I swear you Americans are doing this just to FUCK with us.

Attached: REALIndiavFAKEIndia.jpg (1518x994, 301K)

America harbors the worst of every culture. If you want quality, then you have to go to the source

Pajeets in india look like kaling though, only elite actresses look like the woman on the left

>Women can be ugly
Thank god they are showing it, so incels don't get the blue prince treatment and get confused into thinking evey women in the planet is a 10/10 and they are gonna get one just by existing. That tactic already ruined a whole generation and fucked up society. The generation after zoomers is the one that is gonna rise up those white reproduction numbers.

Hey India, we hate it too. There's no good reason to put low caste trash on camera over the prettier ones. Make more good movies though, you guys might be able to make a dent in our movie industry and I'd like that a lot, they need competition.

Are you indian user? I'm black and yeah, I feel bad for you guys. We get to see qter and qtr black girls in movies. It will happen for you too user, just hold on bro. I see qt little indian girls walking around all the time now. It will happen bro...just hold on bro I believe in you bro. I love you bro.

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>"wherever I am I must also post about incels"

That’s actually the most flattering picture of Kaling I’ve ever seen.

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>bollywood indians
>high cast aryans
>hollywood indians
>castless dravidian niggers and brahmins

can an ugly american make it as a chad in india? asking for a friend

you can make it as a chad anywhere if you have a positive outlook and charisma and confidence and money

no chads are chads ANYWHERE

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imagine being this creature

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South Indians got those n word lips

>Indians and Asians just can’t act.
Wanna know how I can tell you only watch capeshit and Disney movies?

this is just a trick the jews do to troll their native countries. that thing on the right would be lowest of low in india so the jews give her a 'successful career in (((hollywood)))' to spite literally all other indians. sort of like how D&D gave that turk roastie a GOT role and how jews in porn gave mia khalifa top tier pornstar status despite that usually being reserved for white girls and look how assmad their native respective cultures got over it

Can't wait for chocolate qts from all races to appear in my movies.

so basically the bollywood 'indians' are persian or armenian and not actually pajeets

Imagine being his mother. Hopefully the poor freak offs himself so his family and he too can finally have relief from his miserable existence.

any countries that aren't complete shit-tier that love white guys? i'm just broke and have bad teeth, otherwise pretty charismatic, optimistic, and good looking. moving half way across the world and living like a king sounds awesome

>dravidian and brahmins
So the most successful part of India?
Depends on how rich you are. If you aren't rich you can pull ugly chicks but that's it.

I've scrolled through the thread and can't find the name of the QT on the left. Can somebody please help me?

>top tier pornstar status
It's sorta pathetic that this is a thing in the first place.

Nvm. It was the first google reverse image search

>Movies have pretty people.
Wow user how did you come to this conclusion?
Disha patani. Check out Pooja Hegde and Banita Sandhu too

Your mom

He's right. The cinema output from India is dire and extraordinarily melodramatic and even the pinaccle of asian cinema like Koreeda films has a lower standard of performance than western arthouse.

It's also true in the asian diaspora in the west, because asian immigrants don't allow their children to pursue creative careers or place any cultural value on them. In successive generations, this is becoming less an issue, but they do still remain largely in insular communities which retain their values on social advancement and proper professional careers. If you're an asian or indian kid in america, it's likely that your parents are gonna literally not allow you to try be an actor, instead of try be a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer. Even if they're working class themselves. They work in a laundy or a restaurant so you can get a middle class job and support them in old age.

Wew. Thanks man. Is this proof that race-mixing can work wonders?

>any countries that aren't complete shit-tier that love white guys?
literally every single country in the world

The most Hollywood Indian actress is stone cold fox.

Attached: 30B0B949-1967-442F-9A55-FD9FA8C9E261.jpg (311x450, 31K)

Yeah don't forget this guy

I just realized that this might come off as a racist insult. Alls I was saying is that I want Indians and whites to mix and make more cutie pies like this. I was born too early.

She started in Bollywood. And she didn't grow up in America

She grew up in India


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Do you actually WANT Shlomo to send Chad and Tyrone to come over and fuck your women or something? What's your objective here?

>Check out Pooja Hegde and Banita Sandhu too
Aishwarya Rai is still the most beautiful woman on earth.

Haha what the fuck are you gonna do about it, poo boy? Nuke Pakistan? I bet you don't have the guts to do it, poo boy.

Based Derrick.

Attached: derrickbio01.jpg (416x400, 76K)

Most cultures have lighter skinned peoples in the higher castes. However when depicted they are rarely anything other than the darkest people from the lower castes. Unless they are supposed to be a bad guy, of course.

I guess it can but those actresses aren’t mixed, they’re just lighter skinned. Naomi Scott is mixed though if that’s what you’re into.

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>So the most successful part of India?
Historically they only had the spice trade going for them, the North was still better before it was raped by Islam and turkic conquerors

Fuck off alita incel

Indians in the Senate

Attached: warren.jpg (275x183, 6K)

I have never seen an Indian women that looks like the beautiful one IRL. Not even close. I live in one of the top 20 biggest cities in the US.

Wtf is this blasphemous whore


Yeah because US has ugly south indians

>women in the planet is a 10/10 and they are gonna get one just by existing
Said no incel ever.

Honestly, the right and the left are constantly touting this "entitlement" meme and it's nauseating.

Just because I desire a flash car doesn't mean I feel fucking entitled to it. It's the same for incels wanting sex except the desire and urge is obviously on another level. Why is sex given this special treatment?

You aren't christian, stop larping.

exhibit A

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exhibit B

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exhibit DD

Attached: crop.php?r=Z_nH_6DaQuCbB5pu3rRaqkmHq6h0JHLfJSjQwX8I39uhWhAWcj694eS7FMg0FJOAPlOOOdE-VFEB3PhFbn-aUhJ3b (680x901, 67K)

They made her character an Arab with the Al-Alibaba surname nonsense

She needs a little more makeup

no one cares boomer

Are seasons 2 and 3 even worth watching if she and Eleanor aren't going to have hot sweaty lesbo sex

Without makeup

Attached: 0145D26F-60CA-4D6F-94A6-E884ABC5AC44.jpg (879x1222, 263K)

Indian caste system favours light skin
Media is dominated by people with light skin
There is actually a makeup industry in India devoted to making skin lightening creams

>Without makeup

Hey Hamilton, have a holly jolly Christmas.

>Indian caste system favours light skin
>Media is dominated by people with light skin
Happens as well in Latin America.

I don't know what these are meant to exhibit, but can I get some more of them with names?

>Without makeup

Attached: that's_a_big_HEH_from_me.jpg (413x332, 35K)

bolly should not move to holly.
So sad to see them
Do soft core porn in the opening scene in hollywood.
>sex scenes have no place in tv/movie.
>does nothing for the story.

Isn’t the latter part of what you said a thing in all of Asia

For me? It's Sunny Leone. Kind of interesting that she did up doing Bollywood movies.

Forgot pic.

Attached: bd1112429b1cb67b0f31d275e1ffb08a.jpg (383x576, 31K)

1st is Tahani from the Good Place
2nd is CeCe from New Girl

>without makeup

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99% pajeet woman look like right tough

The average pajeets are ugly darkies tho

1% is still more than your country's entire population tough

>almost 44 years old

Attached: m.i.a..jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Pajeet have to be the most delusional people on the planet. This is what centuries of arranged marriage has done and you only have yourselves to blame

Attached: images (98).jpg (827x371, 63K)

Thanks, man. bookmarking this page to my Indian folder and will check back later in hopes for more babes.

>Almost 50 years old

Attached: 20yrChallenge.jpg (1080x1080, 115K)


>find Indian woman who kind of looks white
>"see guys Indian women are hot"

Prolifetip user: Most immigrants are either poor or middle-class in their respective countries, which is the entire reason they move to the US, for a better life/more money. The rich/upper-class of their country have NO REASON to emigrate because they already have a comfortable/luxurious lifestyle. In fact, it would incredibly stupid to do so because the patriarch of rich families are businessmen who would have more competition in the US than in some third-world shithole.

So why is socio-economic status important to looks? Because in third-world countries the upper-class are usually the "whitest", as they are more closely descended to the whites who originally occupied/colonized that country. This is true in Latin America, Africa and some of Asia.

Hollyweird is literally packed with crazy people.

Their shills online aren't any better.

This is what happens when you shut down the mental asylums.

What is the best Indian dish and why is it palak paneer?

As a person who both likes Indian women and has a bikini fetish, this woman is awesome.

The good-looking Persian types are descended from the region of land along both sides of the Northern part of the Indian-Paki border. The muzzies and sikhs and some Hindus lived in this region for ages and were different from the abo-looking pajeets in the South, the nigger-looking pajeets in the South, and the gook-chink-looking people in the East. So when people say "North India" they're talking about the people lining the northernmost parts of the border, who look like picrelated, the guy running Pakistan right now, and not the guy running India.

At least that's what I've picked up. That place is the single most diverse part of the world. They're more autistic/particular about races, religions, castes, and tribes than pol itself could ever hope to be. It's crazy to say "Indian" is a race. The 56% amerimutt meme is closer to reality.

Attached: imran_khan.jpg (215x271, 6K)

Brazil and its neighboring states are actually the only places that even come close to the level of racial genetic diversity clusterfuck in the Indian subcontinent.

What has become of this place

She looks like a tanned Iranian or something though, not really white either

>find any woman who kind of looks hot
>"see guys white features hurrrrr"

Attached: Whytepepo.jpg (2048x1536, 397K)

proof that "whiteness" is a social construct

That's why they fear asian women, they're extremely hot and regarded as such with no need for white features

Indian female cuter than south Indian

They do it with Asians too. Hollywood likes em ugly and unfuckable.

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Freida Pinto is the only Indian woman I've ever seen that I'd like to bone.

I bet she sucks head like a shop vac

Do you think American women are hot? Can you answer that question without breaking it down by race? Do you realize the dissonance now? Or do you still think India is one massive racial group instead of the world's most racially, religiously, and generically fractionated society? These people have records of bloodlines based on castes and surnames to keep a nation of roughly a billion people genetically segregated.

It's not like bluepilled faggots who post pics of a rare attractive sheboon and then talk about how every race has attractive and ugly people. The biggest race purists in the world's history couldn't hope to build something as stringent as the caste system. Can you guess why? It's because unlike Europe, where most of the concern with the purity of bloodlines existed in the uppermost strata of society while the pleb masses were left to breed like mutt dogs, the systems in the Indian subcontinent controlled the lives of everyone in society, from the very top to the very bottom, there were rules meant to be followed by even by the lowest of the low that separated them into smaller and smaller subcastes. Step out of line? You're literally an "untouchable" who isn't allowed to interact with society and anyone who touches you gets the same treatment. This isn't some pocket instance of obsession with genetic purity. This was THE WAY. For MILLENNIA.

I feel like no matter how hard the kikes try to push racemixing, these systems will persist in places like the Indian subcontinent. It's a fascinating case study into social engineering that's getting shelved for no good reason.

You're fucking wrong.

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can you be any more woman?
don't worry I'll type my (You) so you don't have to
incel trash!!!!!1!1!! hurr durr respekt muh vagina!!!1!

I doubt that, it’s probably just because she’s the only one you’ve seen that doesn’t look like a total troll.

you begin with saying you doubt it and then proceed to explain why you don't doubt it

Tell me five attractive Asian women in Hollywood who get leading roles in anything.

I’m saying he doesn’t actually want to bone her, he’s just exaggerating because she’s not hideous

Upcoming mulan

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To be fair the Awkwafina got to where she was based on her hip hop and alt comedy fame which was based on her looks. She wasn't cast based on her looks, at least no more than Logic or any other meme rapper.

>That's a pretty Asian in Amuttrica

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The upper castes of India were aryan, though.

I wanna fuck this indian qt who works at the bookstore nearby


Buy and read more books and chat her up gradually. I don't know, I'm not a PUA fag. Just giving you ideas.

>proves him right by posting a panface

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I'd bang her, you guys. Don't make fun of me.

>bad teeth
Pull them and get it over with. Trust me.

I would too. She has that ethnic asian face that most yellowfeverfags are aiming for anyway.

>Jews curate the worst of every culture.