The best part about this movie is that all the Vargies getting triggered over it.
The best part about this movie is that all the Vargies getting triggered over it
Other urls found in this thread:
>turned varg into a fat autist
made me laugh 2bh
I fully expected to hate this but it was actually okay. Chubby Varg was hilarious.
>youre a satanist right
did vag really like the scorpions?
Shut the fuck up. Only faggots, Jews and minorities hate Varg. Vary is right about everything and the only thing he was guilty of was being an edgy teen making ground breaking music in a society that would not accept him. Black metal is the pinnacle of music and Varg is the pinnacle of that. I bet you listen to nigga music or techno you faggot.
And he even wasn't vegan.
Do they speak English with a shitty Norwegian accent?
no lel. english with shitty english accents.
why was vark made out to be homosex?
>english accents.
are you retarded?
I want to watch this but the trailer made it look like some sjw fest that discovered black metal and put their rebel image to work for them...i.e. nothing like the book which was fantastic.
euronymous basically said everyone in the scene was a nazi at the time. He was also a crazy narcissist himself it seems.
I'm glad you enjoyed it, goy! Varg is indeed TOO problematic!
Because every black metal musician is a faggot
>Varg played by a Jew
This will never not crack me up
I was looking for more information on the band burzum. the band members were Kristian on drums, Varg on bass, Count Grishnacht on guitar, and Louis as the vocalist. that is all i could find. also wtf is it with chocolate milks?
Its basically a big fuck you slander piece to varg. Lets just ignore the fact that euronymous was an openly horrible human.
burzum is basically varg's music project, varg is count grishnact, louis and kristian, it's all his different names
wait, WTF?
The homo is dead though. The mongoloid (who was played by a FAT jew) is still out there, living from gibs and talking crap.
>Varg is right about everything
you're gay
>watching a shit movie to 'own the vargs'
Was young Varg really such a giga chad that fucked hot girls 7 days a week?
paradoxically the movie might have been a bit more interesting if euronymous was closeted gay like varg say but it might have made him less appealing to me as a protagonist.
they could have address the struggle to deal with tough macho ideal model and homophobia in metal for a character like that.
from what i understand of the case i think the movie did great even if there were some liberties here and there (of little consequence. wew he didnt cut his hairs, didnt have a gf) : when varg ask his friend to confirm euro wanted to kill him and the friend said "...but i don't think he was serious" ... you can see a kind of devious smile on vargs face as he laughs it off... he would use it as his fucking alibi and still does to this day. any idea what really went down, did he wanted to one-up the dude who killed someone? was he sad their friendship was over? there was a lot of stuff going on in that scene in the movie, it was pretty great.
>burzum is the pinnacle of black metal
My man this ain't true. Darkthrone is the best of the norwegian bands. Then maybe Ildjarn. Then Burzum. The best black metal band ever is probably demo era to ToW era Leviathan.
The filmmakers 100% distorted the truth in order to make black metal (and metal in general) look bad. Metal's popularity among white, nerdy males is what drove them to do this.
varg is such a fucking DINDU , always have an excuse. didnt want to blow up some building: he was stocking explosives to be ready for world war 3. he didn't have the choice to escape from prison in an elaborated fashion: his life was in danger. he didn't plan to kill euro after rushing at his house in the dead of night: it was self defense. excuses excuses excuses dindu dindu dindu. would be cool if he would drop the pretense and tell it how it is , really. i was friends with metallers sort of like them back in the days and i think i understand the kind of energy/ressentment/arrogance : i think he got pumped up and killed him to concretize his idealistic understanding of what makes an man of integrity or something like that.
You're retarded. He toned it down, if anything. It doesn't make black metal look bad. Its almost a love letter to Euronymous. Attila's fucking kid is in it.
I agree. It definitely tried to force a character arc for Euro but honestly its the best a movie about this subject could be. It was funny and entertaining.
an american cast speaking in american accents
>the book which was fantastic
The book which consistently stopped short of telling the full stories you mean, and was a sensationalist pile of trash written by an edgelord?
This Varg is most red pulled human in existence
Well that answers a lot of questions.
>Let's find out
But Varg borrowed influence from techno and other club music at the time, everyone listened to it at the time including Atila except for that poser faggot Euronymous
did that have a large influence on his band-mates in burzum?
The Chad Quorthon vs The Virgin Varg
burzum is a one man band dumbass
>Jews hate Varg
>Despite Varg literally shilling (((propaganda))) while absolving Jews of having ever done wrong and constantly claiming them to be allies
You aren't fooling anyone, Varg. You're a brainlet wrapped up as a pseud. Fucking execute yourself.
>uh hey guys, I'm Kristian, can I join your band?
5 minutes later
shitty writing
>TFW when I'll never get to know my uncle cause Varg Knifed him to death like a nigger turk would
>TFW when I will make it my life's mission to literally gut his daughter in front of him before sawing his head off with a hack saw.
>fuck you varg may you drown in all the semen you drink
Anyone got any webms of the murder scene?
my only issue was how it ended with the whole 'i died but whatever i had a cool life, what have you done lately????' it was essentially..
>record scratch
>i guess your wondering how i got in this predicament
it took the piss out of the ending.
YEA. what an out of nowhere bum note.
also, near the end they addressed teh "poser" vs "authentic" problem but i feel they didn't do enough of a good job to deepen why E was not a poser... i guess they would have to be critical of black metal and didn't want to shit on it too much.
best part about the movie was all the buildup and tension from the black metal culture and their beliefs just to have the journalist drop a heavy dose of reality basically saying 'yeah this/these guy is a fucking idiot'
hey I didn't get the memo we were doing a carbon copy reenactment of the thread from last night. Can I be the vargtard poster that says everyone who doesn't like varg must love niggers and juden peterstein?
Yes, but not because of Burzum or black metal at all. He used to go to techno clubs and pick up easy club sluts on the regular.
lol nigger what? Euronymous was your uncle?
Ok bro. Prove that you are somehow Euronymous' nephew.
Lol varg lets niggers sample his music. And there is nothing wrong with electronic music. It has always been a white genre. Let me guess you're a brown person.
It was funny when Varg told the interviewers everything and then had his man servant serve them some tea. Fuck he was an idiot
Yes. He has a kid in her 20 because of this. He probably has more
Atila, Hellhammer and Necrobutcher gave their blessing for the movie.
its a really cringy movie even from a non thulean perspective
How come
Because Euro did nothing wrong
Green text I don’t wanna click that shit faggot
Show m one song
No. Varg is a good kristian boy who saved himself for marriage.
It actually struck as more celebratory of metal in general than it was critical of black metal. It made an effort to show the hypocrisy Euronymous and Varg exhibited, but overall, it was pretty kind to black metal and its influence. Movie would have really benefitted from an epilogue of sorts showing Varg's trial and black metal's evolution afterwards.
>Paganism and Nazism is incompatible
Except they were neo-Pagans sometimes explicitly that's what the Thule Society was about.
The Satanism was a larp though.
Reminder even Hellhammer disliked Euronymous
Varg is a pathetic cuck that changed his name and lives off neetbux as a rural peasant in bumfuck france.
i wonder what varg's autistic reaction to this would be
varg himself says metal music is for babies.
just because he calls out jews doesn't mean jews hate him. jews need the light shone on their bad cousins.
the only people who hate varg do so because they think he wants to annihilate them, which is in no way hypocritical or dishonest.
Wouldn’t he have to clear the sample?
Varg is a whore letting his music get BLACKED
No, it's the owner of the recording that clears recordings to be sampled. The label that released Filosofem - Misanthropy Records
Actually, Filosofem would have been financed by Euronymous, so it might be whoever has taken over his copyright ownership after death (his parents probably).
Why do blacks love a white nationalist so much.
>Based Euronymous' parents still getting revenge on Varg's by letting blacks sample his music after all these years
Now that's what I call kino
he’s a traditionalist. also it’s pure pleb to hate burzum.
I haven’t listened to metal in like 10 years since I started doing MDMA and listening to house and techno. Do people still listen to :
>Dying Fetus
>High On fire
Because blacks are equally as ethno-nationalist, and they respect men that love their own people more than cucks that sell their race out to Jews.
They apparently role played as norwegians but all had american accents.
Blacks are not that sophisticated politically. They only give a shit about getting handouts by the government, black people having positions of power and reparations.
>Varg gets a hefty royalty check every 6 months from nigger loving cucks
>"haha take that Varg!"
Yeah, you sure showed him.
I'm thinking it's because he's a murderer and a dindu at heart.
music is gay
>They only give a shit about getting handouts by the government
so to them, vark is godlike?
you and all the faggots replying to you are wrong the best metal band to ever come out is Bathory prove me wrong gaythiest
>>Varg gets a hefty royalty check every 6 months
>and pays for churches he burnt down
techno sluts my dude, also known in our time as rave bitches
>Final shot is Euronymous' eyes slowly closing in death
>screen goes black
>clop clop clop clop clop clop
>Snow falls on a downtrodden wagon in the snow covered woods
>"Hey you, you'rea finally awayke. Walked riight into thaht Impereal Ambush. Same with us, an'd thet theef over there."
Thank god they didn't use shitty fake Scandinavian accents. This movie would've been truly awful.
Behemoth had a big hit with The Satanist a couple of years ago
Haven't heard anything from the others, High on Fire is "fat boomer standing at the back of a concert" core
>pays for churches he burnt down
He already payed that, try again.
nice false flag
i think you mean his MOM paid for that.
Why is Varg such an infamous figure when the guy from Emperor straight-up murdered a stranger for fun?
Why didnt Necrobutcher get made into a retard like everyone else in the movie?
Basically it boils down to charisma. Varg has the x-factor, hence why bitches flocked to him.
Wasn't the murder against a guy who approached him with the intent of ass fucking him? I can't remember if this is the same guy.
euronymous was legit insane, but so is varg. i honestly believe they're both responsible for the death of Dead somehow, and them attempting to kill eachother off was a way to hush the situation for whatever reason;i don't think they even intended for Dead to die, but that it just happened. i don't believe for a second that people would just photograph a "suicide", and use it to flaunt on an album cover. that was probably my biggest red flag from them. that same act is what a killer does when they're attempting to trophy an event/memory. they're both sus as fuck.
>varg just so happen to mail Dead shotgun shells
>euronymous just so happened to take the pictures
really fiddles my noodle
why is his oldest daughter having sex with black mans?
prove it;also they're both disgusting human beings so you shouldn't feel pride in revenge
>Dying Fetus
I hear people irl not really into metal bring this up from time to time but just because they think the name is super edgy. I thought they were lame.
Hellhammer and Celtic Frost were awesome
Dead was gonna kill himself regardless. He was also severely mentally ill and wasn't getting any kind of treatment. He very likely hard a form of walking corpse syndrome, or Cotard's Delusion. But Euronymous for sure definitely hastened his suicide. Varg is a bit more of a leap, since they apparently only met in person once for an extended period of time.
literally seething
go listen to asschapal, and lifeless dark
welcome back boss
Dying Fetus' last 2 albums have been some of the best releases in this past decade when it comes to death metal. Reign Supreme is such an amazing fucking album with no fillers
Yeah, I remember reading he belived he could see the afterlife or something.
I used to like them. But back then I was an edgy teen like the majority of metal heads.
That’s funny. High on Fire is probably the only metal band I still listen to from time to time beside like actual dad core shit like Old Metallica and Slayer.
What if I am a Black Latino ? Am I still a cuck? Because if you called me a cuck in person I’d beat the fuck out of you like the white cuck you are.
I’ll check it out. I’m in the military now and can’t do MDMA for the next three years so I’m down to broaden my horizons. Techno and House are still #1 tho.
wait homie I got you
listen to this come out a new man. now you have the best of both worlds!
Funny, the more I got into acid the more I dove deeper into death metal and it's sub genres.
I appreciate you broski. I’ll check it out now.
>to make black metal (and metal in general) look bad
That'd be a wholly unnecessary reason to make a movie.
>What if I am a Black Latino ? Am I still a cuck? Because if you called me a cuck in person I’d beat the fuck out of you like the white cuck you are.
So you're a violent nigger then. No surprises.
I’d rather be called a violent nigger than a pussy or a cuck.
Good one bro
are you interested in a position as a bull? (for my wife) would have to relocate to france.
Because love for the white race is a worse crime than murder
You know the quickest way to not be a pussy or a cuck is to engage in political violence against you right?
Rephrase that.
I'd rather not, friend ;)
I wouldn't say Varg is insane.
Edgy as fuck when he was a kid, and maybe a few cans short of a six pack now, but that doesn't compare to Euro constantly persuading a genuinely mentally ill guy to kill himself, then using it for promotion when he actually does it.
The whole Euro/Dead history is what makes me 100% sure he would have killed or tortured Varg. I do think Varg attacked first, and was probably glad to do so, but I think he genuinely believed there was a conspiracy against him.
lol you got owned you ragefilled nigger.
Basically yeah you did get pwnd, sorry pal.
varg was no different than from the people he criticizes nowadays
and now his daughter (who grew up without a father) fucks blacks.
About a year passed between their first meeting, user. He was made to feel like a poser, so he decided to embrace the edge.
Hey jackass, post a more recent article.
>Jonas Akerlund: It's not true. They were never against it. So that's been a rumor from day one. But it was a process for me to not convince them but to describe to them what I was going to do. And especially with Euronymous's parents that have the rights to the music. I had to … I couldn't make this movie without the music. That was never an option for me. So early on I was involved with talking to Euronymous's parents, Pelle's brother, Anders, Necrobutcher, and Hellhammer and all those people that was involved. There's a lot of credits on all of these songs, there was a lot of people involved writing the music. So, all of them has been on board from day one.
>I never asked for any Burzum music or any other music. Mayhem was the music I really needed. But there was never a no, there was never they didn't want to do it, but there was a balance for me to keep them involved and at the same time, kind of making my movie, and kind of making them understand that this is my perspective and this is … And it was awkward at times because it's like I'm making a movie about you, but you can't be involved, but I want you involved, but not really. It was like a balance, and I think it took a little while to build respect between us. And right now I feel really good about it because the movie is coming out and everybody is very proud of the movie. So that means a lot to me.
Because he left the band early on and thought the inner circle was fucking dumb.
>Jonas Akerlund lying
>use it to flaunt on an album cover.
Dawn of the Blackhearts was a bootleg from South America. Euronymous sent the photo to a penpal over there and then the dude used it for a boot.
He was intending to use it as an album cover though, that's why he took them.
This is probably true, but people also do weird things when confronted with dead bodies unexpectedly. I think he probably took those pictures to cope with the fact he just found the guy he lived with dead on the floor (no pun intended) and a gory mess, in addition to using them for marketing. I think that's why he showed those pictures to literally everyone too.
I'm not so sure. He could have done that for De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, but instead the plan was to use the Nidaros Cathedral, which his wish was honored with after his murder. Maybe down the line? Who knows. Dude was crazy.
You could be right, but he did mention in a letter to a pen pal shortly after the suicide that he was going to use it as album art, he didn't specify if it was going to be the cover or insert art