As someone who doesn't follow capeshit or know anything about it, can somebody explain the controversy about this movie?
As someone who doesn't follow capeshit or know anything about it, can somebody explain the controversy about this movie?
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Lead actress is an unlikable racebaiting cunt
So she's just like the gorilla from the new ghostbusters movie?
There needs to be controversy for exposure.
they're signaling to their desired audience. it's just some bullshit in an obvious attempt to turn Captain Marvel into another "important" "event film" to get feminist reading groups to organize group buys the way niggers did for Wakanda movie. They're desperate for busloads of clucking hens the way the God's Not Dead films get busloads of evangelicucks.
She is marvels Superman.
And mcu doesn’t need a Superman. Especially an aggressive, feminist, and extremely unlikeable actress.
Deus ex machina
Brie Larson hates white men.
White men are the main audience for the film she's currently promoting.
We're pissed because most of us has done fuck all wrong.
funnily enough that leslie jones was the best and most interesting character of that entire movie.
Alt-right incels feel threatened by a women. That's it.
>low-tier character nobody cared about 30 years ago. IE the core audience of comic fans for marvel
>hired an unattractive female
>hired an abrasive hateful female
>female that was hired has told white men she doesn't want us to review or watch it
Brie Larson can't keep her mouth shut about and keeps making it things worse.
Explains it all user:
Yea Forums incels are butthurt because shes not a Bimbo with a bathsuit, therefore the movie is shit and deserve to fail, also becasue Yea Forums incels just cant separate the actress and the character.
Standard stuff man
>Alt-right incels feel threatened by a women
nope, by a character
Empowerment doesn't come from sheer strength. You can't "get up" if you never "get knocked down".
>low-tier character nobody cared about 30 years ago.
Because the Guardians the Galaxy were everywhere before their film came out
It's hip and edgy to hate on women or anything diverse because fragile white males don't share very well.
This post paid for by disney bux
Can you make an argument that doesn't involve pathos or ethos?
I liked the fem!Egon better. She seemed like a legit female autist and didn't give a shit about the plot or the other characters, which made her instantly relatable.
GOG isn't ask to flagship the MCU and was a team film. It was needed to add some weight to infinity war, and the differences are many.
You could make parallels to Iron Man being a B lister in the 90s, though He was pretty popular in the 80s, but Captain Marvel struggled to even have it's own book for most of the golden boom of comics in the late 80s to 90s. It's so far down the hill of likable characters it was just an attempt to copy Wonder Woman and force politics.
Trying to pretend otherwise makes you a shill
Adam Worlock should be in infinity war, so you can't really make that argument either.
Movie itself looks pretty bad, looks like it might not draw in the desired amount of normies to hit that 1 billion target.
Disney launches a campaign to trigger the internet and rustle feathers of the retarded left wing and right wing twitter soldiers. This in turn brings a huge amount of press and gets people talking about the movie. Brie Larson spearheads this by saying she wants an equal amount of ethnic and female journalists to cover her movie, which results in alt right retards and incels absolutely seething at the mouth. Que more leftist propaganda that targets the incels and we have a full scale plebeian war of the ages. And now we’re here, and Captain marvel will have a 200 mil opening weekend.
Based and black pilled.
When will the word incel finally be filtered? Literally a million times worse than soiboi
But.. the left wing that bitches doesn't go to see movies. Tumblrina's cant afford it. The "incels" and 30 year old white males are the ones with the cash. Also.. if disney just did this for publicity they're pretty stupid because Ghostbusters, Tombraider, and Star Wars have all suffered because of the same politics and moves.
Your post is cute.. but it makes zero sense.
Also if Disney just wanted bad press they wouldn't have reigned in Captain Fungus and told her to chill out.
Let’s wait to see the numbers my man, this movie is going to break a billion easy.
I think you're both right. Disney is trying to cash in on outrage culture which is very risky. But it can also pay off (see: Black Panther) especially if there is genuinely an underserved audience: my wife and daughter for instance are super pumped about a female marvel headliner. They would have seen the movie anyway without the culture warring though.
>my man-hating wife and her half-black feminist daughter are super pumped
Why she hate male of her own race?
Unironically based, "incel" should be filtered ASAP
Before the movie, Guardians the Galaxy's last comic run was well liked with the Cosmic Marvel crowd. Cosmic Marvel is reasonably niche to be fair and it was a gamble that paid off.
Captain Marvel, especially the version they're using for the film, hasn't been well liked, has had 5-7 cancelled comic runs, and is trying to be pushed as the covergirl of Marvel despite her unpopularity. They're playing hard mode with their gamble, to say the least.
>GOG isn't ask to flagship the MCU and was a team film. It was needed to add some weight to infinity war, and the differences are many.
And this one is needed to introduce new storylines (Skrulls) for the MCU to keep going.
Black Panther was only successful because of censorship and a massive drive to buy tickets domestically. But playing on race is one thing. Playing on Female politics is another. It's failed over and over, especially if the stars are abrasive.
Wonder Woman worked, partially because Gal was likable. Even though the film was fairly mediocre they got enough Positive press to push sales. Which again defeats the notion of stirring negative press to get sales.
It doesn't work that way. Also, why would RT delete their own metrics if they just wanted controversy.
I Think, as most sane people do, it will do well enough and won't bomb, but there is just too many down trending factors (lengthy review embargo, problematic star, bad press cycles, censoring RT, direct attacks on the core audience) for it to do 1 billion.
Also, people are dumb, but they catch on eventually and they fatigue around these films is catching up. Ant-man was released around Infinity war and it didn't do that well, and he already had a movie and a character which was featured in other films.
Bri Isn't liked.
Captain Marvel isn't known or wanted.
This is just a shallow attempt to replicated Black Panthers forced diversity, without any of the sanctimonious racism.
She prefers the bbc
welp, the digits have spoken.
The no real controversy. It's just shills trying to get attention
All "controversy" is just fabricated to gain attention and thus ticket sales. Now comic readers are either just indifferent or annoyed with Captain Marvel given that Marvel Comics has pushed her to ridiculous degrees over the past few years while simultaneously taking out the two big things that made Carol fun; sex appeal and alcoholism. What we got was a grumpy bitch infamous for going full Minority Report in the laughingstock that was Civil War 2, and 7 or so solo relaunches in less than 5 years. Why is Marvel pushing her so hard? They want a Wonder Woman, and realized she was their only option. All other heroines over at Marvel are either X-Men or literal who's stuck on teams. They have ZERO heroines with solo material, save maybe Carol. But as a result, they've failed miserably.
That all being said, the movie will probably still do well. It's the MCU, that shit always does alright.
mouseshills forcing some political controversy in a desperate attempt to create a well-off white woman version of Black Panther's hype last year.
The same people who are still trying to insist that BvS was good are thinking that this movie will bomb
BvS was shit for entirely different reasons that Captain Marvel looks like shit.
Stop forcing everything into a DC vs. Marvel fanboy war your capeshit autist
So you're saying being hot doesn't matter. What about this GOT rapist? Sex will always sell, it's just the feminists in charge don't want to give men what they want.
this must be the new line being pushed by mouse shills. It's just "fabricated" controversy. Clever.
In the sense that "it's alt-right russian bots instead of people not giving a shit", they're not wrong about the controversy being fabricated.
white men buy tickets to films to. and this is a black guy talking. basically, what Black Panther and Green Book and all of that shit shows us is that white men, for better or worse mind you, have the biggest hand and the best cards. They make up the largest majority of audiences for capeshit. Black Panther succeeded despite of that. Captain Marvel seems to be the BP for white women (mind you WHITE WOMEN only, no minorities) and white women aren’t as big and as unified of a demographic as blacks. You have to be very careful in handling white men with these press releases, and Brie Larson and Disney just decided to flip them the bird, and RT seems to be in on it too.
I remember people at my small town high school really liking the idea of Guardians of the Galaxy. This was before the movie had its trailer and it was still a blip note in the universe. Talking raccoons and tree men are objectively interesting. Especially when they’re a scrappy group of misfits. Had what I’d call Goonies appeal.
I don’t think anyone was looking forward to Captain Marvel, even after trailer after trailer came out. She’s just uninteresting. Her powers are dull, and she doesn’t even use them in fun way like Superman does. It’s like watching a rip-off of a rip-off of Superman, but with no personality.
Pretty much this. Guaranteed replies where they'll call you reddit, whiteknight, faggot, cuckold, and any of the other buzzwords that float around
God I love Doctor Sivana.
Anyway Carol is basically just a fucking Super Saiyan. Her powers are dull because it's the checklist of cliche powers
And that's it. To say she's a ripoff of Superman is technically incorrect given that it would be an insult to Clark. She's more like if you took Hal Jordan, gave him a vagina, and instead of an alien ring he gets the powers of someone like Nova
1. Wonder woman already happened
2. Probably because they cared and nurtured the medium for 80 plus years? Blacks and women just waltzed in the last 5-10 and demanded equal representation. Nevermind that Sci-fi and comics featured black women and men all the way back to the 60s.
I think black Panther succeeded because a lot of white "men" have been conditioned to be betas and accpet black masculinity over their own. And because nobody could criticize it.
I don't think it's a question about being careful, so much as giving people what they want. If you offend white men, or want to shit on them when they created geek culture.. they have every right to say no. I made my decision after TFA that I wasn't giving my money to any franchise that doesn't want it. Marvel and Star Wars are both Anti-Me, so I am anti-them.
Until they change that I'll keep my money and gladly enjoy the failures as they pile up.
>BvS was shit for entirely different reasons that Captain Marvel looks like shit.
Captain Marvel doesn't look like shit, you just don't like the political opinions of the lead actress
It looks exactly as cookie-cutter as Dr. Strange and GOTG 2 did but without a charismatic lead.
the idea that Fiege looked at this movie and thought Brie Larson as captain marvel could be the new center of their franchise is baffling.
Doctor Strange at least had cool visuals and GotG had a wide cast. This? This is Brie Larson doing more alien invasion shit we've seen a thousand times.
It doesn't look like anything. Just another copy and paste marvel product. At leastd BVS had some cinematic style of it's own, even if the plot was a shit show.
>Marvel jews the Captain Marvel name from DC
>Mar-Vell is only ever famous for dying from cancer
>now they keep trying to push butch dyke Carol Danvers as their company frontwoman
The "gorilla" is actually pretty funny and just wants to make people have a good time. People just give her a hard time because her looks and she eventually got successfully baited by anime avatars.
Brie Larson is a straight up just a unlikable cunt. The picture of everything wrong with modern women short of being fat.
TECHNICALLY DC could still keep calling Billy Batson Captain Marvel, it's the book name however they lost. DC just thought calling him Shazam was just easier and better for the brand in the long run, sparing further confusion.
Not that I care, Shazam is still a fine hero name. I'm actually forward more to Billy's movie anyway
Nobody actually likes Carol Danvers (the main character in this movie) despite Marvel continually trying to push her comics for the last few years
The "controversy" comes from Disney pretending that the reason people don't like her is because she's a woman. Notice how this didn't happen with Wonder Woman to nearly this degree.
The real reason is that she's fucking boring.
The Captain Marvel hierarchy goes like this Billy Batson>Kamala Khan(honorable mention)>>>>Monica Rambeau>>>>>>>Mar-Vell>>Carol Danvers
It’s simple.
1. Brie Larson is a big time feminist
2. She’s an egotistical self indulgent cunt
3. Marvel marketing can’t stop shoving the fact she’s a female down your throat
4. They are making her out to be a bigger Mary Sue than Rey
5. In promos for her they say things like “there’s a new captain” and shit which people find disrespectful to the OG Avengers
6. Her self absorbed Instagram pic about Stan Lee she was probably asked to delete
7. Her stupid tweet about the TSA agent
8. Her comments about white people
Overall she’s not very likable at all. I think there’s an overreaction on both sides tho. People are getting too butthurt about the dumb things she said, and people are too butthurt about people not wanting to see the movie.
Kamala doesn't count because she's "Ms Mavel", Carol's old title
>She's more like if you took Hal Jordan, gave him a vagina, and instead of an alien ring he gets the powers of someone like Nova
Best summary of MCU Carol Danvers. They even copped the galactic peacekeepers and fighter pilot thing from Hal. I still wish Dick Rider got a movie, he's one of the most heroic characters in Marvelshit who genuinely cares about saving civilians more than punching the bad guy. I also like him having to call out his attack names because of the voice recognition.
>It looks exactly as cookie-cutter as Dr. Strange and GOTG 2 did
Those movies were great though
>without a charismatic lead
According to butt-hurt Trump supporters on a Malaysian finger-painting forum
That's why she's an honorable mention.
You forgot Phyla-Vell, who was an actual dyke but did it far better than Carol Danvers.
I actually forgot she existed.
buzzword buzzwords feel buzzworded by a buzzword. That's it
Brie Larson hurt the feelings of snowflake men by saying they should not have the exclusive right to review movies.
They got upset and cried because she hurt their feelings.
The both of you sound like paranoid shitheads. Do you really think that only 5-10 years ago blacks and women and anybody else had the first desire to be in your white nerd spaces or has it been longer, and this is the first time you heard about it?
>multiple movies about Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk being heroes and then coming together to be the avengers, their peripheral heroes all gone now
>multiple appearances of thanos over multiple movies building him up to be the final villian
>some new unknown hero comes in to save the day
its a lazy plot element, having some previously unmentioned and unknown thing come to end a story and make everything good again and ultimately makes the character building over all the previous movies completely meaningless in relation to Thanos
She never said she hated men you pathetic drama queen.
I actually really like Superman. I said she’s a rip-off of a rip-off of him, kind of like someone took a parody Superman and took off the parody and tried to pass it on as their own. Meant no offense to Clark.
Totally agree though about the Green Lantern comparison though.
>explain the controversy about this movie
Black Panther didn't tap into outrage culture
> She-Hulk is the most successful solo. But she's "female Hulk", and has fallen by the wayside in the last decade.
> Scarlet Witch has the best rogues gallery by far, but was wrecked by Bendis and Byrne, and is an introvert who doesn't quip. Has a negative image in many people's minds.
> Wasp is actually a better candidate for Avengers leader than Carol, but her presence in the MCU has been very limited.
> Storm has many of the qualities of a great female lead, but to many she's Black Panther's bitch and a sidekick team member who spends most of her time in the background.
Carol wins by default; she's less fun than Jennifer, her rogues gallery is inferior to Wanda's, she's less charismatic than Storm, and is an inferior leader to the obviously better qualified Wasp.
only successful for domestic?
I believe the response is supposed to be something like this
>Storm was the strong female X-Men who would step up to leadership position when Cyclops is out
>relegated to kitchen bitch since the nigger writer married her to Black Panther in his official fanfic
Is it actually redpilled?
I think I can explain it accurately.
Firstly, as others have said, the comic book audience has never taken to captain marvel, especially since she’s been pushed in comics fairly hard without having the stories to back it up. This already bred some resentment when this started, but not much.
Also before the controversy got started, Brie had made certain comments that people did not take well, such as “I don’t need a white dude’s opinion on A Wrinkle in Time,” along with other poorly worded SJW like opinions. In poor taste specifically calling out white males, can be taken as both racist and sexist. No one cares at the time. This is before the first trailer.
First trailer hits. People are not impressed by it, especially Brie’s wooden acting and some of the special effects. Overall, fairly normal reaction to something that looks meh.
Then, the media starts spinning the normal negative reactions to the trailer as “sexist trolls from Yea Forums.” At this point, it was not representing the critics of the movie. But, this news, so similar to Ghostbusters 2016, was enough to start turning people off of the film. Especially since they’ve been brushing away legitimate criticism by false slander. Most assume Disney’s paying for these articles to be written as a form of extremely early, trigger happy damage control.
Brie continues to run her mouth, which adds fuel to the fire. People start to wonder whether Brie’s politics have filtered into the film.
Disney, deciding Brie isn’t adding enough fuel, put a whole gasoline tanker on the problem. Their next trailer shows the words “Her” before revealing “A Hero,” advertising a clear feminist agenda. Fans who are aware of situation aren’t happy. News continues to spread.
People aren’t happy about the direction, so they take to the only place online to vent their frustrations and actually get people from Disney to look at it: Rotten Tomatoes.
Doesn't the trailer say "With Her"?
Continuing on, fans start putting their opinion through this poll on the website. It basically registers whether or not people want to see the film. People unaware express fatigue for superhero movies, and the fact it looks dull. Much like the original criticism of the trailer.
Media websites come in again, claiming this poll is not only “reviews” (they are clearly not), they also say that these come from Yea Forums and are trolls. Pushing back those again who just don’t wanna see the film.
Brie makes ridiculous statements still, like how little girls can’t relate to Indiana Jones, and that Captain Marvel is the little girls equivalent of Indy. She also promotes fundraisers to see her own movie (tasteless, since she could easily fund them herself, and also poor people need other things more desperately than to see her movie). Another thing was asking specifically for a black, disabled woman for an interview, which some interpret as also tasteless, as if it was a privilege to interview her. More people are turned away.
Last straw came when RT, mysteriously in the middle of the night, decided to eliminate their poll. Media sites state this is some sort of victory against trolls. People who just wanted to state their displeasure are now livid.
And that’s it so far. They pulled a hard Ghostbusters 2016. Had they not put their media dogs on it, or perhaps not confirmed it was a feminist film, then it would be like Ant Man and Wasp. Not spectacular, not boycotted.
The controversy is that people are confusing her for the DC Comics Captain Marvel who is now renamed Shazam
I do not remember, but I want to say yes. I’ve been kind of flooded with news, and so I want to see it gone and over with.
I know one says “this is no place for little girls,” and such over the trailer. As if it’s directly addressing its false narrative of trolls from Yea Forums trying to ruin this film.
A quick look around clearly proves this false.
Movie franchise and the adjacent TV show Agents of SHIELD worldbuilds the shit out of their universe for 10 years.
Female heroes, gay heroes, a list, b list, c, d, e, list characters and storylines utilized throughout the MCU.
Fiege develops dementia and decides to go full SJW, ends the first of a two parter finale/conclusion to the MCU, ends Infinity War Part 1 by introducing Captain Marvel
Months pass.
Promotional material markets the prequel movie Captain Marvel while actively demonizing men.
Leaks and promo material indicate she is lore-breakingly powerful. An "I WIN" button.
People worry a literal who will Mary Sue her way into the finale of the MCU and kill the final boss.
Also the movie is literally marketting to cat ladies as their primary demographic
It's fact. I was at comic cons in the late 80s and early 90s. Blacks were maybe 1 in a thousand. Women about the same.
I know sjws rewrite history to suit there needs but I was there.
Fuck off.
Trans woman is playing the first ever female superhero.
Trans exclusionary radical feminists are losing their mind because they see her as a biological male.
I'd imagine many of those white women are only going to those movies because of their white boyfriends/husbands.
Also people have been wanting a John Green Lantern movie thanks to the DCAU and Hollywood fucked up by shoving Hal in that live action abomination. No white man would complain about a faithful adaptation of the Static Shock cartoon, be it live action TV or movies. Or that Blue Beatle dude. Or ambiguously asian Terry McGinnis in a live action Batman Beyond movie. Hollywood doesn't have a creative bone in their body unless its garbage projects like TLJ or CM
I forgot to add the Mary Sue woes. But definitely, audiences who’ve spent years and lots of money with these characters don’t want a newcomer sweeping in when all of them together couldn’t do it. Even if Thanos’ glove is broken or any such excuses. It isn’t earned emotionally with the fans. Might as well have Dave from accounting swoop in and save the day.
Paid shill. Go collect your mouse bux and leave
She hurt my feelings just like Rian with TLJ. So im not giving disney $20.
Billy hasn't been called Captain Marvel in years
How am I a shill? Clearly portions of Yea Forums are defending this movie. Not the hill I would want to die on.
I honestly hope it bombs. Historically, it’s a likely possibility at this point. 3/7 non bombs is not a good statistic.
What's important about it? We just had a badass female superhero in Alita.
tl;dr it's black panther for women
Me too
haven't seen either film, but i'd guess that most post-wall college-educated cat ladies can't really relate to Alita. It's not a power fantasy aimed at them. From what I gather about Captain Marvel, it more explicitly targets them
Even had a livestream of the cat, and even had to tell people at a Q&A to not ask questions about the cat.