Forgive me Yea Forums. I was skeptical at the praise this movie was getting and just thought it was shilling. But after watching it and seeing:
>Hot naked robo-Gf
>Asian telling Kang to get over historical mistreatment
>Robo-GF swiping dog blood over her face
>Black nurse not being given any lines
>Weeaboo getting his face sliced off
I have realized this is one of the best movies release so far in 2019.
ALITA: I just saw this Masterpiece
I am glad you went to see it, user!
Oh yeah I forgot. The “women don’t have brains” line was based and redpilled.
I thought it sucked. A bunch of tired cliches strung together by a predictable plot.
Waltz was great, though.
welcome user
now help us save the rest of Yea Forums
At my showing the entire theater could stop laughing at how bad the movie was.
I felt like I was watching the room
>A bunch of tired cliches
>a manga almost 30 years old
Every story is a "bunch of cliches" if you go back far enough.
The line was:
"You have a normal, teenage girl's brain... if there is such a thing!"
He was obviously joking, Sir Knight.
>a bunch of tired clichés
>watches Marvel movies.
>tired cliches
Shill thread for a flop flick
>desperate shilling intensifies
No. I hate those too. The MCU is, in terms of creativity, somewhere behind stupid bullshit like Fast and the Furious. I'd probably rather watch an Alita sequel than to have to sit through three of those repetitive Power Rangers cartoons every year. And that's not a defense of Alita.
Totally agree. It’s fucking great.
Can you enjoy your Criterion Collection without annoying the rest of us, user?
We don't need you telling us how sophisticated your tastes are.
He was joking, but his skepticism was obviously genuine. There's the statistical average "normal," and then there's the absolute "normal," the latter which he was referring to.
You guys need to learn how to chill out. We live in a world where movies like Black Panther, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Th Green Book are thought to be “good movies.” Is genuinely liking a flawed movie that’s at most 6/10 really that bad or damaging to the film community?
The Green Book, though by no means actually good, is better than Alita and Black Panther is on about the same level. Haven't seen Bohemian Rhapsody because I couldn't be arsed. I imagine it'd have good music, at least.
It is a lot better than 6/10 user.
The 6/10 "damning with faint praise" meme is getting annoying.
....where? Most of the cyborg blood is blue. The scenes with red blood are very brief and tame, too.
As a military sci-fi buff, it's a 10/10 for me. Couldn't really give a shit about any of those movies you listed.