>stop stalking me
Stop stalking me
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the effects of male dominance is pure kino - there's so many videos with like 100 views
fucking USPS nigger
you know, I've seen that video probably dozens of times. dozens. only recently have I begun to move from laughter and scorn to empathy and understanding. i may be siding with the crazy chick. I mean, just look at that mailman? When have you ever seen a mailman look like that? I'll tell you what, that dude does NOT deliver mail for a living.
you're insane :D
She accuses every mailman she sees of being a stalker.
ah yes, the old talk about a video with linking it gimmick
For me, it's Timothy James Byrne. The best YouTube schizophrenic.
What kind of groid and spicy infested shit hole do you live in?
I have mail men that look like that, few mail girls too- nice little blonds. Post office work us a damn good job as long as you don't have one filled with diversity hires.
That's it, your going in my cringe compilation.
kill yourselves for not posting the link to the video
I love him
The craziest thing about this video is someone watching two and a half men.
shes will never get real help i guess
stopfgmvoyeurisminvoluntaryporn.bl o gspot.com
The part where he's putting his shoes on angrily as the two and a half men theme song played was pretty kino.
>boohoo why aren't people spoonfeeding me
video was literally 1 (one) click away retard
not even the guy that requested the link in the first place. you're just a fucking faggot.
>groid and spicy infested shit hole
wow, um, RACIST much? holy shit
Dumb phoneposter.
I liked the sequel.