What do you guys think of me?

What do you guys think of me?

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Nice videos. Solid film taste.

i think you look like a school shooter, but you're an average looking dude.

You're not the real Ralph

Well I love the Ghostbusters video. I hate that you never gave me a source on the intro riff.

Then who do you think I am?

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you look like a alcoholic with no talent


yeah, ur totaly ralph sepe

I know you're not ralph, but he makes good, funny videos, even if I don't always agree with his opinions on film. He's way better than dogfucker at least.

He is a normal guy with an opinion. I like his views, he does speak well on why movies are bad. I think he shares a lot of what most of us feel about current movies. I think he is also funny.

You look like you're about to announce a new Zelda game for the Switch

You look like one of my friends irl, kek

Why are you so sure that it's not him?

Good question.

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Dirty jew

Wanna be pretentious but can't really into it due to low IQ, but you come from a rich family so you'll coast along making garbage for the rest of your life with some small following.

obnoxiously enthusiastic all the time

Wouldn't mind shoot the shit about movies with but needs to be on a better podcast. Sardonicast is so lifeless and a slog to get through.

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He needs to do mushrooms to help deflate that ego a little.