For me, it’s Who Am I? with Jackie Chan.
Literally Hitler.
Can you really blame someone with a mug like that for being filled with hate?
stay on Yea Forumseddit
>Gentlemen, I shall now profer the accursed word as recorded in this book of ancient and forgotten lore
Facebook sucks
Why does every nerd on Earth want to see this guy's books adapted into movies? He's one of the few writers who's work is completely non-transferable to a visual medium.
>he can't blankpost
Whats the name of his cat?
To be fair I doubt those nerds have actually read any of his work and probably just skimmed through it.
It's like you npcs have social ques and trigger responses to subjects. You see a picture and your script starts running
>Posts lovecraft on a television/movie board
>Gets response about lovecraft in regards to television and film
>"Wtf fucking NPCs running on a script"
HP bombcraft
Lovecraft's best works, in my opinion , are his short stories which highlight how isolated pockets of the Mideastern united states produced murderous backwoods hicks. His development as a writer from something such as The Picture in The House to The Dunwich Horror illustrates how vastly alienated Lovecraft himself felt, and because most of these dweebs think they've already reached the apex of their journey of loneliness and isolation, they desperately want to see a big screen story of some dejected nobody uncovering an ancient secret and fighting a tentacle monster, which through various mental acrobatics basically represents their own lack of self esteem.
>Lovecraft's future wife, Sonia Greene
>It is known that she did come from a Jewish family.
Re-animator is kino though
>Of course they can’t let niggers use the beach at a Southern resort – can you imagine sensitive persons bathing near a pack of greasy chimpanzees? The only thing that makes life endurable where blacks abound is the Jim Crow principle, & I wish they’d apply it in N.Y. both to niggers & to the more Asiatic type of puffy, rat-faced Jew. Either stow 'em out of sight or kill 'em off – anything so that a white man may walk along the streets without shuddering nausea.
niggers lol
>calls other nerd
>immediately followed by the nerdiest gayest statement lovecraft fags always say
Now his works literally can't be made into major Hollywood films. All you gotta do is show someone rats in the walls.
hp lovecraft was a neet most of his life. After his mom died he lived with his wife and then his aunt(after his wife left him)
he was unemployed most of his life
he did sell his stories but it wasn't enough income to live on
"Nerd" is now a term of endearment in the eyes of the general public. Therefore, us true nerds perfer to go by exclusively derogatory terms such as "dweeb," "geek," or "Poindexter."
"After their marriage in St. Paul's Chapel in Manhattan on 3 March 1924 (Greene was then aged 40 and Lovecraft 33), Greene and Lovecraft relocated to Brooklyn and moved into her apartment. Soon the couple were facing financial difficulties. Greene lost her hat shop and suffered poor health. Lovecraft could not find work to support them both, so his wife moved to Cleveland for employment. Lovecraft lived by himself in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn and came to dislike New York life intensely.[8] In the last year or so of their marriage, Greene lived on the road, traveling for her job. She sent Lovecraft a weekly allowance that helped him pay for a tiny apartment in the then-working class Brooklyn Heights. Greene slept there one or two days out of the month"
>mouth-breather face
no wonder he was a raging incel
I took leave of my father’s decrepit farmhouse in my modest Guatemalan automobile, making reasonable pace across a landscape bereft of anything resembling what I had come to know as modernity. I eventually reached the general store, a flimsy wooden structure that emitted a dark cloud of smoke from a narrow chimney. Two locals sat outside in the midday sun, accomplishing nothing and seemingly seemingly content in their doing so. Their bestial stupidity, likely the result of generations of inbreeding and race mixing, was apparent in both their appearance and vocabulary.
My eyes were immediately drawn towards the words emblazoned above the door. These words, three rhyming with one another and two insinuating a sinister past, perplexed me in such a manner that defy ordinary description. I shall not repeat them here, for I fear that anyone who stumbles upon this time shall suffer the same fate as I should they read them.
I have not slept in weeks, as I have tried in increasing respiration to decipher the true meaning of that inscription. I fear that it is pointless. The fate of this city slicker is sealed.
now I know who this guy reminds me of
is this the cope of poor countries needing to tell each other not to breath too much air?
I had a friend in high school that looked just like him.