Physical media

>physical media

Attached: rot.jpg (450x329, 31K)

>renting everything for life
zoomers r gonna be pissed when wwiii hits and they can't watch any shoze

Been cleaning my room today, going through old boxes and found cd's all speckled literally disintegrating.

This literally doesn't happen unless you take extremely poor care of them. I have DVDs that are nearly 20 years old that still work just fine since I took care of them.

>DVDs that are nearly 20 years old
fuck where did the time go bros

t. 3rd world slobs problems

no one with an ounce of self worth has rot issues in their home.

I've made a huge mistake.

Attached: 20190202_082341.jpg (3264x2448, 2.79M)

That only happens with retards that touch the silver part. Just hold it the correct way.

Attached: Best Way to Hold Disc.jpg (500x423, 61K)

lmaoing @ your life

You realize you could have downloaded 90% of those movies for free?

I stop buying movies when I got bamboozle with dvd because thanks to bluray my dvd collection became worthless so I know pirate everything feels great and use the money saved on hookers.

t. physical media industry

What I waste, hope you learn from this mistake

>Vertical PS4
You're right you fucked up

I've been saying for years we need hardy plastic cartridges like the old nintendo games with a chip inside to hold the data for the movie/game/whatever.
They'd last a lot longer and media players would be cheaper without having to include a CD drive. Kids could pick up and drop the carts without damaging them, why we still use compact discs makes no sense to me without invoking planned-obsolescence theory.

>Been cleaning my room today
good job, bucko

being such a filthy slob to where this happens. are you retarded?


old cds are also getting brittle as hell. if you have any in cases that snap on in the center just throw that shit out right now.

I have some 15+ year old CDs from highschool and they're beginning to degrade slowly just sitting in their nice sleeves. Not all, mostly just the cheaper burned ones, the official albums are almost entirely still intact and playable.

Total non-argument, as rot occurs everywhere (lossy files, data-rot). Even when CDs came out (zoomers will have no concept of this) there was this vague notion that each disc was a perfect object which was unsusceptible to decay short of straight-up breaking.

The objective superiority of physical media is ephemeral while everything works normally, except when it doesn't: you want to be able to play the thing when The Holy Network stops working.

I've owned CDs for over 20 years and never had this problem. I'm just a more clean, fastidious protestant and thus your moral superior.

>own 35+ year old vidya carts
>all work as well as they did decades ago
D*scs were a mistake, we must return to the cart.
At the time, carts didn't have the capacity a disc could so the 'upgrade' made sense, but now more data can be stored in a solid state than can be written to a disc. Read-only USB inside a plastic shell is the way to go, make it proprietary to nominally limit piracy if you must but it makes no difference.

It's surprising they haven't done this. You could set up a cart to only decode the ROM contents for approved machines and get rid of the resale market totally.

I suppose they can do the same with DRM on download only titles too with less risk though. Then you can also make the goyim upgrade their console for more storage.

when my dad died in 2009, he left me classical music CDs from the late 80s -- theyre all in new condition

Even a simple proprietary plug design would make piracy more difficult. I wondered when the Switch came out why they bothered testing non-toxic bitter-tasting compounds to discourage kids from eating the tiny SD cards like candy when they could just as easily have put them in gameboy-sized carts bigger than kids' throats.
Agreed as far as download-only titles are concerned too, I don't really fuck with those ever so it's not my wheelhouse, but yeah I don't see why you couldn't sell a media player with a fat HDD as the hot new thing to store all your movies and whatnot. Might run into issues if you let users rip their own carts to their HDDs though, so maybe that's off the table unless you've got a good idea on that.

Attached: computer rot.jpg (103x92, 6K)

Calling it now, Sony will debut a ROM-based download only video player soon.

enjoy your rotational velocidensity idiot

>digital media

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so is there any point in buying dvd's anymore or should I always look for blurays?

False choice. Something newer will happen as soon as you do

t. what's a remux?

You should have abandoned dvd years ago dude now even bluray has a sucesor (4k bluray)

blu-rays have fucked up colors and they always mess up the audio

laserdisc is better