Why are they so scared of him?

Why are they so scared of him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I know where Tim Wise would be 'in a just world'

>Tim Wise
>is actually very foolish

Its like r/atheism fedoras raging at creationists as if its a big deal.


>in a just world people I don't like would be force fed drugs and locked in a mental institution
He's describing Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia. Nice just world.

tim wise acts like a 14 year old its crazy

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My question still stands....who?

Fuck that worthless kike. "Anti-racism" activist, give me a break, this guy gets 20K checks giving speeches about how mean white people are at universities and corporations.

They are oozing with irony

We no longer live in a JUST world since Brendan got off the alimony train

wow so brave

>In a just world, Trannies, Jannies, fags, negros would be forcibly medicated
Holy fucking based!!! Is he our guy?

I think Tim Wise should be held down and raped by HIV positive negros for 48 hours

What did the writers mean by this?

Tim Wise is maybe one of the only people I would spit on if I saw them irl

>Wise was born in Nashville, Tennessee, to Michael Julius Wise and LuCinda Anne (née McLean) Wise. His paternal grandfather was Jewish (of Russian origin), while the rest of his ancestry is northern European, including some Scottish

Every time

>in a just world people would be forcibly medicated
hmm not sure I agree

Anti-human scum hate truthful alpha males

>when you become what you hate

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How could have he been fighting the alt-right since 89 when the term was only coined around 2016?

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>1984 is a just world

sweet dude

maybe he's antifa

or he means 1984

I dont know who posts these in each thread but...i appreciate your work.

In a just world, Tim Wise would be forcibly relocated to a neighborhood that's not white as snow.

Can we forcibly medicate Tim with some lithium to calm him down? I mean in a just world, this would happen.

It’s hilarious he implied that being atheist and doing drugs maks someone a good person

People who post twitter threads are up there with discord TRANNYS

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>forcibly medicated
why are liberals so violent and prone to fascism?

Who the fuck is Tim Wise?


The cheeky bastard.

This. And its amazing how nobody thinks about it.

>a decade ago someone says something wacky/conspiracy theory
>"haha wow that guys is weird!"
>nowadays someone says something wacky/conspiracy theory
>"shut him and everything he touches down. Delete him from all social media too. Dont let this guy talk ANYWHERE!!"

Nothing weird about that in the least.

If Jones was prohildawg these twitter liberals would love him

It’s the only way they can think of how to get their way

>forcibly medicated
now they're speaking my language

Literally who the fuck is this and why do people care about his opinion?

they mean the bad medication

i wish AOC would get forcibly medicated with aphrodisiacs haha wouldn't that be funny

Some Jew who gives speeches that, if you do a find and replace of "white people" with "Jews," and change the dates, you could fool most people into thinking that they were written by Hitler.

>or he means 1984
The year, or book?

I think people are just developing more and more of an inability to accept other viewpoints, regardless of if the person saying them is insane.

>forcibly medicating people for wrongthink
Proving AJ correct yet again.

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>make america great for the first time
how the fuck can you say this

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That's definitely been happening, and I'm not sure how to reverse course. Maybe it can't?

why do liberals hate anything remotely fun?

In just word Tim Wise would have been deplatofrmed for his racism and bigotry.

Some profoundly anti-white Jewish college professor, who started the "Irish people weren't always white" meme that Leftists love to trot out when attacking white identity, while denying that Irish people were ever slaves because that undermines the negro victim narrative.

It's easy when you hate your home nation and yourself. Weird how he lives here still while hating it, you'd think he'd wanna flee.

An anti-white activism of Jewish descent.

Expectations subverted

The modern political narrative relies on the idea that if you ever break consensus your life will be ruined so having people who are thriving out on what they'd like to be the fringes causes people who think they're part of the establishment to harbor revenge fantasies

Amoral communist. This is why people don't like reds.


I used to like listening to Jared Taylor wipe the floor with Tim Wise in debates.

This isn't his home nation, he just lives here.

Who's the faggot that actually took the time to trace that low res screenshot?


HAHAHA faggot

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>name means "White" in German
>actually a sandnigger

That's even worse, a true parasite.

so blue check boomer? is that really all he is?


>Wise has said that when he was about 12 years old his synagogue was attacked by white supremacists.

It's all so tiresome.

He doesn't hate himself, he is an open Jewish supremacist


Two Nigerian white supremacists in MAGA hats.

its over for lil Alex

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He'd be one of the first sent to the kulak for "corruption of the people"

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how can anyone hate him after joe rogan show, that shit was hilarious

Well he is Jewish.

JUST world he means

please elaborate

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>when they vindicate conspiracy theorists persecution complexes

Tim Wise in a nutshell


Tim Wise vs Jared Taylor the merits of racial diversity


Based faggot Ryan.

>read this
>who tf is Tim Wise
>Tim Wise = anti-racism activist and writer
>so he's some dude who gets paid giving speeches about racism
>also pic related
Nevermind that demanding someone (who isn't harming anyone) be put on medication in itself is enough for me to despise somebody

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If Alex Jones wasn't speaking any truth no one would be threatened or offended by him.

There's no reason to interpret these rants as anything but performance art unless you find truth in his words and it scares you.

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I don't think i'm being cynical by thinking that only leftists are trying to significantly censor viewpoints. It's not even a both sides sort of issue, its dumb as hell and i'm worried for the future

tfw Internet supervillains

Obsesssd incel

You know our society is totally backwards when worthless morons like Wise are rich and held up as intellectual icons by the entire establishment and supreme intellects like Ryan are forced to making youtube videos for a limited audience.

They're not afraid of Alex, they're afraid of (some) of his ticking time bomb followers.

A Jew? Just like trump!

It's really amazing how little effort you need to do to fool people into thinking something Tim Wise wrote was actually written by Hitler trying to persuade people that the Jews should be exterminated.

I strongly believe that the only reason someone stays a Democrat is because they know they'd lose their friends, their job, and their family if they ever came out as conservative.

Progressive liberals have created an entire way of thinking, an entire way of governance, an entire way of doing every single thing based solely on feelings. And these ideas don't even go together logically. There's so much cognitive dissonance a progressive liberal has to accept just to get through their day.

This is case and point. Tim Wise is advocating that the government round up people who peddle conspiracy theories and forcibly medicate them. And probably sterilize them as well. Maybe give them a lobotomy to top it off.

And the freaky thing about it is he fervently believes this must be done because someone somewhere might get their feelings hurt if the government doesn't take action.

Then why do they want Jones forcibly medicated and taken off all internet platforms instead of mass government mandated "mental health" screenings and ban all people that have followed Alex Jones on twitter, youtube, etc.?

It's clearly a hate or attack against Jones himself.

So he’s part of a higher IQ group? Cool

Alex Jones is deranged lunatic. I'm not talking about the alien shit, I'm talking about how his bullshit "Sandy Hook was a hoax" viewpoint. He's purposely trying to spread misinformation and that is very dangerous.

And fuck Joe Rogan for giving him a platform. Alex Jones isn't another viewpoint; he's a crazy piece of shit.

"It's the nazis, Joe. These goddamn nazis who only appoint jewish people to their highest functions."

>"The fact that Joe Rogan gives him airtime is no better. And the fact that someone sold him a house makes them no better. And the fact that someone sold him a fucking car makes them no better. And the fact that teachers taught him all throughout grade school makes them no better. And the fact that cashiers ring him up at the super market makes them no better. And the fact that- And the fact that- And the fact that- And the fact that- And the fact that- etc. etc etc."

Lefties, Ladies and Gentlemen. Pic related: It's your typical lefty, still crying about how the mean "alt right nazi" boys picked on them in preschool.

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t. tim wise

It’s hilarious he implied that being atheist and doing drugs maks someone a good person

>creating a twitter thread
>not a discord tranny
don’t be naive,desu

>I strongly believe that the only reason someone stays a Democrat is because they know they'd lose their friends, their job, and their family if they ever came out as conservative
This is partly true, but really only of White people. Non-Whites on the Left (so the vast majority of non-Whites) gain real advantages from it. The ideology of it doesn't matter much in the end, the Left is the party of Loot Whitey.

90% of Yea Forums is discord trannies in service to Lord Soros himself. FACT!

Why does Alex Jones saying Sandy Hook was a false flag, just like he said every other major terrorist attack was somehow manufactured, cross the line?

Because it involves children? There have been plenty of other school shooting but Sandy Hook suddenly because a "no conspiracy zone" only because it was an elementary school. Middle school, high school, 9/11, Pentagon, terrorist bombings, church shootings are okay, but Sandy Hook? No way Jose

bravo Rian

>It’s hilarious he implied that being atheist and doing drugs maks someone a good person
It normally makes them more harmless in the eyes of the globohomo elite. Rogan is a problem because he still believes in things like free speech instead of just being a druggie nihilist.

>9/11 conspiracies are epic haha bush melt da steel beams xD they did it for oil!!

Well, it's not like it makes you a bad person either, contrary to what religious people will tell you.

An activist who tries to get attention through through being obnoxious/quasi-authoritarian on social media. I sometimes think he posts his own shit here to get attention.
That was Noel Ignatiev.

But it certainly doesn't make you a good person

Don't try to hard to analyze it, that's just what was picked as the attack vector. It's not any one thing Jones has said, it's the fact that he attacks the reigning narrative at all and has a large audience (still does despite everything). Don't make the mistake of thinking any of these faggots' moral outrage is real.

>Alex Jones is deranged lunatic. I'm not talking about the alien shit, I'm talking about how his bullshit "Sandy Hook was a hoax" viewpoint. He's purposely trying to spread misinformation and that is very dangerous.
It's a fair position because it took thunder out of the sails of people being set up for national shows of sympathy. Getting people to go after those parents was the only admirable thing Jones ever did.


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if Wise means white what's the German word for Wise?

The ironing

We know George Bush and Dick Cheney were rabidly looking for a way to subsidize their buddies in the military industrial complex.

All of these Sandy Hoaxers claim it was a falseflag by the government to grab guns. I guess they gloss over the fact that there were a dozen other crazy white guys shooting places up when Obama was president. There was no need for him to stage a shooting to grab guns as these tin foilers like to say.

shush pussy, that was the most entertaining joe rogan show in ages

There's a lot of collusion between the various tech giants, and they collude in turn with some mainstream journalists. Jones got blacklisted because someone influential enough finally got upset.

Checked and kekked

waaaaah waaaaaah waaaaah
don't you ever get tired?


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Didn't the threat of lawsuit shut him up? We don't need a police state that imprisons people every time they open their mouth and say something retarded. We certainly don't need eugenics style forced medication for political dissidents. Part of living in a free society is tolerating goofballs like Jones and holding him accountable in reasonable ways that don't take our freedom.

and they come here to cry for what? do they think someone is gonna read their post about problematic incels or le pool boogeyman awlt right and think "aww gee I feel so embarrassed now, guess i better stop dabbing on NIGGERS and TRANNIES on an anonymous imageboard"

>Alex Jones would be forcibly medicated
So would all of the NIGGERS and HEROIN ADDICTS on the streets of California

You raise a reasonable point that will be lost on the faggot you replied to, sadly. A decade ago you'd just ignore someone you thought was silly or nuts, these days they must be removed at all costs OR ELSE!
I think they just get a dopamine rush from feeling like they've 'stuck it to the evil nazis'. It's pretty sad.

>being against harassing the parents of murdered children makes you an sjw
imagine being this much of a tryhard faggot

Based. Incel genocide when?

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>if Wise means white what's the German word for Wise?
Weise although that is an awkward word in German. Normally you would say someone has wisdom/ hat Weisheit instead.
People with the name Wise have Anglicized forms of Weiß, which is 'White'. It is almost always Jewish people with that name

>financing the cartels, thus murdering, child exploitation, torture, slavery, corruption etc doesn't make you a bad person

Fuck off op

[user was given a slight dopamine rush for this post]

>You raise a reasonable point that will be lost on the faggot you replied to, sadly. A decade ago you'd just ignore someone you thought was silly or nuts, these days they must be removed at all costs OR ELSE!
When it comes down to it, the kinds of identity politics pushed by this guy are so corrosive to civic virtue that they're far more dangerous than anything Alex Jones has ever said or done.

where the fuck do you think you are? you think you are getting reddit karma for being a moralfag on 4channel?

>people talking, getting along, and having fun


Harrassing people being used as political tools to push an agenda is fine by me. If they're willing to use their child's corpse to help the left, their opposition is in the right to take away their power.

t. tourists trying desperately to fit in

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>We know George Bush and Dick Cheney were rabidly looking for a way to subsidize their buddies in the military industrial complex.

This is actually why I'm sure that it wasn't an inside job. They had to do so many mental gymnastics to justify the Iraq war that it would have made more sense to to frame 9/11 on Sadam from the start instead of having to do it in such a roundabout way that required an additional lie about WMDs.

In a just world Tim Wise would be gassed along with all his ilk.

Make sure to tell all your fellow plebbitors how good you 'got' us with that witty retort bud.

>Make it great by turning it into Brazil or Africa 2.0, a country/entire continent that's never been able to compete with America on any level whatsoever.

Joe Rogan has done all in his power to be seen as an open borders good goy, and he still got attacked by his Jewish masters for not going to far enough. He's just going to cuck even harder.

>doubling down

>fuckin tourists, dont you guys have any morals at all!?

Post 2016 tourist confirmed. Why are you outing yourself so readily?
Maybe you're just baiting, I can respect that, if so ya got me m80.


He was probably born in 89 and is a millenial faggot.

Weren't most people on Yea Forums born in 1989?

Tim Wise is the jew that made me release /pol/ is right

>release /pol/ is right
Where did you release /pol/ to?

I think he meant to say "relish."