What does Yea Forums think of Tim Heidecker?
What does Yea Forums think of Tim Heidecker?
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Faggot who cancelled the best show on his pathetic network.
All it's good for now is Anime reruns. Even Rick and Morty is ass now.
>watches anime
>calls others a faggot
>still believing this horseshit conspiracy theory
grow up and get a job, Sam
fat faggot mama's boy
low test faggot who's great chums with a guy who fills up his swimming pool with wine and lets underage boys swim around in it
>Faggot who cancelled the best show on his pathetic network.
Sam dick sucker spotted. Anything on AS that's live action is garbage, this is defacto. Including WP.
I rate this bait 2 cups of-- bags of popcorn. no soda.
As opposed to "woke" Western Entertainment?
Genius. On cinema at the cinema/decker is 12 carot comedy
Pretty ironic picture seeing as the anti-hyde crowd always shit up the mde threads without fail
I thought he was great. until i got in a twitter argument with him. now i get a slight cringe when i see t&e clips
I liked him in bridesmaids
>calls others a faggot
Pretty easy when you're a tranny.
>shitting on losers is the same as eating someone else's shit
the intellectual prowess of the average MDE fan, everyone
This has now become and MDE thread. Suck it, High-dickers.
When is OCATC going to come back?
he was funny 10 years ago
Lawsuit heat still dying down.
fucking Delgados
Underrated character
>t. never gets powsi
Sorry but World Peace was Hilarious.
Tim Heidecker wishes that Awesome Show: Great Job could be half as memorable.
About as unfunny as Sam Hyde
No, adults watch real comedy like Dave Chappelle or Norm Macdonald.
I thought it was funny when Sam Hyde called in and started whining and making accusations and Tim just calmly shut the sperg down like he was just the washed up conspiracytard he is. Now that was comedy.
It was never good. Tim kinda sucks now but his shows were still better than MDE aka PFFR for zoomers
I love when Tim whined about how he felt his life was threatened by MDE fans.
THAT was Hilarious.
This, both are overrated hacks.
no mive expertise whatsoever
And Sam wishes his show were still on TV lol
greggheads go and stay go
Post it.
Anti comedy is puerile and soulless
>Anti comedy
it's just comedy, dumbass
imagine being threatened by pic related
Literally no one can recall a single joke from Awesome Show or Decker yet everyone remembers several from just six World Peace episodes.
piece of shit. Threw Sam Hyde under the bus. Next question
The tumor of Adult Swim that AS refuses to treat.
This episode is probably the cleanest, best pleasure that film criticism has ever seen.
Oh boy, now I'm going to get Jordan Peterson recommendations for three straight weeks.
Sam deserved it desu, he's a shithead that's become the jew he makes fun of
that's what makes it even funnier XD
He's really a huge fag. He was tweeting at Gavin McInnes asking if his followers know what Tim knows, namely that Gavin has had black friends.
Tim consistently tries new stuff and puts funny or anti-funny or whatever that low T testosterone LA thing is above all else, Sam had promise but he never made a serious effort and just soapboxes for donation money, he's a lower life form than your average REACTS YouTuber creator now.
MDE's AS show sucked, and though I like Mom, Crrubs, Street Fashion, Whips and whatever the one with the PR people profile was, none of them are anywhere near any of the Bedtime Stories, Chrimbus Special or any of the Oscar Specials.
I think he's one of the most talented actors right now. On his way to an Oscar with a little luck.
Hoo boy those youtube comments are mad as fuck. Sam's audience is just pure table salt.
Vic Berger is genuinely a terrible person who doxed a guy's wedding.
Based and truthpilled
and often
>Lol Tim is so mad and a bad person! Sam Hyde did nothing wrong!
>Tim just says that Hyde's idiot cultists are obsessed with him (which is obviously true)
Lol well the Hyde cultists sure are proving him wrong. I'm going to be honest, I don't know that much about this retarded internet fight, but literally every time I've seen it come up, it is Sam Hyde's fans throwing an absolute histrionic shitfit and Tim calmly calling them idiots lol.
Zoomers were a mistake. Anti-vaxxer plaguelords will fix the problem.
Is comedy like tim and eric and mde trying to not be funny, its like the whole anti comedy thing right?
>Literally no one can recall a single joke from Awesome Show
Tim is a dicksucker but what the hell are you talking about? Maybe you've forgotten because it's an older show so it's fallen into normie hands but a ton of the skits from that show get meme'd to death.
Politics aside, Awesome Show was great. World Peace was good and had potential. Tim's brain has been fried from Hollywood and I'm sure Eric is the same. Sam is arguably a shit person too which is why Andrew Ruse and Charls want nothing to do with him.
MDEtards are really good at creating their own reality, aren't they?
It's all one big joke. His life is a joke. Think The Comedian from Watchmen. I've never given him money so I don't care if other retards do. Think jacking off to porn that other people paid for. Though it's sad that WP will never reach more eyes, I like the new underground style.
his fat babyish face bothers me
>Literally no one can recall a single joke from Awesome Show
Sensible post
I remember jokes from both shows though. Kind of wish people would drop this stupid political posturing, because both shows are pretty funny.
Well, I mean Hyde makes no secret of how insufferable he is literally 24/7. But then he's SHOCKED!! that someone would be anything less than worshipful of him. Literally stereotypical sociopath behavior.
This. I think his show overall is funnier than Tim's because it's edgier and more current but it's not THAT funny deserving of an Emmy in writing or anything. It's still silly, juvenile humor but well put together
besides the "It's Free Real Estate" reddit meme it stands true
One of many that just simply turned unfunny post-trump, like a whining petulant child.
>comedian makes it known he hates the politician whose cock you suck
>suddenly nothing they do is funny
what an crazy coincidence
kstv 2 is so fucking good
glad sam didnt let us down
Name one funny anti-Trump comedian. The "laughs" they get aren't because they actually said something funny but just a self-congratulatory noise the viewers make to assert that they have the "correct" political views.
On Cinema rarely mentions Trump though.
Define anti-trump comedian. Do you mean comedians that are actively against trump and work that view point into their material? Or any comedian that doesn't support trump but keeps that political ideology confined to their personal life or social media? Because there are tons of fantastic comedians that don't work politics into their material directly that also didn't vote for trump and/or don't support him. If you're suggesting that not a single comedian that didn't vote for trump is funny then you are actually delusional and need to stop letting politics control your opinions on every single thing to extremes.
I thought MDE was great but what's even better is how asspained its fans got when it was cancelled.
fucking lol
Got nothing to do with that, it's about being funny. A lot of the comedians now just come across as whiny and arrogant, including Tim here.
You dont need to be a left wing cuck to come across whiny and arrogant:
Tims lawsuit >Live Oscar streams > Bedtime Stories=World Peace > Tom Goes to the Mayor > Awesome Show.
I think Tim is hilarious as fuck, just how I think Limmy is hilarious as fuck, but both are insufferable when it comes to political shit, thankfully I can ignore that.
Best bedtime stories is Toes and the Air traffic control guy who cant sleep.
World Peace had insane potential and S1 was amazing, but Sam flat out ruined it. Everyone points to Tim, and while Tim was a bit of a fag, Sam went way way too far fucking with that journalist when he was an employee of AS with his fucking show being propped up and heavily supported by them.
I think Sam can be legit 10/10 funny but the guy played himself and lost friends. I dont feel sorry for him. World Peace would still exist if he could keep his fucking mouth shut.
I've never read a more wrong post
That's true, but it increases the odds of it :)
I'm pretty sure every Tim and Eric and MDE threads are just the same 25 people complaining about Tim or Sam every time.
I agree with everything in this post except the lawsuit was a little too meta for even me, like it had funny moments but lot of it was drudgery for the sake of it.
404: argument not found
I watched it live so it was like four 1 hour chunks over a few days. I think trying to rewatch it on youtube would be pretty fucking taxing.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? I used to watch Awesome Show years ago and thought it was great. What political thing did Tim do?
He is just extremely vocal about his hatred of le drumphy. He argues with twitter trolls all the time and its pretty fucking cringey. Was complaining about trump even while his son was being born. dont feel like finding the post but it was embarrassing. sucks because I used to defend T&E on here back when everyone used to shit on them when the Awesome Show was still airing.
Ya blew it. Awesome show aired in 2006, bud. That a fifteen minute show gets referenced so much a decade later is significant. That whole style and format, albeit attributable largely to dj dougpound got copied by and influenced a lot of comedians. World peace aired recently and it honestly was the weakest thing mde produced. Aside from an enclave of fanboys that post here, it's really nothing worth mentioning. Their one off YouTube videos are way better.
On cinema, tom goes to the mayor and awesome show are the best things he's starred in. He's a better producer above all else though.
Nothing that matters. He's actually pretty reserved about politics.
Retards like this guy
Saw a few videos and think he's some kind of idiot because he doesn't quite understand the format of Yea Forums humor and has made some of his worst material that directed towards them.
Tim randomly decided, after living his entire life in post irony, that he was going to start being a normalfag. He started producing really shitty music and posting cringeworthy “sending hugs” tweets.
People thought it was a joke at first but it looks like the new Tim is here to stay.
If you really ask me, he seems like a total narcissist and reverted to this liberal boomer persona to have additional superiority over people.
Meant this retard
Have you ever watched on cinema/ anything he's done. Half of the characters he's invented mock coastal types. He just has elementary political views, big whoop.
He's become an embittered angry lib. Always a lib but never so weird and angry about it as now. He's just a very off-putting guy in general now. Ironically he seems to be more aptly described by that meme word "toxic" than a lot of people his ilk attribute it to in the first place.
The start of On Cinema was when he started doing this shit (developing a public persona)
Seen T&E, TGTTM, the live show once, and his stand up two years ago (best thing he’s ever done)
He’s just kind of a faggot now
>reserved about politics
most recent tweet about trump is feb 26
found all of that in about 5 minutes, but yeah this dude is TOTALLY reserved about his political leanings
That's the thing, you're a moron and you've confused this for a public persona. Tim's a legitimately funny guy. Yeah the cuck video was cringy, but I really don't think you have a legitimate brain cell if you think anything he's done in the past few years reflects his honest opinions.
Why are you so obsessed with Tim? No one is denying he is funny, his politics are cringe as fuck though and the trump shit is embarrassing. Going after world peace was a real bitch move also.
Here is one from the 00's
I'm not obsessed in the least. I think he's funny and think it's cringe worthy that people look to comedians to echo their political opinions perfectly. Furthermore world peace was the worst thing mde did and if anything sams to blame above all else to not learning to reign himself in; mostly so in material. Sam thinks if it's amusing to himself then it's comedy gold, even if it falls flat. He's smart and funny but honestly has a way worse issue with ego than tim does.
This is unfortunately the cancer that came to Yea Forums in 2016 and hasn't fucked off
>he still thinks Tim’s joking
Joking about what, exactly?
On cinema is one of the most legitimately funny media projects in years. Tim is a career jokester. You tell me.
I liked him when I was a teen but all of the best sketches on awesome show didn't have them in it. He's uppity and not an amazing performer but its nice he gets work I suppose. The comedy was absolute garbage though
I tried to watch world peace but he didn't know how to write a sketch without an agenda, whatever humor I tried to get out of it was rebuffed from seeing exactly what he was saying with the sketch, fucker need to give himself a season or two before attempting to drop red pills in every episode
You either jumped on his bandwagon post Trump or never watched On Cinema/Decker, only a complete retard wouldn't know where Tim stood on Trump.
Tim was funny as fuck even when making fun of right wingers and Trump in On Cinema up until the election when he became too crazy about it and revealed his own persona wasn't as far off from OC Tim as he made it seem. He's funny as an irony guy, but his sincere attempts at political comedy are just offputting and unfunny.
Heidecker is such a comedic genius
You're actually retarded. Tim has done years on social media in character. See the channel 1000 songs in 1000 days - it's a fucking bit and he was dicking around. You don't get it because you're more familiar with the mde debacle than the dudes material.
forcing memes on imageboards of Sam's shitty comedy does not make for a memorable joke user.
Sam Hyde: I'm going to make a show that will lynch you kike rat fucks to hell
Adult Swim: Uh no fuck off
That's why it sucks so bad, his schtick was so funny and he gave it up for boomer tier sincere Trump jokes
Joking about what
Not only has Awesome Show been super influential in it's style, but theres still tonnes of memes based off it even normie instagram twitter memes.
World Peace vs Tim Heidecker is legitimately the dumbest thing to argue about. There is no evidence to suggest the got the show cancelled yet now he is an unfunny talentless hack according to all the butthurt fanboys. I mean MDE has a few decent skits but even they take influence from Tim and Eric and are still nowhere near as funny.
link 2 arguement
Great job
Purple boi
Peak kino coming through
Gave up what user. On cinema is still airing, he still actively producing shows and yes sometimes he dicks around with his laptop and records songs. He has made an absurd amount of content in his career and sometimes it's not good.
Sam has mentioned several times how much dj douggpounds style influenced him and how much he respects Tim. At the time I think he was pretty much grasping at anything.
You're a fucking pseud mongoloid dude. Not a word in that stream of babble resembles a legitimate opinion and you need to spend less time jerking to traps on discord servers.
Yea Forums btfo
>I rate this bait 2 cups of-- bags of popcorn. no soda.
Except it's not bait. Hes a liberal faggot that got Hyde pulled for his political views. He said it himself.
You need to be 18 to post
>dudes who think they are oppressed because they can’t say nigger or chink in public
On Cinema and The Trial of Tim Heidecker are kino.
Funny dude, the On Cinema Oscars Special this year was great
Your a fucking retard my dude
congratulations, you played yourself
Who is baiting whomst
Wonder how old this image is.
One of those faggot liberal art majors that pretend to be blue collar because their dad knew a mailman.
Awesome Show had some good skits. I love the infomercial ones.
Is a genuinely unlikable and terrible guy who produces genuinely funny stuff. I worked with him as an intern at adult swim around 2009
>Even Rick and Morty is ass now.
its always been ass brainlet faggot
Let's be real though, interns in the entertainment industry are probably the lowest form of life and you probably deserved it.
Any stories user
probably sneed be chillin
Fuck you, I loved my time there and it ended up getting me a great job in Atlanta. Genuinely everyone at AS are really cool folks.
Heidecker though was the most serious, unfriendly person I encountered though. He turned EVERYTHING into a liberal political talking point and always was talking about films he was working on (at the time, it was The Comedian) like they were some high art. Very insufferable. Eric was the opposite - an energetic, friendly, and encouraging dude. Only worked with them closely for maybe three months though.
I don't like him because i'm a big fan of Charls Caroll and Nick Rochefort.
>fuck you
Yeah but am I wrong. Maybe in Atlanta they're better cuz that's not the traditional metro market for em, but you know I'm a little right.
juss a liwbid lefago annthenaw beomaan
that is a mild form of oppression. let's not compare public with private. it would be oppression to force adult swim to produce and air a show they don't want to for whatever reason
Every intern I worked with were pretty cool people. Now, film students, on the other hand...
eric was the funnier one
He started reeeeeing at randos on twitter, then someone called him a cuck and he got so not-butthurt that he wrote and recorded a musical album about how not-butthurt he was.
It's very unbecoming for any comedian to have such thin skin.
>It's very unbecoming for any comedian to have such thin skin
Sam has the same problem.
maybe you shouldnt be a pedophile nazi, sam
you might have got to keep your show
now you are a total loser who will never come close to success again
>dude what the fuck just let me steal your content for my own personal gain
Shit taste. Pretty obvious Tim is more talented in an on-screen capacity and the number one handsome man.
>rick wing eric andre being the best thing on adult swim
>liveaction anything being the best thing on adult swim
you're dumb, the head of adult swim liked the show and didn't want it canceled. whether or not that was out of pride or out of genuine love for the show, idk.
it wasn't until tim heidecker threatened to walk that they canceled MDE
I love how you Heidecker fanboys deny that he had anything to do with getting Sam off the air despite him literally admitting that he had something to do with it.
based, literally me irl
sorry sweetie been here since 2010
You’re fucking delusional if you think that’s the case. He became a typical Hollywood hack (the very thing he claims to hate) and just parrots whatever is popular at the moment.
based and gooba-pilled
Is kstv2 out or b8?
Know both. Don't care to prove it.
Tim is a genius, truly funny and smart, and generous to his small group of friends and an asshole to everyone else.
Sam has a shotgun approach to comedy and lacks any real wit or control. He has more balls, because he doesnt have a business to run or family to feed.
Both very egotistical and talented. You can like them both, for their work and flaws.
Sam instigated his own downfall and self-sabotaged his career by mistaking being an autistic dickhead for bravery. Tim did help this to occur, at a private event, he hasn't been totally honest about this. On some level he probably did feel threatened by Sam, but AS didnt pull the plug just because of a single rant by Tim...
Sam gave them every reason to. He did nothing but fuel the fire as he was being burned at the stake. Tim is right that Sam should just go do his own thing to his fans... Comedy is dead anyway so who gives a shit.
prove it dickhead
I wonder if AS knew about Sam not being able control his dick enough to not have sex his barely legal fans. I think Sam even admitted to fucking some AS producer at some point when he was filming stuff for WP in Atlanta.
the person in question uploaded the vids and didn't monetize them to promote Sam's stuff after Sam got deplatformed
pic related is why Sam went apeshit on him because he can't handle people talking the slightest shit on him
it's like looking in a mirror eh fatty?
Exactly. Don't worry, the people posting here are paid to, they don't have thoughts of their own...
imagine believing this unironically
Can't be a fly nigga if you raise ya hand.
>it's a "retard thinks sam hyde is funny" episode
You fucks on this board have such low standards when it comes to comedy
So you're not familiar with the man's work, ok got it. He's still funny.
>Literally no one can recall a single joke from Awesome Show