Who will play them in the inevitable cashgrab?
Who will play them in the inevitable cashgrab?
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They've tried to make VtM work for years though
Margot Robbie for Jeanette
Kate Beckinsale already made a bunch of WoD movies
Mikkelsen for Lacroix
Aubrey Plaza as Malkavian female
Idris Elba and Tessa Thompson
>more twilight shit
Cast him.
The only thing about the Underworld movies worth watching is the shine off that fucking outfit, everything else is a bit shite desu senpai
I don't know who could play Jack, but a Gary Oldman Drexl type for The Last Round, definitely. Michael Wincott would probably nail it actually.
Rob Zombie
low tier bait
Soundtrack is really important
Massive Attack, Rob Zombie, Dust Brothers
I see Michael Wincott as Isaac Abrams, Baron of Hollywood.
tits missing pass
How is it bait when that's exactly what it is? In each iteration of WoD there's the Vampire Diaries Clan.
Yeah you're onto something there, but I'd put him in a more present role
His voice is too good for a temporary character, his presence too; he needs to be involved throughout
How expansive is the WoD cosmology? Would it just be another capeshit phenomena if it got backed by another Fiege equivalent?
Any "Kino"-Joy
>How expansive is the WoD cosmology
It's pretty fucking wide. People who get into Bloodlines often don't realize that Vampire is just one splat out of many others: Werewolf, Mage, Hunter, Changeling, Mummy, etc
But vampire is the bestest and most popular.
This actually the cosmology of the NEW world of darkness, after they reboot the whole thing so that the splats fit together in a single world better. The old one was, if anything, crazier.
To anyone who played Bloodlines: that guy who kept calling Deb of Night to spout crazy conspiracy stuff, then at the end of the game somehow learned about and broke down the game's plot on the radio? He wasn't just right that one time at the end, everything he said was true in the World of Darkness. Even the secret moon base. Especially the secret moon base. He also may have been a wizard, a Traditions Mage.
So what exactly was that squid that gets washed up at the beginning, a que-jin?
Damn imma replay again soon
Ming Xiao
Ah, but it died and was rotting in the sun, Ming xiaos bf?
I can name something better.
A movie inspired by this game (and not the material the game is based on) would never be good. They would never get the immersion right. What makes this game exceptional is that just walking around doing pretty much nothing still felt great. Even hanging around in a shitty apartment listening to the Deb of Night was good. A movie about vampires would be forced to follow traditional plot structures and there would not be enough scenes that are there just for developing the atmosphere.
The game stalker has the same type of atmosphere and feeling like bloodlines. Its just purest form of kino really, a 3D visual converted to real life feelings
>vampire RPG with no threat of sunlight
>linear as fuck, tiny number of quests
>combat mazes
>with awful floaty combat; both melee and ranged feel cardboard-weak and impotent
>grimdark atmosphere and cartoony characters, just doesn't work
>still a bug-ridden, unfinished mess fifteen years later
Let's not talk shit now, Bloodlines is fun once a year but it's no second coming of Christ
A tv show could allow for atmosphere.
The show can even turn the bad aspects of the game into something good. Since the game devolves into more action focused levels as it goes on (due to the troubled development), a show could include that by making it noir-esque - as the show goes on, the prolonged exposure to the WoD and vampire ways makes the MC lose empathy; rather than trying to defuse or silver tongue themselves out of trouble, they become more callous. That can even be complemented by the other characters, for example VV - who initially seems different to other vampires, showing consideration for humans; this of course ends up being misleading, with further insight showing it's at least partially down to the trait of the Toreador's - more of an obsession than care.
I'd say the best way to end it would be to have the MC become powerhungry, or fed up with manipulative ways of vampire society. Have the ending be the MC opening the sarcophagus.
That'd be a shock to the audience, a good conclusion to the character and themes, and also allow flexibility for any continuation that's desired - such as the politics/fighting between the factions that'd been built up over the course of the show, now that the Prince has been taken out.
idk I first played it last year and I played it 5 times in a row without getting too bored of it (different factions). For its time it is fucking great and still hold up. Although near the end it is kind of clear they were rushed to release considering the chinatown section is empty of content. The Japanese delivery on yukie's lines made me cringe as well.
The bugs were fixed a long time ago, and a lot more quests added and extended
I'd forgotten about that whole bit, seems so out of place to be honest
Mind you it's a game about vampires in a larger world and I'm not familiar with WoD stuff so maybe it's fair enough.
But as a video game, nah it could have done without all that extra crap in favour of a tightened-up third act, honestly it's the last third of the game that really puts me off playing it again. The Hallowbrook hotel is a frustrating taste of things to come; as you said they were rushed to release and that really hurt the game.
I'd rather Half-Life 2 never came out and instead we got a properly finished Bloodlines.
Even all those fixes and patches can't seem to fix how janky, clumsy and unresponsive the gameplay is
yukie comes back in the final act and helps you take out ming xiao, if you play it right
Christ it really has been a long time since I played, didn't realise that
Sounds like a big help because I remember that fight being a massive pain in the arse, even with the flamethrower
I never uninstalled Bloodlines or Redemption, so here we go again I guess. Like I said, it's good fun once a year despite its shortcomings
lel short cummings
But did you finish the game with a dance?
Make sure you have the latest version eh, maybe do uninstall and make sure you have the most recent version before starting again, otherwise you'll miss out on a lot
Tremere reporting in
Will do based user, you read my mind
Starting from scratch on a game I'm lukewarm on, yet still talk about
Cheers m8
ugh, I don't think this game fits in the current political climate.
I think it would make a great movie franchise
There are plenty of parts that make fun of the right, so it's got a nice balance.
name a better character
protip you can't
You're up waaay past your bedtime...
who is handsome enough to play your husbando?
How do you even do something like the coffin scene?
no such thing in a vtmb thread
She could make clones of herself in the fight if you remember.
Based and pyramidpilled
Ethan Hawke or Stephen Dorff
Only if your dumb enough to try and melee her, but fair enough
What kind of diet/excessive/life style should I follow to make my blood most desirable. Before falling asleep I often fantasize about being a walking blood bag and saving up my vacation days just so I can meet up and be drained to near death and spend the rest of my vacation recovering just to go back to work and pretend nothing happened.
Fat Larry
>clan quest mod
>Susan lapdances to Christian Woman by Type O Negative
Absolutely based
just remember when the time is right to shut up and dance
We can dance if we want to
We can leave your friends behind
>How expansive is the WoD cosmology?
Huge, it's got an expansive spiritual plane which is also outer space, the varied realms of the underworld, the imagination dimension where the changelings are from, the internet is a place you can go to and there's a lot of shit that doesn't really fit into the other places.
remember when white wolf sued the film makers and lost?
the burger diet
Is there a book that describes that stuff in linear fashion
Cardio, cardio, cardio. Go swimming for minimum impact and maximum blood flow through every vessel and muscle. Do this for an hour at least four times a week. Be lean and able.
Tank up on iron, salts and zinc. Forget sex and alcohol, no drugs either. Not even caffeine or chocolate. No spices.
You want your sire to be sated don't you, little ghoul? Work on your taste.
I mean haha it would be funny if I were really a vampire but we kine know that they don't really exist right? Hahahaha that wud b crazy lolz hahaha
haha i know right wouldn't it be totally jsut dumb if i asked how to get ambushed by a vampire that totally dosen't exist like maybe if i asked where i should hang out at night or something ahah so dumb of me to ask that
Just to let you know, it’s a bitch to get working through steam.
I always assumed she fought Jack aboard the Elizabeth Dane and got driven off, with one of her clones getting killed in the process.
Not to worry user, I have no intentions of using Steam for Bloodlines if you catch my drift
Is this what you want to be a ghoul for a bunch of lasombra mummies and their daughters?
good man
haha of course not that would be humiliating haha
Someone redpill me on the other monsters in the setting.
ha... ha..
I always wish they had done more with thaumaturgy.
>it’s feeding time bring me that one ghoul who likes my feet
Werewolves are weird semi-Native American nature fags
Mages are freakishly overpowered reality bending demigods (Tremere vampires are descended from Mages)
There's Changelings, Mummies, Wraiths and shit too, but no one cares
>good man
I know the drill
RIP Troika ;_;7
>Paradox in charge of making new V:tM game
how did she know
Holy fuck what is Dominate you fucking idiot artist.
More freckly latex redheads pls
>hazel eyes
Don't tell me that's a man, I couldn't take the disappointment
I want to live with that cinnamon girl
I could be happy the rest of my life with that cinnamon girl.
Friendly reminder that Clan Quest Mod let's you join the Sabbat and diablerize every fucking cammie scumbag.
Yes RIP troika we hardly knew you
Thaumaturgy is gay.
no u are
Vampires aren't wizards.
"Another small genocide, made possible by your good friends at Activisionâ„¢!"
>Everything You Like Is Now Fucked... You're Welcome.
Exactly. That's why Wizards drained a vampire and became one.
and wizards aren't vampires either, see how that works, now go back to your gay moon base
Let me give you the red pill on werewolves
>Lilith had a child with Adam named Ennoia who was abandoned to wolves
> she was a powerful figure who copulated with Wolves which was the start of the lupine race
>Ennoia then found the city of Enoch where Cain resided
>Ennoia was embraced there (not by Cain, she was 3rd generation)
>she became the antidiluvion to gangrels
>She traveled across the world and her story is balls to the wall insanity and full of adventure
>Lupine are everywhere from Mongolia, to Scotland to Canada
> Ennoia is currently in torpor in Canada
>Canada also happens to be the biggest haven for were wolves hence the meme they are mostly natives.
Basically read about Ennoia and Gangrels, they are definitely the cooler bloodline because they are essentially half vampire half werewolf. A lot of the time gangrels and lupine are neutral allies.
> Patrice will never play Fat Larry
undeniably based character
good digits too
I prefer Requiem to Masquerade. Why become a vampire in VtM when the vampire apocalypse is right around the corner? VtR is much more cosy.
nWoD gets a bad rep unjustly. Mechanically, it's a better, streamlined game. It also does away with the metric fuckton of metaplot that had pretty much bogged down everything by that point. God forbid you ever deviated from it, too. You'd lose your status super fucking quick. Not to mention nWoD gave games like Changeling and Hunter new life, and really made them the best games in the entire setting.
There's also more fucking room in Requiem holy shit
Yea Forumsumping
It's CofD now, user.
Oh fuck me. Perfect casting.
>Now what kinda tool you wanna grip, man?
>I got the Blade sword, the fuckin' Dredd gun, Robocop's fuckin' biceps, man
>Oh! OH! The fuckin'...
>the fuckin' minigun from Predator! Ohhhh!
>You know they call me Phat Larry man, an' I'm talkin' P-H phat
>'cause you know I'm a big dude, but I'll still wreck your pussy nigga
>and bitch, Imma call you my ACQUAINTANCE after I cum in you
>if you're LUCKY
I'm not talking about that shit they're passing off now. That ain't my WoD. I've seen some of that shit posted around. Fuck that. I'll stick to my old settings. All of em. V5 and the lot can fuck off.
what's the strongest supernatural in this series. or what's the food chain
I've read both werewolf and vampire (oWoD). Someone explain me how Werewolf godlike beigns (Wyrm,Wyld and Weaver) and even Gaia fits into Vampire lore where they pretty much confirm that the Bible is real?
Vampires are stronger in Masquerade than Requiem, at least at elder+ levels. Werewolves are consistently murder hobo wrecking machines. Mage, both iterations, is notorious for being overpowered.
Mages are completely broken and it's not even close.
>not using obfuscate on ming cow
gog or steam?
pirate gog version
Why would you do that?
>not going celerity gunslinger toreador
thank you
>both melee and ranged feel cardboard-weak and impotent
it's an rpg for fucks sake do you complain about the same shit in TES?
>not using celerity as your 4th power you get midgame and just blasting her with your best guns until the bitch is dead
newfag tier desu
I bought it the day it came out, still have the og package Manuel everything, and the I dl it when its time to replay, because who the fuck buys bloodlines in current year?
>playing easy mode
I bet you don't even nosferatu
Huh, was looking for a VTMB thread in Yea Forums, but this'll do nicely
Lol no, but get the 4th power no matter what clan, even stuck at lv3 it just makes things more fun without cheating
They sued? What a bunch of losers.
What makes this garbage good again?
Nossie is for 2nd+ playthroughs, you don't even get to experience half of the game. Same for Malks, unless you want your first experience with the story to be through le zany lolrandom filter.
Too old. Lacroix is supposed to look young and inexperienced because he fucking is
This is such a good review.
Originally the splats weren't really supposed to be used together, but if you read mage (wich I would recommend you to do, it's great) you can get an idea as to how that can work, basically if enough people believe in something it IS real, notice how religious symbols like the cross can only affect vampires if the wielder has a very strong faith.
>tits on display
yeah, I'm sure she has some very insightful things to say.
>The monsters make me hide,
>Perhaps I'll eat myself alive.
>Internally what is there left for me to be.
>Have no choice but be isolated.
>Struggling, left alone, apart.
>Pushed aside, made segregated.
>Struggling, left alone.
normies < young vamps < werewolves < old vamps < mages
how does this game still have the sexiest character models 14 years later?
The Wyrm,Wyld and Weaver are fundamental forces of nature like gravity and magnetism and were likewise created by the One Above (the Judeo-Christian God).
Also Vampires are explicitly agents of the Weaver, because they are static beings who are forever frozen as the way they were when they died.
>dismissing a review even before watching it
Imagine being a plebeian
Sorry for insulting your waifu, maybe if you donate enough she will touch your dick.
Jeanette and Therese would be the hardest to cast
I think Jude Law would be good as Isaac though, just with less hair.
perfect casting
Doesn't matter because they'll fucking ruin it with PC shit anyway
Can you imagine them actually pulling off the feel of Santa Monica, or the plague plotline, or the Hollywood snuff films?
>Can you imagine them actually pulling off the feel of Santa Monica, or the plague plotline, or the Hollywood snuff films?
Man, so much happens in this game, it's incredible.
>or the Hollywood snuff films
zero chance of this making it in without heavy alterations
>jumping into conclusions
Sorry I hurt your feelings.
I like it, shes a good girl
seething rostie
The actress even preys on kids.
This nigga knows what's up.
Max celerity for bullet time goodness.
The Mass Suicide ability of the Ventrue is so cool though.
Walking into a room of hunters in the late game and killing them all without even lifting up a weapon was such a rush
>tfw picked gangrel on my 1st run
its so fucking boring and generic
hahahahahaahha, stupid ferel gangrel
Fuck you
>the singer wrote that song describing her pet rat that ate its sibling
>the monster is the human owner
>he's isolated segregated left alone so he won't be a further danger to other rats
>perhaps he'll eat himself alive
>he crawls because he's a rat
I've narrowed down three movies that all share aspects with the VtMB game.
Wishmaster is obvious, arrival of an ancient artifact portents doom.
Blade for the '90s goth punk vampire aesthetic.
Lost Boys for the west coast atmosphere.
>no eastern european or russian accent
The high life
Yikes! This game did not age well...
Refn could manage it but it'd be a box office bomb
Mage for sure.
Who else /awakened/ here?
Same. Imagine if someone got the cash to make a WoD series or at least a MMORPG with all the cream
He should be Beckett or Strauss.
Glory to the Komodo
please no.
never ever.
I dont want some dumb whore actress to LOL X3 SO RANDUMB my based Malkavian lore.
Power levels are all over the place at the high end. Antediluvians eat the planet, and there are Archmages capable of buttfucking the universe inside out.
But, generally speaking, mages shit on everything.
They're all relatively even, but with some being noticeably weaker/stronger than others. Demons, mummies and mages were intentionally designed to be more potent than the others - mages being particular outliers, as they're the only splat to keep their god-tier template upgrade, AKA Archmages, and they edit the entire setting like it's a Wikipedia page.
Vampire and werewolf enthusiasts just getting to know WoD will either learn to suck up their pride or throw a shit fit over wizards doing a thing.
>gangrel can be traced back to a crazy woman that got fucked by animals
I never really dug into all of the backstory that deeply. No wonder gangrel are so popular among girls.
>Vampire and werewolf enthusiasts
Is there anything cringier?
Vanilla world of darkness, hunter and mage are the GOAT books. Fuck monsters desu
Being gangrel is best on your second run because you no longer care about consequences and can bulldoze through everyone. Should really play as malk honestly.
Hello LA
You're up way past your bedtime..
>Popular with girls
What a worthless statement. Ww is female dominated anyway. And where would you even hear about that?
Gangrels are for Rambo/ hobo builds. Dudes in Vietnam jackets wandering into isolated American town and getting into trouble and fucking up EVERYBODY visa you're the fucking boss of the gym
I remember reading about the guy writing the malk dialog and how the amount of work and time it took to write almost delayed the game even more.
It should be delayed even more so the writers weren't forced to rush the ending and allowed them to fully use Source engine instead of the Alpha.
Domhnall Gleeson or Michael Fassbender would fit better