ITT: Sandler kino

ITT: Sandler kino

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Rewatched this and was so fucking shocked to realize it was a really good movie, I thought that while I liked it as a kid it had to be shit. Was glad to be proven wrong

third best Sandler flick after Billy Madison and Click

>His family is Jewish and descends from Lithunanian Jewish immigrants on both sides

Even a broken clock is right twice a day

One of the few things I remember from this film is the dog shooting a missile from his dick and sadam hussein getting that liquor bottle shoved up his ass.

We can all agree the pentalogy of Sandler Kino is Little Nicky, Click, Happy Madison, Waterboy, and Big Daddy right?

A film ahead of its time.

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Wow thanks for the shocking reveal that Adam Sandler is Jewish user

Mr Deeds is okay if I remember correctly. Maybe not though.

Kill yourself if you find this funny

idk I never liked this kind of comedy movie even as a kid. it just isn't funny to me.

That dog is probably dead now

>Saddam Hussein
It was Joseph Stalin

Reminder that Saddam Hussein did literally NOTHING wrong

Someone post the screencap of that Yea Forums Little Nicky thread


It was hysterical
When I was high on lots of weed and the acid kicked in.

top tier stuff coming in

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meh, the original is so much better

does the original have Sandler in it you whiney boomer, fuck outta here.

I'm a millennial and a Sandler fan, but Frank Capra was one of the greatest filmmakers who ever lived and the original Mr. Deeds is an absolute classic. The remake is decent but that's it

the longest yard was pretty good for a remake

What was the one where Sandler plays a depressed shut-in with a black friend?

Reign Over Me

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I'm having a good time

Dude, Chicago kicks ass.

Who hyped for Uncut Gems? Sandlerlkino incoming. I wish his pattern for starring in movies is Happy Madison Kino and then serious kinos, another HM kino etc.