I will never ever watch Bohemian Rhapsody until the day I die...

I will never ever watch Bohemian Rhapsody until the day I die. If I ever happen to walk into a room where the movie is playing, I will leave the room and not return until it is finished.

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i refuse to watch it too. mostly because i fucking hate queen


Nice blog post retard

Ok. He still has that oscar though regardless of what you do.

I love queen but I heard the movie getting meh reviews which is why I never saw it in theaters. Now it won't an oscar and I want to watch it even less

>Singer was born in New York City, and was adopted by Grace Sinden, an environmental activist, and Norbert Dave Singer, a corporate executive.He grew up in a Jewish household in West Windsor Township, New Jersey

now it'll never be a success without your support :(

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>caring about how much a film makes

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it's just a movie

I paid to see it AMA

I will never give a shit if you watch Bohemian Rhapsody until the day I die. If I ever happen to walk into a room where OP is being a faggot, I will leave the room and not return until his dick grows.

The whole film should've been a horror thrilller where freddie's degeneracy leads him to sickness that is present through film story telling, ultimately ruining his life to the point where it becomes a dream sequence like mullholand drive, which ends with him dying a slow and meaningless death.

That's the movie I wanted to see.

It was pretty good though.

The live-aid concert at the end was actually really good, almost worth to see it just for that

>almost every other Yea Forums post about this film
how original

just watch the real thing in youtube

quality is superior

it's a fun movie, completely innacurate but still enjoyable. Stop being acoustic

What was inaccurate?

Why do you want to save watching it for the day you die?

mostly the order of events, and some details like the making of bohrap. That's not how it went down at all.

most notably mercury’s dickhead bandmates making themselves out to be saints, his relationships & events with everyone in the film, and him suddenly becoming a full blown gay queen flaming faggot post mortem when he was pretty chill irl

haha. well rami did a pretty good job of pretending to be freddy

As for the story 2 things:

i liked how they didnt allow it to become and anti-gay story for the nazis to scream "look degeneracy gets you AIDS and DEATH"

and you could tell brian may was heavily involved because he appears to be a saint in it whilst roger looks like a cunt.....

i loved they focused on freddy's life and not his death and presented paul as the bitch he was