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Undisputed is only better because ogfshannon sharpe. Otherwise First Take has better debates. Basically Skip is a contrarian dumbass.
Cast it
first take only has stephen a
skip's dumb opinions are at least laughable max is just irritating
>I watch sports shows for rationality.
T. Sòyfag.
based skip
>implying watching this shit "ironically" doesn't still make you a retard
The Green Mile
>Skip is a contrarian dumbass.
Skip is a human pleb filter, and it looks like you got filtered
>that time Shannon showed up on the show with a Black and Mild in his mouth
God I wish I was in the middle
>Basically Skip is a contrarian dumbass.
so is Max Kuckerman at least Skip is entertaining
The patrician's choice.
Based and SKIIIUUUUPPpilled
I want that ratface to give me a rimjob right fucking now.
please seek professional help
Skip - random jordan boomer facebook commenter
Middle - random latina model
Shannon - Wesley Snipes or Samuel Jackson.
What's Joy's ethnicity? I know she's mixed but I'm not really seeing black in there?
>look her up
>she is the sister of Jason Taylor
>engaged to big ass head Earl Watson
the trunky choice
Why did Joy leave?
She became ol slugger's new Leahy
>implying Woody and Skip wasn't the best combo
terrible take
Skip: Ethan Hawke
Shannon: Idris Elba
Joy: Ana de Armas
Woody Paige? That happened? Anyway, the Goat was Around the Horn with Woody and Mariotti.
This is the only sports personality worth listening to. He actually knows sports unlike those ESPN clowns
Sterling is the better Sharpe
If you guys listen/watch anything other than PTI, the Tony Kornheiser show and the Bill Simmons podcast then I hate you
If you watch anything on ESPN other than games you are an enormous faggot