Stop stalking me

>stop stalking me

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the effects of male dominance is pure kino - there's so many videos with like 100 views

fucking USPS nigger

you know, I've seen that video probably dozens of times. dozens. only recently have I begun to move from laughter and scorn to empathy and understanding. i may be siding with the crazy chick. I mean, just look at that mailman? When have you ever seen a mailman look like that? I'll tell you what, that dude does NOT deliver mail for a living.

you're insane :D

She accuses every mailman she sees of being a stalker.

ah yes, the old talk about a video with linking it gimmick

For me, it's Timothy James Byrne. The best YouTube schizophrenic.

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What kind of groid and spicy infested shit hole do you live in?

I have mail men that look like that, few mail girls too- nice little blonds. Post office work us a damn good job as long as you don't have one filled with diversity hires.

That's it, your going in my cringe compilation.

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kill yourselves for not posting the link to the video

I love him


The craziest thing about this video is someone watching two and a half men.

shes will never get real help i guess o

The part where he's putting his shoes on angrily as the two and a half men theme song played was pretty kino.

>boohoo why aren't people spoonfeeding me
video was literally 1 (one) click away retard

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not even the guy that requested the link in the first place. you're just a fucking faggot.

>groid and spicy infested shit hole
wow, um, RACIST much? holy shit

Dumb phoneposter.

I liked the sequel.

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