>stuck on an island for 4+ years
>teeth are great
How? I go 2 weeks without brushing sometimes and now my teeth are falling apart.
Stuck on an island for 4+ years
Tooth decay is caused by sugar
>no sugar
>high fiber diet
It’s a movie you dumb fuck
>How? I go 2 weeks without brushing sometimes and now my teeth are falling apart.
stop drinking so much pop, fatso
>I go 2 weeks without brushing
technically it's caused by bacteria that live in your teeth. they eat things like sugar and literally shit it into acidic form, and that acid is what slowly erodes your teeth over time. so even if you ate no sugar but did eat a lot of spicy food or liquor the acid would still decay your teeth
>23 years alone in space
Starches you eat get broken down into glucose by your saliva.
Based junkie OP showin dem teefs who’s boss
I don't drink pop at all and I don't eat sweets.
nice try fatty
Rinsing his mouth our with salt water. Also you can make a tooth brush out of straw and wood.
Fucking ridiculous. Any normal cunt would have killed themselves.
>was fat kid who loved sugar and never brushed teeth because no discipline and didn't give a fuck
>yellow teeth
>brush normally now but still get cavities regularly and teeth as yellow as always
Life sucks man
In space, no-one can see your plot holes.
Charcoal is a half decent substitute to toothpaste.
This, Vikings had great teeth and they didn't brush at all.
Tell me about your Wilson, Yea Forums.
Brush your teeth with salt water does wonders for the teeth.
brush with charcoal
it'll clean your teeth right up
>Day 5,000
>They're still not back (surprise surprise). I'm becoming ever more convinced that they've perished which means I'm stuck here alone. Having said that, I started reading up on the physics of black holes, gravity and quantum physics in relation to time. What I've discovered is very worrying. Either the gravitational pull is so strong as to massively distort time such that this spaceship should have already been swallowed up and it will be impossible for the crew to leave the orbit of the planet, or else they've died and that's the reason they haven't returned. Either way, there's literally no plausible scenario in which this isn't a clusterfuck. But on the bright side, I went through Brand's belongings and started jerking off all over all of her clothes. It wasn't what she wanted but it was necessary
Coconut milk has a fair bit of that.
until it starts stripping your actual teeth
stop sucking dick
I used to have an imaginary friend when I was young. One day he died, I don't remember why, and I haven't seen or heard from him since. What more can I say?
>I go 2 weeks without brushing sometimes
you disgusting fuck
>never brush teeth
>just get some water in my mouth and then spit it out
>never had cavities or any teeth problems
Did you actually see this movie?
There's a scene in there where he pulls his own abcessed molar.
Your breath smells horrible and that's why people don't like talking to you (among other reasons)
Doesn't he try fix his tooth problems with a razor from an ice skate?
I don't talk to people anyway and if I do then only from a distance
>I went through Brand's belongings and started jerking off all over all of her clothes. It wasn't what she wanted but it was necessary
The only human thing to do
oil from potato chips or greasy food is worse for your teeth than sugar
he extracted it with the skate
I bet they would find him butt naked, all smeared in shit chanting gibberish.
I have not brushed since I was a kid. Hell be fine.
You’re supposed to brush them, not polish. If you scrub too hard with toothpaste you’ll get the same result.
His teeth aren't great though, they had a whole scene dedicated to him dealing with that very issue.
That's a tiny fraction compared to the sugar doses you get on a modern supermarket diet
>there are people on Yea Forums that are afraid of a little sugar
he had a robot to talk to, didnt he?
Natural sugar levels from fruit do jack shit. It's the processed stuff (including grain starches) you have to watch out for. Ancient dental evidence is strong for this.
This, can't believe this isn't common knowledge
There are bacteria in your mouth that eat sugar, these bacteria shit out acid which is what decays your teeth. By eating sugar you feed the bacteria and keep them alive.
>23 years alone
>in great shape
>no mental problems
This movie was ridden with inane shit. It's like a toothache remembering all of this.
potato starch from snacks is the worst thing
>the horror when she gets back and wants to change but all her clothes are covered in 23 years worth of jizz
Didn’t he go into the sleep chamber for long stretches?
That was before the time jump. Have you seen this movie?
the biggest health problem he had on the island was a rotten tooth that he smashed out with an ice skate you fucking retard
>He calls his soda "pop"
Yeah he to would be covered in shit and cum.
Absolutely this. It would be fucking stupid for us to evolve teeth that decayed without daily cleaning. I eat nothing but vegetables and meat. I brush 2-3 times a week with zero oral health issues.
sodafags are the fucking worst. it's pop you dumb shit
>he calls his fizzy drinks "soda"
Looked like a copy of my dad who was away on business trips and such. Atleast thats what my mom tried to convince me of. Looking back on it I think she might've had a few affairs.