Is this peak comfy lads?

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>cars constantly honking
>street stench

poor cable management but otherwise i like it

>being outside
no, not comfy at all

Why the FUCK did Yea Forums jannies ban gochiusa threads?

Cause you're an incel

Truly this man is living his best life

I heard it's a paradise for homeless people in japan because there's so much fresh food thrown out

Too bad you'd have to deal with other hobos constantly trying to steal your shit

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>watches anime
Wrong. Watching anime is a sure way to get a gf in 2019. Lots of women grow up watching anime now.

this is what I aspire to, and if mom would just send down tendies and beer I'd never leave it

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>pull the trailer off busy road/trolley tracks into nice secluded alley
>put ice bag into cooler instead of using as pillow
>rest fan and electronics over cooler for temp control
>use tarp to make tent fort
>get naked and use clothes as pillow
I get he’s a third world homeless guy but come on

What would you do in the shoeshine chair

tell people to go get their fuckin' shinebox

explains why I hate women so much these days

jack off chair

No its the total opposite you fucking idiot. Sage

Yes but often people who are homeless are terrible at being homeless. If he had the basic vision in order to do this he wouldn't be in that situation in the first place.

>brainlet calling gochiusa fans incels

my wife chino so cute.

Fuck the haters


there are not enough homeless for that to matter, in japan

theres like 1 per city

Why are finished basements such a turn on to me?

too high iq

>be a bum in Japan
>police notice
>get removed from community
I bet they just jail them and reprogram them or something. There's a mini cop station every few blocks in urban Japan. The nail that sticks out is the first to be hammered down.

I live in Japan, plenty of homeless. They have their own shacks near the Riverside. At night they collect cans from vending machine trash and regular trash cans to sell. You can hear them crushing the cans in the park at night

I was going to mention getting a roof until I saw the tarp.
Pretty close to what my homeless setup would be.

why night

After peak foot traffic hours so the bins are as full as they're going to get.

Fuck me. If only we could all live like this.

There is a fuckton of bums, Japan isn't as 'clean' as you think. Only in tourist areas

You can sustain yourself by going to convenience store at 5AM and begging for old food
Convenience store have to throw away food every day because expiration date, many times the bito just takes home all the food/bread but sometimes they give to homeless

t. actual japanese

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it's anti-comfy

This is peak comfy


thats peak reddit and newfag era.
>lol le epic le robot unicorn attcks for the win!


2010 was 9 years ago



yeah and this board has been getting shittier for the last 10

He doesn’t look very comfy. He actually looks really uncomfortable



>t. Dancing monkey
