Holy shit this is so based... Why do you hate this?
Holy shit this is so based... Why do you hate this?
I don't think anyone hates it. It started out pretty weak, but got kino quickly.
I don't. It's based on the best star wars movies after all.
>Why do you hate this?
I don't hate it. I just acknowledge the fact that it is infinitely inferior to Tartakovsky's Clone Wars in every conceivable way.
I haven't watched it yet and it doesn't look that appealing to me... how worth watching is it really though?
TCW is Zoomer. CW is millennial.
>I just acknowledge the fact that it is infinitely inferior to Tartakovsky's Clone Wars in every conceivable way.
How? Gennedy Wars has no depth, no expansion on the settings or introduces anything new. It was literally just a bunch of boring, over the top battles. It's only saving grace is that all of it amounts to an hour total. I don't think I could sit through that stuff longer than that before switching it to something that's actually stimulating.
It's shit, don't bother.
It depends on the type of shows you like. Its artstyle takes some getting used to but the stories are solid. Certainly better then nuWars.
You might have confused TCW and Rebels, it's ok because they look similar. But just know in the future, it's TCW(both of them) that Yea Forums loves and NOT Rebels.
They're also both made by the same people, but Rebels has a long list of restrictions that ruined it.
>no expansion on the settings or introduces anything new
Yeah, I also remember when Luke and Han were fighting Akira monsters on a daily basis
TCW had Lucas, Rebels didn't.
Rebels didn't have Lucas.
The first 2 seasons are pretty much trash, but it becomes very good later on.
It massively rewrote Anakin into someone relatable and realistic which I appreciated about it.
True but Lucas' role in TCW was more advisory then creativity driving. Too bad we never got Underworld though, since now a show with that type of budget could be done.
You posted the video game, which is one of the worst games I've ever played and I absolutely hate it. The show on the other hand, I only like a few stories. What I hate are the zoomers that think Anakin's new voice is better, or who say "Anakin is actually a likable character now!!!". Also, anyone who thinks the show is great instead of regarding it as it is: a cartoon for children.
>It massively rewrote Anakin
He literally the same from the movies. Just foucsed more on his heroic.
I'm pretty sure he had creative control since everything had to be approved by him.
He would impute stuff and reject stuff sure, but he wasn't the one coming up with the ideas for episodes or arcs, at least not most of them. I think there's something to the theory that he was grooming Dave to be his successor given how much control he was given.
The 2D clone wars looked so much better
It introduced fucking Grevious
>Gennedy Wars has no depth, no expansion on the settings or introduces anything new
Grievous, Ventress, Anakin's unconventional Jedi trial, Commandos...
I guess no one here has watched the Umbara Arc (3 episodes). Go watch it lads.
>True but Lucas' role in TCW was more advisory then creativity driving.
Stop talking shit. Lucas was the one giving the designs and coming up with the ideas for the story arcs, not Dave.
Why is the thread picture the cover of this awful game? God this game was so shit.
Both Clone Wars shows are great though.
Based Krell
I don't
>Why do you hate this?
Who the fuck are you talking to?
Prequel Fags and OT patricians can pretty much all agree the clone wars was breddy gud.
You should watch the traditionally animated clone wars miniseries by genndy tartakovsky while you're at it.
Just don't try to figure out how everything fits together. The final episode of that series ends right where revenge of the sith opens where General Grevious storms coruscant, plows through the jedi, and kidnaps sheev, only for mace windu to crush his chest with the force as they escape, which is why he was wheezing in revenge of the sith.
If I was in charge of lucasfilm for the first stand alone movie I would have just remade It Ain't Me in space with 50 times the budget with a hard PG-13 rating.
I can think of one good reason
I'm fine with him being nerfed a little but losing to Gungans and Ventress? Come on now.
Because Clone Wars is the most fucking boring conflict in the history of fiction.
Mass produced robots vs mass produced clones and one guy is in control of both factions.
Fucking garbage.
>he thinks dexter jetster is better than chad lucas
>OT patricians
>Because Rebels vs Imperials is the most fucking boring conflict in the history of fiction.
>PT apologists
Christ not again.
>that episode where palpatine orders a terror attack on the senate in the middle of an important vote
It's definitely better than the empire vs rebels where the former has to act like incompetent fools so the latter could win.
It worked perfectly fine for one trilogy it only gets boring after it's used over and over and over again for 30 years.
They did a good enough job of avoiding no consequence pew pew with droid armies early in the first season.
After that it's mostly self contained monster of the week arcs that use the war as the jumping off point.
>Mommy mommy I love so much The millenium falcon mommy
New Hope is Empire winning all the time until Luke gets a critical hit thanks to re-rolls from the Force.
Empire is Rebels getting fucked through the entire movie.
Jedi is the only one where Empire acts like idiots.
What? the rebels fucking sucks and the imperials are the very definition of jobbers
Even in the original trilogy, it was pretty boring.
Literally fuck off I don't even care about Falcon. PT is absolute trash and no amount of trolling is ever going to change that.
You retarded babies probably weren't even alive to remember the Midichlorians shitstorm.
trips confirm
You need below 70 IQ to think IV and V were boring.
They had their deathstar get destroyed by bunch of teengers because of "flaw" in the design that escaped their notice.
>Mommy why I can't be a jedi mommy that meanie Lucas doesn't want me being a jedi mommy make him stop waaaahhh
Nah man, luke just had Kenobi's Blessing on which gives you +20 on the next to-hit roll.
lmao faggot, get the fuck out of here
Ironic of you to say that since the conflict between them was the least interesting part and not what people liked about the movies.
PT has 20x more Jedi than OT you fucking ape.
>Midichlorians shitstorm
Nothing more pathetic than you people getting bitter about that. What a bunch of babies.
>it's a shitposting avatarfag makes strawmen arguments episode
boring and gay
So it's 2 hours of pure kino vs 40+ hours of lightly-less kino.
Even if we disount the 10 hours that are crap and the 10 that are meh tier, it's still a tough choice.
Lmao these OTards seething hahahah
Return of the Jedi is worst than AoTC.
>lmao faggot, get the fuck out of here
meanwhile nuWars is stealing fanart
nice projection
This. I can't see any other reason people got pissed off at this. If literally anyone can become a Jedi, why didn't everyone have superpowers?
Thank you. Only the last 15 minutes are good.
The Rebles are the worst and most boring thing about star wars.
I know Han and Chewie! I grew up with them! They’re my childhood!
Thank you Disney for bringing Tie Fighters and X-Wings back! My kids and I love the Sequel Trilogy! There’s so many references to the OT! It’s like I was sitting in the theater in 77 again!
>says that they should have cut out all of Jabba’s Palace
Stopped watching, this guy is a cuck.
because the movie was really bad
I still don't understand the hate.
It was simply decent. Nothing more, nothing less.
>what outfit does our 14 year old ayy lmao girl need to go on adventures?
>A tube top and miniskirt?
>Fucking perfect!
orange buttcheeks desu senpai
it was completely worthless. as was the show up until like season 3
>Buuut Mommy why the emperor have a lightsaber he didn't have one before Mommy I'm confused I hate this movie mommy
>want to make a theatrical showing to advertise your new show
>pick literally one of the worst arcs in the series to show off
We may never know why. Even by season 1 and 2 standards, it was bottom of the barrel.
>they paired her with Quinlan Vos and killed her off in a book
Its not FAIR
Guys, help me out here. Do I go airing order or chronological order. I wanna properly watch this kino
Ahsoka was the only one I had problem with. Not because she was a terrible character, but because I don't get why she was a commander and trusted with many dangerous missions alone despite being 14.
Anakin wasn't allowed to go on solo mission until 19 and Obi-Wan was a padawan until 25.
wtf Quilan Vos already had a waifu in the old canon and survived the purge
Anakin wasn't in the middle of a war at 19
“>We had an outline and George changed everything in it,” Kurtz said. “Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy...
>The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.
Again, from Kurtz:
>I could see where things were headed,” Kurtz said. “The toy business began to drive the [Lucasfilm] empire. It’s a shame. They make three times as much on toys as they do on films. It’s natural to make decisions that protect the toy business, but that’s not the best thing for making quality films.
>The first film and ‘Empire’ were about story and character, but I could see that George’s priorities were changing.
Were Kasdan and Kurtz actually hacks?
Chrono. The order is mostly chronological anyways, but you get the occasional episode from later seasons to improve the quality and give more background.
The jedi are short staffed in the middle of a long war. That's why they promoted Anakin despite him not taking the regular trials.
And it helps that most of the military brass don't really take her seriously at first.
That's not excuse to give a 14 years old a leadership of an entire army and free region. She was also the only padawan in the show who was given these privileges for some reason.
>for some reason
that reason is experience surviving along with Anakin and Obi Wan
>inferior to Tartakovsky's Clone Wars
Please...with the exception of the kidnapping of the Chancellor and Grevious' first appearance, the show is inferior in every way. Those two stories are really the only stands out in the entire series and the only ones that add to the overall SW Universe.
Anakin vs Ventress in Yavin 4
She was already a commander from the moment she appeared.
ahsoka needs to die. hear me out.
vaders entire motivation for going back to the light side is his connection to luke as his son. but he never knew luke personally. in the clone wars, anakin is a father figure to ahsoka, she is much more his adoptive daughter than luke is his son.
so when ahsoka shows up to duel vader in rebels, it should inspire the same internal conflict that he feels for luke, but it doesn't, because that story is already set in stone and they can't step on those particular toes. that's the only reason, it has nothing to do with vader's character.
but if she were to die, it would leave him regretful in his role as her mentor. that would give him a much stronger motivation to turn to the light, seeing a new hope in luke as his son, a way to make up for his failure with ahsoka by giving luke a new chance.
but she has to die.
>best clones action
The 3D show is kids drama garbage, at least Tartakovsky made his unique
Luke was a reminder of Padme which Anakin loved dearly. Ahsoka was a reminder of the Jedi order which he hated with passionate.
Also, Luke loved and forgive his father despite everything while Ahsoka abonden and give up on him.
Ahsoka was six years younger than him. She was more like a little sister while Luke is a piece of him. A child he created.
>The discussed ending of the film that Kurtz favored presented the rebel forces in tatters, Leia grappling with her new duties as queen and Luke walking off alone “like Clint Eastwood in the spaghetti westerns,” as Kurtz put it.
That sounds awesome why didn't we get this?
Why Leia would be a queen and of what exactly?
Queen who replaced the Emperor obviously
Why would they have another version of the empire?
Because the old Republic probably also had a monarch?
of the alderaan diaspora
>Were Kasdan and Kurtz actually hacks?
No Lucas is the ultra hack.
Both are crap you retarded shit. This wave of Lucas apologists is fucking disgusting. Dude was shitting all over his fans for decades but it's okay because Disney is even worse? Fuck off.
>the old Republic probably also had a monarch
Nigger are you serious right now
>Tartakovsky's Clone Wars
literally just 2 hours of samurai jack in a starwars setting.
wouldn't be the most egregious thing in Star Wars
>Dude was shitting all over his fans for decades
>implying having no respect for manchildren is bad
The way you people reacted over movies made for 12-13 years old make you lose any kind of respect
>movies made for 12-13 years old
>dude burns alive in lava after slaughtering a bunch of people and killing his wife
Shills are so fucking hilarious sometimes.
Check out the Knights of the old Republic comics while you're all at it. They good.
Was there blood whe killed these people? No and Lucas has himself statedvhe made Star wars is for young children.
am i millenial if i was born in 1997 and relate more with the tv show that shows up on the left?
>muh shills
Grow up already, manchild. I at least don't seethe about movies made for children when I can simply not watch like any rational person would do.
RoTS combined with TCW is peak star wars.
Lucas words mean less than dog poop.
Star Wars made for children whether you like it or not. This is fact.
Close: it's made to sell toys to kids, but it's aimed at the whole family to maximise box office appeal
I want to write a Star Wars story about an Imperial Pilot, going into how he was saved by clone troopers when he was a kid and has a high opinion of both the republic / empire & the military of it. He wanted to be the hero he saw in the republic, and now fights space terrorists.
So the Tie Fighter short?
Basically. Top Gun with Star Wars.
Not in every way, but Genndy's was based af.
>saying losing to Ventress like its bad
Grievous' main weapon is Fear
Ventress isnt scared of Grievous
She's worked with him for at least a year and knows what he is capable of
Ventress will always beat Grievous
this was the second game I bought on the ps3
In Legends Grievous beats her and Dirge at the same time
and its not canon
I would watch it if it wasn't so atrocious looking. what the fuck were they thinking?
You're right, my mistake.
It was made for everyone you absolute retard.
Half of Phantom Menace is political talk. Was that aimed at kids too?
And it's completely fucking retarded. Dude has 0 Force he should get fucked by a simple force push.
Live Action Clone Wars when?
>Cast it
Elizabeth Debicki as Asajj Ventress
Assuming you can hit him yeah, he's very agile
>B-but in the shitty neutered version-
I know.
Characters are so fucking annoying. Hard to complain though, since it's made for kids, but I couldn't stand more than a few episodes.
>Hard to complain though, since it's made for kids
for kids doesn't have to mean shit
She was a good friend
Same boat over here. However I did watch Chowder and Flapjack. Then again I had a cousin who was way older than my and thought Flapjack was funny.
You clearly didn't watch it.
>losing to Gungans
I didn't mind this. Tarpals had to die for it to work, and the Gungans took advantage of him being momentarily constrained to pelt him with dozens of those EMP grenade things they have. Shorted out his droid parts.
Underestimated them and got fucked up by perhaps his biggest weakness.
>The wait begins for Season 7
Hurr durr blood makes a movie more mature. What are you 10 years old
lol the Prequels are kino you gay philistine
Those are quads you autistic faggot
That's totally wrong. Anyone born in 96, 97, 98 and maybe 99 relates more with the shows on the left
>Anyone born in 96, 97, 98 and maybe 99 relates more with the shows on the left
People born in those years are Gen Z
so many thing to dislike about TCW honestly. so many subpar storylines that show a misunderstanding of the force
>but one of the worst offenses was how they handled grievous