Phase 4


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Cause she don't need no man sweetie ;)

>Spider-Man: Home Alone

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>Watching anything after Infinity War
lmaoing at your life

>watching infinity war


>Comic sans


I'm watching Endgame then that's it for me. Can't be bothered anymore.

>watching anything

you're no better than a cuck

About time.

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You're worse than a cuck

>being blind

Who's ready for IRON NIGGER?

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>young black girl super genius
>has to rely on stealing iron man's designs

Leftists are way more racist that conservatives ever will be.

So are MCU Spider-man movies just always going to have "HOME" in the title?

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Thé MCU is such shit anyway. Hardly connected at all.

The whole thing is cringe humor, quips, and CGI big bass.

I’ll pass hard on this shit. You’d think they would atleast make each one a different style or something but no it’s alaays the same shit. Same humor same quips and same formula.

Can’t believe it survived this long

But they made that movie

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All of them looks like someone made it up in like 10 minutes
I mean for fuck sake is that comic sans in Spiderman


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Not gonna lie, I actually liked the concept of a qt nigress flying around in an Ironfem suit but her story is just boring and bland. Plus they tried to connect it with the convoluted mainstream universe by just dumping her into it instead of giving her standalone adventures so none of it worked. It was the worst kind of storytelling even though I genuinely dig the design.

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COLTON will be the break out hit then PHASE 4

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I don't care for the skin-tight iron man suit looks
it should look more machine like
thats why the iron man 1 suit was the best

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>Spiderman: Home Alone

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There is where you messed up
That is obviously the Nova logo from PBS. Op is a bored rat. Also Jannies get the axe

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They better not waste time with the X-Men.. It literally will determine if I watch anything after Endgame or not..

>A New King
Star Wars crossover cunfirmed?

>not Spider Man: Home Invasion
I'm done with Marvel

Same here. Skipping CM but I feel forced to watch Endgame because I was looking forward to this since IM1. No matter what comes next though, I will definitely wait for every movie till it comes out on Bluray. The quality has just gone down the gutter with the MCU

christ the ones in the OP are fucking lazy. This one is from a few years ago and is much more creative

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>He sucked the cock, but didn't swallow...
You contributed nigger

>Home Alone

It'll be Iron Heart, a black girl who takes over Tony Stark's armor after he dies in Civil War 2 (he was killed by captain Marvel)