I don't understand why everyone thought this was so traumatizing

I don't understand why everyone thought this was so traumatizing.

There's barely any tension, it's just all shock, and not even that shocking.

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>movie screens at festival for select audience
>a dozen reviews appear calling it the best thing ever
>people get hype, can't wait to see it
>movie comes out to general public
>mass flood of reviews calling it the worst thing ever

every time

that shape on the Picture is wrong,kosovo is not part of serbia anymore

I accidentally watched Transsiberian the other day thinking it was this movie. Whoops.

The film is a black comedy.

Someone give me the tl;dr of what's so shocking about it.

On a scale of Hostel 1 to Hostel 3, it's Hostel 2

It seems only right that a film this disgusting be named after my country.
I think we're the most genuine people in the world.

It's not a very good film, it's just one of those you have to watch at least once to say you've at least seen it.
Same with Salo, Vomit Gore Trilogy, Pink Flamingos, August Underground Trilogy... all terrible films but they should be watched once at least because they're grim as fuck.

nobody is going to blame you for fucking little girls and removing kebab.
I'd do it too if I had the balls of a serb.

It's for edgy cowards
Boring shit

newborn baby porn

>Serbian Film
aint got nothing on the Grifter

there is some violence against women mixed with porn.
thats pretty much it.
the newborn porn scene is ridiculous if something.

Can someone tell me what they get out of watching films like this?

Genuine question, as personally I haven’t watched it. I watched irreversible and didn’t understand why there was an audience for it, and still don’t.

Where the is the line between art and obscenity?

Some people are just sadistic and mental and love this shit.
I don't love it for the most part, but I still have to watch it because curiousity gets the better of me and I want to see if it's as "bad" as they say it is.

Yup your country is a shithole
Bonus points for degenerate film noire

kill list does the same thing but I assume it's a better movie

From what I remember
Newborn porn, guy fucks a baby
Abused little girl in some scenes
They inject him with "viagra for bulls" and he takes part in a snuff film and machetes some girl
He basically rapes this person in the ass under this blanket thing and this guy comes in wearing a mask and starts raping someone else next to him also under this blanket. Turns out the guy next to him is his brother that likes his wife and he's raping his wife under the blanket and main character is raping his own son under the blanket.
He puts his footlong boner into some guy's eyesocket until he dies.
I think it ends with him killing his self along with his wife and son and you see some russian people recording their death for some weird movie. Basically Shock Value: The Film

so what's the point of the movie? that serbia is a depraved shithole?

Some ridiculous social commentary on the state of Russia or some shit.

Plenty of good movies walk a fine line. Think about some horror classics for a second. The Exorcist is about a little girl possessed by a demon. It sounds like hokey bullshit that could've been disposed of and forgotten about, but the execution was so good, it's still a classic today.

in the absence of rent

Agreed, after watching the grifter this was pretty light

it's a documentary of what the elites pedo cults get up to