
Can we discuss this film?
The last sequence was like a dream. You think we were deceived into believing the one who caught fire was the creature, while it was really Portman?
What do you think the creature wanted?

Attached: annihilation.jpg (640x1000, 107K)

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I thought it was pretty clear that the alien escaped

This film was terrible.

cope it was great

Imho this movie is a remake of the Color Out of Space so the idea of the alien being having a motivation in the sense that people understand is wrong. It is driven by something completely foreign to our minds.

the creature burned allright

It was clear, but how?
Did it merge with Portman or Portman never made it out?

cope with this you little faggot, your mom was a hot piece of ass in college, and she got railed by every nigger in that sob.
too bad she had a kid with a degenerate faggot that was your father.
later kiddo.

This film is crap. The acting is poor, the premise (four female scientists, lul!!!) is stupid, and the dialogue is TERRIBLE

>2nd spoiler

What's a nialation?

thing that bothered me quite a bit:
>"where did you learn to shoot!!!"
as if the goverment would give them guns unless they went through some basic training, and they clearly did judging by the way they handled the guns in non combat situations

watched it recently and loved it
went to imdb to find similar but the retards there have hero movies in the recommended and not scifi horror
wtf bros?

>The acting is poor
Not really
>the premise (four female scientists, lul!!!)
Why not?
>the dialogue is TERRIBLE
I don't watch scifi for deep dialogue. What matters is the premise to be interesting

Relax, user. The black guy scene is shown in negative light.

This film attracts plot point brainlets exclusively

since when is paramedic considered to be a scientist

The alien just wanted to cuddle with Hershlag!

i was too sleepy to pay attention but the self harm girl became a plant right?
i couldnt figure out a specific plant in the following scene that looked like her

I think the whole thing is portrayed as some kind of reality cancer. So everything is imitated and mutated upon, or recombined.

It doesn't matter who escaped at the end, they were both the same. Literal ctrl + c > ctrl + v. One soul in two bodies. Natalie had already changed in the shimmer, so the eye flicker wasn't an "alien" quality, it was her DNA being so scrambled that she herself turned into something completely else.
>What do you think the creature wanted?
There is no creature, there is a zone that changes the writing of everything that enters it and at the heart, copies them. No sentience, only untethered rules.


>Reality cancer
Just say meme. A meme that takes over the zeitgeist like an invasive kudzu and stifles any other thought.

That's just an illusion. Any movie that is not explicit, but is very visual and shown in regular cinemas attracts plot point ptards. I waffle between thinking it was incredibly disturbing or completely forgettable.

the director explains everything about the movie

tl;dr me on word of god

I'm with the Colour Out of Space user and invasive meme user. Nothing the author will say will change how i saw it.

The alien died, real Portman came out but her DNA has been altered by the shimmer already. Though in reality it's a metaphor about trauma. She's been transformed by the grief and loss and now must continue living being a different person.

It's an example of an interstellar picnic. If beings if unimaginable technology stopped a short time on Earth paying no heed to humanity and left but if there technology lying around then something like this movie or three book may be the result, in the same way when humans have a picnic and leave yeah the insects on the area may experience a rollercoaster of bounty and disaster.

The premise was stolen from Solaris

Bro, don't give me that elementary lovecraft nihilism, it's inherently meaningless. What does getting replicated imply for the human characters is a more fruitful question.

I really liked the blacked scene, it was very needed

Top movie to watch on ketamine

My favorite part was the interracial scene

the mimic does not escape, it dies along with the rest of the shimmer after it learns to replicate fire, i.e. it's own destruction. hershlag makes it out, but she was already infected, thus it's still in her, with unkown ultimate effect

pol pls go