Loses hand fifteen minutes ago

>loses hand fifteen minutes ago
>casually crosses his arms like nothing is wrong

How painful is it to lose a limb to a lightsaber?

Attached: crosseshand.png (534x783, 635K)

He's obviously doped to the gills on synthetic bacta

What's the pain level from a wound from a made-up weapon in a made-up universe? Probably like 6/10 metacolonorians.

The lightsabre probably cauterised the wound

It most certainly did, else he would have bled out.

when you're riding with carrie fischer, the end of pain is always but a sniff away

made me snicker

So why did the Millennium Falcon just happen to have a tourniquet specifically for amputated limbs? Was it a part of Han’s smuggling operation prior to the events of the movies?

Those midichlorians really hit the high notes if you tune in.

Attached: difn6e509y901.png (1001x860, 784K)

Was this shot taken immediately after his car crash?

I don’t know why but I find Luke so hot toward the end of Empire when he is all beat up and missing a hand. He just looks so pathetic and beaten. I can’t decide if I want to beat him up some more or show him some real affection.

Eh, he'd just spent 3 years with the rebellion, so someone had probably stashed a combat medic kit or two on the thing. That, or maybe thanks to the clone wars, there was a galaxy-wide "Stop The Bleed" campaign and Han just wanted to be a good, responsible citizen.

Either way, for all we know, luke's stumpsaver 5000™ was just the in-universe equivalent of those $20 tourniquets that you can buy on Amazon.

What about this scene?

Attached: 12037812784.jpg (691x432, 19K)

The real question is why didn't the empire do anything with all of the rebel base hyperspace coordinates that we're almost certainly in the hyperdrive nav computer of the X-wing that Luke so carelessly left behind on Cloud City.

Why not both?


>riding with carrie fischer, the end of pain is always but a sniff away

Attached: carrie-fisher-with-harrison-ford-glasses.png (500x2199, 659K)

Why would a freighter carry rope, tie-downs, belts, or long rags? Because all those things are useful.

Yes. Great scene in general so it bothers me that I get a raging boner here. This is gonna sound creepy but I love his scream, especially when he loses his hand. It’s so weak and shrill. I imagine it is what he sounds like if he were being pounded from behind.

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They were just at a "rendevous point" in ESB and still floating around in ROTJ. They could have just hyperdrive scattered again if caught. That trick didn't stop working until TLJ and hyperspace tracking became a thing.

Midichlorians, man. They took care of it.

I miss when lightsaber's were magic swords and people bled from them. Even as a 4 year old the continuity between the wounds Obi-Wan inflicted and Vader bothered me.

>dangerous occupation
>probably quickly loading and unloading heavy items
>hand injuries probably most likely outside of blasters.
Maybe it was like a mini bacta tank for the hand that would help heal any number of hand injuries.

about as painful as to lose a career to a car

Attached: If you look closely you can actually pinpoint the exact moment his heart breaks in two.gif (149x162, 13K)

Nu wars shill cause you don't even know basic star wars lore

The lightsaber is so hot it cuts and seals the wound

>the hyperdrive nav computer of the X-wing
you mean R2?

Ancient anons who dwell in these depths, what was the bigger shock when the movie first came out, that Vader was his father or that he lost a hand?

Obi-wan sliced off an alien's arm. Might not cauterize like a wound on a human.

>clone wars
>can't clone a replacement hand

As a dumb seven year old, I was more in disbelief that the main character got maimed like that instead of the father deal. No other major character had a limb severed at that time and Luke was the main one! I remember being afraid he was going to die.

really a lightsaber is the most humane way to dismember people


I was 3 when ESB came out. I was just dazzled hy the sights ans sounds then.

He's fucked up on Midichlorians.

Great fap material.

Attached: 7A783F66-1DF3-4A69-838E-598E2B224F0B.jpg (882x816, 208K)

Old EU had the Sith retain bladed weapons for thousands of years because they didn't care about people bleeding out. Jedi adopted the lightsaber quickly in comparison.

That just stops it from bleeding. Wouldn't burns actually hurt more?

Well natural reaction to pain is to curl up

Cloning parts of a body on their own is more difficult than cloning whole bodies