Why does she make /pol/ so angry?
Why does she make /pol/ so angry?
Other urls found in this thread:
She's a woman, and she dared to have a political opinion
because she's /pol/ herself
Based sponsored by Disney incel poster
This but unironically
Why don't you go ask /pol/?
Why don't you go ask yourself you disingenuous cunt.
to paraphrase Patrick Bateman, "[She's] a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab [her] to death, and then play around with [her] blood."
Advertisers and our other guests who we've the pleasure of hosting these past couple of weeks, please note that I am not implying anything with this post. I am only paraphrasing the film American Psycho (2000)
>Why does she make so many people so angry?
Fixed it for you
It's because she doesn't smile
Just smile a little
It's ok, you can smile
The wrong opinion. WRONG
This is cool. We haven’t had a Captain Marvel marketing thread in at least 3 minutes
sad little incel. go back to rubbing your little peepee to chinese cartoons and licking the precum off your hand oily virgin
Fuck, she reminds me so much of a girl I used to thought I was once dating
She always had this exact same expression when she was with me
This condescending look of smug superiority mixed with dread regret and sadness
Or it was just me projecting or imagining things
No wonder it ended up bad
Or rather it didn't even begin
Because it never was anything to begin
I still don't know why she messaged me and called me and asked to go out with me so many times
she's a liberal and good looking, successful and rich. the exact opposite of poltards
ah yes, everyone is paid by disney
$0.01 has been deposited into your disneyworld account
>so many people
pol, t_d and tv, plus the youtube manchildren who take their money is not "many people"
>Why does she make /pol/ so angry?
sellout to the jew
>She's a woman
could have just stopped there
stopped reading there
>She's a woman, and she dared to have a political opinion
How are your cats doing, ma'am?
Is this tweet for real?
She needs help if it's for real
Or if she's roleplaying she's a psychopath and she needs even more help
>She's a woman
>political opinion
and this belongs in live action cartoons aimed at kids?
She's arrogant, ignorant, petty, condescending, disrespectful, and all around just very unpleasant.
it's all fake marketing
no one would even know/care about this dumb cape flick without it
There's plenty of them here.
peak cringe
cry more incel
>Larson's preparation for the stunt-heavy role included an intensive, four-hour daily gym routine with trainer Jason Walsh that eventually saw the 5-foot-7 actress dead-lifting 225 pounds, hip-thrusting 400 pounds and pushing Walsh's Jeep up a hill. There were days when the intensity of the training reduced her to tears and days when she got irritated by men at Walsh's West Hollywood gym who doubted her strength. "This guy watched me lift something really heavy, and he went, 'Wow, I can't even lift that!' As if he were the epitome of health," Larson says. "I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "
>It's the time that I was starting to be able to lift a lot more and I was learning how to punch and kick and do judo throws," she says. "It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying.' And learning to not feel guilty about taking up space like that."
General misogyny and aggressively conservative views
Such a lovely person.
Her foot fungus
How can her feet be so fucked up being rich like that? Says a lot about her lifestyle.
>person learns to be more assertive
this is LITERALLY white genocide
Hey little girls, don't have a family.
>Marvel shills spam threads about her and then larp as alt-righters
>"w-why do you hate her?"
>LITERALLY blah blah blah
Who said that?
>political agenda belongs in marketing for movies aimed at children
So, why you pilpuling, rabbi?
It doesn’t say that
>female friendship is great
>ahhh she’s destroying the nuclear family
The double standards are all that annoy me. If I'm preaching about how strong I've become toward her it's toxic masculinity. If we are sitting at a table and I slam my hands on it and demand she listen to me then it's a threatening motion. She's able to openly be a cunt because nobody calls her on her bullshit and she lives in a bubble where she doesn't have to worry about someone smacking her in the nose for getting too stupid.
>"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Iron-Man, Captain America, The Hulk, Thor, Dr. Strange, Odin, Dormammu, Scarlet Witch, Thanos, Galactus, Silver Surfer, Shuma-Gorath, Sentry, Ronan the Accuser, Beyonder, Doctor Doom, Beta Ray Bill, The Phoenix, Mephisto, Heimdall, Black Bolt, Loki, Cyclops, Kang the Conqueror, Hercules, Magneto, The Living Tribunal, Howard the Duck, Adam Warlock, Ultron, Mar-Vell, Captain Universe, Professor X, Hate-Monger, High Evolutionary, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, The Spot, Super-Skrull, Groot, Annihilus, Red Hulk, Ghost Rider, Squirrel Girl, Carnage, Swarm, Man-Thing, Frankenstein's Monster, Uatu, Super-Adaptoid, Ego the Living Planet, Devil Dinosaur, Gwenpool, and The Orb all put together."
>I am a powerful strong woman who is working to make the world a better place. I know that if I feel uncomfortable it is valid.
There's so many layers of arrogance, self-importance and conceit in that statement, it's hard to analyse.
this kills the incel
The problem with these "actors" and "actresses" of today is that they forget they are playing a character. Shes thinks that SHE is Captain Marvel and says dont see HER movie.
Haha, look at all these insecure manbabies!
By the way friends, don't forget to check out Disney's CAPTAIN MARVEL ™, Staring Brie Larson, Jude Law and more, in theaters March 4th! Be there or be a nazi!
>hip-thrusting 400 pounds
>Still has a flabby ass
>Everyone who deosnt agree with me, is from /pol/
The whole internet hates this bitch. There are hundreds of videos on YT complaining about her. Even black guys hate her.
>no love interest because she has something BETTER, female friendship
i.e. female friendships > male/female relationships
Did your mother drink when she was carrying you? Or do you just have daddy issues like Brie does?
>Larson experienced trauma when her parents divorced when she was seven.[11] She shared a dysfunctional relationship with her father; she has recalled, "As a kid I tried to understand him and understand the situation. But he didn't do himself any favors. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a parent."[11]
>"I said, 'Yeah, I guess you're going to have to rethink your gender norms.' "
Sounds like a Jussie story tbqh
>I know I interpreted it the right way because I'm the one who interpreted it
It's as though she has 0 self doubt and believes that in any situation the way that she personally feels is what's most important and the rest of the world should adjust to her as opposed to her adjusting the the world.
>good looking
Oh nonono
>Everyone who deosnt agree with me, is from /pol/
I thought it was the Russians?
It's her turn!
cuz she doesnt swallow
It's just foot fags trying to white knight her because she's their waifu.
>good looking
We are not watching her movie, right, Yea Forums?
shes also very racist
>dared to have a political opinion
Like Mel Gibson did?
Current Yea Forums is shit, user, to the point of them larping as /pol/ just to shill the mouse.
I think you mean Yea Forums and Yea Forums, no one else knows who she is
I am, when somene post it on the internet
You know what? I'm just gonna say it
Fuck incels, fuck Louis CK, fuck Marie Kondo, fuck Kavanaugh, fuck Shazam, and FUCK TRUMP
sorry but I don't support racists like Brie
If isnt a lot of people, why are you worried?
testosterone denial
>Noooo! Normal people could never not like us! We are the voice of the people not some joke! Noooo it can’t be!
>huehuehue look i did it again! The entire right wing BTFO!!!
I have picked up on the noticeable trend that corporatizing identity politics decreases the quality of ANY video production. What's that? It doesn't??
>star wars
>ghost busters 2k16
>youtube rewind
>shaving ads (fucking lol)
What a strange coincidence that all those get turned to shit. The boogyman is real and is coming for everything you know, if you accept this without fighting back, how self hating can you be?
Being racist towards whites is not a "political opinion"
Because she’s a cunt
Conservative guys love women. They want to protect women. It's not agressive.
Fucking this
>It was also the time that I was learning how to sit at a conference table and slam my hands on the table and say, 'You need to listen to what I'm saying
thats just typical woman stuff
>fake charities to get lib NPCs to virtue signal more money to the mouse
Hmm. I wonder why Disney doesn't just donate the tickets/screenings to poor kids? They can't afford it?
It's almost like a marketing scam preying upon children and dumbed down NPCs. How noble.
>Fuck incels
Why you hate gay people? They are incels. They can't have sex with girls, so they go after guys.
pretty much this
Because she has no ass and we live in a bootycentric society
>They went from "superheroes are for boys" to "she's incredible! Can we take a field trip to see it?"
This really fucking happened!!!
>Conservative guys love women.
Yeah, she's basically saying
>I can't misinterpret anything or be wrong ever
It's a very dangerous and insane perspective to have.
I can't stand either side of this conflict. How do I get off the ride?
Probably because it's not run by Disney you actual NPC blindly copying memes you read on here?