence. You need to arm your mind for the fight of humanity. Not only that your erections are suffering. Get Supermale Vitality, which enhances your MIND AND BODY.

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>editorialize the contents of the posts
>private companies
>publicly traded, heavily tax subsidized

You fucking cocksuckers are like broken gramophones, someone inserts a talking point into you and you repeat it until your handlers release you and you go back to chanting about losing your chains.
Don't give me any private shit when leftshits are running around abusing Choke point legislative.

If you think the User Agreement is anything more than an untested bit of contract then you are a fucking dope. There are a thousand ways for this to be codified into a law and no one will give to shits about an e-contract.

The general welfare of the populace will be obeyed by the law of the land.

None of these little shitty, forgotten in 100 years corporations has anything that can stand in the face of the American People, it's constitution or it's traditions. From law to prior action, the right to engage in debate, to congregate, to be free from overseers who determine what can be said will fucking persevere.

I will say that I do find it terrifying that little bugs like you find this little section of 10 years in history where the megacorps have risen again and stifle us and try and dictate our politics and use it as some sort of "this is the way it is". You are sick and I hope you keep it up so that when the time comes (if the courts and congress don't fix things fast enough) you are beaten and killed in the street.

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He literally took back the entire thing in 2015 way before the lawsuits came in.
Thats why the lawsuits are so frivolous

Window's business model for the last 20 years has been allowing particulars to pirate it to become a monopoly and charge corporations ridiculous prices for licenses. Does that mean they're not allowed to start prosecuting individuals now?

Dumb /pol/ tranny.

>a user agreement that is within the bounds of the law for an internet service is totalitarian
Are you an actual communist or something? Christ. This is a bizzare argument.


Its a Australian tranny/hooker who AJ was caught watching.
She lives near me and you can rent her for 200$ for 30 mins.

Looks like the moon's on my side this month

>>editorialize the contents of the posts
You agree to this when you accept their TOS, you retarded tranny.

>but he took it back!
He didn't.
>libel is okay if you say sowwy!
Not how it works.

>look how sad i am for school shooting victims please robbie parker fellate my privy member!

The trio are back together. Fucking glorious. Watch Alex go nuts at 1:24:30 so fucking good.

You sound upset.

I'm not reading your blogpsots anymore. I'm fairly certain you have a legit mental illness.

You guys know he had to admit in court it was all an act to retain custody of his kids right? The guy is an actor

Until it happens to James Gunn, then it's a conspiracy.




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Do yourself a favor and look up libel. Again, he's not winning those cases... sorry. He also has said it numerous times.

That performance artist quote was referring to a sketch he did as the joker retard



>Show me proof
>OK, here's the contract
>If you think that contract means anything you are stupid stupid stupid

>This isn't happening

>He's deliberately coating his claims in ridiculous shit to keep The Man from taking him seriously enough to kill
>Why would it matter if they killed him

>Here let me compare reality to what a slant-eyed nip who writes terrible video games said

>you're taking his own words out of context even though what he's saying directly is the context!!!

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you heard me, what's wrong with all you trumptards

his acting is terrible

Kill yourself. You literally cant provide me one other time he said it was a completely synthetic event. (Look at his shirt. Its clear every quote saying such is from the same day)

Sandy hook is a public event. I dont believe it was faked but just for fun I’ll excersize my first ammendment right and say It was faked.
The families lied about their children dying in order to take away the guns. I hope when its revealed they concocted the entire event that they are each convicted in a court of law.

Sue me.

I'm not a Trumptard?

>4 hours and 40 mins of pure kino

joe nows god dam well how long a guest should have

There is literally numerous compilations of him saying it on YouTube from his show you uninformed faggot.

You sound like you want to be raped by your dad.

you tell 'em grandpa

>Does that mean they're not allowed to start prosecuting individuals now?

It can. But most imporantly you have to understand LAs are not worth much, only some of the weaker points have really been tested in law with mixed results. Now if MS had not gone after people in a great manner, or if there was evidence they did ignore what pirates were doing then there would be angles to find the contract non-serviceable. I mean this LAs only exist because so much of it is bog standard shit same as being in a store was and buying real goods.

The more esoteric shit is untested and perhaps the most annoying aspect is the agreements you see in LAs is for arbitration over the courts and even that contentious shit only flies because the government has been pushing arbitration itself for fucking decades.

If they really ignored their own agreements and it was at scale or documented enough then yeah that would be a defence against the agreements because its hows they didn't enter the agreement in good faith or they did but also knew they themselves wouldn't hold people to it. I could pull up some contract law shit if you want, but its all hypothetical. I mean we have contract law, its the shit online and the LAs that is hypothetical and only exists because people are stupid and no one has money to fight for their inherit rights.

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tim pool and sargon are the most milquetoast little fags all the others are at least interesting

Provide me one instance (besides the aforementioned day he said the “synthetic” quote) where he says the families are faking.

Every. Single. Other. Video. Is of him saying he believes the government conducted the attack, not that the families are faking

>I'm not reading your blogpsots anymore. I'm fairly certain you have a legit mental illness.
Yeah heaven forbid you respond to someone that uses 1,000 characters.

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Should I get high while watching this?

Lol oh, so it's less libel if he goes back and forth from the government faking it, to families? Both imply the families are all liars...

>white-knighting for “muh school shooting victims” this hard

isn't it funny how conservashits can just use "im retarded" as a get out of jail free card, and no one calls them on it, because society has just accepted that these people are braindead?

>I believe in free speech, also its ok I got James Gunn fired using twitter outrage
>I believe in anti-corruption, but its ok for all my politicians to take money from corporations.

its sad that conservatives are only allowed to exist because 30 years of whining has conditioned people to have zero standards for them

He says the kids could have been actors during the NBC interview with Meghan Kelly and he was "looking at all possibilities".

So (((they))) say
And if he did, how do you know he wasn't acting in court, like most people do?

You don't know what white-knighting is.

Shut up trumptard. Back to r/thedonald.

And there is literally numerous compilations of CNN lying us into the two iraq wars.

Why shouldnt they be legally tried for libel? Which lie caused more deaths? At least Alex apologized for his in 2016. Wheres their retraction for saying saddam had wmd’s in iraq?

t. white knight

>how do you know he wasn't acting in court, like most people do?
There's literally no way to know yeah, but you could say the same thing about whether or not he's acting on screen

This is literally a deflection and not an argument about Alex Jones.

>southern lovin' voice
I'm dying

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your a fucking indentitarian faggot
go watch your little faery podcosts, i hear hila is milkable now

Don't listen to the discord shills replying to you. You're right, Alex Jones is just a basic civnat with libertarian tendencies.

I'll be nice to him and call him a performance artist. If you think there is anything to his rants you are a moron. Even his short rant on WWII was riddled with inaccuracies.

>Dresden bombing in 1941
It was in 1945.
>Hess was a "top 3 flying ace in WWI"
Hess never participated in air combat in WWI.
>Nazis held baby sacrifices, it's on record
I don't need to tell you this is psychotic bullshit, or maybe I do . . .

At first, I didn't support Jones' deplatforming, but now I'm not so sure. He's worse than a paid shill, he's a disinformation agent who is actively and enthusiastically disorienting working class whites. He is a menace and will only lead his followers/listeners down a path of psychosis and disenfranchisement.

If you are listening to Jones for anything other than a laugh you are in trouble.

He dropped all of them.

>the breakaway governments are taking drugs like DMT to communicate with aliens and other inter-dimensional beings in underground bases


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