Just watched pic related. I found it pretty fucking nice.
It really is drive except the protagonist is not autistic.
Has anyone else seen it? Opinions?
Just watched pic related. I found it pretty fucking nice.
It really is drive except the protagonist is not autistic.
Has anyone else seen it? Opinions?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, just one of the best movies of all time.
>Mann was born February 5, 1943, in Chicago, Illinois, to a family of Russian Jewish ancestry. He is the son of grocers Esther and Jack Mann
One of my favorite movies of all time. Significantly better than Drive. Michael Mann is probably the most based director of all time
The Dinner scene is one of my favorites.
Bretty good, I suggest watching either French Connection or To Live and Die in LA
top tier kino, pure nightcore
it was kino
I liked everything except the ending.
the blood effects at the end were awful
it was a good watch but not really my style Im glad anons are actually talking about something instead of capeshit movie of the month or sneed.
Did you watch the theatrical or DC?
>Jews bad
>that sheet steel phone booth reflection
post nighttime shots
Holy shit. Why do people feel the nees to ruin movies with these filters? Same with LotR
>Trump hates Jews
Peak heist kino. Also, James Caan considers that diner dialogue with Tuesday Weld to be the greatest scene of his acting career. Very under looked movie
the theatrical release had the "blue filter." As it wasn't a filter. It was the color profile of the light cast from cheap florescent tubes in the 70s and 80s.
The "all light must be 100% natural light" thing is based upon kids too young to know what old, cheap lighting looked like doing the bluray transfers.
it's fake.
The movie makes my dick hard.
Also that Tangerine Dream score is unironically one of my favorite albums, let alone film scores.
I'm not one to put his favorite movies in an autistic power ranking list, but Thief is definitely top 5.
As a rule of thumb, NEVER watch any Mann DC. They're all objectively inferior to the theatrical cut.
The mythical private-cut he did for black hat not withstanding.
My favorite heist kino of all time. In my headcannon Thief is a prequel to Heat.
The guy he's talking about is Frank from Thief
No, it isn't.
>except the protagonist is not autistic.
The hell he isn't.
mind blown. isn't heat based on a much older script
Might be but I like to think Frank and Neil spent some time together maybe in prison and Frank took him under his wing like Okla(Willie Nelson's character). The end of Thief is the "Heat around the corner" adage.
Heat is a reworking of the pilot for Man''s followup to Miami Vice that never got picked up
Miami Vice DC is better
On the subject of Mann kino, did ya'll know that in Heat the character Jon Voight is playing cleaned up his act and became an actor and played Mr. Blue in Reservoir Dogs? Crazy.
Never laughed harder at a film than the adoption scene. Caught me by surprise, shame it isn't on YouTube because the delivery is comedy fucking Kino, don't read ahead if you haven't seen it
Mrs. Knowles:But the point is, we establish criteria for parenting, and an ex-convict compared to other desirables...
Frank:Great, so we'll take a kid that's not so desirable. You got a black kid? We'll take a black kid. You got a chink kid?
Mrs. Knowles:You don't seem to understand...
Frank:Nobody likes older kids. You got an eight-year old black chink kid?
we'll take him.
Killer OST and killer aesthetics. One of the best movies of all time. In my top 5 actually.
It's good. But not perfect.
mfw I hear epin racism in an old movie
I have to see this now. Thanks op.
i mean, yeah that's funny, but the funniest thing? idk bro. take a break from Yea Forums sometimes
>talking about racial prejudices in abortion of society in a sarcastic way is racism now
I'm not even racist
You shouldn't even be allowed on Yea Forums until you've seen Mann's entire filmography.
One of my favorite endings desu
/pol/ does
It is.
That explains why he's so talented.
I'm sorry is this the movie Thief music by Tangerine Dream? I don't think so.
Great, but my least favorite Mannkino. Prefer Manhunter, Collateral, and Miami Vice. They all are similar, but I believe better done than Thief
It is
No I dont think it's that important. But I've seen most of his films except maybe 3 of them.
The movie is pretty good. Nothing like Drive though I don't know why you brought up that trash.
Mann is THE entry level Patrician director.
If you haven't seen Manhunter, Miami Vice, and Collateral you can GTFO now, you're not qualified to have opinions about television or film.
Yo homie, is that my briefcase?
>Mann is THE entry level Patrician director
Who are some mid or even high tier patrician directors?
>no mention of Heat
>Nothing like Drive though
Drive is Thief 2000, and Thief is Americanized Le Samourai.
Essential autismcore.
Thief is not autistic in the slightest
No. Cease your faggotry at once turbopleb.
>implying you've seen miami vice, collateral, and manhunter without also having seen Heat
I meant the tv show of miami vice too.
Heat feels like the midway point between early mann and later mann.
>implying you've seen miami vice, collateral, and manhunter without also having seen Heat
You're the one that did so without mentioning it. I won't write you up for this user, but consider yourself on notice.
>is not autistic.
A immensely broad and meaningless phrase. What does it add to the description of the movie, or are you just desperately trying to be edgy ?
>entry level Patrician director
don't know about that
>If you haven't seen Manhunter, Miami Vice, and Collateral you can GTFO now, you're not qualified to have opinions about television or film.
very true. There should be a quiz users have to successfully complete to log in to Yea Forums
Ah fuck that. This is director's cut? Tell me so i can avoid this version.
That’s what I always said about ‘Frank’ Colin Farrell calls in Miami Vice to smuggle the Asian lady back to Cuba. Frank goes down to Florida, sets up shop and gets into a new line of work. Loved Thief
>dude why didn't you mention the movie everyone's seen?
I'm putting your notice on notice bucko.
Refn either unintentionally/intentionally borrowed stylistic cues from Mann, or parts of his films are just coincidentally quite similar stylistically/visually.
I find it a little insulting to compare this masterpiece to Drive desu
No you're overeating him. He's more basic than you realize.
I'm watching Theif right now actually and already his score choice is not good. I mean, I like Tangerine Dream as much as anyone but this is bad Tangerine Dream.
>not MV the movie
you some kinda plebeian or somethin?
I will never understand why people like The French Connection so much. And it seems like the kind of film I would love too, but I got nothing from it
No, Drive is a better film. It's much more courageous.
Mann helped lay the groundwork the synthwave aesthetic.
The opening scene of Drive >>>>>>>>>>>>>> the opening scene of Thief
It's not even close actually. By comparison Theif looks and feels amateur.
>that handheld consumer grade camcorder gunfight
Miss me with that gay shit.
C's Theme is the truth. Sick af
Bait is supposed to be believable.
>all the amazing urban nighttime scenes, the boat scene, the plane scene
it's the best movie of the 21 century
Manhunter DC is objectively the superior version.
While I agree Crockett's Theme is amazing, I prefer Graham's Theme.
Just watch them again.
Drive is shot better. It's lit better. The action on screen is more interesting and far more suspenseful (not even debatable on that one). It sounds better. It's cooler by a factor of 10.
I am willing to bet that Michael Mann strokes his cock to the title shot of Drive with Nightcall playing over a helicopter shot of LA at night. Mann aspired to that particular level of ultra cool but never reached it.
I bet you want/own the Drive jacket, don't you gaiboi? Get some taste in both fashion and film
This is to all the Refn fags ITT:
This is amazing. Refn is so clearly a brainlet. I think Drive will be considered a classic though unfortunately.
That's literally the poorest argument you could've made.
Just go watch the intro of Thief again and watch the intro of Drive again. It will speak for itself. You are not going to find any way to defend the intro to Thief. It is basic and boring, frankly.
>implying refn's crippling autism isn't endearing
Go find the interview where he just gets insulted and abandoned by the host and he just sits there staring blankly at the camera.
Yea Forums wants to be the goose, when in reality they're refn.
>implying the same doesn't apply to Collateral or Manhunter
You're on thin ice here Tanner. Don't make me take your badge.
truly based. Petersen messed up when he put his hand on the window though. It was cheesy and a little too on the nose. He just couldn't help himself.
Such a glorious combination of sound and events.
I'm hoping this post isn't earnest.
Do not try to argue with Refn or Tarantino fags.
There's no getting through to them
it's amusing, but a little sad, when a famous person opens their mouths and lets everyone know they're stupid. Like Gosling as well.
Definitely not Manhunter. Everyone forgot about that.
Michael Mann's best film. A lot of people say Heat, and I enjoy Manhunter, but Thief stands above.
Why? I think most of his other films do everything that's good about Thief better than Thief does (and I think Theif's very good).
It was his first feature film. It's noteworthy as a thesis statement for his entire career and personal philosophy, if nothing else.
okay *thumbs up*
nice crypto-satan get
>It really is drive
> drive [shit movie]
>Yo homie, is that my briefcase?
Is Crime Story kino?
Oh yeah way better than Miami Vice and produced by Michael Mann